The Cordele dispatch and daily sentinel. (Cordele, Georgia) 1920-1926, February 28, 1922, Image 1

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GEORGIA WEATHER Probably rain tonight; Wed nesday colder. VOL. 5. CONGRESS CAN PUT 80 ARGIIS§_ ALABAMA CON. GBESSM%BEFORE coM. MITTEE Hil/¢#NG POWER COM PANY CLAIMS : 81 AR Wadaington, Feh. 28,—The rights claimed by the Alabama power com pany for the cxclusive purchase of the Warrior Steam Plant at Muscle Shoals, Ala., were challenged today by Representative Oliver of Alabama before the house military committee He attacked the argument made ‘_s'este:-dn_v by Hubert Dent, chief coungel for the power company. ‘¢ A study of the laws permits only one conclusion, Oliver said” and that is that congress can direet the condem nation of the plant® beeause of its needed connection with public works. Should congress so direct, the neces. sity for condemning the Warior Plant could not be questioned by any court. The supreme court has held that the mecessity should be de termined by the legislative hody ef the government’’ z TMay Shut Down Senate Washington, Feb. 28,—Prospects that the scnate might have to clese down while the senate agricultural committe2 and other senators in. l-\p@ct the government’s property at Muscle Shoals today caused the com mittec to postpone fixing a date for the trip. March seven was the tenta. tive date suggested. FAMILY TROUBLES CAUSE . MAN TO COMMIT SUICIDE (By South Georgia News Service) Thomasville, Feb, 28.—Mr. W, Au brey Mathews, of Pavo, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head twice Saturday afternoon at his home, He was just being urged by his brother to leave home in view of unfortunate family relationships and had left the room, presumably to get his clohtes. The first shot was fired immediately afterwards. His brother went to get asgistance when he heard the second shot. With two wounds in the brain he lived for ‘about eight hours, I}\il\lathews was a prominent farmer &',’f}“}at section, [ 'MEXICO CITY CHAUFFEPRS FIGHT BLOODY BATILE " OVER TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Mexico City, Feb. 28,—Truce of 72 .hours between striking chauffeurs and | Mexico City aldermen was declared last night after a bloody clash in Lhel main plaza in the afternoon when the { mtrikers attempted to storm the city hall and were repulsed by the police, The estimates of casualties by sev eral newspapers were four killeq and twenty wounded. The clash was the out-growth of a long standing dispute between the chauffeurs union and the council over traffic laws and regula tions. ’ AND DRINK DRINK AND SMACK Make it an Orange Crush) Please We bottle it right and sell it right. Call for it; stick to it, you’ll be Happy and Sat isfied. ... Cordele ‘Li%ocep-Cola Bottling Co. CORDELE, GA., THE CORDELE DISPATCH MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ‘AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY . IS WIPED OUT IN FIRE | CASING $200,000 LOSSES | Anguvsta, Gi, Feh., 28 =ll Al'rJ !gt.sta. trunk faoctory andl tailorivg Louse, located i the .\‘lolfi:;n:‘tfiry‘ Luilding was a:ped out by five this morning the ‘oss being avound two! hundred thousard dollars. i i il ] BRISON COMESFOR | | | B WO WEEKS HERE IN ~ COMMUNITY MUSIC | | LETTER FROM HEADQUARTERS GIVES ASSURANCE OF SPLEN DID LEADER. These who know Mr. Oliver Br'r! son, Community Service music direc tor for Georgia, Florida, and Ala bama, will be delighted to learn that he has been scheduled to spend two weeks in Cordele, arriving here on March sixth or seventh. Hig purpose will be to conduct a song leader’s institute and to give his entire time to developing vocal music among those who may desire take part. t Mr. Brison comes under dirzaction | from the New York headquarters of Community Service. He is engaged for the special work in vocal music because of his talent in this special line and has been loaned to Cordele without charge. He will ask for nothing but an interest in vocal music. There will be no charge to any onc for any thing. Cordele pays for its own local Community Service work, but Mr. Brison is a national representative and while not a solicitor for any thing but local interest in betier vocal music, he is at the same time’ strongly tied to Community Scrview suceess in all its various activities and will at once become a music‘ beoster of rare value. His work in Macon has beenl wonderful in effect and those who have charge here consider the com-i munity indeed fortunate in the com ing of Mr. Brison. Those who want. to take advantage of the training he will give should make sure that they understand the dates and ar range to attend the institute which he will conduct. | Sl g o B l 720 MILLIONGOLD MARKS EACH YEAR REPARATION PLAN AGREED UPON FOR PAYMENT BY GER: MANS, Berlin, Feb, 28.—Provisional agree ment reached between the allied re parations commission and the German government provides for the annual payment by Germany of seven hun dreq “and twenty million gold marks in cash and a billion four hundred and Jfty million gold marks in kind, it was announced today. ‘ Should the deliveries in Kkind noct | reach hte total fixed, the cash pay- | ments are not to be increased under this agreement. Thys, it is pointed out, the entente should have consid erable interest in seeing that the stip-’ ulated geliveries of products were duly made, * % TR AMERICAN LEGION OFFICIALS CONFER WITH HARDING ON EARLY BONUS LEGISLATION Washington, leb. :_’B,—~llunf()rd£ MacNider, national commander Of;‘ theAmerican Logion, conferred \\"lfll; the president of the bonus situation today, urging immediate enactment | of the legislation. i MaceNider and John Thomas Taylor legislative agent of the Legion, tl.‘_l clared on leaving the white houso‘ that they were ‘‘perfectly satis.| fied’ with the results of the confer. | ence, B e GULF COAST STORM ~ WARNINGS ARE DISPLAYED | SOUTH TO CEDAR KEYS i e . Washington, Feb, 28 —Advisory storm warnings were displayed this morning on the east Gulf coast from Bay St. Louis, Miss., to Cedar Keys, Fla. A disturbance is { rming off the Texas coast and will move east, north eistward attended by increasing east erly winds tonight, shifting to north erly on Wednesiy with rain, . IF YOUR DISPATCH is worth any thing to you attend to your subscrip tion account hefore March Ist, 2-27-2 t CORDELE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1922 WORK OUT OWN RULE * “ . SAYS LLOYD GEORGE BRITISH PROTECTORATE HAS TERMINATED, PREMIER TOLD HOUSE OF COMMONS, , L | London, Feb. 28.—Lloyd George an- ! nounced in ihe commons today that | the British protectorate over ll‘Zgpr | ;.‘md been terminated and that la'_sxypr.l was free towork out such national in stitutions as might be suited to the as pirations of the people. KIWANIS GUESTS AN | DELEGATION COMING FROM f NEIGHBORING CITY ON BUS! NESS M!SSION. , A delegation of fiftzen business mexu from Fitzgerald will be over tomorrow ! to be guests of the Cordele Kiwanis: club at the noon luncheon, These ] guests are to be here on a busincse/| mission, i The program for the ncon hour has , been arranged to meet the needs of this group >f visitors and it is a prom ise of an occasion of real bencfit for all those who attend. 4 WILL TREAT NEW SEASON’S SEED FOR BETTER MELONS TO SELL. : Secretary Parrish and assistantg in treating water melon seed for the ‘growers who are members of the ‘Bouthwest Georgia Melon Growers As sociation in Crigp county, will be here at ten o’clock tomorrow morning a' the court house where they will take care of 630 pounds for local growers. During the hour they expecte to take “a picture of the growers and the ma ‘,chinery in process of treatment of th= ! seed and this picture will go all over I the country in advertising the Georgia watermelon. Those who ought to be in the picture should be on the ground at ten o'clock, GEN. HARRIS WILL MEET WITH VALDOSTA KIWANIANS By South Georgia News Service Valdosta, Feb. 28.—0 n March 17 the Kiwanis Club of Valdosta will be host to Gen, Walter Harris, district govern or and a number of prominent South Georgia Kiwanians, The Valdosta club will receive its charter frem the ‘lnternaticnal, and it is planned to make the event a very notable one. ' The club will entertain the wives, sis ters, mothers and sweethearts of the members on this occasion and aside from the addresg by General Harris and the luncheon, there will be a num ber of other prominent speakers from out of the city. These will include representatives from Americus, Cor dele, Waycross, Douglas, Albany and } other nearby Kiwanian clubs. ‘ T - TWO HELD ON PROHI CHARGE ‘ l Abbeville, Ga. Feh 28,—Two young | men giving their names as E. Ong of Macon, and Edward Harvey, of Athens, were arrested here late wves. | terday afternoon on fthe charge of violating the State and Federal pro. hibition law. It is said that the car in which thev were riding contain. ed 48 quarts of London dry gin. l The men said they were on their| way to Augnsta, Tt is said that whilf! they were passing through Ocilla | they ran into a wagon heing drawn | by two mules. One of the :minml\i was- injurad and six dozen cggs were | smashed, Tt is said that the ('nup]f'" !ui"l‘w\rmi the farmer money to pay Ifm‘ the damage, but he refused and veported the matter to the police ] whd had them detained on their ar. rival lere, GAMBLERS GET FINE dmmasentne Thomasville, Feb, 28, —Four sets of skinners were caught by city and county authoritieg in Thomasville Sun day. Eighteen were put into the bar racks and made to pay a fine to the city for playing cards on Sunday and then remanded to the ity Court for criminal action. 'A speeder that was slightly intoxicated was algso fined {wenty five by the Mayor and later |fifty in the city court for his Sunday lafternoon joy party, AND DAILY SENTINEL PRINCESS MARY | BECOMES A BRIDE { AT WESTMINISTER London, l<‘§l). 28, —Princess ;\Ln'_\'.‘ only daughter of King George and Queen Mary, was married today t: Viscoum Lascelles, with all the pomp ‘and dignity befitting a royal wedding The ceremony began in Westiinis ter Abbey at eleven thirty, and soon thereafter the couple wag pronounceq man and wife. While the chimes of Westminister rang out, the vast crowds gave tumultous greetings, ANOTHER VICTORY CRISP COUNTY VOLUNTEERS WON FROM G. A, B. BOYS IN MACON. | T | The Cordele beys brought home an other victory last night when ey de- \ feated the fast Alabama Business (ol lege team in Macon, Although slow in getting started they came back with a rush that qidn’; mean anything but victory in the se cond half, " The score at the end of the firsi ‘half was 19 to 9 in favor of the Macon boys. At the end ,Qf the last hulf the ‘score was tied 31 to 31. An extra five minute period was played and our boys showed that the “Never Say Die” spirit was in them, “Josie” Hamilton featured by ring ing a field and a foul goal in the extra period. " Don't forget to come out Wednesday and Thursday. The Guards tackle Pelham Wednesday and Macou Thurs day in Cordele. G. A. B, : Cordele Redmond, rf, 4 “Seapop” Smith rf 6 Hall, If, 13 Hamilton, 1f 10 MceKay, ¢, 4 L. A, Smith, ¢, 10 Pellew, lg, 12 Atkins, rg, 4 O’Neal, rg 0 Whipple, Ig, 4 T O St ————————————— ALABAMA, FLORIDA AND GULF ROAD ASKS LOAN Washington, Feb. 28,—Application for a government loan of a hun dred thousand dollars wes filed with the interstate commerce commission today by the Alabama-I"lorida and Gulf Railroad. The moncy is to bhe used for paying off other loans now fallin gdue, | e A COMMUNITY PRAYER MEETING The community prayer meeting on Northern Heights will be held at Mrs, A. P. Hammett’s house on Thursday evening at 7:45 o’clock. The meeting will be conducted by Rev, R. L. Benn. Let every one come ang hring the Bible, E Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Murray spent the past week end in Valdosta the guests of Mr, and Mrs. . O, Lee. : Peasants of thgse FEuropean coun tries where black bread is caten us- Cunlly have exceptionally good tcot.h.; 'STEAD’S Cold Tablets They are made for a good pur pose and they do ‘. %he work. They are not a new ex perimeit. We have been sup plying these tab lets to people who needed them for over twenty years. Nobody © ever talks about them cxcept to praise them. Get Them Herve. STEAD’S DRUG STORE Phone No. 1 ¥ . ! CUSTOMS RECEIPTS DELIVERED MESSAGE TO JOINT SESSION HOUSE AND SENATE TODAY ON SUBJECT. Washington, leb, 28,—The admin. istration plan for government aid tor American merchant marine was presented to congress today by the mesident with the declaration that tho inflyence of the United States in world councils was “‘sure to be measured by that unfailing standard which wasg found in the nation’s morchant marine. The president detailed the war time ereation of America'’s great ton. nage and then the provosal ““which cotemplates a return to private initin. tive and private enterprise.’’ | The salient point of the proposal embodied in bills introduced in ourh‘ house immediately after the presi. Cdent’s address were. Aid ostimate at 32 millions an nuallly to be provided for prinei - pally by divezion of ten percent oi tho nation’s custimg recceeipts, Roquirement that not more than fifty opercent of immigrants to the Uited Statcs be trangported in for. ¢ign chips Sale of -the tonnage :cw heid by trre shipping board of the uzse of th» funds as the construction ¢f a loan iund Authorization of ‘ho induetion f American morehantmen offic» s and sailors into the naval reserve, with an attendant allowance of w»awv. The president also detailed a num ’ber of indirect aidg menticning the following: ‘ An amendment to the interstate commerce act to permit railway gys ‘tems to own and operate steamship lines engaged in other than coast wise trade. Making effective that section of the merchant marine act providing for } preferential rail and steamship rates on through shipments on American l vessels, Insurance available at no greater ’(:sst than is cffered ships under for ‘ eign flags, ’ The pregident emphasized the impor tance of the national merchant marine }}"in view ‘of the suspended nava! con } structions.” Washington, Feb. 28, —President Harding read before a joint session of the senate and house today a moessage urging the adoption of a ship subsidy plan for the American merchant ma rine, wo, ST B After working on the message until late last night, the prosident took it up 'u.u‘uin todayv, to complete it in time tor ’(hlivrr‘\' probably not before three ! o'clock. As unofficially announced, the plan :;n'(:;.,-(-vi by the shipping board pro vides for a subsidy of about thirty two millicn annually to be paid to Ameri can ship owners by diversion of ten per cent of the nation's customg re ceipts to that purpose. MARDI GRAS FEATURE !NEW ORLEANS OBSERVED HOLI DAY AT START OF HISTORIC SEASON, New Orleans, leb, 28 —Rex_ king of the 1922 carnival, was officially wel comed to New Orleans today when he halted his pageant portraving the past two hundred years higtory of the Miss issippi Valley, before the city hall, The parade consisting of twenty gorgeous floats, traversed the princi pal streets, 'An hour later the Druidg parade of seventeen floats entitled “Evervman’s Heaven” was started. in additicn there were numerous small er parades of the carnival organization The day was observed as a holiday, ; ’ } CORDELE COTTON MARKET \ . — - }(}:M'l Middling, closed ...uecee=s 17.00 ! NEW YORK COTTON ; NDpen Close P-. Close RTAY Lioiaaaia IBIDT 18.54 18,44 oy Loeociaii. 18.2 h 18,24 18,14 arly aeanii 17.51 17.48 17,44 Q6L Lisveaancs 1080 16,78 16,770 o ... ..., 1668 1000 16,53 MARCH FIRST will find you with ‘out the Dispatch if yonr subscription account is not paid up, 2.27.2 t ESTABLISHED IN 1908 'THREE BANDITS BROARDED STREET CAR AND ROBBLD CLERK OF SEVEN THUUSAND' i Covington I'eb 28,—Three handits | this morning bhoarded a street .-ur! l:nhl robbed two elerks vnnnt‘(-lenli with the First National Bank of Ludlow, Ky., of & satchel mnlnin-l , ing seven thousand dollars, l l HOTEL CAMPAIGN I | ! 1 ISUNDER WAY WITH . : MANY MEN WORKING ; = ! I'INAL ROUND UP I 8 MADE FOR ’ REPORT THURSDAY NIGHT ‘ | b | - At their meeting last night at| the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dobbin | Holmes, the hotel campaien com. | mittee handled husiness matters iu! rapid manner. Price Heard \\'ns: made temporary treasurer and ]l]:llh’l were made for procecding with tlu'i first payment on stoex beginning | Cwith March st | | 1t was decided that more time: - should he taken in solecting a .-mn_i | amittoe to secure a name for the llfl_l tel and those who are waiting with | cagerneds to sce who has won the - cash prize will have to continue it!! ir interest and be patient, “ Thke committee had a good attend |:u.n':-, gixtoen of the men heing | present. There was a fine spirit of E‘lq‘ti;nim- prevailing and busiaess ! matters were handlad with ‘only on> | point in view—the building of the lhv-tnl this year. ‘ 1 The committee mewb 2y were di ! viled into several sitheommittecs and ta2:2 are working ioday among ped pie of the community whe have not sup-iribed to the sioek., They will cencaige this work ty ThLursday night and meet again at the home of Myr. and Mrs. T E. Jennings to con. solidate and discuss results. 1 —— S S S e e e s st SIX MEN ARRESTED POLICE RAID NARCTTIC DEN IN EFFORT TO CLEAR UP MOVIE& MYSTERY Los Angeles, Mebe 28--Six man were arrested hesa early today in a raid of what the oplica termed a nar cotic den, Deteecives wosking on the mysterious slaying of William Des. Inmn-i Taylor questigansd <hie men, ll’‘l‘ renorted ‘hefy rolicf thatthe arrests will develop c¢nnection with the mwurder, ‘ Two Men Arrested Los Angeles, Feb, 28.—~Two men taken into custedy by the police hera early today, are being held for inve: tigation in connecticn with the murder of William Desmond Taylor. The men whose names were with held were said to be members of “hootlegging gang” which carried on t extensive operations in Hollywood, LINDSEY ARRESTED | SAID LOTS OF PEOPLE HAVE LIED ABOUT HIM WHEN AR RESTED, 3 New York, IFeh, 28.~—Alfred S, Lind sey, former broker charged with hav ing mulcted local society women of sums ageregating a million, wag brought back to New York today atier : his arrest last night at Obverbrook, Pa.. near Philadelphia, He waived extradition. Shortly after he had been found Lindsey is said to hsve told the police t that “lots of people had lied” abunt | bim and that he “woull go back and straighten things out.” SUMTER BREEDERS BUY FINE BOAR FOR $2,000 (By Scuth Georgia News Service) Americus, Feh, 28.--C, (. Hawkins & Son, fine duroc breeders, were the auccesgful bidders at Colun s, 0., last week for Oakland and Jaek Or jor, chief hard hoar of Thomas Jobue son’s Oakland farm, which went in }'hr herd dispersion gale '"he hLioar was farrowed Sept, 3, 1918, and sold }mr $2.000 when 8 months olkl. He will hecome the chief herd boar on the ‘Hawkins farm. MAKE YOUR HOME PAPER bet ter by contributing yvour past due sub seription account, 2-272 t THIS NEWSPAPER Devoted to good Farming and Industrial Development for over 100,000 people. SPLENDID PROGRAM - SYMPHONY JUNIORS: » SATURDAY NIGHT COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAM AT ARMORY WILL BE FINE OC CASION. ; Another musie club offered the Com muiity Service a program.. which wil] be fine in its every appointment, This is the Symphony Junior, one of the organizations whose membership con sists of the young misses who are mu sically inclined and love to express it in their programs, Mrs. J, L. Mims ig to direct the pro grigp Saturday night at the Communi ty Service hall where the regular week end plays occur. She is in charge of the c¢lub ang the program which is announced means that all all home talent affair will be enjoyed by those who attend, There will be no charge. Whoever wants to have part in making their program that success which can only come of community wide appreciation, should attend Sat urday night, The program will be started at eight o'clock, Every regu lar attendant upon the plays will be glad of an cpportunity to come and watch it through. Miss lorence Dow will folicw the program with the un wal diversion in games and other amusements, The program follows: 0] o) IR SRR LAL ){1 Pianp Solo ... Elizabeth Cunningham Recitation __....___ Lillilan McKenzie Piano Solg ...... Mamie Laura Harris Song—Violet Webb and Mable Hunt l'l)lwt-—vl'}vfll:,'n McArthur and Gladys | King [ Piano Solo --....-...- Crystelle Fenn Duet—Lois McKenney, and Caroline Williams AGED ALABAMIAN HELD FOR MURDER HALF CENTURY AGO Tusecaloosa, Ala., Feb. 28, —At. torneys for George Nichols, held here charged with the murder in conncetion with the death of Peter Mooney, at Rome, Ga.,, fifty-one | years ago, today are prepaving to fight the extradition of Nichols to ’ Floyd Cpunty, Georgia. Extradition papers had not reached here today. ‘ Nichols is aged 75. MOVING PICTURE HOUSE ~ GIVES PROFITS TO HOSPITAL i SRR ~ (By South Georgia News Service) ' Thomasville, Feb, 28,—The loca! moving picture house has gcae into an agreement to give all of its profits Lo the city hospital of Thomasville. I'l‘his wis done by reason of the fact - that it was not making anything much ‘an.\' was paying a large sum every }m()nlh to the tax authorities of the igo\'ormnvm. Special permission was secured to operate it on a charity ba ~sis, paying all profits over running fl-xpu‘ns«-,‘ to this ingtitution in lien of the payment of the war tax, Member Federal Reserve System o s THE ONLY PROVE yvour worth and give PUNCH and PEP to your work is by care ful and consistent training. The same is true of & hank account— consistent saving PAYS, C'hecking Ac counts Invited, Interest Paid on Savings Accounts Interest Paid on Time Deposits. S EXCHANGE BANK . Capital and Surplus $200,000.00 < NO. 91.