Cordele daily sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 19??-1920, May 20, 1920, Image 7

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r G o [ S 1 | Y fid Helps i ;o 3 Sick A M Women ¥ . Cardui, the woman’s l “Ela tonic, helped Mrs. Wil- I M’ liam Eversole, of Hazel ( Patch, Ky. Read what 5.3 PRI she writes: “I had aB ; : general breaking-down (Y of my health. | wasin | [ 4 bed for weeks, unable to ) get up. I had such a weakness and dizziness, " ...and the pains were very severe. A friend « \ told me I had tried every- RS thing else, why not LW Cardui?... I did, and 9¢ soon saw it was helping me ... After 12 bottles, . lam strong and well,” i e TAKE ® ~ The Woman’s Tonic . g Do you feel weak, diz ; zy, worn-out? Is yorir ‘ lack ofgood health caused \ from any of the com- ~» \ plaints so common to ' A women? Then why not give Cardui a trial? It VRS ‘ should surely do for you ‘ , what it has done for so BN many thousands of other PR "W women who siffered—it & shotld help you back o N health, s Ask some lady friend who has taken Cardui. [y . She will tell you how it b helped her. Try Carduf. [ g, Al Druggists § e [ . L PEEGE R J GAS WELDING AND CUTTING —Our Oxy-Acetylene Gas plant is equipped for welding cast iron, aluminum, brass, copper, ete. —Will save you many dollars if you patronize it. CASTINGS, BELTS, PULLEYS, . PACKINGS, General Line of Mill Supplies. TOMLIN-HARRIS MACHINE CO. LURDELE, - GEORGIA Heals Sk CAIS Sliri 'D. D. D.. the greatest of skin remedies will remove those skin afflictions that have made zour life a burden., That intolerable itching. urning and discomfort will disappear u:der the magic of this remedy. It has cured many cases pronounced incurable and will reach io_ur oase. We guarantee the first bottic to ring you relief. ; : For sale by Jennings Drug Store. e e ——————— ——————————— ARGO-PHOSPHATE Helps TIE ) Make Strong, w 9 e H Sturdy Men ORLD s i %34 end Beautiful, TONIC 8= Vomer _..‘,.'. X wm rhue 2 + Dispensed by WILLIAMS DRUG CO. NOTICE LEAVE TO SELL LANDS ¥ To All Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that R. D. Mimns, administrator of the estate of Mrs. A .D. Clark, deceased, has in due form of law applied to the Court of Ordinary of Crisp County, Georgia, for leave to sell the lands and real estate belonging. to the estate of said deceas e’ And that sueh application will be nassed upon on the first Monday i June, 1920, at the June term 1920, of said Court. This May 4th, 1920, W. P. FLEMING, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Crisp County, I ‘will sell, at public outery, on the first ‘Tuesday in June, 1920, at the court }house- door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, two (2) shares of capital stock of the Planters’ Ware house of Warwick, Ga., of the par value of Ten Dollars ($10.00) each, shown by certificate Number Two. I will also sell at the same time and nlace, the following accounts in favor of J. J. Holt, towit: One for Fve Dol lars and Fifty Cents «($5.50) against H. H. Hart, one for Seventy-Five Dol lars ($75.00) against Alma Hart, and one for One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) against Jack Kennedy. All said sales will be for cash, to the highest bid der;i 2 This May 6th, 1920. « W. H. McKENZIE, Administrator, ; of J. J. Holt, deceased. SHERIFF'’S SALE. | GEORGIA, Crisp County: ‘ Will be sold before the court house‘ door of said county, on the first Tuesx‘ day in June, next, within the legal‘ Lours of sale, the following described‘ property, to-wit: City lots Nos. 79 and 10 in Block 101, in the City of Cerdele, Ga., accordifg to map, Wf survey of said eity. Levied on and to be sold as the property of J. L. Lew is, under and by virtue of an execution issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of Max E. Land, D. A. R. Cdum and J. G. Jones, against the said J. L. Lewis. This May 7, 1920. J. H. WARD, Skeriff. ° ALL PERSONS are hereby warned against buying or trading for one cer tain note made about Jan. 15 1920, signed by J. F. Lewis and made pr— able to 8. F. Bridges. Sail note be ing due Sept. 15th, 1920, and for $175. The same has been lost. (Signed), LEE BRIDGES APPLICATION DISCHARGE FROM GUARDIANSHIP. GEORGIA, Crisp County: Mrs. Annie L. Dennison, Guardian »f J. H. Dorough, ,Alma Lee Dorough, (now Mrs. Alma Lee Pounds), A. B. Dorough and J. C Dorough, has applied ro me for a discharge from her guar dianship of said wards, alleging that she has fully settled with them, and that they are all twenty-one years of age. This is therefore to notify ah persons concerned to file their objeec tions, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in June, 1920, else the said guardian will be discharged from her guardianship as applied for. This May 3d, 1920. W. P. FLEMING, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGTA, Crisp County: By virtue of an order passed by the Court of Orinary at the May Tor 4, 1920, will be sold before the Court House doer in said county, with in the legal hours of save, on the first Tuesday in June, next, for the purpose of paying debts of the estate and for distribution among the heirs of the estate, Twenty Shares of Stock in the corporation of the Mims-Hiebert Pro duce Company. Terms, cash. This May 3d, 1920. MRS. ANNA HIEBERT, Admnstrx Extate of A. W. Hiebert, Deceased. CITATION, ADMINiSTRATION. GEORGIA, Crisp County: To Al Whom It May Concern: Douglas A. Helms, having in proper form applied to me for permament Let ters of Administration on the estate »f Wm. M. Helms, late of said county, this is to cit all and singular the cred itor and next of kin of Wm. M. Helms, ot be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why perma nent administration should not be granted to Douglas A. Helms on said estate. : Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 3d day of May, 1920. W. P. FLEMING, Ordinary. SURRENDER CHARTER. To she Superior Court of Said County: GEORGIA ,Crisp County: Cordele Cotton Company, a corpora the court the following facts: Ist. That on the 23d day of April, THE CORDELE SENTINEL. CORDEL ,GA., MAY 20, 1920. 1913, it was duly and regularly incor-| porated by eharter and made a body | politic under an order of the Superiorl court of said county; That the order granting said charter is recorder on the minutes of th e Superior court of said county, and the petition asking for such charter and the order granting the same are recorded in Book 1 of Charters of (Crisp County, Ga., at pages 205 to 207, inclusive. l o2nd. That heretofore on the 26 day of April, 1920, at a duly called meet ing of the stockholders of said cor poration a resolution surrendering the franchise and charter of said corpora tion was' passed and adopted by the unanimous affirmative vote of all the stock and istockholders of said corpora tion and association. 3rd. Petitioner shows that the in terest of all the stoekholders, the creditors of the same have been and are fully and absolutely protected and that no injury will be done to any one Ly allowing petitioner to surrender its franchise and by the grant of an order disolving it as a corporation. Wherefore, petitioners ask that the court issue such ni si order in the premises as may be in conformity with the 'aw, and that a day be set for a hearing of his petition; and that due publieation thercof be made as re quired by law, and that upon the hear ing thereof after such publication an crder be granted allowing petitioner fe cerrender its franheise and dosolving it as a corporation. CRUM AND JONMES, t Petitioners’ 'Attorne_vs.. ‘ GL.CTIGTA. Crisp County: : You, W. W. Espy, do swear that the ctntements made in -the foregoing petitien are true, and that you aro the Sworn to and subseribed before me this the 26th day of April, 1920. SEWARD M. SMITH, N. P. State Ga., at large. At Chambers, Cordele, Ga., April 29th, 1920. The foregoing application of Cor dele Cotton Company, asking that it bel allowed to surrender its charter and franchise and be disolved as a eorpor ation, coming before me in open court the same has been read and consider ed: : It is ordered that the petition and this order be filed and that a copy :hereof be published in terms of the ‘aw. Tt is ordered that the same, after such publication be heard before me 2t the court house in Cordele, Ga., ‘o the 29th day of May, 1920, at 1:00 y’clock a. m., in vaecation or in term “yme, or at such othet time thereafter as may be set by the court. It is further ordered that all stock holders of said corporation, its credi tors, if any, and all persons whomsoev er show, cause before me at that itme if any there be, why the prayers of the petitioner should not be granted. 0. T .GOWER. Judge Superior Court, Crisp County, Ga President of the petitioning corpora tion. W. W. ESPY. ATLANTA MULE WORSTED IN AUTOMOBILE WRECK Atlanta, May 20.—1 n the second pitched battle between a mule and an auto which Atlanta has witnessed dur ing the past year, the auto won. In the first fight of the same character, the mule got decidedly the best of it and put the anto out of commission. That was when a mule kicked in the radia tor hood and smashed the engine of a car that had run into it on Marietta on Marietta street. But yesterday the auto managed to get one wheel on the mule’s neck be- Eat less meat and take a glass of Balts to flush out Kidneys— Drink plenty water. iy Urie acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irri tated, and you may be obliga to seek re lief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body’s urinous waste or you’ll be a real sick person shortly. At 'grt you feel a dull misery in the kid ney regio,., you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you Yfeel rheu matic twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. #AIXTURE OF MANY NATIONS On Street of New York Almost Every Type of the Human Race May Be Met. - Walk through Grand street from Third avenue to Clinton street, which 18 not a long distance, and you have the types of the whole world before you. They are not in concentrated form; they are diluted. But if you analyze, even hurriedly, you will soon be able to know the components of each one of them, according to “Dust of New York,” by Konrad Bercovici. A remote Tartar ancestor of one of the pushcart peddlers is plainly séen in the small, sunken black eyes. In another the straight line of the back of tlie Lead tells you that his mother or his grandmothcr hud lved once ip Hungary. In another one the Slav type, the flat, fleshy nose is mixed witl: the Wallachian streng chin, Teuton blood calls out through the heavy casf of an otherwise typical Austrian Jew. A Spanish geandee, as if come out ef a page of Cervantes, is selling shoe laces and cutt buttons. And a Moroc can prince, ill at ease in his Europear garb, is offering to the passer-by some new Burbankian fig-plum-orange com bination., The vendors call out their wares in what seems at first a tongue all their own. But a trained ear soon discov ers that it is English, or, rather, that English is the essential component of the chemistry of their language;:the rest being words of their own creation, or scraps from a dozen other languages which stuck to the people of woe ip their 2,000 years’ peregrination frou iand to land._ fore the mule could get its hind legs into action, and after a ,shérp “one round fight in which the engine whirred and the mule hee-hawed, i)ystanders gave the decision to the auto. ' After te car was backed off the mule’s neck the animal arose and went its way limping, but not seriously in jured. 7 §IHHHI|llllllmllll[!llllllll!lllllll|l||l|llli‘ll!w/:fillll \\ ¢ ‘”’%"”'IIL,,IfllilllIlllIHIl|ll|1Il!llImllllllllllllllll% \ §€§ e It ,4‘“’ . A E H ) e = f o 1 [ A e Smemmainid _;: Sy U |2 (TN~ = 8 T l D iy 5w i = = RS A pEn TR HH R L ] LN &% D) .__‘ QTN e \ =/ 3 ////,/ Noma, e T ALS B L e et """-':’3s‘-""’"_,....:;1J11QJ"" \\\\\ ’4////////// bt ~-'"'"""""'H'"Ill"""'"'"“"""""'"'"'"""'""""""""""""Hll"'mmulmnnmnnun TN \\\g\\\\\\\\\ A 0 0 NN Special Steels add Life to the These steels are the product of the highly de veloped Maxwell labora tories, where steels have been studied, analyzed and tested for years. They are made to Maxwell’s own formulae and enable the Maxwell to stand punishment that few cars can meet suc cessfully. They lessen the task of the engine and make it more responsive, quicker © S.JHIL OCAL DEALER ALLIS-CHALMERS } \ |\ "' j W\ L) e o | @»{\‘fit:' | T 6L\ \‘,‘ e ' 4.{‘l !lr W‘\.” \l""2,;%‘7”’?'; S |8 w[--- P, 5 lEJ P L AT S s I 7 f,e‘vP;ff'J:,:;@,(,:-,,\ "! x W s\b RN 7{ LA \‘%&"”?" ko A 0 (8 A =7 S\l 5 ) W 1 |] e\ LR it \‘,‘;'(;"l‘tg'vdl"?_ ; " 1 &‘\é"‘“ ) TR Rs N — 1 |l *;;n,\gi . ge e NN \ \\,« Y ,‘7‘_ N\i ‘ Grain Harvest Easy 3 o St h Prospective D=alers eneral Purpose iractor ~Pulls two 24-inch discs. Must Act at Once Re e i : : —A fast worker in the bay fied. THE Southern farmer is up against opettior nacs over mptement oron | the labor problem. The Allis-Chal et vowed, everyday tractor—| METS 6-12 “ONE MAN” tractor is the | thehandiest maciinen the farm. | golution of their problem. Other deal { —Cheap to operate. ers are rapldlfy realrlfillng this. Terrxi tory is going fast. ere are severa good localities left. Ask for our sales proposition —the best and most profitable in the tractor field. . The Allis - Chalmers Manufacturing Company has been known as one of the largest leading manufacturers of high grade machinery in the world for 65 years' i McKey Tractor & Supply Co. | 207 E. Central Avenue VALDOSTA, GA. e, ABEAUTIFULsnow , ey white finish that UARMOTE ' gtays white. UL AR A vwonderfu! prod - WHITE - WCERE Ciffercnt BT ARy from othere. v .Ena"mel.Finish s Sold By For Quality and WATT-HOLMES HDW., i NAI Cordele, Georga. TV ‘l x‘l e 1.-,;/,,//// )‘i NN N WP in action and a delight to handle. . These are some of the virtues which have won friends for the Maxwell in ever increasing num bers and give it a longer life than many cars of higher price. : Today there are ap proximately 400,000 Maxwell’s on the world’s highways. The year 1920 will add 100,000 more, ' il I |lllllllllllllllll||||lllilllllllllllllllfllllll%////\ S '::g ) /;4’