Cordele daily sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 19??-1920, May 27, 1920, Image 5

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LOG CABIN CANDY Fresh Shipment Just Received cmsrmminsiTHE BEST CANDY MADE e There are Imitations, But None' so Good FANT’S DRUG AND SEED STORE fi,‘ i 1 01 T “: ‘ & . .\‘;.“','T‘Pf _‘j-~‘ WITHERINGTON ENTER WAINS WITH PICTURE SHOW iMrs. J. M. Witherington enter ed several friends this after poon wih a picture show party at 4@ Circle Theare. A fter seeing “Eyes of Youth” the psts enjoyed sandwiches and re s ing drinks at Jones-Pate drug "'The invited guests were ' Mes mes T. E. Bradley, Perry Cocke, HMolmes, Hardin, W. A. Thompson, oker Gay, Robert Dekle, William vins, Jr., Lee Espy, Cecil Paie, W. d. McKenzie, C. M. McKenazie, Mcnl, Pearson Ellis, Bernard Boat- Pight, Ward, Cleveland, Ed Jones, <. . Terrell., Wear, Benn, Dunlap, Mary Bradley and Barney Dunlap. i ok ok kR = Miss Thelma Cook has returned rom Agnes Scott. : 28898 ; Mrs. Richmond Bedgood of Ara bi spent yesterday in Cordele. 209 " W. H. Westbrook has returned rom a business trip to Atlanta. * xRS i A. M. Stead’s friends are glad to learn that he is rapidly improv !.ing. . ‘ Akns VJ. A. Middlebrooks of Warwick spent yesterday in the city on busi ness. : £hAES Mr. and Idrs. Seab Hamilton are among those attending the Shrine ceremonial today. ssew® Dr. and Mrs. Whelchel, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Tison ane in Albany to day with the Shriners. Ak kkk Mrs. W. P. Fleming leaves to morow for Macon to undergo an op eration at’Williams Sanatarium. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. SkkkE Mr. J. J. Williams, A. F. Church well, Cecil Williams, Tom Nesbitt, Price Heard and J. M. Diffee are en joying a fishing trip down on the Sa tilla river. | For The Girl Flowers are as indispensable as the new frock. Her happiness demards a profusion of the -beautiful ones that only a hot house can grow. Graduation day is just one week ahead and to get the best service you should let us know your wants at once, We can furnish the best flowers and at the right time. Chocolates that are chocolates—Hol lingsworths, Huylers and that wonder fully delicious pecan roll. Sweets make a most acceptable gift to the graduate. Jones-Pate Drug Co. PHONE 283 Mrs. E. M. Pope and children of Macon are guests of Mrs. W. C. Winfree. e ok ok k& Miss Dorothy Fielding of Lake land, Fla., is the attractive guest of Miss Myrtle Wear. RERkE Thermos Bottles—just the thing to have on that fishing trip. Jones-Pate Drug Co. SRERS Mrs. John Beasley of Bonafay, Fla., is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Bal lenger. SR ¥R Miss Mildred Harris of Coffee Springs, Ala., is the guest of rela tives here.* l * - » Farmers, get calcium arsenate to kill the bugs on your tobacco. We sell it. Jennings Drug Store. 4 @ - ® Capt. Frank Pride has returned to Cordele, after. an absence froin the city of some time. L B N Mrs. Clyde Wilson and little son and Mrs. Howard Neisler of Rey nolds are guests of relatives in the city. g 5 ke Misses Ruth Scandrett and ic<teile’ Williams and Alice Whipple are at home from Decatur where they have been in schocei. SREED Mr. Sam Coney, Jim Ray and Eph riam Matthews motored over to Al bany today to attend the Shrine cere monial there. e sse Financee Face Powder. The best yet. Jones-Pate Drug Co. X=X Miss Bertha Dougitry, wno has been visiting Mrs. R E Harris and fanuly, will return Saturday t> her hame in Jacksonville Fla. kEkk Tit will be of interest to local O. E. S. to learn that Miss Talullah R. Atkins has been elected to the Presi 'dency of the Past Grand Associa tion. Miss Atkins is a Past Grand Matron of the Grand Chapted of Georgia. THE CORDELE SENTINEL, CORDELE, GA, MAY 27, 1920. Huylers Salted Almands, Pecans, and | Assorted Nuts. ' Jones-Pate-Drug Company. ‘ » - - Messrs. Ralph Wear and Bill lvey arc confined to their home with I]l-I ness. i ok ok ok w Miss Florence Allen, who has beeul teaching school at Perry, Ga., during the past year, has returned to 'Cordelel to spend the sunTmer. * * * Miss Dorothy Fielding, of Lake land, Fla., is the attractive guest of | Miss Myrtle Wear. 1 kR E SAVANNAH HEADQUARTERS l NEW U. S. SHIPPING BOARD | [ Washington, May 27.—Rear A.dmi-l lrnl Benson, cahirman of the United States shipping board, today announc-‘ ed the board has decided to create a ne wdistrict to beknown as the South Atlantie district, with headquarters at Savannah, Ga. —————————————————————— . — e e | PROFESSIONAL CARDS | BUSSEY & M'NICHOLAS Attorneys-at-law Cordele. (ieorgia. State and Federal practice. Office, Exchange Bank Building DR. WM. A. DOWNS Vejetinary Surgeon Office: Pless and Williams Stables Telephone: 242 Residence Phone 304 CORDELE, GEORGIA e MAX E. LAND Attorney-at-Law Money loaned on farms. five and 10 yoar loans at 6 percent. Fifty per cent on cultivated and 20 percent on uncultivated. Georgia Compsny. Mon ey obtained without delay. ' Sl e e L CRUM & JONES : Lawyers 'ryetice in ail State and Federai Courts. . At > 4\!». § \ /‘( ¥ ’:’!?“':} N \“"«‘:_. X Over fifty years ago a young physician practiced widely in a rural district and became famous for his uniform success in the curing of disease. This was Dr. Pierce, who afterwards estab lished himself in Buffalo, N. Y., and placed one of his prescriptions, which he called ‘‘Golden Medical Discovery,”” in the drug stores of the United States so that the pub lic could easily obtain this very remarkable tonic, corrective and blood -maker. Dr. Pierce manu factured this ‘‘Discovery’” from roots and barks—a corrective remedy, the ingredients of which nature had put in the fields and forests, for keeping us healthy. Few folks or families now living have not at sometime or other used this ‘“Golden Medical Discovery” for the stomach, liver and heart. Over twenty - four million bottles of this tonic and blood remedy have been sold in this country. We eat too much meat, which clogs Kidneys, then Back hurts and Bladder bothers you. Most folks forget that the kidne, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogge and need a flushing occasionally, else w bave backache and dull misery in thel kidney region, severe headaches, rheu matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, gleeplessness and all sorts of bladder dis orders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine, Dhis famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should tal now and then to keep their kidneys clezt thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist says « gells lots of Jad Salts to folks who believ in overcoming kiduey trouble while it i only trouble W | : ./\t\\i\\ gt ' R P : R SALE 20 c SALE E G i _ 3. | Thursday, Friday, Saturday The Most Amazing Event Announced in Many Years A million dollars’ worth of merchan dise--Great retail stocks being sold at 20 Per Cent Off in a fight for the people against rising costs! ’ -~ Prohit Sacrificed TO BRING ABOUT THE WORTHY EFFECT One hig public spirited store in many big cities have joined the 20 per cent off movement. FROM BOSTON 10 SEATILE--FROM CORDELE T 0 =} I=—= A leading store in nearly every city has taken up the fight against rising prices at first hands of production. LOUIS, MILLER ' ; \RDELE’S?)EEYAEI?EEEES;)]QEETMENT STORE.