The Cordele dispatch. (Cordele, Georgia) 1926-1971, April 13, 1926, Image 1

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GEORGIA WEATHER | Mostly cloudy, cooler in the extreme south portion to night. ‘ Wednesday, fair. i VOLUME NO. 9 OR ABSENTEE MEM »oOOND MEASURE v MWINTOSH PAVING HOUSE MAKES CHANGE IN STATE SCHOOL FISCAL YEAR. SENATE DISCUSSES INTANGIBLE PROP ERTY ATLANTA, Apr. 13 (#)—The house calendar of hills to be considered in the closing days of the session was changed again today when attendance +was not sufficient for consideration /of the proposed constitutional amend sments. On the first roll call cne hun ‘red and nine members were pres ent. The chaplain of the house, Rev. W. D. Hammock of Randolph, celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday and the house adopted resolution congratulat ing the pastor for hLis services in the house. 'He made a short speech of thanks. Consideration was begun on the bill to amend the school code so as to make the wischool fiscal year date from July one to June thirty. Another Local Bond Measure The house passed the school bill and then mustered enough votes to pass the constitutional amendment which would authorize Mclntosh, eoun ty to issue bonds for paving. The vote on the measure was one thirty- Might to nothing, with Speaker Ngzill rasting the one hundred and thirty #pighth vote. Senate Would Arrest Absentees The senate proceeded after a delay of twenty minutes during which a mo tion was made to invoke the rule pro viding for arrest of absentee members Ten o’clock found only twenty-one members present, but during the read ing of the no quorum rule several tar dy members came in and a quorum was recorded. The upper branch took under con sideration several bills and reccom mendations, but failed to act on any of them. At times debate was vigorous on - th#yhill to tax intangible property. % ENIED ¢VIEW IS DENIE SUPREME COURT FAILS TO RE CONSIDER STATE ESTATE TAX LAW. * WASHINGTON, April 13—(P)— The recent decision of the Supreme Court holding invalid and unconsti tutional State Laws imposing inher itance taxes upon gifts made within a specified time before death, will not be reviewed, the court an nounced .today in refusing a rehear ing .sought by Milwaukee ' and tue State: of ‘Wiscohein. How delightful and convenient wv. to serve 2 ~ at home 7 1 l,v /, ' W B l iao 7 | ot N ‘ — /’i"fi\é /\‘, ) AN M 7 hw.yhlfma 7.4 ] ™ 5¢ Buy Bottled by the case “Cordele Coca-Cola | Bottling Company Cordele, Ga. Phone 87 A. C. Towns, Manager i THE CORDELE DISPATCH MEMBERS ASSOCIATED PRESS Ghost Of Mussolini Stalks Debate In U. S. Senate ITALIAN WAR DEBT WARM OPFOSITION MUSSOLINI IS CALLED GREATEST EVIL THAT HAS FEFALLEN IT ALY IN 160 YEARS WASHINGTON, Apr. 13 (2)—The towering figure of Mussolini became the hub of swirling debate in the senate today when administration managers again sought approval of Italian war debt settlement. Attacking the agrements Secnator McKellar denounced Mussolini as the ';;reatest evil that has befallen the Italian people in a hundred years. The United States should not under take to make scttlement with the present government, he said. FATHERS AND SONS EVANGELIST PREACHED TODAY TO LARGE NUMBER OF -BUSI NESS MEN. | Rev. N. M. Lovein, the evangelist who is conducting the meeting at the Methodist church, has announced a service for “Fathers and Sons” to be held at the church tonight. The ladies are also expected o be pres ent, but the evangelist is asking ev ery father to bring his boy to church wit/h him tonight, and every boy to bring his father as the Tues day night has been designated as ‘Tathers and Sons” night. Another large congregation greet ed Mr. Lovein last night and heard him as he preached on “A man’s nresent relationship to Jesus Christ.” At the morning service today, the evangelist spoke on “The sin of nraverlessness” and said that the oreat Jack and need that many chris tians are experiencing is due to the fact that they do not know how to prav. “And the church of God is all hut powerless in the world because we do not know how to pray” ‘“We are sorry advertisements of the good ness of God, seeing that we are in such great need and in such a noverty stricken condition spiritual-- ly.” There was another large number of our business men at the morning service and the evangelist seems to be giving his very best to these mornings congregations, making those who attend feel more than paid for any sacrifice they may have to make in order to get there. I.LONE GUARD FOILED MILLION SILK ROBBERY NEW YORK, Apr. 13 (£)—A mil lion dollar silk robbery was frustrat ed today by a lone customs guard who engaged single handed in a gun fight with a band of river pirates who were looting a cargo waiting shipment to France on the North River pier. i 'CUMMINS RAILWAY BILL IS FAVORABLY REPORTED { WASHINGTON, Apr. 13 (#)—The Cummins bill to enfore railway con ! solidation after an experimental per fiod was reported favorably today by t:e senate Interstate Commerce Com i ittee. | The outlook for passage at this scs ' sion is dubious. '. LOS ANGELES OUT ON i HINGLE DAY’S ; CRUISE _‘ LAKEHURST, Apr. 13 (#)—The idirigible, Los Angeles, was taken it’mm her hanger this morning in prep |m‘:ltion for her first flight since the i loss of the Shenandoah last fall. ! After several hours at the mooring lmast she was to cruise in this immo-‘ diate vicinity returning before night. CORDELE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, APRIIL 13, 1926 U. S. Senate Unseats Brookhart And Gives Steck His Place el — | “Applesauce,” Sparkling Comedy, a Chau! Feature | &oe N ¢ pplesauce,” Sparking Comedy, a Chaulaugua Fealure | ___—_m:xm.mmm:_m__mfl_ I ‘ mi %%m T T LI “5{%:5;:?@‘5?5}5;&“ GRS o e : i g i L T R e eS IR ERGAATIERTEg o : R : : § i s AR AU, 8 i o S § R 4 § i B oBTTyXL TN 0 ey se e B By el MR :‘é?:\u e% o SEERET TR s e @TI SRR Te o Y s R ¥ RN \ A BEE SEET A g B RS -‘A, :,!,‘\’}‘y P -;a.;;:,fm; W f"'.‘ AL g, AR RS z;; R RBs ‘,..~'-'-~g-’~“'>.o.k 3 b a & \.h'\ é\.}fi(f‘r !‘“W‘ "“\l\; ;\‘3 \&", ’? *_')(VE B “‘0;(::\ S o NP, ofw m BRI el 20 i¥ N R m‘ CURERIEL S B W S A RBS N A o] o ATC e gk SN PRt T SRR T x..“;"’" A T ‘ W N W L f o »"*\f’\“"% T i BB o22WieR oy e s i : . SOSRIR A TR - B N S RN T NN R gy Yasiie i PR BT SRS RN, TR . EOQEN R R ONN, T R L :‘4.;."i?i?”?:sfiifiii.;;*‘w’?;“’" Re T LR ] \fi"\,&fi?i-’f“’-&ffifi? ot S "“-é...v;:?;.\‘?"“f*‘v".' }'C’{" L oY OB R & RS TR Y B S Qi | B R SRR A LS N R P $ T G T A Yxr - R SR Sl e o G YRR N R R ¥ . fo e T R T - ¢ I ; R R BU ek ot . PR R e Ty if‘ R e R RRN ¢ . Ny N eol S R ;‘,..‘ SR ¥ ¥ TN DOEEARRR IR o SRR L e B NERNRES TNS B NS RN RN L SR Nl "'.?b“” )'mq»;fi‘?} s W 4 fi S Bk %\fi* : SR § ‘i\:\i SR GO ? i OSRNE MG S SRR 7\ gl fi ; & Y ANNR R S B 4 Bt ArRR RS, LT S ? O SRR % s N .A‘H"-?'f»".t'-%.r S R SN WL 3 W Y BRRN i i 1 RR 8 )Ry S 1 Brote e GN SR R & AR RS ‘;g ; % 5&‘*\,3,, Sorßßga Gl T e ;'.JL’",‘.:_ ";‘: ’,,L,‘_;'_v Siuee S s‘ oy ‘ :' S 5 % o 3 : :f’;:‘;\;‘::::,?.;--')-’ i IR \(f .RO St 35’: SR .;-.¢~;-.;;:;::’.‘1».-.:;;;-:;-.::5-.»‘..-'5.'1:,&{“.; b M__u\}‘)* R R O S Y The smashing Broadway comiedy hit, “Applesauce,”’will be one of the big features of the conming Redpath Chautauqua. 1t will be presented by a splendid cast of New York actors. # The play gets its name from the blarney of a lovable, good-looking, happy-go-lucky vouth who wants to marry Pa Robinson’s daughter, Hazel. Pa and Ma want her to wed a plodding, well-to-do youth of the town, Roilo Jenkins. She does accept Rollo, but her lova for Bill and hig “applesauce” cannot be downed and wins out, just as the andience WARIRIEIOE o Lb i bt s Hihwmian T & LOROR JeFFERSON 4N eVai g i AS CHAMPION CF LR a TIEY Y4D R - T R PERSONAL LIBERTY NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVE . EXTOLS GREAT DEMOCRAT IN ' ANNIVERSARY EXERCISE . WASHINGTON, Apr. 13 (2)—Tri bute was paid to Thomas Jefferson 'as a cl;nmr,ion of personal liberty far ‘ahead of his time by Representative 'Boyland of New York in the house 'birthday anniversary of the founder of the democratic party. . “Qur greatest need i 3 another Thomas Jefforscn to speak out in be half of the rights of the common peo ple,” Mr. Boylan said, “to utter the in dividual’s well-founded jealousy of the federal government which dealy reach rs out its talons for more and more control over our daily lives. 1 can 'nicture him as a leader in the strug gle against the sumptuary lawiz which restrict the decent freedom of the in dividual against preposals to lodge control over a widespread educational system in the federal government; against the domination of political fgroups by the great financial inusy ests; against class discrimination; against the bowing of the knee to Ku rope.” . NEW LOAN CONCERH (RNA 4 y JWJLN AR 1 - SELECTS CORDELE: MORTGAGE GUARANTY COMPANY { OF AMERICUS OPENS BUSINESS ‘ WITH MAX E. LAND IN CHARGE | et | Judge Max E. Land today announc. ed that the Mortgage Guaranty Com pany of America, after investigation in this territory for sometime, has de cided to open up here with loans on all real estate in Cordele. These will .be attractive and prompt and made iso that a large volume of husiness will be possible. Judge Land has been chczen local representative by this concern, which has unlimited re fsources, YOTE T 0 ACCEPT DOLLAR - BID FOR AMERICAN LINE ! WASHINGTON, Apr. 13 (#)—The l?Shim:iu,&; board voted today to accept {the bid of four million four hundred thousand submitted by R. Stanloy Dollar for the five ships of the Ameri can Oriental Mail Line operating out iol' Seattle to the Orient, ! M Aik i { SENATE COMMITTEE ALSQ ! 4 e . FAVORS CIVIL SERVICE i WASHINGTON, Apr. 13 (P)—The fhouse bhill to put prohibition agtns un I«lrr‘ civil service wag favorably re 'portml today to the senate by tha veivil service committee, REEP RELICIQUS B e L Haßl W) EDUCATEON STI Al O W B RV EN b B NEska AT DEICIOTIR SAFELY RELIGIGUS POSTON UNIVERSITY SPEAKER! BRINGS WARNING MESSAGE TO' COUNCIL MEETING BIRMINGHAM, Apr. 13 (P)—A ma terialistic age has resulted from an incomplete view of nature given by science, in the opinion of Dr. Walter S. Athearn of Boston University, ex pressed here today before the Infer national Council # Religious Educa tion. Dvr. Athearn deplored the dyift of idealism tc materialism and took a frankly expressed shot at ‘wcientific methods drawn from a partial view of reality. The field of religious edu gation has be n involved he said, and a warning was given that protestan ism’s greatest task today is to keep religious education religious. CAR QVERTURNS s} V i R RREND ONE IS KILLED WILLIAM HUDSON, OF MIL LEDGEVILLE, DIES IN WRECK OM HIGHWAY. ’ MILLEDGEVILLE. Ga.. April 13 —William Hudson, 23 years of ave a resident of this city, was instantly kiiled near here tonight when the IF'ord ear in which he was driving overturned on the KEatonton read. There were no cye witnesses to the accident, Aprarently the car turned over two or three times and the body wis pinioned under it and his neck was broken. Hudson did not report for work at the I'isdale garage, where he was employed, this morn ing on account of illness, but later in the day started out for a drive which resulted fatally. T STEOD w Put AVICOL 9 ia e drinking water ; Avicol i 3 guaranteed for {he ¢ treatment and prevention of white diarrhoen or baby chick ! ¢ cholera, Easily d and incexe pensive, Price bue und $l., Scld Underan Moneys Hack Guarantee, fi Tmm T'\z B, CR {7\ O A 7 i ) G ,A > ’Zfi.’e”? ,:'A . » SR e ) oy StopsChickEbying o . | Al on ¥ 2% A | STEAL’S DRUG STORE DITANTY \T PHONE NO. 1 MORE DRUNKSHNESS Fatsgule ArARGULYEN 10l Ma b} | TEADOT I FT TR | STOE OV 1 - YOLSTEAD MEASURE d Y A RAdH . WETS GET BACK INTO SENATE ~ HEARING AFTER DAY WITH . DRYS WASHINGTON, Apr. 13 (P)—A rhalanx of gstatistics was marshalled tefore the senate prohibition commit iea today by the wets in an effort to show that drunkenness has increagod ander the bone dry laws. Resuming their side of the case af v a day's interlude devoted to dry festimeny, the wet leaders put on the ‘tand Stanley Shirk, reasecarch direc tor of the moderation league, who pro duead score of charts, maps, and sia tistical tables from which he deduced "ot in four hundred and fifty sevzn cities and towns arrests for drunkness have increased in the four years of prohibition. “When we consider that drunken nass generally has already increased to pre-prohibition level and that drunken disorders in the country he fore,” said Shirk, “we cannot escape the conclusion that the Velstead Act hag utterly failed to do what it was intended to do, namely to promoto Jdemperance and sobriety.” PEGGY JOYCE WIILI BE BRIDE ONCE MORE MIAMI, Apr. 13 (P)—Peggy Hop kins Joyce today announced her en gagement to Stanford E. Somstock, wealthy Miami real estate operator gnd member of a prominent Chicago family. Announcement was made to inti mate friends and newspapermen at home of friends here, Miss Joyce did not announce the date of the intend ed wedding, but intimated that it mizht he bhefoie shz sails for Europe on May one, It will he Peggy's sixth flyer into matrimonial affairs. Ny s g T MAPKETS AT I ANCE RLLLSRNBL R N £ X LBaLl 2 i Uas Aol e L NEW VORK COTTON OPEN CLOSE P. C MEY 1896 1890 1904 potobes . 1749 1746 1750 January 1705 1699 1730 YD 1S CORDELE COTTON , Middling cloged : i v ° | LOCAL CREAM MARKET | Standard butier-fat - .38 1.2 PEANUT MARKET ‘ Choice Clean No. 1, per ton ... $lOO.OO ESTABLISHED IN 1908 BROCKHART WILL [ Ay 5 OPPOSE CUMMINS i i \ [N NEXT ELECTION FARTY LINES WENT ALL TO PIEC | ES IN MIiX UP' OVER SEATING | DEMOCRAT ! WASHINGTON, Apr. 12 (#)—The senate decided late today that Daniel I Steck, democrat, instead of Smith | W. Brookhart, insurgent republican, | was entitled to represent fowa in that hody. After a weok’s debate a majority voted to unseat Brookhart. Steck was 'his opponent at the polls in 1924. 3raokhart has indicated that he will oppose Senator Cummins, for the re publican senatorial nomination, in the forthcoming lowa pramaries. A majority of the committee which invsetigated the Ste®k contest held vt he was entitled to Brookhart's seat. & The vote was 45 to 41. Sixteen republicang joined with 29 democrats in voting 1o unsecat Sen l ator Brookhart, ; Sevon democrats, 33 republicans | and the one-FFarmer-Labor svuulm‘f voted for the republican insurgent to | retain hiz seat. The roll call follows: ! To uynseat Brookhart: Republicans: Butler, Dale, Deneen, Ernst, Gillette Goff, Greene, Harreld Keyes, Mcl.ean, Phipps, Robinson, of Indiana, Sackett, Warren, Watson, and Weller—l 6. Democrats: | Bayard, Bratton, Broussard, Bruce, Caraway, Copeland, Edwards, Fletch er, George, Gerry, Glass, Harris, Har rison, Heflin, Jones of New Mexico, irendrick, King, McKellar, Mayfield, NMeolvy, Overman, Pittman, Fiobinson of Arkansas, Sheppard, Simmonz, Smith, Swanson, Trammell, Tyson—29. Total 45, Against unseating Brook hart: . Republicans: Rincham. Borah, Cameromn. Capper, Couzens, Curtis, Edge, Fernand, Fra zier, Geoding, Hale, Howell, Johnson, Jones of Washington, LaFollette, Len root, McMaster, McNary, Metcalf, Meses, Norbeck, Norris, Nee, Oddie, Perper, Pine, Reed of Pennsylvania, Smoot, Stanfield, Williams and Wil lis—3l. Democrats: A<hurst. Blease, Dill, Ferris, Rans deli, Reed of Missouri, Stephens, | L RE YO nE/A}:}L’A .l'”\{ j. —-/ oL ‘=l 'D% Fa " NG E[‘ i;" OFIF? if vou are not hetter off to v than a vear ago, care fully consider the eause. Perhaps von have failed in thrift 2 Determine to save @ proportion of vour earn ings from now on. We will ooy them <eafe and pay 2200 LILU s . 1 N > ORGIA ETMTATE Al Yt L ).\: &l )';k., :u' .’a"\\‘rN"d{K [ PLEDGE OF LOYALTY I shall welcome in my com munity of all methods and measures that have proven I beneiicial in other communi ties. NUMBER 127 STRATON'S CHURCH : ROW ~ INSALARY ROW PROTEST LOAN TO PAY HIE' WHILE HE DREW SALARY IN ' PALM BEACH PLACE LY i e ' NEW YORK, Apr. 13()—The rep: ignation of four trustees of Calvary' .Baptist church, of whieh Dtlm Roach Straton is pastor today wwe considered as marking the end of & | year of internal strife. i ' The four trusteea protestel agaimes) the “rocent borrowing of thres :Rgm sand dollars, the large portign af which was used to pay Dr. Hiratoa's salary while he was making maney and seeking perscnal pull city (B Kiep ida.” During Fchruary aand Marek e, Straton filled the pu pit oo the {iray Baptist Church at {alm Bemch log which he said Le received g subetan. tial salary while drawing fiftcan L dred from Calvary Baptist church. WILL APIN RRIDGE OVER - QCMULGEE RIVER SOON Invitations are out for the formal opening of the bridge over the Qo mulzee River at Lumber City on Thursday, April 22nd, at Lumber City, There will be a big barbecue, musie and speaking. This new bridge joins. Telfair and Jeff Davis counties. Mafy neople wi'l attend the exercises forme alt opening the fine bridge. . Walsh and Wheeler—9 Farm-Labor: Shipstead, 1. Total 41. Pairs were announced as follows: McKinley for with Fess against. Means for with Schall against, Du pont for with Shortridge against, Un. derwood for with Wadsworth againet, Brookhart Didn't Vote Senators Brookhart and Cumming, republicans, lowa, did not vote noe re thev present in the chamber. Vice President Dawes administered the oath of office to the new senatos, who raised his right hand and tn & clear voice declared: “I do.” < The vice president then shook hands with him and Steck signed the roll. Sonator Cummins escorted his new colleaguo to the rear of the senate chamber where he was congratulated by various senators.