The Cordele dispatch. (Cordele, Georgia) 1926-1971, December 14, 1927, Page PAGE SIX, Image 4

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PAGE SIX _:..,.‘,'» > - AR i) e % bR Ul e Sy % ’ —" A \\:" g"/ P “’lh‘\!n l - .~ U T N Q. B 3 A ¢SI e L L P - T’ §s sl ' y ?;":”"} ¢ Wy ‘.L\‘;-“-‘{, ' ‘!“‘3""{- “: Al ," _‘v 4ey X ; )i it fl".‘i“;;{;t;\.‘.‘ Vi) = .~ f’af\ —AQUINT . | L 4 Enene T ST R NS T )\ R | e W Wi TR =2O S w 4 N xéj}r“ e TRI S, ) N /‘,‘7 BW e . Ry S 0 P R | | ’ o ‘,-y%f,‘ BoP e B~ icf, Y, \\ e S LSy B M= =/ S i ) " e b oA TGN ez 2 %, ESaEy e : v e, s "7{/{‘\ \\‘\*/ r ,/"’; 2 /4 oty i it 5 = QN 2 ,‘w\- A fli ‘ YL\ O\ o> |NI TR 7t 2 B | ,-4'*‘ i Q_'i’ -:,‘,;",-_;-u-—'ll 'F:'\‘ %8 = i A GE g o e CEENLS - L\ M AseemiN ~4 19 t N z’<//f/’7 -,.;‘.7‘.‘?_!9:'s{' NN “AR : 4 S //f ST e v ;W ’ ; 5 W Z Yy . / /,’ N | \c.ovf_""' 'fj/.t"’ y 77 1'.,;//' /, </ 5% %7 - P A Chrysler Sedan or-- 4 7R jC } : , S, oy el A heer et Coach . | 4 .2 ./ "f"w..* "f’ FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS iT ’ A " No one ever reccived nicer gifts and three candidates in the Dispatch Christmas Gift Campaign will be the proud owners of these fine cars on Christmas Eve, To The Readers-- Make this Christmas a Merry one for your favorite can ¥ ; didate by giving your subscription now or extending a subseription paid earlier in the campaign. ) . _ To The Candidates-- It is up to yourself just which'p¥ize Santa will have for yvou. A Chrysler or a Chevrolet can be yours but your work this week will decide whethier you receive one of the cars pictured below or one of the other prizes. e @) . == S | j":::?-—*gi;;:n; V 4 AT 7 ISRS PR i ] L \\“\W/U’U hec? b ",“ »M _‘@l)E\fl 't ,;g:.‘i:i;;-.._.,:.; ‘—"/fl K!\ "L@' ' LV ot I epives CHRYSLEE LANDAU SEDAN.VALUE £1055.00. PURCHASED FROM CORDELE AUTO SUPPLY S ST sR IO A #"*‘"‘"""’"‘——" S — ( Rg e N ' 04l ]% *J | E { P‘v'““ &Rk : J ' Afti b g H Ay ‘(:Cf.\; !‘ /_J AR S R 'rffr'flfimj\\(y‘ %@ N £ N ' . N\ o B s ‘\\ ,;Lf" =/ et N ‘J’ ¢ | N e s T D RS T e ‘““‘*“*““"‘ —_— RS oPy | b jf\? | \"j‘ > ~»-~ NZA 2 Y I e e ~"l—‘.r~ e PURCHASED FROM CORDELE CHEVROLET CO. o ‘ VALUE #703.00 EACH THE CORDELE DISPATCH | ANNOUNCEMENTS | i FOR SHERIFF : ‘ To the Voters of Crisp County. l I hereby - announce myself a can-! didate for the office of Sheriff of Crisp County, ssubject to the Primaryl of Febh. 17th, 1928. | « Thgnking you for past favors shown me and assuring you that I will ap orecidte your 'vote and 'influence in the coming ‘Prifiary and if elected I'%l discHarge the duties' of the of fice ‘'to the very bhest of my ability. : ’ 3. B PETTS. F REGISTRATION NOTICE , The Registration Bocks for the com ing Primary ‘will’ close on Jan. 18th, 1598, All persons who have re-reg istered in the past year are nof re quired to register again. | . J ' PETTS, ; Tax Collector Crisp County FOR COUNTY TAX COMMISSIONER To the Voters of Crisp County. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Tax Commissioner of Crisp County, subject to the rules and regulation of the Primary of Feb. 17th, 1828. I appreciate the support of the voters in the past and ask them again for their support. If elected I shall discharge the duties of the office to the very hest of my ability. C. O. PERRY. - CANDIDATE FOR CRDINARY To Each Voter; Man or Woman, cf Crisp County: I respectfully submit to you my can didacy for re-election to the office of ordinary 'in the approaching Primary of February 17. Experience has better prepared meo for discharge of the duties of thic office. The office is yours. If you permit, I will render the best service T can. That js the best way I know to, express my appreciation of your versonal and political friendship. | ¥You elected me to do this work. I am busy.on the job. If I fail to see sach' individual voter, please under stand, and know that this announce ment is an earnest personal solicita tion of the vote and influence of every man and woman in our county. W. P. FLEMING. FOR SHERIFF | To the' Voters of Crisp County: : I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election as Sheriff n’\ Crisp county subject to the rules and regulations of the Primary of. Feb.‘ 17, 1928. If elected I promise, as . have tried in the past, to make you the very best sheriff I can. Your vote will be greatly appreciated. C. O. NOBLE. FOR CLERK OF SUPERIOR COUR’!‘I To The Voters of Crisp County: . ... I hereby announce myself a candi date for clerk of superior court of Crisp county, subject to the rules anc¢ vegulations of the primary of Feh. 17 1928. I earnestly solicit Q?)ur vote ant support. BRUCE D. WILLIAMS. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER i) reiiante To The Voters of Crisp County: I hereby announce myseif as a can didate for county commisisoner 'or Eleventh, Jl%atley and Thirteenth Dis triets subject to the rules and regula tions of the primary of Feb. 17, 1928 I will appreciate your vote and sup port and if elected, pledge to dischaige ‘the duties of the office to the best o ny ability. JOHN R. SMITH. { ‘ FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT | OF SCHOOLS \ G it }To the Voters of Crisp County: I am a candidate to succeed myself as County Superintendent of Schools, subject to the rules governing thel ‘!’rimary on February 17th, 1928, If 2gain elected ito this important posi-l ‘t.ion, I promise to faithfully discharge | the duties of the office and work for l‘fhe best intefest of our Crisp county schools,’ to the best .of my ability. T sincerely thank you for all past fav ors shown me, respectfully solicit your votes'in the coming-lelection, and so- | licit your continued .support and co operation in the future conduct and operation of our schools. J. W. BIVINS. l FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT To The People of Crisp County: -I am a candidate for re-election as Clerk of Crisp Superior Court subject to the Primary called for February 17th, 1928. I appreciate the confi dence you have placed in me and if reelected will continue to render the very best service of which I am capa ble. Your interest and support wil be appreciated. | Respectfuily, P. H. GREENE. ’ FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Fo The Voters of Crisp County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for commissioner of Crisp count for the Eleventh Hatley and Thir: eenth districts, subjeet to the primary of February 17, 1928, I pledge, #f elected, my best effort in the perform: ance of my official duties. e 9 J. J. STORY. e ——————— T ! FOR HOME AND STABLE i The extraordinary Borozone treatment for flesh wounds, cuts, sores, galls, burns and scalds is just as offective in the stable as in the home., Horse flesh heals with remarkabie speed under its powerful in fluence. The treatment is tRo same for animals as for humans. First wash out | infectious germs with liquid Borozone, ' and the Borozone Powder completes the Jhealing y]wucess. Price (liquid) 80¢, 60¢ ‘and $1.20. Powder 30¢ and 60c. Sold by JENNINGS D!"UG STORE Silage Economical ; Winter Beef Feed MORGANTOWN, W, Va—(AP)— Tests by the West Virginia agricul-{ tural experiment station reveal that‘ gilage rations usually are more eco nomical than grain and hay for win tering. beef cattle in the Appalachian mountain regions. ; ‘ - Most of the cattle handled in that area arc, prodnced there, carried ung. til two or three years. of age and marketed in the fall after feeding on grass. Winter feeding is the un iversal schome te get the maximum use of grass during the suminer graz ing season. : It is desirable to have ealves wnd yearlings put on from 30 (> 75 pcunds of weight durinz the winter, station experts explain, so they will have a good start the following summer. Best results are ~btained they say, on winter rations that con tain considerable protein. { I NORSE SAILORS 3TUDIED DECORAH, lowa—A study of the vart which Norwegian sailors have plu_yed. in Atlantic coast shipping will be made by Dr. Kaut Gjerset,: head of the department ci history and cuato of the museum at Luther College. -He hag begn giyen a year’s Jleave of ahsence. » | SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY GEORGIA, CRISP COUNTY. By virtue of an order of Court of Ordinary, will be sold on Tuezday, December 20th, at the ¥oimme Place of Nelson (Clements, deceased, personal property belonging to the estate of said deceased, such as cuws, sheep, mules, farm implements, peanuts, cane nill, fodder, and sundry other peison alty. Sale will continue from day to lay, if necessary until propervy sold. Terms cash. : This December 8, 1927. JOE N. CLEMENTS, Administrator of Neison Clements. 11-14-18 TAX BOOKS OPEN The tax books are new open ior che payment of State and County taxes lor 1927. They will be closed Decem oer 20. Payment now saves further costs. ¥ d:. 'H.PIT9B Tax Collector Crisp County Itw to 12-20 3 D 4 ( : 2% VN S 0 g, 3\?"\(. % /,H -SN ) : : 5 SRR VLy 4 i e S oPR AR R A A R UL AN ‘ i wa\ o /x? : B k 7, N /ji PY ) i ) '?'g 5 . B AL e ¢ ‘q Jli\ ‘-,_}*»:“’;' _../ Rl 3 ;'s‘ \P 2 .':‘\‘A“l’ "’."»'*J “Kfi. » @ ; 4 ¥ gy ' 2 ,‘-,‘_,"’-:( N ¥ d / 2 e Tty | ’ Gifts NG_ i) ) 9 ‘\:"7(-0 U4~ (& W (N ey B\ el o ey~ AR \I/ 3 | 1/ v, o Do 1 B ‘Xoot4 g = S g o A 554 Y LTS / | L B A g z RN - R X g "l i T ‘r‘ 4 :7‘»'; M 9 9 AR SRR Y Jewelr Lo S| % T~ e "’f”‘.krr'?‘\~/‘. 73 #{"..6‘ 2 i > § ‘ ~4‘ 3 e l’;’,- B 4 '511:“:"{":\5" ) l"‘\'r'\n»‘l ¥ [t is a faet that holidays govern the . B \\\ ‘fg:'."g:\f_')’l-fi_‘;:.‘;?37‘3'j B ; netive buying and seiling of many com- ‘<‘ 1) \.";:__»':.‘-,\ i e e Y i RN B/ é‘ S Y SRR Sy 34 moditics. lolidays ereate demand in A\Esfizé& tfi .'.«, gy f 4 . . Iz ol v g ¢ / ~',¢' -"' garments, in amusements, in fashions, \ 7}@«3{*’ 'rgf : B 7 R % Fuar W A More than ever they ereate a demand NTSA7 O in fine jewelry. - B AN T 2 -~ gy 7 ] " ‘7"_'-- '/ PN N & With the advent of Christmas, the sale AN « i » o : : LA e AN N ST of fine jewelry takes an upward swing, e b for men know that the most precious S:/ E?, ‘,fl’ll 12 j\\fk : gift they can give their wives or sweet- gy L :(/9' 2‘%-), i : Vo 1 aite= e LY i hearts, is an article of adornment. 8- @i g 3 4/%s';’,_,' B == NG - o eTN " D o, AP A DO IT NOW [ o Sl A\ s We are showing an unusual line of { \\ w\i.i'zwfm fine wateches, bracelets, wrist watches, ”*«“‘”{G e ‘6’\;‘ ) s e - — e SR\ - _-’.‘ ";v ~: B L | ! rnigs, chaing, purses, ete. for women— RN 2 32220 i !:;t.j ‘ 0 4 t] ; E ‘i&\a A\ \\\\\\\\ il{ g R fine cigavette cases, watches and chais B %xx ~\\\\\\\\\ W i |* : » . .4 "f‘ TR AR, SN SRd KL I ete. for men. All warranted for fine- e '?&-vf..‘v‘f;.&;, %‘fg@fi‘%&’ 1 ness and good wear. ¢ e B =ey G N i oo N “l“i ek - ¥ : : SRR WL AU 5 3 bt ) Select now to be reserved till you want S R e F TR them at Xmas. A small down payme B\ Sl Rt i | eat Xmas. A small down payment e |\ secures the goods, to be paid for later. . e New Yorkers Mark | T Site of Hudson Start AMSTERDAM— (A(P)—To com memorate the sailing of Henry Hud son in 1609 on the expedition which took him to New York and the Hud son river a plague has been placed |on the walls of the famous old Am istordam landmark® known as the i\\’ceping Tower. Y | The Greenwich Village Historical !Society of New York originated the Ilidsa of the plaque, which is in '{brcnze. On the left of the inscrip ‘tion is a representation of the Half lMoon surmounted by the arms of the City of Amsterdam, while on the 'right hand side is a bust of Heary Hudson above the arms of New Am sterdam. & | i It was at thg Tower of Tears or | Weeping Toweér that wives and | sweethearts used to take farewell 'of their menfelk in olden days, and it was known, tco, as the Crier’s Tower, from which the harbor mas ter used to announce the arrivals |and departures of overseas vessels. ! The Tower is still the official res lidence of the harbor master -of ihe +Port of Amsterdam. . N LR e O | ékgf ~- Sagh, ’f’ A o ‘ :‘W s %;33&‘; {e 3 ¥ O ‘;r.._";‘. o 4 fl&. 4 ‘3}‘} .;'u 125 ROO™° aol pothe R;ag'»;%‘ A Rt : 23 MODEY%X 28 #gfirf: he B %z, A oo}y thtecb‘.ocks geo™ &g% 0 P»dams and Davis Gtse (& R: . \ Yv‘xdxo efiicfita‘..g{g.g g )i imhexo\;‘m, 3 ? X 5 «*"“ Ratcs s 1 0 5?24-50 ,i g ':Ei: Free Auto Stom;f,c SJA ST 3_;;}'4-1.;\;9@3" !< % (_i‘: a b Zy ,CK‘I "':';‘;';‘r"’;‘,_"w-z-:, F Bty N e (el R i oo Ape oY *"’“."!« Y -c® @:,fi.d’. D l\ ] ‘ 4.:_ L éd\ £ "“ ‘fr‘@“’rw‘a’ 53'; B WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1927 It S - QUICK RELIEF FOR ! Colds, Coughs, Grip, Flu, ete. Try It—VYou’ll Like It. r : - SOLD BY DRUGGISTS ; / ; | PRICE 50c - ' S. W. SMITH & €O, INe | ‘; 209 E. Central Avenue | VALDOSTA, GA. i eeeStoo e At — | SCHEDULE GOLD LEAF BUS LINE . . MACON, CORDELE & TIFTON Leave— | Macon 7:30, Cordele 10:30, South 'r;faon 7:30 a. m., Cordele 9:05, North Macon 3:00 p. m., Cord. 5:25, Tift. 7:30 Tift. 3 p. m.,, Cord. 4:50, Macon %7:30 Ride Bus—Safe, Reliabie, And Courteous. W. L. Means, Manager