The weekly Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1913-19??, March 31, 1914, Image 9

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'S NEWS BRIEKS ®;g N @ rian's Comic Page HY VE JUST L E!:'J;D ™MY 2NTION TO TALK NEV YORK -\ M THNG NEW YORK lO\ + 3} ( E §\~- .‘ . &. aar = b =3 v S =1 e - ;x~ £ 0 b . xi.‘q"_ . 3 ; 13 B 's7' ’J v ; e R e ————— - WHEN You Foiks i et (S Tt MAKE UP YOUR , ;wg WS HAT ‘MINDS, LET fl%fl HE WRE, KNOW' I DONT (ARE ME ' WO SAYS H'S‘f 4 HALL. gt DR e A ALY G \\ ° N £ B /M:} "7/ B fi; o & ‘.“ : / \\:é] ' Sy & \ | R \ i . 7/ 4 L 4 s RETT {‘ 74 /RE OU SURE 4 \9NT THAT PRETTY 377 4/,% ITS REAL GERTIE | / MVT‘;'EQQA::CTNACAVN(Q ‘%{ € [ Mem mmmarons P l—:v i b 7/ W NOW MDA & N //,// |S PRETIY GOOD /77| LIKE ; 7 S e HES GETTING A )//// b N o NCE G‘P“;///// 4 g wsg) 4 =1 -| @F ! 4 a- M ':l,’? Aok g £ : ) ,;g LR 44:’5 = - “ N Lk N\ P, B L Jj A#\A\ e o SRI iR BN A\ Y ] P ‘l“f. }w Y Y> Yo g A . W < e ::f‘ :\\f/i/ N, Bt % ‘v\ 5 < /,‘ N\ 7 Yyt A& bWS - ‘:",'.::‘“\ 58 W ~ s T“;',) B{7 . -:-‘:, +SO Yo 7 = R A ~‘“L\ ;:.:‘:;:'., == //' v »h: N\ T N 17 e &) \i“ 5 7/ /. -\ g G )/ §4 2 n T e R\ 7,1 y ‘el W111'5777 A Ve 3 R A= 4 R P e - a E:/ v “ \ ’Zl"""‘ 11 24— %/? ?/ .'...\ ‘A | » - SN/ /:'f ’ B /// 2 R W "L ke - ; % L gh P . E LS | Z. &= 4 :ZZ/«I’T:?" - R ¥ .{}a' JUST A MINUTE - OVER THIS HURRY - THIS ~ oo IS IMPORTANT, f’)p > . ; - 1 ~E\,\i\ oS S g : = \ _— :) A (((\:(_s( L AN \ ) PR | ,‘1& - rfi;:‘:l: s Ry =1 B /g 0 el 3 5 e 7" \ %/:‘—2: ;"_ = g.}e~ £ 5 S Y =U= = & = SV E ‘\\\\}‘ g ()F L@aé\l{ s {55 LN Q&J/« | gl A Y : . ‘\\ - : . ’ 7B - S 4?:? D J S l S ‘((’/ . f\“,f,”@e}'l’ /l 5 S A/. by wER, 5 ) Y Pa Spoke a Bit Too Quick This Time By TAD S 1 Seo THEYS WOTS THAT NO FooL LIKE You Stn? A OLE FooL: i \ ® .8 - //// ‘2) 2 \yj W £'A \ 2 / i' > w S FTJ S o ® Taboid Tales ® By FRANCES L. GARSIDE. HY, Mother, does Mrs. Jinks \/'\/ boast of her self-control? She claims, My Child, that when she receives a telegram she opens it with no more concern than she feels in orening a can of corn. What, Mother, is meant when \\'(nm; en say of another woman that she has hypnotic powers? It is their way, Little One, of de claring that it was never her looks that won for her. What, Mother, is a Nemesis? It is that, My Dear, which every woman becomes to a man after he has told her he loves her, Does a man, Mother, ever take his wife into his confidence? Always, My Child, when he is not making money. Why, Mother, did you say to Mr. Jinks that the woman of to-day who is honest deserves more credit than the honest woman of a generation agce? Because, My Child, it was impossi ble in those days to get a perfect match in hair and a woman had to confess the truth, . Of what age, Mother, is one who is a mere child? It is the age, Little One, at which every woman married according to the claims she makes in later years. What, Mother, s meant by in gratiating manners? It is a term, my dear, that means the stray dog that- wanders on your porch and tries to win a home by By George McManus 4ET ME BRYANT 1950 AND ASK FER DiNTY MQORE ~ . V WANT TO KkNOVWY k IF 'HE i\ GOIN ToO HAVE A RASE RBALL w BAU! - SCORE- MCARD IM— [ HIS CAFE e ey THIS SUMMER ! S _—’fi(’—’v . e vg} o 'A/ o\ E ‘ ’— ;&\lflj/ //? QL«"} _, Ry 1-, \/ 7 £ > ) O e W O v S 0o A : dyg L - s &5 71\\\ %, /" ?M&. ALE - > d ; 2 eSS ’ ¥ Yer RIGHT “THEY AT ~ 4 WA 3 2' 17} 7 L\&Q'&Aff’ lo — C 4 AT\~ MITE & % \@'“‘, | 5 ¥ I = b d 9«954‘&@_%5 being friendly. There are many imi tations of ingratiafing manners, but this is the only genuine, Why do you say, Mother, that the woman at the station with three chil dren is going to visit her mother? Because, My Child, when a woman has as many as three children no one else in the world invites her, What, Mother, is a megaphone? 1t is an instrument, Daughter, that hasz never attained its real purpose. It is used at railroad stations for calling trains, but is more greatly needed in a family where there are children for Father to talk through when he wants Mother on the gther side of the table to hear him above the noise, 1s it true, Mother Dear, that every thing old-fashioned comes hack in tire ? 5 With one exception, Daughter; the woman who saved the train by flag ging it with a red petticoat. She will never come back. What, Mother, do the papers mean when they talk of the menace that threatens every American home? 1 do not know what they mean, Child, being little versed in politics, but in mg opinion, the menace that thraatens every American home is that Father will become the hired man, and Mother the hired girl, to their family. Is it true, Mother, that after a wom an has married and had children the only complaint she gets is when they eat heartily of her cooking? Oh, no, Child. She gets one other. Every time father and the children enter the house the first question each asks is, “Where's mother?” DO YOU KHOW-—— A clock constructed throughout of glass is the result of six years’ work on the part of a Bavarian glass pol isher. The plates and pillars which form the framework are of glass and are bolted together with glass screws, The dial plate, hands, shafts and coz wheels are of glass, and glass wedges and pins are used for fastening ihe various parts of the running gear (o gether. Like the clock itself, the key bv which it is wound is of glass. The construction of the remarkable time piece was a matter of infinite pains. Seme of the parts had to be made as many as 40 times before a clock that would go could be produced. A safety razor, connected to a mao tor by means of a flexible shaft, is the latest invention to simplify shavinug, The blades are actuated in such a way as to cut the beard by impact or blows. The blades, therefore, do aot need to k. so sharp as in hand shav ing. No sgoap is necessary, wetting the skin being sufficient, sand a clean shave can be accomplished, it is de clared, in a very short time. The aft er effects are described as being thuse following a mild massage. A plug ‘s provided for attaching the razor (o any lamp socket. A chemist in Belgium, by taking the albumen from the residue of mualt grains and putting it through a proc ess, is said to have produced a pasty food,- claimed to taste like meat, but with three times as much nourisgii ment. The cost of the food is said 1o be small. Physicians in Brussels have experimented on men with it ani with excellent results. Experiments with a fog-piercing lamp for automobiles are now being made in France. A glass of a special vellowish-green tint is placed in front of an incandescent lamp, and a para bolic reflector projects not only tne light, but a sufficient amount of heat to prevent the formation of mist upoa the glass. g Miss Rae Potter, known as “Chi cago’s most beautiful working ginl" disdaining the offers of wealtny suit ors, has married a poor railway clerk. “To keep house, to wash dishes and sweep and cook for the man you iove,” caid the bride, “this constitutes a woman's greatest happiness.” The master of ceremonies at ile Vienna court has been commanded to appoint a women's guard at the <n trance to the reception rooms of the palace to exercise the strictest cen sorship on women’s dresses, £o as o prevent wearers of slit skirts from attending court functions. The cen sors are ordered to display the great est possible tact, but to be firm. (. W. Hart, the long-distance run ner, who recently completed a contin uous run of 156 miles, intends in April next to run 1,000 miles in fifteen days, average 66 1-2 miles daily. On any particular day during the perform ance Hart undertakes to beat any man on the day's run. At a recent court ball at Rome two American women, Mrss John Hays Hammond, wife of the famous mining engineer, and Mrs. Ira Morris, wife of the Panama Eshibition Commission er, wore jewels valued at $2,000,000, Mme, Henriette Teyssedre, who had died at the age of 8) at her residence in the Rue de la Grange-aux-Belles, Paris, will be buried in the coffin in which for the last 30 years she has slept nightly. When three decades ago her husband dicd, Mme, Teys sedre ordered a coffin of polished oak with silver corner pieces, silk and velvet lining, and with images of saints painted on its sides. Her serv. ant found her dead in it As a cure for toothache, E. A. Raw lence told the Dorset Antiquarian Field (lub, at Dorchester, recently, a Dorset tarmer two or three vears ago recommended a friend to put his arms around a young oak tree, mark the place where his fingers met, and there make a slit in the bark. Then with his left hand he was to pull some hair, from behind his right ear and put it in the slit in the bark. A miserably c¢lad woman was found by the police lying in the street in a Paris slum the other day. She was taken to the Charite Hospital, where $2,000 in notes and gold was foun] sewn inside her raggew skirt, 'The woman, Estelle Follet, €8 years old, went out charing, and Ler neighbors believed her to he 80 poor that they had been in the habit of giving her presents of food and clothing. At the Buenos Ayres postoflice the X-rays have been successfully em ployed to detect the presence of smug gled articles in mail packets. In this manner watches, rings, chains and other dutiable articles have been dis covered hidden in apparently inncs cent parcels, MARRY —~Many rich, congenial and anxe ious fer companions. Interesting pare ticulars and photo free. The Messenger, Jacksonville, Fla MARRY RICH--Matrimonial paper of highest character, containing Eundredl of nhotos and descriptions of marriage able {)eu{)le with means Mailed free Sealed. Kither sex. Write to-day. One may be your ideal. Address Standard Cor. Club, Box 607, Grayslake, 11 HUSTLING man or woman representas= tive wanted in each locality; part or full time; $5O to $6OO a month, every customer secured gives you a steady monthly income; experience is not re quired; only one ur;mlmmfinl in each Jocality-—hurry and be the first to apply. Write the I-1-17, 1274, Covington, Ky. SALESMEN WANTED. SELL TREES—Fruit trees, Pecan trees, Shade trees, Ornamentals and Roses. Eusy to sell, Big profits. Write to-day. SMITH BROS., Dept. 39, Con« cord, Ga.