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U. S. Experts Find
New Fruit in Brazil
Dworsett and Wilson Poppenoe, agri
cultural experts, who went to Brazi
last October for the Department of
Agriculture, have returned.
They went t 6 investigate the Bahia
naval orange, from which the orange
industry of CaMfornia has been de
veloped since 1870, Along the San
Francisco River they found new
fruits, fiber plants and shade trees,
$1,500 TO $3,500 PER YEAR
Price Only $175.00 ‘
$5 Cash, $5 Monthly, No
Interest, Taxes or
Other Charges.
We will gladly send you incontrover
tible proof of these statements. Our
land is high lying, railroad rung direct
ly through it, no farm being more than
three miles from it. Not far from a
modern town of 7000 population and
close to another of 4,000; good hard
roads: plenty of »ure drinkinz water at
a depth of 20 feet; artesian water and
flowing wells at 75 to 200 feet; needs
but little ciearing: 50 inches of rainfall;
finest climate in the world, both winter
and summer; no mosquitoes; healthiest
location; plenty of schools and churches;
desirable neighbors: fine hunting and
fishing, perfect title warranty deed, ab
stract of title; time of payments ex
tended if sick or out of employment.
Florida State Agricultural Depart
ment gives the following census reports
of the actual results secured by grow
€rs in our county: Lettuce, $954 per
acre; celery, $1,925; cucumbers, $514;
English peas, $437; beans, $331, ana you
can grow from three to four crops per
year on the same land. Our county is
the largest fruit producing county in
the State. Oranges vield $BOO per acre:
grapefruit, $800; strawberries, $800:
peaches, $4OO, pears, $3OO. We have
prepared a handsome 36-page booklet
containing dozens of photographs of!
fruit and vegetable farms in our vl“
cinity and containing all the informa- |
tion you wish concerning this favored
region. It also contains hundreds of
letters from men from every part of
the United States who have purchased |
farms here from us and who are more
enthusiastic in their praise of our land
than we arc. We will send it to you|
free of charge if vou will write for !t.‘
Don't delay, but send your name and
address today. |
$1 New York Life Building, 4
i Kansas City, Mo,
s w,
- Will Swap War Gun |
~ For Shoes ‘To Run’
| 0r oes 10 nun
} FAYETTEVILLE, N. C,, April 2%
¢ A Fayetteville man has inserted in |
’ an afternoon paper the following
) advertisement: !
'. “Wanted—To trade a good army |
! rifle for a pair of running shoes. ’
) See S. S. Skeiton.” 5
T. R. May Be Offered
College Presidenc
. WASHINGTON, PA., April 23.— A de
fvidml sensation was caused here when
it was reported from faculty sources
fih“( former President Theodore Roose
velt would be offered the presidency of
Washington and Jefferson College on
his return to the United States from
i The unexpected resignation of Dr.
lJam(-s D. Moffatt as head of the college
‘has caused all manner of speculation as
to his successor.
| R e
Ordain Wives With
~ Methodist Pastors
| N $
- SARATOGA, N. Y. Aprll 13.—The
ritual service of the Methodist Episco
pal Church was given an unusual form
when Bishop Leete, presiding over the
eighty-second annual session of the
Troy Conference, called to the altar
rail the wives of eleven young minis
ters about to be ordained and re
quested them to Kkneel beside their
husbands, who then were given the au
thorization of the church to administer
the sacraments.
Baby Astor Qutwits
Moving Picture Men
ViLg fIoL ;
VA, April 23. —Efforts of photographers
and moving picture men here to get pic
tures of Master John Jacob Astor have
been prevented by the Astor nurse,
She has an atachment on the handle
of the child's go-cart by which a push
on a button sends down the hood of the
carriage and the baby is complétely
hidden. ,
Austrian Emperor
'R H'p Duti
| EieoE s
‘ VIENNA, April zz.—Official an
| nouncement wuas made to-day that
ll’?mperur I'rancis Joseph, who has
' been ill of bronchitis and inflamma
'tiun of the lungs, has _recovered suf
ficiently to attend to pressing affairs
of state.
The aged Emperor passed a good
night and was able Lo partake of a
nourishing breakfast.
Y 3
50 American Mayors
Special Cable to The Atlanta Georgian.
LONDON, April 22.—Fifty American
mayors will visit London in July in con
nection with the peace centenary cele
bration. The Duke of Teck presided at
a meeting of the heads of municipalities
in the United Kingdom to arrange for
their reception.
The committee formed for this pur
pose is headed by the Lord Mayor of
London, Sir Van Sittart Bowater.
Who Annoyed Family
NASHVILLE, GA., April 27.—Calvin
Lingo was shot and Kkilled by Robert
Luke, after Lingo, while intoxicated, had
frightened members of Luke's family.
When Luke arrived home Lingo be
gan a quarrel with him. As Lingo
reached for his revolver Luke began
shooting, five balls entering Lingo’'s
body. Lingo died three hours later.
Actor Hackett, Rich,
Aspires to Peerage
LONIYON, April 2z —eeow that James
K. Hackett, teh actor, has become a
wealthy man through an inheritance
from a niece, he has an ambition to be
come a peer.
To remove rust from a knife plunge
the blade into an onion and leave it
for an hour. Then peolish it in the
usual way. :
180 Convicts Mutiny
At Sing Sing and Set
Fire to Wagon Shop
OSSINING, N. Y., April 23.—Follow
ing a mutiny of 180 convicts in the knit
ting factory at Sing Sing prison, an in?
cendiary fire in the enamel shop of the
wagon factory caused wild excitement
at the penitentiary early fo-day.
Trusties were detailed to aid the
guards in subduing the flam(-s_whflv the
other prisoners, locked in their cells,
howled to be released.
Help was called from Ossining, but
before the village fire department
reached the prison, the flames were un
der control.
The mutiny was caused by the refysal
of the State authorities to adopt the
one-year parole system. Warden Clan
cy said to-day that he had the belliger
ent prisoners under control and that
there would be no further trouble.
Negro Slays Wife, 2
egro niays €, 4.
Children and Self
KNOXVILLE, April 27.—After hav
ing gone to the house of his wife,
from which he had been separated
two weeks, and Killing her and two
children, Will Pearson, a negro, re
turned to his house two blocks away
and committed suicide.
Girl Orator Jeered
As She Scores War
NEW YORK, April 27.—Marie
Ganz, appointed as a speaker at the
anti-military conference in Carnegie
Hall, was jeered into silence when
she tried to speak against war near
the Franklin statue in Park Row,
The crowd pushed so closely about
Ler that in the crush she was jame
med against the railing. The police
arrested one man.
IL.emons may be Kkept a long time
without becoming dry if put into a
jar of water with a lid. The water
should be changed once a week if the
lemons are to be kept long. When
used, they will be quite as firm as
when fresh, and, if anything, more
§ CURED fAY DAUCHTER by simple
F T discovery. Doctors gave her up. Will send FBE
' . A c_mhmusmwwmwm E