The weekly Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1913-19??, May 19, 1914, Image 1

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. —_— k T B S . BT BN S g R N : g — . Y NS SR R R T o NV O - L .. ‘/’, 8 e ‘W‘ \‘-"\\ e o Being the Ncws of Each Day of the Week in Condensei Form For the Busy Man and the Farmer VOL. VI. NO. 22, 8¢ A MONTH, 36c A YEAR BOY, 10. WHO SAVED HIS BROTHER FROM A MAD DOG, TWICE A HERO ‘. 1 B ) Buster’’ Duncan and brother John. e gt » mfi?« T o o S T SRS R SN, . N V\‘fifiv P “:i, Tl T i i a NS SR g B \ A R R W s P T \ z > { A g,g»‘, Sl o TR ST | \ S e(B e vU4 ; 9 AR SO O Y S R D - ) A R W Y 4 . S . S A 1 U PR 3 Bl TR & e . AL | & % ‘%\ &‘ it Ne o T : 3 . o P R T . N N MTR ‘ R e e S SRR | !PSoR N e e WA W hee o R GTR L R R TE e SR SRR R S v & o 08l i R §; iy ToW W S N R TR o 0 TG T L RS T : RO SRR P SRR Ced i PR g i e e b r O i ey Bt B s ARy, A S RN 7’ - § 2 3 e o S S R ey e 5 B ’ [ 4 e S 22 O, '-?,.n:_;.;':’i-. o -t UL g bR ) P ) ) Sl Vool e }Sx‘* e B s A ), i (" s S N P el e oA ¥ TN B N ) 3 A A e s S g RSN % YT/ A ¢ R R O S T R o R TR Yoy g, N N e it i R e N g AT ol ame TTR ey G R - / e R S R N B TR e ’ s 2 N bR B R L R SR R AL O, R B RRNEE e R e Bt ORI L TR /}:- )?‘ R e ,: R ::.\, 5 :,\,\4 ';;-. e LR SR e hee SR TR ReaiTee T Y L A R - R N R '.:"3"4:'3»":"‘ i RN L & et R R o ; R R 8 o 3 3 oo P R SRR 2. 3 v 5! N i < 3 N TS o 4 3 5 . X » AL R R . M - AT % o NI v .4BeeL . gy S N ‘\\ ‘; A,.:: ;“}"—' e Bea s > S .;",:5;"" s % S B R & ..;.”»;'\“s?’Bs-‘7» ,48, RPN R e IR 5 A N G ¥ SRR S 87\ B o Al B L g i Tl ok e o ] P o FORL AT G N o T S e R B : g N ‘nfi AR pEsarisy SRRt ; B e i TR e AR .’z >'( e , e K sN o pin ¥ e ' S W 3 ‘ i e Ay Gt % Gt T R S Bt TR > > £33 ¥ RSN o ok e . # L i T £ % e B SRR A32PSIR B St A b & \ e BT Wda V‘\%’“‘« 1 Fvaa i SR T e PR N S R g . S ” 2 S : S GSR 3 e R ST e ot ey P e A RN R '-;'3, : et ”&” N e R NG GAR A e g -4 R ¢ I .g, TR BB b N S, S iif%\%.'.é':.‘ G Re e Be DO el -"’-’i S e £ B T O U TSRS L A S IR i g : A R o SRR N S R -{%‘% g YO i R o A o L : ; S ao Tt e eel :§ J *{f o Wl el e ST AR R by e e A e 5-':'-""-'1:.,’:':"":5::"7‘m;§§ Ao, AR oA RN o R e b s G g, 3 S R A e, s 3 IR SR P Aok A .??’%*’ : ; = .-;f.:.;f-:’.-»-:aé:'.‘:‘::tsff-;:-r:i.‘?‘.'sffsffi%.-':-:::-:_-='3“*~:’:."':-::5" i iPR G v T R : O e e e S b - e s e R SSI S % , Neir o Mg B # P B T ‘&, B Gi B [ R "‘3l Q g % e . Wty R S R - g L3R o Bt 5 R SRR SR W fi ) T T e T b :‘,fifi; . N e s s % i T R R e o*Gl N ol F Gl f e e Sk T 2ToS e W o i e 3 ""“';:‘ e £ X ¢ % % L 0 it e % 1 © B % g 0 0 R L : g oLty iy K 3 L e o 7% N VN © A 3 e ierke” - g oMR o b \ o - / Y \ X : : 5. A y :/ 7, ",J‘ ; Sk e / \\ At ‘ s 3 % ) » r X 2\ \ G e ; o ) /i 9 o \ LR { 7% ) 4 o \ L b, P L % ) . ! g / /) " % o - . Dk y ‘ \ ) ’ \ o --——4 . % = ~ ’, . John D.'s Neighbor . Has Freak Chicken TARRYTOWN, N..¥., May 16— Fred F. Blunden, bod¥ painter and a neighbor of John D. Rockefeller, " i 3 proudly exhibiting to his friends a freak chick which was born with three legs, the third leg having flve toes, while the other two legs have four toes each. Blunden set a hen with fifteen eggs, nine of which hatched out. The freak chick is the healthiest of the lot. With its third leg it is able to scratch up more food and worms than the other chicks, and is growing much faster. ‘T Should Worry' Aids In Getting l};ivorce LOS ANGELES, May 16.-"“You and that J)leca of humanity who employed you don't amount to two cents. | should worry.” This was the retort of Agnes Starck, written on the back of the divorce pa pers sent her by Attorney Fred Morri gon in the suit he had filed for her hus band, Christepher J. Starck. Attorney Morrrison submitted the pa pers to Jug’e Monroe yesterday. Judge onroe granted the decree without hesitation upon the corrobora tion of the testimony of the plaintiff, 'sFi C JohnD.'sFiremen Can Secure No Pensions POCANTICO, N. Y., May 16 --The Pocantico Hills Fire Company, which protects Jobn .D, Rockefeller's large counuz estate, has struck a snag to day which prevents its voluntéer mem bers getting 4 recegnition that will en title them to veluateer firemen’'s pen siong. The conm{ is told it has no standing because it was incorporated in thrde different towns, @& ATLANTA, GA., WEEK ENDING MAY 19, 1914, . Entered at the Atlanta Ga, Postoffice as Second Clasgs Mall Matter. “Buster” Duncan Is Really Head of the Little Family He Protects So Well. ' When 10-year-old “Buster” Dua §c.n, of No. 90 West Peachtree streat, Monday went back to his books in ‘the fourth grade of Williams Street ‘School, he was hailed as a hero by his classmates and playmates, and was kept busy telling “how it all hap ‘pened.” “Buster’ is the lad for whom a Carnegle hero medal has Leen sug 'gested because of his plueky act Bal urday in saving his 4-year-old broth er, John Reynoldg, from being torn to pleces by a mad dog, and his pre ‘viours act of bravery, on November 13 'in saving both the little brother and ‘his mother, Mrs. . R, Duncan, from death in flames that consumed their bome, which was then at No. 9 Milis ‘street. And “Buaster” thinks it's great (o be a hero, too. Since he rescued his little brother from the mad dog and ‘held the do= cornered until Call OlR cer Barfield could arrive and Kkill it, he has been overwhelmed with ca resses and kind words. | The little fellow was a bit over whelmed at first, but later said, wisa ly, that “it's wmighty fine to (o some thing that'll make . people say nice things about you " “Buster” is not only the care-taker of his little brother, but in reality he is “the man of the house” in his home, Mrs. Dunean is a widow, and “Buster” leoks after nearly all of her business. He is well known in one of the down town banks, where he frequently goes to get checks cashed for his mother, ~_“He's not only a good boy, but a good business man as well,” remarke] Mrs. Duncdn.” - i Macon Is Ready for Big Georgia Jubilee MACON, May 16.-+«Gigantic prepa rations are in progress for the First Georgia Jubilee, to be held in Macon May 19, 20 and 21, A splendid pro gram has been prepared by the Geor gia Jubilee Asgsociation, Thousands of Georglans and hundreds of people of neighboring States are expected to attend., All roads entering this city announce special rates, " One of the crowning events of Lhe Jubilee will he the historical pageant, commencing at 3 o'elock Thursday afternooh on (loleman's Hill, This will depict a scene in (Qeorgla’'s garly higtory, There will be an exact re preduction of the attack on IFort Haw - kinsg by Indians in 1806, Boy Hangs Himself In Building Trapeze NEW YORK, May 16, —Seven-year old Bamuel Poller, of No. 12 Oakland street, Willlamsburg, in ecompany with Julius Felerwitz, nine, who lives in the same house, went into the cellar of his house to erect a trapeze above an empty coal bin, Poller elimbed to thie ceiling and started to attach the rope. With his head batween two floor beams, where timbers were nailed crosswise, the boy turned to look at his comrade and his head became wedged so. that he could not extricate himself. Felerwitz trfed in vain to free his _plqrmuto and then ran screaming up stairs Icr'hdg.. Before the Poller boy's father and other members of the family, aided by a policeman, could liberate him he ‘had strangled (o déath, Published Weekl l; THE GEORGIAN cfim ANY 20 E. Alabama-st., Atlanta, Ga 40,000 SOLDIERS IN BATTLE AT GATILLD . . Villa Hurls His 29,000 Men ' v Against Federal Garrison, but Censors Telegraph. ! JUARRKZ, MEXICO, May 19.—-More than 40,000 Mexiean soldiers are be= lieved to be engaged in the fight around Saltillo that many believe will determine the fate of Victoriano Huerta, The cengorship was clump ed down tight to-day over the rebel Atelegraph linés, and 1t s thought here that General Villa. is following the same course that he pursued at Tor reon when he refused to'let press dis patches through before he had won a victory. Among the Constitutionalist officers here the opinion is openly’ expressed that Villa has thrown his 29,000 sol=- diers against the 11,000 lederals de fending Saltillo, but they are wholly in the dark as to the progreks of the battle. - - It was learned here early to-day that a quaitity of press matter had been filed at the Constitutionalist tel egraph offices at Paredon, Hipolito and Torreon vesterday, but none of it was seep through during the night. ¥ ke A Rebels Seize Diplomat. VERA CRUZ, Miy 19.--Serious. in ‘ternational vonsequences are threat ened 'a} Tampieo by the “war tevy” demands of the Constitutionalists, ~ Angel Trabago, Spanish Vice Consul at Tampieo, is a prisoner in the rebel ranks because he refused to give up $500,000 of his personal fortune Lo ‘General Gonzales and General Cabal lero, leaders of the Constitutionalist Sforees that defented General Zaragosa and captured the city. ; The ordering of the gecond Spanish battleship into Mexiean waters (o join the Carlos V, which is now at this port, is believed to be the resuit of the arrest of the Sparish diplomat ic official at Tampico. The Carlos V is lying in this harbor expecting or ders at any minute to go to Tampico to secure the release of Senor Tra bago, T Raised Demand §450,000. Manual Bayon, Spanish Consul at Vera Cruz, is in communication with ‘his home Government and with the Clonstitutionalists at Vera C'ruz trying to effect the release of Senor Trabaga without resorting to aggressive meus ures. According to information collecled by Senor Bayvon, the rebels first de manded $50,000 from Trabago. ‘The Spanish Vice Consul acceded to this, but immediately ‘afterward the rebels learned that Trabago was a very Iwealthy'man, his fortunc being esti mated at several millions. Thereupon they demanded that he pay $450.000 mote, making the total levy upon him $500,000, or one-fourth of his entire personal fortune, Trabago refused to pay 4ny more money, whereupon he was placed under arrest. 4 Congress Primaries . In North Carolina RALIIGH, N. ', May 16.—Demo cratic primaries in four Congression al Districts to-day indicate the de feat of Congressman John M. Fal son, in the Third, and the danger ously close tight between Congress man J. M. Gudger and Robert R. Reynolds in the Tenthas That Congressman R, N, Page has beaten R. 17 Reasley In the Seventh and that Congressman Yates Webb is nominated over K. R, Preston in the Nintn appare cerlain. WFalson's formidable opponent ls ex-Congress man Chhrles R. Thomas, but nine candidates fought him degperately, A convention or a -second primary will settle. Gudger ap&eur.« to lead Rey nolds, bui Walter Moore, third candi date in the Tenth, is taking enough strangth to make a primary nomina tion doubtful, > In Pennsylvania Park | s ‘ ALLENTOWN, PA., May 16, -Three buffaloes have been born +n the game ’anrk at Colonel Harry C. Trexler, near Schenckville, ten miles north of Allene town. THOUGHT NOISE THUNDER. SANDUSKY, OHIO, May 16, -Cracks men who blew up'an the safe in the of fice of the W. K, Armatrong Elevator ¥ Company, at Monroeville, twelve miles south of this cily, owe thelr eéscape to the fact that vibagers who beard the re ‘fo,n thought the explosion was (hun er. The robbers got abhout sl2§,