The weekly Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1913-19??, May 19, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ASSERTS BAYAN o.k DPLANK N PANAMA TOLLS WASHINGTON, M‘K 18.—8enator Walsh, of Montana, who wa® secre tary of the Baltimore convention platform committee, made a speech against the repeal of the tolls clause of the Panama ("anal bill in the Sen ate to-day that will remain as a mas terpiece in this discuseion. Among other things he told the inside his tory of the adoption of the plank and stated that not only was that plank personally approved by Mr. Bryan, but that, at his suggestion, it was amended to make it stronger. Here is the story as told in the Senator's words: “My relationshir ‘o the Baltimore platform is too intimute to permit me with an easy consclence to escape the fetters it places upon my official action, even though 1 did not concur altogether in any particular policy it announces, It says: ‘We favor the exemption from to!l of American ships engaged in coastwize (rade passing through the canal’ And again, ‘Our pledges are made to be kept when in office as well as relied upon during the campaign.’ Platform Committee Named. “It has been intimated, rather than charged that the appearance of the plank in the platform was surrepti tious. The platform commitiee was constituted as usual of one member from each State designated by the delegation. After listening to those who desired to be heard, a committee of eleven was, on moticn, appointed by the chair to draft a platfcrm. “The committee proceeded to the work assigned to it and in a general way determined upon the propositions which were to find a place in the draft to be submitted. For the pur pose of expedition the work of put ting into a?proprlate language the ideas to which general acquiescence had been given was reposed in Mr. Bryan and Mr. O'Gorman, a delegate from New York. who were author fzed to call to their aid such members of the committee as they chose. They requested Senator Pomergne and my self to remain with them. How Report Was Read. “The draft prepared or assembled by this committee of the subcommit tee, being transcribed under my own personal supervision, was read to the subcommittee and by it reported to the entire committee before which It wuxfln read and, being by it ap prov was presented to and adopted by the convention without change. “When the plank referring to canal tolls was presented Mr, Bryan ex pressed his approvai, but said It ghould be accompanied by amother plank declaring against the admission of railroad-owned ships to the canal And so the platform reads afler the declaration concerning tolls: “"We also'—note the ‘also’-—'favot legislation forbidding the use of the Panama Canal by ships owned by or controlled by rallroad carriers en gaged in transportation competitive with the canal.'” President to Unveil Monument inGeorgia WASHINGTON, May 18.—The President to-day told the Georgia delegation that he would go to Geor gia in October and deliver an address at the unveiling of the monument to General Screven at Midway, Liberty County. Members of Congress who called upon Him were Senators Smith and West and Representatives Howard and Bdwards. They told the Presi dent the monument would be ready for unveiling by July 4, and hoped he could attend them. The President said it would be impossible to go untit October, when Congress will have ad journed. Cloudburst Hits PUBBLO, COLO. May 18.—Swol len by a cloudburst, Fountain River broke through the levees early to-day, carrying away or fllling with mud 200 homes. Property damage was estimated at $500,000. Numerous au tomobile parties returning from Colo rado Springs were caught by the cloudburst halfway between the cities and great anxiety was felt to-day for their safety. The flood reached the stock yards in the eastern section of Pueblo to day and the lives of several thousand head of cattle in transit east are threatened. . . . His Criminal Tests . . - Fail in Classroom CHICAGO, May 15.—Robert H. Gault, professor of physiology at Northwestern University, found that bis criminal test was a failure when endeavoring to ascertain who wired his desk so that every time he em phasized a point with his fist a bell rang. He accused a studious junior, who was the only one in the class who did not know of the joke. THE GEORGIAN'S NEWS BRIEFS Mm. ANNIE WEIR § KORN, whose husband, 5 a prominent real estate man, é 80 loves her that to make her ; happy he permits her to mar- | ry his friend, J. M. Thorne. 2 2el H 5 7 . § a 8 £ UAR EE Y LTY R Y .B > o S 75 PR s s'[‘:/‘-' '/, . A 2 s ? g 7 §R o & 4 L 7 y L E i o A * . A % s ) % & b , e i ; 4 Gl " L y . ¢ % 1 P B k.S P IR e S % B IR B 7 R - e S : \G G A e : ; s PR W ¢:‘;l.?¢;l‘s’Ef;,:.:"s;?)l.:;?.s:s’.éz’ij A R e § vt L : Y y”-::;:;ss'f«':v”’f"" g % T g o 5 ) ey R e 5 i i! G g f ? - ;-"‘P;Z:% §f L 2 Y 9 % S i’ : Tz g 2 - T O R =*e o % Ly % 38 B B G T, 3 : o L L S R 1 e : DR >/§/«/ W % R S R i SO B e e T TR A Y it i R L A T R i i Z A e B R s g KR Tang A I S R R R e R : R RS T B L e R R Y & P s S s e BN o LTI, 4 R Gy 4 A AR K e b ? U M R T Le B T ; PRt SN 1 BAR R e T R S N s & e e A R AN T A TR £ o S o 4T f_»./‘”:ig‘.‘t“ ’ Cigarettes Banned by Edison as Brain Foe Wizard's Tests, Made for Henry Ford, Result in Drastic Order ; Against “Pills.” NEW YORK, May 16.—Cigarettes not tolerated! They dull the brain! This sign greeted the 6,700 em ployees of the Kdison industries at West Orange when they went to work this morning. At the request of Henry Ford, Thomas A. Edison an alyzed twenly brands of cigareties The tobaceo, he says, was of varying quality, but all the paper contained poison. ; In the Ford factories a like notice will be posted. Mr. Edison said yes terday: “The cigareite poison attacks the folds of the brain and works havoc with a man’s mental activity, Evar isto Madero tells me hie peopile, the Mexicans are inveterate cigarette smokers, That iz why they are not clear-healed.” Mileage Restored For Congressmen WASHINGTON, May 16.—The Sen ate Appropriations Committee to-day reported the executive, legislative and judicia] appropriation bill with the so called “mileage grab” rest-‘cd. The House this year stru.k out of the bill the usual provision of 20 cents a mile each for Senators and Repre sentatives travel'ng to and from a session of Congress, Wooden-Limbed Men Organize Social Club SAN FRANCISCO, May 18.—The Wil low Tree Club, the membership to which is limited to men having one or more artificial limbs, has been organized in Oakland, with A. F. Bull president. The organization will issue a maga zine entitled The Willow Tree, of which Bull will be editor. Charles 1). Hast~ ings, who has lost both legs, is secre tary of the club. Bolt Wrecksi Cradle, WORCESTER, MASS., May 16— Lightning demolished the cradle in which the infant child of Mrs. Andrew Bloomquist was sleeping, knocked the mother to the floor, but left the baby unharmed so that when it woke to see the havoc of open wall, bricks and plaster it merely cooed. The bolt tore a 15-foot hole from top to bottom of the three-story . wooden dwelling. T 0 MAKE WiFt HAPPY, GIVES HERTOFRIEND New York Real Estate Man Says: %] Sacrifice Myself Because | Love Her.” " NEW YORK, May 16.—“ Just say I wish both of them all the happiness in the world. Mrs. Korn Ls the dear est woman I have ever known, and ! permitted her to obtain a divorce be cause I was convinced she loved Mr. Thorne and could only be happy with him.” » < Such was the statement made last night by George W. Korn, a wealthy real estate operator and politician, when told that Mrs. Anne Weir Korn, who divorced him in Reno last month, and J. M Thorne, No. 120 West Eigh ty-fifth gtreet, had obtained a mar riage license in Philadelphia. Thorne is a close friend of Korn, and it was after the real estate man saw that Mrs. Korn and Mr. Thorne were becoming devoted to each other that he agreed to step a%fie and per mit his wife to gain r freedom. Thorne recently obtained a divorce from his first wife. “My love for my wifs was too great for me to stand in the way of her hapoiness,” Korn explained. *“She is a charming woman and I feel certain my #acrifice will greatly increase her nappiness. We are the very best of friends, and we have mutually agreed that our son, who is 6 years old, is to spend half of his time with me and half with his mother. “Thorne has my hearty congratula tions. He has won the best wife in the world, and I am just as happy to night as he is, because I know the woman I love is happy.” After his marriage to Miss Weir, in 1906, Korn became estranged from his relatives, and i said to have been de prived of a $1,000,000 interest in his father's estate as a result of the mar riage. Friends of Korn yesterday asserted that he is soon to be married to Mrs. Mary Mandell, who resides at the Hotel Berkely, where Korn also lives. He refused to confirm this report. Mrs. Mandell gald: “There is not the slightest founda tion for any such report, lam a good friend of Mr. Korn's sister-in-law, and 1 have known him for many years." McAdoo Is Urged to Run for U. S. Senate NEW YORK, May 18.—That triends of William G. McAdoo, Secre tary of the Treasury, will try to in duce him to become a candidate for the [/pited States Senate from New York State to succeed Senator Rool, was the gossip here, following a call of William Church Osborn, chairman of the New York State Democratic Committee, on President Wilson, . Officer Kills Man Armed With Knife DOTHAN, ALA, May l4.—Lunce Love, who was shot early to-day by Policeman Pilcher, died this evening. He made an affidavit. Officer Pil cher is in custody. It is said Love, while under arrest, attacked the policeman with a large knife. lLove had shot two negroes within the past eight months. ’ Subdued Colors for Milady’s Fall Gown CLEVELAND, May 14.—Colors in women's fall and winter garments are 1o be more subdued than those prevail ing in 1914 Spring wear. This is the advance notice of the del egates to the semi-annual convention of the Natlonal Cloak, Suit and Skirt Man. ufacturers’ Assoclation, in session here. The new colors will include, in darker tones, ‘‘nigger’’ brown, Russian green ‘and other shades, in addition to Copen hagen black and navy. Kaiser Is Godfather To American Child BERLIN, May 14— Emperor William acted as godfather at the christening ‘in Berlin of the infant daughter of Lieu tenant Commander Walter R. Gherardi, American naval attache. His Majesty ‘desired to be godfather because ol:}- high regard for George Bancroft, Ameri. can historian, and the child's great grandfather. Liner Finds 450-Mile Ice Field Off Banks HALIFAX, May 18.—Long ice fields off the Newfoundland coast and the Grand Banks were reported by Captain Agassiz, of the steamer Uranium, here “’." I&er voyage from Rotterdam for New ork. The liner plowed through the ice for 11 miles to open water. The fleld ex tended 450 mijes. 19 DYNAMITER DRDERED BACK TOl. 5. PRISON Labor Leaders Lose Fight for Freedom by Mandate of the Court of Appeals. CHICAGO, May 16.—The United State Circuit Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit to-day entered an order remanding 24 men convicted of dynamite conspiracy back to the Federal Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kans. The convicted men were or dered to report either to the United States Marshal at Chicago or to the warden of the penitentiary not later than June 6. ‘ Five Returned Voluntarily. The order of the court practically will affect only nineteen of the con victed men, as five of those whose cases were affirmed returned to the penitentiary voluntarily when the United States Supreme Court denied thsm a hearing on a writ of certiorari, and now are serving their terms. ~ 'The dynamiting cases date back to 1905, when a contest started between ‘the American Bridge Company and ‘the Bridge and Iron Workers' Union over the ‘“open shop” question, A strike against the company was de ;clared in August, 1905, and the con test grew In intensity. | Many }ridgn Destroyed. } A number of bridges were blown up_in various parts of the country, ‘and several “open shop” ironworks ‘were blown up. During 1911 nearly 100 explosions occurred in various parts of the country. The “dynamite iwatfan" culminated with the blow ing up of The Leos An,eles Times ’bufldlnz and the killing of 23 men. ~ This was followed by the arrest of John and James J. McNamara, offi cers of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Work ‘ers, and Ortie McManigal, who con 'fcssed that he had been employed by the McNamara brothers te blow up buildings constructed by “open shop” concerns, Thirty-nine Convicted. On the testimony of McManigal and other Government witnesses, 39 men were convicted at Indiamapolis for conspiracy to transport dynamite in violation of interstate commerce reg ulations, Thirty-three of the convicted men entered the Federal prison at Leav enworth, Kans,, January 1. 1913. A few weeks later most of them were released on bonds pending the out come of petitions to the Court of Ap peals. This tribunal of appeals af firmed the judgment as to 24. The cases of six were reversed, the Gov :;nment not opposing new trials for ree. Freshmen Ducked in Knowledge Fountain ——— NEW YORK, May 16.—More than 50 freshmen, all in white pajamas, were “ducked” in the Fountain of Knowledge, in front of the Hall of Fame, at New York University last night. An equal number who es caped the initiation will be in retire ment until they settle matters amica bly with the sophomores, who had charge of last night's ceremonies. ““In lock step the freshmen were marched from the Gold Hall dormi tory to the fountain, There a com mitiee of seniors, acting as judges, called the name of each freshman and decided how many times he was to be “ducked,” ttat depending on how he had conducted himself in regard to college traditions. Many escaped with one bath. Others were “ducked” ten times, As they scampered from the foun tain the freshmen ran back to Gould Hall and dressed in dry clothes. The professors and chancellor later held receptions, with refreshments, in their homes, / MARRY-—Many rich, congenial and anx ious for companions. l’#‘erelung pars ticulars and photo free. e Messenger, Jacksonville, Fla. MARRY RlCH—Matrimonial gnpor of hlihest character, conmlnl;x{ undreds of nhotos and descriptions marriage able urog}l‘o with means. Mailed free Sealed. ther sex. Writa to-day. One may be your ideal. Address Standard Cor. Club, Box 607, Gnq.kc. 1. AGE Hot weather Is here. Make $5O per week selling Imperial Self-Heat ing lrons. Every housewife wants one. Gardner Flat Iron-Co.. Memphis, Tenn. SALESMEN WANTED. SELL TREES—Fruit trees, Pecana trees, Shade trees, Ornamentals and Roses. to sell. Big profits, Write to-day. SMITH BROS,, Dept. 39, Con cord, Ga. PERSONAL. ANXIOUS about future, love, business, etc.? Send dime, stamp and date of birth, for valuvable predictions for com ing year. Prof. J. Alison, Box B, Springfield, Ohio. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS-—Hot weather is here. Make $5O per week selling Imperial Self- Heating Irons. Every housewife wants one. Gardner Flat Iron Company, Mem phis, Tenn.