The weekly Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1913-19??, June 16, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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2 E”Tu [s £| W[ST‘ ‘ 7 Sends Obituary to Georgian,] Then Shoots Himself in Chattancoga Hetel. | — | Captuin Brawst & Weet, ex-naval: officer, former instractor at Georgia Tech and the Aflanta Beys' High School, amd spectacslar hero of a career semsational at ewery turn, made an attempt at suicide im a Chatta nooga hotel Monday that was as full of the element of melodrama as his dife had ever beem. Pre eding by enly an hout or = ihe news of his attempted suicide laere came w 0 The Atissta Georgian a det ter wsert Trem Washingten D. C, by TCaptain West, im which ne hed written his own obitvary. Cakmly and dispasmonately, as if he were wriving of apother person, be sel forth the details of his varted and check ored career. The accomponying note =aid: “foditor Atlanita Georgian: Inclosed #s certain biographical data for such wse s may eventwally appear. | re quest that you retsin it on file. E K West" Calls Life “Impossible.” A nother note, written fro mthe New Willurd Hotel at the Capital, said: “l feel that 1 have been greatly wronged, and my health has been so wery poor that 1 go mot wish my for mer Atlawta friends to think I turned criminal or morally bad. 1 did net. But, my God, a man CAN be killed and 1 bave been! . . . The ceurt, acquitted me; but on some specious which recently tried me, at first reasoning which 1 mever =aw, it changed its decision and Daniels, with his pew policy, finished me. 1 lost the imcome on $3OOOO and in my state of health, life is impossible. With best wishes, “E. E WEST.” Inclosed with this was a slip of paper from a pad of the Grand Ho tel, Washington, on which was writ ten: 1 was divorced from Mrs. West in the state of Washington, Kitsap County, on May 8, 1914, B E W. Then came the telegram telling that Captain West had attempted self destruction in the Hotel Patten, Chat tenooga, shooting himself in the forehead. He fired three shots, but only one was effective. He was found before life was extinct, lying in a pool of blood, and was rushed to the Er langer Hospital where at £ o'cleck he wae said to be in a desperate and critical com@ition, out of which Hhis recovery is denbiful. Divorce Suit Shocked Society. The troubles of Captain West have been aired from time to time in Atl lanta, each wmore wnusual than the last, culminating in the sensational divorce suit of his wife, which thocked Atlanta society. Mrs. Wes. is en Adamta woman, the daughter of Mrs. John H. Jones, of No. 487 Court land street. Her charges sgainst her huosband involved even the allegation that he attempled 1o Kidnas their ®on, Brnest Reid West, besides ac crediting him with svarious other of fenses. ‘ Upon his last visit to Atllania (‘an-‘ tain West was arrested omw the charge of his mother-in-law, who declared he had entered ner home in search of his son. and had beaten her severely, an.l casges of assault with intent to kill. érunkenness unag disorderly con duct were docketed against him. He was placed under a bond of $2,5300 to attend trisl, and the case still is pending. Clark and Marshall Sign Tolls Repeal WASHINGTON, June 13 —Speuker Clark and Vice President Marshall this afternoon signed the Panama Canal tolls repealing bill as it passed the House and Senate, and it will he laid before President Wilson Mondayv for his approval that it mayv become effective as a law, Only the President's absence pre vented it from becoming a law to day. The President has indicated that he will approve the bill, althouzh carrying the Senate amendment in sisting on sovereignty over the Canal Zone, which the President at first op peosed. 4 TOLL REPEAL SIGNED. 1 WASHINGTON, June 15 —President w signed the Panama tollk bill at *§9 a. m. to-day. THE GEORGIAN'S NEWS BRIEFS \CHILD LABOR IN SOUTH 'DENOUNCEDBYPROBER P, 3 o e . " o o k 3 i , “" - el & % o o ve S e 3 1 - > o AL R - AR A Tl i s P b g 7 G~ ) &2 s-i > v i - g L 3 ¥, R % E © B . y % vontard A g t ek 4 ol : .-"': / o.’ G P ¢ % S et A { L <A i -~ v o * G o b S i e TR N o SR B > . 3 % e & s 9 Vi g S N : 7 AEiHy Ty i i A i : . .0 iy Vi o ’:* . 2 z n” . ol L & i ; . o vE 5 - 4% ol 3 . R ek . = § g g 2 % . » - v & MR § 8l ol > o h R §:5% £hf & i A i %% & re 2 % “ §5 % F 2 é : AR T RS £ w.# eSS S PO 4 y ¢ v < L F 4 & “ ! % 3 £ . : iiig ‘8 €T - ; . "X v P ¢ I ERE g 3 S g & Fa oo G & F 3 2 i raeße & FN T, 4 §« 3 £ M TR TiTS M R i o 3 i A %e@ iE “f ? e $ ol LAt BriC L RSt S 3 ] : - ¥4 / % o F 3 268 H: 2 £ & e = s F 3 3 4 : g F ! % > X 52% % P ek # L ? ’ ¥ i 3 v % /t ;1).3} & #" : 3 4R T A { ¥ . . ¥ g 8 R &~ R AR : : ' ¥ e e S TS A * s : %oy TS PR R ¥ . 3AT 3 = & S FRILTT o LBR Rl o i e G el TR ¢ gB T RG> OE v 5 o S N’?“ X A ¥, X Ee: RLR P TXS i o , BT R B ™ 3 % et ’i H &~y {& \ S K& o 41S g - >’. _»'4‘(- o .’sBe e 3 o 3 g e, C LRI R D e N i, G %L 3 ” : ff 2 g zi’:-”,’ & | AR S R e ; o R R Z s g %RRP s 4 R ¥eLe e b e D b s ’an ’4%-"2 e e " ? SV L e o X v o b W S S e ; 3 LT e P ; i e ‘.j.., ::_,::. E " '&v?" .:.‘<L % / -‘“ , _"_;‘ s 3 7 i ; _‘»’:‘;’.{";, ‘ i 3 4 R i . : e { 7 WD ol g s‘e $ s -‘ € 5 -g;(;?v- a 2 b i 4 7,,_;‘;. ; X L, T o i 5 . R N TEE B 7 ; @<RB= . o Py 2 §x S e, y —cosae s’ NEW YORK, Jure 12 —Miss Ehza. beth Watson, weli-known imvesUga tor, who went South to gather the mosi conclusive inside evidence of the true conditions of child labor in can neries for Lhese who are supporting the Palmer-Owen b'll, and who wWas selected by the Child Welfare lewgue to answer ioe oppesition at the re cent hearing given to the oppenents of the bill by the Labor Committee of the House, in an interview said: “Ae a matter of national pride, this bill, which is Uesigned 1o make the Interstate Commerce Commission re spongible for the prevention of inter state trade in goods produced by the laber of children under 14 vears, or by children between 14 and 16 who are emploved more than eight hours a day, should be passed. l “We hope the Labor Committee of 'the House will see the necessity to }reporl this bill out as soon as pos 'sible and that every C(ongressmamn and every Senator will want to sup \pon it so that these children of thy Sputhern workshops mayv enjoy some of the privileges of c¢hildheod.” . “The conditions are appalling,” con timued Miss Watson., I spent my first night 1 a camp at Pass Chris tian and slept on a wooden bunk bai't inta the wa!l, with a Ilittle moss thrown on it for & mattress. “The children are permitted to work from fourteen to €ixteen hours daily, and 1 candidly admit that the work that these children do year in and year gut would have Killed me in a short while. “These voung gir.s in the factores of the Seuth, grewn el before their titße, wear the same listless, hopelass look as their s'sters in the priscas *We have ¥ § 110 ¢ far the coa servation of fomests, for the preven tea of wog «hew i, 1o The CousSsrva tion of rivers and natural resources. for birds, and surely in time we wiil have a Federal law for the conserva tion of childhood in the United States.” : . Denies Offer of Bank Board Place CHICAGO. June 12.—Themas D. Jones, retired lawyer and former co trustee with Woodrow Wilson at Princeton, to-day denied that he had been offered the appointment to the Federal Reserve Beard. His denial disposed of reports from Washingtoa that he had been “selected” for the Federal Reserve Board. E velyn Thaw Routed | 'From Bed to Pay Debt § i e | PARIS, Jane 13.—Mrs. Evelyn Nes |hil Thaw was awakened at § o'clock ‘this merping in her apartment by a bailiff and five top-hatted assistants, who prevailed upon her to pay them $lBO for a gown ordereg from Paul Poret last year. Mrs. Thaw de { clares the gown was never delivered to her. After visiting the fashionable res { taurants last night,. Mrs, Thaw re 'turned to the hotel rather late, and %the sudden eruption of the debt col | Jectars into her apartment vompletely | unnerved her. She was. ill all day. | She declared she will establish a home @here and sue {.. divorce. U. 8. Senate Votes to Extend Civil Service WASHINGTON, June 15.—The Sen ate to-day, by a vote of 30 to 237, E;xdopu-d the Smoot amendment to the llegisla!i\'e. executive and judicial ap prepriations bl placing all commer l(‘iul attaches ¢&f the Department of ;(‘.nmmerre under the c¢ivil service 'rules. . Senator J. Ham Lewis Doctors His Name WASHINGTON, June 15.—Senater James Huamilion l.ewis, of Illinois, has notified the United States primters that hereafter he will e known as simply Hamilton Lewis. For yvears he has been cartooned, joked and gibed on account of his dress and his flambovant tinted whiskers. As “James Hamilton Lewis” he has boen known to fame and publicity. Atlantic City Se ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., June 15— The old-fashioned basgque amnd the bustle skirt are on the beard walk, WASHINGTON, Jume 12.—The habitual calm amd even melancholy ©? the United States Senate was stilk a-tremble to-day ever the rude jost ling it go: Thursday nign when Sea ator James K. Vardamwan, of Missis sippi and Senator Willlam 8. West, of Georgia, indulged in a renning and discomnected joint dispuie and mear fight as to inferred undwe influencing of Senators in the matter of the pass age of the canal tolls repeal act. Senator Vardaman had made a short speech, in which he denounced again those Democrats who were re pudiating their party platform. - Senator West followed with a long speech of the typical old-fashioned Lustings style. He said that Demo crats had disagreed on muany issues since the silver campaign of 1896, but there had never been any denuncia ‘tion of Democrats or charges of par 1y perfidy because they had net al wavs agreed. | West Gets Personal. Mr. West had worked himsedf imto a state of intense excitement amd his recfrence to Mr. Vardaman grew more personal. The two men were omnly six fest apart, with ene intervening desk. Sen.- ator Ashurst saw what was coming, and slipped into the seat between them. Sergeant-at-Arms Higgins quietly walked around and stood be hind Semator West. Acting Doer keeper Keller placed himself in an advantageouns position Tor any emer gency. ~ “There has been charged here that the Carnegte Foundation has spent $20.000 to pass this bill,” shouted Mr. West. “Who knows,” he said, lookiag at Mr. Vardaman and waving his arms frantically, “but what the ship order to defeat this bill?” ping interests have spent $190,6060 in “Have vou been eoffered any ?” asked - Mr. Vardaman, in evident anger. . “Don’t you say that to me,” shout ed Mr. West, stepping toward the tall Senator from Mississippi, with a show of aggressiveness. “Well,” retorted Mr. Vardaman. ris ing from %is seat, “you are making an intimation that somebody else has been induenced.” “I did mot say so; 1 said——" re plied ihe Georgia Scnator. “You said——" blazed Mr. Vardi man, as he stepped forward, but in the confusion that sarcse his words were ot Senator Ashurst jumped to his feat, barring the way., Sergeant-at-Aring Higgins put his hand on the sleeve of Senator West, Senator Hoke Smith intruded his ponderous form into the small group, and no harm was done anvbedy. ATHENS, June 15.—Greece and T ur key moved one step npearer war to day when Premier Venizlos went to the Porte a note msisting that a reply be returned a! once te his previcus communication demanding that the persecution of Greeks in Turkish do minions cease at once. National sen timent is strongly in faveor of war. Tt has been learned that Turkey hus been making secret preparations for a conflict, moving troops and war su,- plies to strategic points. Fund for Animals 250 ~ Years Hence Started ’ VANSVILLE, IND., June 15.—An nouncement of a tentative gift of $l,OOO to Elbert Hubbard's commu nity at Bast Aurora, N. Y., by Adoliph Melser, a local philanthropist and friend of dumb animals, was made 10- day. 2 ‘The money is to be deposited for 250 years in a bank and compounded semi-ammually at 4 per cent interest, In 250 yvears it will amnount to apprex imately $20,000,000 and will be used for the benefit of animals of that day. Wrigley Values Gum Name at $7,000,000 CINCINNATI, Juwe 6 —The trade name- of Wrigley's “Spearmint” chew ing gum is valued at $7.000000 in a suit filed in United States District Court in behalf of the Williain Wrigley, Jr, Cpmpany of West Virginia against the Helmet Company of Cwainna . The suit charges unfair compelition and alleges that the damage suffered by the alleged imitation of- the Wrigiey package wrapper amounts to more than $5O 060 THREE IN RACE IN BUTTS. JACKSON, June 151 t is sa:d that N. H. Greer and Dr. R. W, Mays wilil both announce for the Lower House from Butts this week. So far the enly candidate is C. A. Towles, of Cork. Al are well-known citizens,