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Former addict uses recovery
experience to help others
On any day of the week, a tall, un
assuming bald guy helps keep no fewer
than 50 people on the path to sobriety.
Sandy Springs’ resident Trey Miller
is the founder and execu
tive director of LifeLine
Atlanta, a nonprofit, sober
living environment (what
used to be called “half
way houses”) for men and
women dedicated to long
term success in recovery
from chemical addiction.
A former alcoholic and
drug addict himself, Mill
er began his organiza
tion with just four beds in
2009. Today, nearly three
years later, his small busi
ness has expanded to nine locations
and 15 employees in Dunwoody and
Doraville. He offers separate facilities
for men and women, and constantly has
waiting lists.
“I was given a second chance at life
and finding a spiritual way of living,” he
And that’s not
even his “day job.”
He’s employed as an
IT consultant and
web designer.
Starting and suc
cessfully maintaining
a niche business in a difficult economy
has been no small task. With the help of
his business partner Kim Hagler, the di
rector of women’s programs and also a
an ex-addict, Miller supervises resident
managers and assistants to run the day-
to-day operations.
“Working with LifeLine has giv
en me the opportunity to discover how
purposeful a life of helping people can
truly be,” Hagler said. “It’s changed my
perspective on who I am and how much
healing power love has when working
with addicts on their recovery paths.”
Some clients are transitioning from
full-time, inpatient treatment back to
their former lives while others, through
various experiences, have simply ac
knowledged their inability to control
their compulsions and have come for
help. All are tasked with making com
plete life changes to get healthy.
The program is based on the guid
ing principles of the Twelve Steps es
tablished in Alcoholics Anonymous, the
foundation for all Twelve Step addiction
recovery programs. Each home is ful
ly certified by two major accreditation
bodies, and Miller and Hagler work to
gether to create a spirit of community
to build a peer support network, open
communication with families, and even
hold special events such as trips to ball
games, parties (all alcohol-free of course)
and even a graduation.
“Trey and I have been blessed with
complementary sets of work, life and
Trey Miller
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educational experience,” Hagler said.
“That has enabled us to run a successful
business as a partnership from its con
At a time when many
similar organizations are
struggling financially,
Miller’s biggest challenge
is lack of space for his bur
geoning business. Miller
attributes the growth to
numerous factors: family
addiction; difficult home
environments; hard times;
or poor choices in han
dling the stresses of life,
such as complicated rela
tionships, career struggles,
health problems or finan
cial troubles.
One unique aspect of LifeLine is
Miller and Hagler’s focus on creating
a safe atmosphere in which they take
a personal interest in clients, spending
one-on-one time with each. Miller be
lieves this is one of the keys to a success
ful sober living pro
gram. “Here, clients
aren’t just a number,”
he said.
LifeLine provides
communication with
client’s families who
struggle with mixed
emotions including resentment, frus
tration, fear, relief, cynicism and even
hopelessness. Miller found the perfect
person with experience and compassion
to serve as the family liaison — his moth
Reta Miller connects with families to
provide hope for a healthier future, yet
learn how to cope with current challeng
es. Trey Miller concludes, “I know that
if it can work for someone who was as
hopeless as me, it can work for anyone.
This is real personal.”
For more information:
Workshop planned
Lifeline plans to hold
a workshop for family
members of people
struggling with addiction.
What: “Understanding Your
Addicted Loved One - How
to Truly Help Them”
When: May 11,10
a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Where: North Atlanta Church
of Christ, 5676 Roberts
Drive, Dunwoody, 30338
Cost: $50 for the first
attendee, $25 for each
additional attendee.
Registration information:
Suzi Maddox, 404-552-4158
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