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Georgia Commerce and Brookhaven
banks merge
Georgia Commerce Bancshares,
Inc., the holding company of Geor
gia Commerce Bank, and Brookhav
en Bank on Oct. 1 jointly announced
the signing of a definitive merger
agreement that will create a near
ly $1 billion in assets banking fran
The merger will expand Geor
gia Commerce Bank's footprint to
nine branches across metro Atlanta.
Brookhaven Bank has two branch
es located in North DeKalb County,
one located at 2987 Clairmont Road
and a second located at 2221 John
son Ferry Road.
The acquisition has been approved by the boards of directors of the compa
nies, and is expected to close late in the fourth quarter of 2013. It is subject to cus
tomary conditions, including Brookhaven shareholder and regulatory approval.
"We are very excited about having Brookhaven Bank as part of our family
and expanding our banking franchise into the vibrant Brookhaven community,"
Mark Tipton, CEO of Georgia Commerce Bank, said in a press release. "We are
impressed with the employees, officers, management and board of this quality
community bank, who share our same values, philosophies and commitment to
outstanding customer service."
Bill Kane, chief executive officer of Brookhaven Bank, said the acquisition will
benefit customers, employees and the community. "With its larger size and suc
cessful track record, Georgia Commerce Bank offers our customers new and ex
panded services, and creates more opportunity for our employees," Kane said.
Columbia Property Trust on NYSE
A real estate invest
ment trust headquar
tered in Sandy Springs
now is being traded on
the New York Stock Ex
Columbia Proper
ty Trust, which holds
a portfolio of 82 build
ings in 19 states, has
more than $5 billion in
vested in prime office
real estate and about
134,000 shareholders,
the company said. It
will be traded on the
stock exchange under
the symbol CXP.
Olens to speak to Dunwoody Chamber
Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens is scheduled to be the featured speak
er Nov. 7 at the Drmwoody Chamber of Commerce's 2013 annual meeting and
"It is a great pleasure for the Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce to host Sam
Olens, attorney general for the state of Georgia," Chamber Executive Director
Beth Summers said in a press release. "He will provide Drmwoody businesses
with insight on regulations that could impact our community as a whole."
The chamber's annual gala is scheduled from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Nov. 7 at Lee-
Brant Jewelers, 127 Perimeter Center West. The chamber's annual meeting will
begin at 5 p.m.
Tickets cost $55 or $95 for couples. For tickets and other information, contact
the chamber at 678- 244-9700 or
Columbia Property Trust, headquarted
in Sandy Springs, is now being traded
on the New York Stock Exchange.
Mark Tipton, chairman and CEO,
left, and Rodney Hall, president
14 | OCT. 18 —OCT. 31,2013 |