Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, May 23,2018
Jeffrey Wayne "J. D."
Jeffrey Wayne “J. D.”
Disharoon, 52, of
Dawsonville, died May 14,
Bom March 16, 1966 in
Atlanta, he lived most of
his life in Dawsonville. J.
D. worked doing all types
of carpentry but specialized
in flooring. An accom
plished musician, he had
written hundreds of songs
and enjoyed playing his
guitar and singing every
chance he got. He never
went anywhere without his
guitar. He was also cre
ative in other arts and
enjoyed fishing and spend
ing time with his children
and grandson. J. D. was a
member of Bethel Baptist
His mother, Patricia
“Pat” Vaughn, preceded
him in death.
Survivors includer his
companion, Kathy Thorn
of Dawsonville; children,
Jeffery Disharoon, Melody
Disharoon and Allen
Williams, Jacey Disharoon,
Maddox Disharoon, all of
Cumming; grandson,
Zeppelin Williams; father,
Marcus Disharoon of
Dawsonville; sister, Tami
Nelson of Dawsonville;
various other relatives also
A memorial service will
be held at 11 a.m. June 2 in
the Bearden Funeral Home
Chapel. Rev. Jason Hamby
and Rev. Stephen Davis
will officiate.
The family will receive
friends from 10 a.m. to 11
a.m. Saturday June 2.
Bearden Funeral Home
of Dawsonville was in
charge of the arrangements.
Dawson County News
May 23, 2018 '
Aubrey Marshall
Mr. Aubrey Marshall
Sexton, 78, of Bartow, died
May 17, 2018.
A native of Gainesville,
Mr. Sexton was a son of the
late Lane Sexton and Laura
McGhee Sexton. He was a
graduate of Lyman Hall
High School and an Army
veteran. He was also a
truck driver for Wright
Plastic and the owner
Sexton’s Restaurant. He
was a member of
Davisboro Baptist Church
and a former member of
Silver City Baptist Church.
His parents; parents-in-
law, Eugene and Peg
Whitmire; nephew, Craig
Wofford; and great-grand
son, Isaiah Key, preceded
him in death.
Survivors include his
wife, Peggy Ann Whitmire
Sexton of Bartow; daugh
ters and sons-in-law,
Mellony and Clifford Peck
of Cumming, Rhonda and
Thomas Johnson of
Cumming; son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Christopher and
Mary B. Holtzclaw of
Bartow; brother, Cleveland
and Donna Sexton; sisters,
Christa and Nelson
Shumake, Elaine and Bret
Foster, Nedra Riddle; eight
grandchildren; 17 great
grandchildren; several niec
es and nephews; various
other relatives also survive.
Funeral services were
held at 4 p.m. May 21 at
Davisboro Baptist Church,
with the Rev. Chris
Holtzclaw, Rev. Lamar
Jackson and Rev. Larry
Glover officiating.
Mr. Sexton was placed in
the church prior to the ser
vice. Internment followed
at Davisboro City
Cemetery. Pallbearers were
Jason Holtzclaw, Jonathan
Medlin, Alex Lester, Jamie
Martin, Matt White and
Chris Coker.
The family received
friends from 4 p.m. to 8
p.m. May 19, and after 1
p.m. May 20 at the funeral
Taylor Funeral Home
and Cremation care of
Louisville was in charge of
the arrangements.
Dawson County News
May 23, 2018 '
Arrest Reports
May 14
Troy Alan Clogston, 46,
Cumming: Theft by shop
Robbie Loyd Hyder, 53,
Garden City: Probation
Dustin Alexander
Roller, 29, Dawsonville:
Probation violation/felo
Angel Michelle
Langley, 24, Cumming:
Here for court.
Elizabeth Beatrice
Lowe, 28, Decatur:
Probation violation/felony.
May 15
Skylar David Davis, 18,
Dahlonega: Criminal tres
Donnie Cleveland
Fleming, 70, Dawsonville:
Three counts child moles
tation, first degree cruelty
to children, incest, aggra
vated child molestation,
aggravated assault/family
violence, solicitation of
sodomy, aggravated sod
Michael Pete Mabros,
46, Jackson: Hold for
other agency.
May 16
Esperanza Avalos-
Perez, 35, Dawsonville:
Driving without license,
failure to stop for stop
Austin O’Neal
Campbell, 29,
Gainesville: Failure to
Christopher Morgan
Degler, 22, Dawsonville:
Possession of marijuana.
Joshua Samuel Poe, 19,
Dawsonville: Failure to
John Andrew Taylor,
21, Gainesville: Failure to
May 17
Janet Rene Allen, 51,
Dawsonville: Failure to
register as a sex offender.
Monica Marie
Ammons, 32: Suwanee:
False name/date of birth,
two counts possession of
a controlled substance,
two counts drug related
Daniel Jason Burt, 43,
Marble Hill: DUI/alcohol.
College Notes
UNG lieutenant
receives honor
Georgia Army National
Guard Second Lieutenant
Caleb Rogers received a
Certificate of
Commendation and a “gold
bar” signifying his rank
from Lieutenant Colonel
(Retired) Brian J. Austin of
the Georgia Mountain
Chapter, Military Officers
Association of America.
The presentation was made
on May 5, 2018 during
commissioning and gradu
ation ceremonies at the
University of North
Georgia, in Dahlonega.
Second Lieutenant Rogers
is the son of Suzanne
Rogers of Dawsonville and
Marce McMullen of
Brenau University
Spring Merit List
Brenau University con
gratulates the 233 students
who made the Merit List in
the spring 2018 semester.
Merit list students must
maintain a 3.5 grade point
average while carrying 12
to 14 semester hours of
course work with no grade
lower than B in that semes
Local students who
made the Merit List
Kaitlin Elizabeth Gentry
of Dawsonville, a class of
2018 student majoring in
Katherine A. Greer of
Dawsonville, a class of
2018 student majoring in
Sarah Joan McEnnan of
Dawsonville, a class of
2018 student majoring in
Berry College
Spring Dean's List
The following area stu
dents were named to the
Spring 2018 Dean’s List at
Berry College. The Dean’s
List honors students who
posted an academic aver
age of 3.5 or better on a 4.0
scale while carrying a class
load of at least 12 hours
during the semester.
Alex Killingsworth of
Benjamin Umberger of
Because of the upcoming holiday, Dawson County News
will alter deadlines for the May 30th edition:
Publication of Wednesday 5/30/18
Deadline will be Thursday, 5/24 at 2pm
Publication of Wednesday 5/30/18
Deadline will be Friday, 5/25 at 12pm
Publication of Wednesday 5/30/18
Deadline will be Thursday 5/24/18 at 12pm
Dawson County News will be closed Monday,
May 28th in observance of Memorial Day.
The family of
Laura Jean Denard
request the honor of your presence
to celebrate her
on SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 2018
from 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Bethel United Methodist Church
100 Lumpkin Campground Rd. South,
Dawsonville, GA 30534
No gifts, please.
John Michael
Kiertekles, 29, Suwanee:
Simple battery/family vio
Lawrence Arthur
Puckett, 57, Austell:
Probation violation/felony.
May 20
Rebekah Anne
Donovan, 38,
Dawsonville: Probation
obstruction of officer.
Florencio Rolan
54, Canton: Driving with
out valid license, passing
in a no passing zone.
May 18
Charles Daniel
Holbrook, 35,
Dawsonville: Serving
county sentence.
Crystal Rice Pinkard,
46, Dawsonville: Bench
warrant/failure to appear
in court.
May 19
Destiny Candice Ray,
28, Alpharetta: Possession
of a controlled substance,
drag related objects.
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A Metro Market Media Publication
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and Classified deadlines
are 3 p.m. Friday
Established in 2015 by the merger of Dawson Community News and Dawson News and Advertiser
30 Shoal Creek Road
Dawsonville, GA 30534
PHONE (706) 265-3384
FAX (706) 265-3276
USPS 018-876
PUBLISHER | Stephanie Woody
EDITOR | Allie Dean
Updates online at DaWSOnNeWS 1
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is noon Monday
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Published Wednesdays by the Dawson County News Co., 30 Shoal
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changes to Dawson County News, P.O. Box 1600, Dawsonville,
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