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Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Basketball stars return to coach
Anglins to helm junior varsity squads
By Jessica Brown
Not one, but two basket
ball stars from the class of
2013 have come back to
coach at Dawson County
High School.
Five years after ending
their playing careers in
Dawson County, Will
Anglin and Carly Gilreath
Anglin have returned to
their alma mater ready to
take the reins of the junior
varsity basketball pro
“I’m excited,” Will
Anglin said. “It still has the
same feel as when I played.
The community’s behind
you. The community wants
to support you which is
exciting. I’m just really
glad to be back.”
Will was a star basketball
player and was voted to
play on a second Region
7-AAA All-Region team
his senior year at DCHS.
Carly was also formida
ble on the court and was
selected to play for the
Region 7-AAA All-Region
team her senior year and
was voted Player of the
The pair were eighth
grade sweethearts and mar
ried in June of last year.
Will graduated from the
University of North
Georgia in May, where he
pursued his bachelor’s
degree in secondary educa
tion mathematics, while
Carly earned her degree in
Early Childhood Education
from the Aiken campus of
the University of South
Carolina last year.
“It was cool because he
didn’t play basketball dur
ing (college),” Carly Anglin
said. “He didn’t do any
sports whereas I did so he
could always come to my
Every chance Will got,
he would make the three-
and-a-half hour drive to
South Carolina to see his
girlfriend play, and he real
ized that he missed the
“I always loved the game
and I decided not to go
play college so I was like ‘I
need to get back into the
game’ and coaching was
my way in,” Will said.
Since he was 16 years
See Anglins 12B
Photos by Jessica Brown Dawson County News
A group of kids fight for the ball during an indoor game of floor hockey at the All Sports Day Camp at
Rock Creek Park June 4.
Sports camp offers summer fun
By Jessica Brown
For the fifth year in a row, Rock
Creek Park has been full of young
athletes trying their hand at just about
every sport imaginable.
The annual All Sports Day Camp
kicked off June 4 and offered some
thing for everyone by providing a
good foundation of various sports for
kids ages 5-13 can enjoy all week
P.E. teacher and head football
coach at North Forsyth Middle
School, Ty Carnes, began the All
Sports Day Camp at Rock Creek Park
five years ago as a way to get kids out
of the house and active during the
“The main reason I started was
low-cost just to get the kids out active
throughout the summer,” Carnes said.
“Get them off the video games, get
them off the couch sitting at home
and to introduce a variety of sports
that some of these kids don’t have an
opportunity to play.”
Every day camp participants get to
play four to five different sporting
games. Monday morning just hap
pened to be kickball, a camp favorite
Carnes, who has coached not only
A player in the Bear Group at the
All Sports Day Camp jumps up
to catch the ball during a session
of kickball Monday morning.
football but his children’s baseball
and softball teams, has had his hands
in just about every sport and he want
ed to give kids the opportunity to
learn new sports they may have never
“It’s amazing. We’ll get some of
these kids that don’t even know how
to hold a golf club. They don’t know
how to put the correct fingers in a
bowling ball. So it’s little things like
that that they learn as we go through
out the week,” Carnes said.
During the week, players get the
chance to try out anything from tradi
tional sports like baseball, softball,
football, soccer, basketball and tennis
to the more exotic games like kick-
ball, bowling, ultimate Frisbee, putt-
putt golf and floor hockey.
“We talk a lot about teamwork,
being good sports, playing things the
right way, doing things right and it’s
just more of a fun laidback week just
doing sports all day every day,”
Carnes said.
And when the kids finished out the
day with good sportsmanship and fol
lowed directions, they got the ulti
mate treat: an exciting game of
Rock Creek Park provides Carnes
and his kids access to both gymnasi
ums, the recreation room and all out
door facilities so the possibilities for
sporting fun are endless. The Kona
Ice truck also comes by one day dur
ing the camp to provide snow cones,
and the kids get to enjoy the Rotary
Island splash pad to cool down during
the camp.
See Camp |2B
Lady Tigers continue
summer practices
Jessica Brown Dawson County News
The Dawson County Lady Tigers Varsity and JV
teams began their second week of summer
practice June 4. Head Coach Steve Sweat was
excited to be back on the court, calling it his
"home away from home" as he watched the
girls work on their two-pointers.
Future Tigers basketball
camp starts June 19
From staff reports
The Dawson County
Tigers basketball pro
gram is offering a sum
mer camp for upcoming
sixth, seventh and eighth
The coaching staff
would like to use this
opportunity to build rela
tionships and develop
fundamental skills with
the “Future Stars” of
Dawson County.
Tiger Development
Camp is open to all stu
dents planning to attend,
play or tryout for basket
ball at Dawson Middle
School or Dawson
County Junior High
School. Players will learn
offensive and defensive
strategy used in the high
school’s program.
The camp is under the
direction of Head Coach
Chad Pittman and
Assistant Coach Michael
Parker. It will be held
from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
June 19-21 at the
Dawson County High
School gym.
The fee for each player
is $25. All players will
receive a Tiger Basketball
For more information
or to sign up for the
camp, contact Chad
Pittman at cpittman@
Player of the Week!
Sydney Morgan
DCHS senior and varsity
golf player Sydney Morgan
recently placed 13th in the AAA
State Tournament.
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