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Wednesday, June 27,2018 I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I 7A
Restaurant Inspections
The following are food
service businesses that were
inspected by the Dawson
County Environmental
Health Department from
June 11 through June 25,
2018. A score of 69 or less
is failing.
Visit the Dawson County
Public Health Inspection
Page for a searchable list of
food service scores:
June 11
6222 Hwy. 53 E STE
B100, Dawsonville, Ga.
Score: 76, Grade: C
Notes: No Certified Food
Safety Manager on staff,
must have new CFSM for
this location within 30 days.
No approved chemical on
site for disinfecting after
cleanup from a vomit or
diarrheal incident.
Employee manually wash
ing kitchenware/utensils
and not sanitizing kitchen
ware/utensils. Kitchenware/
utensils stored above sink
on air drying shelf still
greasy after cleaning. Can
opener blade and around
gear behind blade with
buildup of food/shaving
debris. Premade pizzas held
on rack were not marked
with required discard time.
Personal items not stored
away from food/food con
tact areas.
June 12
1 1 Donut Drive,
Dawsonville, Ga. 30534
Score: 95, Grade: A
127 Beartooth Parkway,
Dawsonville, Ga. 30534
Score: 95, Grade: A
June 13
29 North 400 Center
Lane, Dawsonville, Ga.
Score, 93, Grade: A
800 Hwy. 400 S,
Dawsonville, Ga. 30534
Score: 96, Grade: A
800 Hwy. 400 S,
Dawsonville, Ga. 30534
Score: 93, Grade: A
6637 Hwy. 53 East,
Dawsonville, Ga. 30534
Score, 81, Grade: B
Notes: Employee drink in
proper disposable cup with
lid and straw but sitting on
prep table with onion rings
breading station set-up;
drinks must be stored to
prevent any possible con
tamination of food/food
contact surfaces. Large
accumulation of trash/
grease/food under ice
machine and behind
machinery that is not in use,
requires more frequent
cleaning. Two-door sand
wich unit holding foods
above required 41 degrees
or below and most of the
items stocked overnight in
this cooler; sundae station
cooler also holding foods
above required 41 degrees
or below; all foods discard
ed and maintenance crew
contacted. Drain plug miss
ing in cardboard dumpster,
must be replaced to prevent
entry of insects or rodents
in dumpster.
June 15
837 Hwy. 400 S STE
170, Dawsonville, Ga.
Score, 85, Grade: B
Notes: Half eaten takeout
meal from another estab
lishment on same prep table
where pizzas are cut and
boxed; employees shall
consume food only in
approved designated areas
separate from food prepara
tion and serving areas.
Green scrubbie pad and
spatula in hand sink in prep
aration area; a hand sink is
only to be used for hand
washing and should not
have any items that prohibit
hand washing or that can be
contaminated by handwash
ing. No chemical on-site to
use for the disinfection of
an area if a vomiting or
fecal event should occur.
Pizza make-line stocked
with food items that require
temperature control but unit
was not turned on, all food
held above 41 degrees was
discarded. Current inspec
tion report not posted.
85 Marketplace Blvd.,
Dawsonville, Ga. 30534
Score: 85, Grade: B
Notes: Prep cooler at
cook line for the storage of
vegetables and meat/sea
food holding foods above
required 41 degrees or
below. Cloth sanitizer con
tainer stored on prep table,
store container away from
this area to prevent any pos
sible contamination of food/
food contact surfaces.
Shelving above three-com
partment sink used for air
drying sanitized kitchen
ware needs a good cleaning.
Floor needs cleaning under
self-serve soda station.
June 18
219 Crossroad Blvd. STE
100, Dawsonville, Ga.
Score: 86, Grade: B
Notes: Containers of
sliced cheese stored above
required 41 degrees or
below. Bottle of cold medi
cation stored in Lexan con
tainer with lids for to go
containers above pizza
make-line; medications
must be stored to prevent
contamination of food,
equipment, utensils, linens
and single-service/single-
use articles.
June 19
378 Marketplace Blvd.,
Dawsonville, Ga. 30534
Score: 100, Grade: A
June 21
837 Hwy. 400 S STE
130, Dawsonville, Ga.
Score, 80, Grade: B
Notes: No designated
person in charge on duty.
No current certificate for a
Certified Food Safety man
ager posted at establish
ment. No person in charge
who has educated employ
ees in a verifiable manner of
their responsibilities to
report to the person in
charge information about
their health and activities as
they relate to diseases that
are transmissible through
food. No thermometer on
site for monitoring the tem
perature of food required to
be held cold. Boxes of cake
mix on the floor in back
prep area; food storage is
required to be 6 inches off
the floor. Food handler
wearing bracelets while
scooping ice cream.
Cleaning cloths being
soaked in the vegetable
preparation sink; this sink is
only to be used for washing
and preparing fruits and
vegetables. Inspection
report posted on wall
behind counter and not to
specifications where cus
tomers can view it. No test
strips available to monitor
the strength of sanitizer
used to sanitized kitchen
ware/utensils. Light shield
missing over set of fluores
cent lights tin front of the
walk-in cooler and freezer.
189 N 400 Center Lane,
Dawsonville, Ga. 30534
Score: 99, Grade: A
June 22
COFFEE #27692
215 Marketplace Blvd.
STE 100, Dawsonville, Ga.
Score: 99, Grade: A
205 N 400 Central Lane,
Dawsonville, Ga. 30534
Score: 95, Grade: A
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