Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, July 26, 1958, Image 2

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PAGE 2—THE BULLETIN, July 26, 1953 TEXT PAPA! YCLICAL LET MEMINIS F (Radio, N.C.W.C. News Service) VATICAN CITY — Fol- loiving is an English trans lation of t h e encyclical letter ' M e/ninisse J aval” (Most .Mindfully Recalling) of Ills Holiness Pope Pius XII in which he urges Catholics to vcorldivide prayers for the per secuted Church and reminds that only by a return to Christian precepts can men found a just society. Venerable Brothers, greetings and apostolic blessings. We deem it advisable to re call that when new dangers threaten the Christian people and the Church, sppuse of the Divine Savior, We, as Our pre decessors have done in past centuries, turn Our praters to the Virgin Mary, most loving Mother, and We invite all the flock entrusted to Us to place themselves confidently under her protection. And while the world was as sailed by a frightful war We did everything to exhort the cities, the peoples and the na tions to peace and to recall the minds torn by contention to mutual agreement in the name of truth, of justice and of love. Nor did We restrict Ourselves to this but, seeing that We were about to exhaust human means and resources, We, with several letters of admonition, instituting a holy campaign of prayer, in voked heaven’s help through the powerful intercession of the great Mother of God to whose Immaculate Heart We conse crated the whole human family together with Ourselves (Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 1942, pages 345-46). At present, though the war like clash of peoples has calmed, a just peace does not however yet reign. Men have not been brought together in brotherly understanding. Latent seeds of discord in fact insert themselves and from time to time threaten ingly erupt and hold minds in anxious trepidation, so much so that the frightful weapons now discovered by human gen ius are of such inhuman power that they can drag down and submerge in universal extermi nation not only the defeated but also the victors and the whole community. I But if we examine with thoughtful minds the causes of so many dangers present and future, we can easily see that the decisions, the forces and the institutions of men are inevit ably destined to fall short wherever the authority of God -—which enlightens minds with His commands and His prohi bitions, which is the beginning and guarantee of justice, source of truth and foundation of laws —either is neglected or is not given its just place or even is suppressed. Every house not based on solid and sure founda tion collapses. Every intelli gence not enlightened by the light of God separates itself lit tle by little from the fullness of truth. Discords arise, increase and grow, if citizens, peoples and nations, are not inspired by fraternal charity. Now only the Christian re ligion teaches this full truth, this perfect justice in this divine charity which eliminates hat reds, animosity and rivalries. It alone has been entrusted by the Divine Redeemer with the way, the truth and the light (Cfr. John 14, 6) and it must insure that they be put into practice with all its strength. There is no doubt, then, that those who de liberately wish to disregard the Christian religion and the Cath olic Church or who endeavor to hinder them, to disregard them, to suppress them, thereby weak en the very bases of society or substitute for it others which absolutely cannot support the edifice of human dignity, liber ty and well-being. It is therefore necessary to return to the precepts of Chris tianity if one wishes to form a solid, just and equitable society. It is harmful and imprudent to aome into conflict with the Christian religion, whose eter nal duration is guaranteed by God and proven by history. One should reflect that a state with out religion cannot have moral rectitude or order. The forma tion of minds to justice, charity and obedience to just laws de pends on it; it condemns and outlaws vice; it stimulates cit izens to virtue, indeed controll ing and regulating their public and private conduct; it teaches that the best distribution of riches or wealth may not be ob tained with violence and revo lution, but with just regulations, and in the same way that the proletariat, which has not yet the necessary means and oppor tunities of life, can be lifted up to a better condition with the happy solution of social strifes. In this way it brings a valuable contribution to good order and to justice, though it was not ex clusively instituted to create an increase in the ease of life. Therefore thinking over these things with that outlook of mind which places Us above hu man differences and which makes Us paternally love the peoples of all races, We bear two things in mind which cre ate anxieties and worries for us. We see in fact on the one hand that in not a few coun tries Christian precepts in the Catholic religion are not given consideration. Crowds of citizens, particular ly those of the less educated people, are easily attracted by widely publicized errors, often vested with the appearance of truth. The flattery and incen tives of vice which disturb minds with fatal influences through publications of all kinds, through cinema and tele vision entertainments corrupt especially incautious youth. Many write and spread their works not to serve truth and virtue or to give readers a true diversion but to excite turbid passions for the purpose of gain or to offend and soil with lies, calumnies and abuses all that is sacred, noble and beau tiful. dale's CELLAR RESTAURANT PEACHTREE AND IVY STREETS CHARCOAL BROILED STEAK CHICKEN — SEAFOOD Hours: 11 a. m.-.ll p. m., Luncheon through Dinner VISIT BEAUTIFUL DALE'S COFFEE HOUSE Lobby Imperial Hotel 6 a. m.-lO p. m. ALVIN NOV’S SLENDERIZING SALON "Physical Fitness Is Our Specialty" Opposite Atlanta Journal JA. 4-4531 5 FORSYTH ST„ N. W. ATLANTA, GA. YOUR /us ura nit ndt pendent AGENT "SERVES/ YOU /FIRST" v • W. 4* • *- '% , , v Sutter & McLeHan 1023 Mortgage Guarantee Building JAckson 5-2086 ATLANTA, GEORGIA G H L O ft y .... In Georgia The Finest in Food and Service — Atlanta — Courlland-Harris Sts. (Across the Street from St. Joseph's Infirmary) South Expressway — U. S. 41 near Hapeville —■ Gienvilfe — U. S. Highway No. 301-25 laeh Account Insured to 910,000 by an Afcney of tha U. S. Government. your Lump Sum Savings. • • \ Sxt Asn>B your accumulated cash funds with this specialized Savings Association .... where your money consistently earns higher-than-average earnings „ . . without worry, woA. or risk on your part Every six months, you'll receive a. check for the extra dollars your savings have earned. Open your account Out weett Mutual Federal Savings & Loan Association JACKSON 3-8282 205 AUBURN AVENUE, N. E. ATLANTA, GA. Current Dividend Rate 4 Percent Per Annum Each Account Insured Up To $10,000.00 SAVE BY MAIL Accounts Opened In Person or By Mail I STANDARD . FEDERAL f Savinas and Loan Ass'n. 4a Bread St., N. W., Grant Bid* ILL Boyd, Stc'y end A tty, c ATLANTA. GA. “Save With Safety” ALL YOUR MUSIC NEEDS • Records • Hi-Fi Players Mouse of Wu. 103 E. Court House Square DECATUR PHONE DR. 2-1708 Very often — it is sad to state —truth is distorted and public display is made of false and shameful things. It is necessary therefore to see how much dam age is brought upon society it self and how much harm is done to the Church. On the other hand, We see with supreme pain to Our fa therly heart, that the Catholic Church, whether of Latin or Oriental Rite, is in many coun tries oppressed by serious vex ations. The faithful and clergy are, if not in words, certainly in deed, brought face to face with this dilemma: either abstain from professing and publicly spread ing their Faith or suffer the con sequences, even grave conse quences. Many bishops already have been expelled from See cities or prevented from freely exer cising their ministry, or im prisoned or exiled. In short, one fearfully re calls “I will strike the shepherd and scatter the flock.” (Matt. 26. 31; Cfr. Zach. 13, 7). Furthermore, the newspapers, the magazines, Catholic pub lications are almost completely silenced, as if truth were the exclusive dominion and decision of him who commands, and as if divine and human sciences and the liberal arts had not the right to be free so as to be able to blossom to the advantage of the public welfare. The schools once opened by Catholics are forbidden and abolished. Others have been created in their place which ei ther do not teach notions of God and religion at all, or which proclaim and spread maxims of atheism, as often happens. Missionaries, who having abandoned their homes and their sweet native lands and who have undergone serious and numerous discomforts to give to others the light and strength of the Gospel, have been expelled from so many places as harm ful and dangerous individuals. Thus the remaining clergy, numerically out of proportion to the territorial extent facing them and often hated and per secuted, can no longer provide for the demands of the faithful. We see with sorrow that sometimes the rights of the Church are trampled on, rights which include, in the mandate of the Holy See, the right to choose and consecrate bishops destined to govern legitimately the Christian flock — and this causes the greatest harm to the faithful — as if the Catholic Church were an internal matter of but one nation alone, depend ent on the civil authority, and not a divine institution destined to embrace all peoples. Despite these serious and painful anxieties there is how ever something which provides great comfort to Our paternal heart. We know in fact that the greater part of the faithful of the Latin and the Oriental Rites remain attached with all their strength to the inherited Faith, though they are deprived of that spiritual help which their pastors could administer to them, were they not prevented. They continue therefore with courage and place their hope in Him who knows the weeping and sufferings of those “who suffer persecution for justice’s sake” (Matt. 5, 10); He “does not delay in His promises” (II Pet. 3, 9), but will finally con sole His sons with the just re ward. We regard therefore with pat ernal affection in particular those venerable brothers and Our beloved sons who are press ed in every manner, even under- handedly and insidiously, to loose the firm, solid and con stant union with the Church and the most strict loyalty with that Apostolic See without which such unity cannot have a sure foundation. No one in fact is unaware that in some places this unity is plotted against and attacked with deceiving opinions and all the arts. But let all remember that the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, the Church, must be closely joined and knit together through every joint of the sys tem according to the function, in due measure, of each single part (Eph. 4, 16) until We all at tain to the unity of the faith and of the deep knowledge of the Son of God, to perfect manhood, to the mature measure of the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4. 13) of which the Roman Pontiff as successor of Peter is by divine disposition established vicar on earth. Let them reflect and remem ber these very wise words of St. Cyprian, bishop and martyr: “The Lord spoke thus to Pet er:, I say to you that thou are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church . . . (Matt. 16, 18). On him alone He erects the Church . . . We must firmly hold and defend this unity, par ticularly we bishops who gov ern in the Church . . . also the Church is one and it extends widely over a great multitude with the unending increase of its fruitfulness; in the same way as rays of the sun are many, but the light is only one; and many are the branches of the tree but the trunk is only one, which goes deep into the ground with strong roots; and when one spring of water produces several rivulets, though it would seem that their number divides with the abundance of the over flowing water, there is however only one source. “You can pluck a ray of the sun but the unity of the light is not divided. You can tear a branch from a tree but it can no longer bear fruit. You can cut off a stream from its source and it will dry up. “Thus also the Church, inun dated by the light of God, casts its rays throughout the whole world, but there is only one light, that which spreads every where, and the unity of the or ganism is not divided. It ex tends its branches over the whole world with luxurious richness, it pours out abundant ly flowing streams everywhere, but the trunk is one and the spring is one . . . “And he who has not the Church as a mother, cannot have God as a father . . . Who does not preserve this unity, does not preserve the law of God, does not preserve the faith of the Father and of the Son, and has not life and salvation.” (Cyprian, De Unitate Ecclesiae, 44). These words of the saintly martyred Bishop will be of com fort, of exhortation and of de fense, especially for those who, not being able to be in contact with the Holy See, or having it only with difficulty, find them selves in danger and have to overcome various obstacles and deceits. However they must trust in the help of God and not neg lect to invoke Him with fervent prayer. They must remember that all the persecutors of the Church •— as history teaches — have passed as a shadow, where as the sun of divine trust never sets, because “the word of the Lord endures forever” (1 Pet, 1, 25). The society founded by Christ can be attacked but not defeated because it derives its strength not from men, but from God. Indeed there is no doubt that it must be martyred throughout the centuries by persecutions, contradictions, slanders, as hap pened to its Divine Founder, ac cording to prophecy: “If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also” (John 5, 20). But it is equally certain that at the end, the Church, like Christ Our Redeemer, who tri umphed, will have a peaceful victory over all enemies. Be confident, therefore; be strong and constant. We exhort you again with words of St. Ig natius, though we are certain that you need no exhortations: “Be you pleasing to Him for whom you fight . . . May none among you become deserters. May your Baptism be as an arm ament, your faith as a helmet, charity as a lance, patience as a covering armor. May your works be your treasures, so that you may deserve due mer cy.” (St. Ignatius to St. Poly carp). Furthermore the most beau tiful words of Bishop St. Am brose give you a sure hope and unshakable fortitude: “Grasp the helm of Faith so that the stormy tempest of this world will not disturb you. It is very true that the sea is vast and im mense, but fear not; for He hath founded it upon the seas and hath prepared it upon the riv ers. (Psalms 23, 2). Therefore it is not without reason that the Church of the Lord remains un moved in the midst of so many waves because it is founded on the apostolic rock and perse veres on its foundations, un moved by the furies of the sea (cfr. Matt. 16, 18). It is battered by the waves, but it is not shak en. The world may break re soundingly about it, it never theless has a safe port to wel come weary seamen.” (St. Am brose, 2nd epistle). II As once in apostolic times, when Christians somewhere suf fered special persecution, all the others, united by the bond of charity, raised their prayers and supplications to God, Father of Mercies, with united fraternal accord, so that He might give them strength and bring about as soon as possible better times for the Church. In the same way today, venerable brothers, We hope that the help and di vine comforts implored by your brothers may not be wanted to all those who in the regions of Europe and eastern Asia have been tried for so long by an ad verse and painful state of af fairs. And since We trust so much in the patronal intercession of the Virgin Mary, We express the ardent wish that in every part of the earth Catholics dur ing the novena which usually precedes the feast of the As sumption of the august Mother of God into heaven, should raise up public prayers, particularly (Continued on Page 3) FOR THAT SPECIAL OCCASION ... RENT FORMAL WEAR from O'KelleyInc. Rent your entire Formal Wear wardrobe. O'Keliey's features a complete line of handsome Men's and Boy’s Formal attire. Also Bridal Gowns, Veils, Bridesmaids dresses and Hoops. Cocktail dresses and Formafs for all other O’Metis's, Ji rnc. 219 Mitchell St., SW. JA. 2-9960 St. Joseph’s infirmary School of Nursing ATLANTA, GEORGIA founded 1900 Conducted by the RELIGIOUS SISTERS OF MERCY OF THE UNION Apply: Director School of Nursing Tel. No. JA. 5-4681 Distributors and Underwriters of Investment Securities Since 1894 4 The Robinson-Humphrey Gompany.lnc. RHODES-HAVERTY BLDG. Jackson 1-0316 ATLANTA 1, GEORGIA Long Distance 421 FRED WALTERS OLDSMOBILE THE NEWEST AND FINEST OLDSMOBILE SALES.. .. Service OLDSMOBILE FACILITIES IN THE SOUTH USED CARS YOU CAN TRUST GROWING THRU COURTESY AND QUALITY SERVICE 3232 PEACHTREE RD., N. E., ATLANTA, GA. Call CE. 7-0321 For Free Pick Up and Delivery BUCKHEAD KIDDIE KOLLECE DAY NURSERY CE. 7-4007 234 PHARR ROAD, N. E. ATLANTA, GA. For Only $10.00 Per Week, We: 1. Pick your child up in the morning. 2. Drive him home in time for supper. 3. Juice and cookies at mid-morning. 4. A hot lunch at noon. 5. Sleep or nap from 12:30 till 2:30 p. m. 6. All activities supervised by Mrs. Clark, Registered Nurse, State of Georgia. 7. Pick up children of school age at home — bring to Kiddie Kollege, till school time — take to school — pick up from school and bring back to Buckhead Kiddie Kollege, and bring home in evening. We are open until 1 A. M. at night for the convenience of working par ents and folks going out for ihe eve ning, We enroll children and trans port them to and from the following schools: R. L. HOPE SCHOOL ROCK SPRINGS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GARDEN HILLS SCHOOL CHRIST THE KING SCHOOL JUNIOR LEAGUE SCHOOL OF SPEECH