Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, February 21, 1959, Image 5

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FOREST PARK BEAUTY SHOP PO. 7-4222 1254 Main Street Forest Park/ Ga. BOOK REVIEWS EDITED BY EILEEN HALL 3087 Old Jonesboro Road, Hapeville, Georgia Any Time — Anywhere Call a TAXI RADIO CABS DECATUR CO-OP CABS 310 E. HOWARD AVE. 24-Hour Service Passengers Insured Trips Anywhere DE. 7-3866 — DE. 7-1701 DECATUR, GA. Each issue of this Book Page is confided to the patronage of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, with the hope that every read er and every contributor may be specially favored by her and her Divine Son. Correction: The byline was omitted by error from the re view of The Papacy, printed in the January 10 issue of The Bulyletin. This book was re viewed by Mrs. Cecilia L. Hines. CLERICAL Wear Headquarters DAN HITE ROBERT A. GENAU "Will Fit You Right" SOI N. Capitol St. Washington 2, D. C- STerling 3-2264 THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS AND PRIMITIVE CHRISTIAN ITY,By Jean Danielou, SJ, Heli con Press, $3.00 (Reviewed by Elizabeth Hester) This is a short book divided into three parts:. The first section describes the Qumran community which pro- W. O. BRYSON WATCH REPAIRING 18 Wall St., S. W. - MU. 8-7135 Atlanta, Ga. East Point Ford Co. Service 1230 N. MATN PL. EAST POINT, GA. TIRED OF CAR POOLS? Easy Walk to Immaculate Heart of Mary From sparkling new 3 and 4 bedroom homes with 2 and 3 baths, family rooms and some with large rumpus rooms. Roomy kitch ens have all built-ins. Also choice wooded lots to build to your plans-Call Gene Symmers, Res. Dr. 8-G780, Office DR. 8-4592. NELSON MOORE REALTY CO. 407 W, PONCE DE LEON DECATUR BROOKHAVEH SHE STORE “CORRECT FIT AND SATISFACTION ASSURED” Next to Woolworth's "Home of Red Goose Shoes" Shoe Headquarters in Brookhaven Bo J-O-MUc -Cane* BROADVIEW PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER 2581 Piedmont, N. E. CE. 7-6612 Authorized Dealer for Brunswick Balls © Bags ® Shoes, Etc. 32 Crown Imperial Lanes Automatic Pinsetters — Music by Muzak FREB WALTERS OLDSMOBILE Sales... .. Service OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE—Number 1 in the Medium-Priced Field SIMCA—The Smart French Car and Economy King BUCKHEAD-TRADED USED CARS YOU CAN TRUST GROWING THRU COURTESY AND QUALITY SERVICE 3232 PEACHTREE RD., N. E., ATLANTA, GA. Call CE. 7-0321 Eor Free Pick Up and Delivery duced and about 70 AD hid the famous scrolls that did not come to light again until 1947. Qumran was a monastery, the home of an ascetic religious group called the Essenes. The appearances of the scrolls creat ed a scramble in the religious world the like of which had not been experienced since Darwin declared that we and the apes had the same grandparents. Be cause the Essenes were a flour ishing group during the life of Christ and because their desert retreat was not too far from Jerusalem, it was assumed that ft & ,hing one happened to be lieve about Christ would surely be borne out by the scrolls, whether in favor of the Lord’s divinity or against it. This has not proved true for either side. Father Danielou describes the life of the Essenes and is of the opinion they were probably the educators of John Baptist, though John was not a member of the sect. The second section deals with the Teacher of Righteousness, a personality who had emerged as dominant in the religious prac tice and belief of the Essenes. Often associated with Christ himself by persons wishing to prove the Christ story a myth, the fact as interpreted by Fa ther Danielou is that the Teach er of Righteousness was an Essene priest sent into exile by an evil member of his own con gregation about forty years be fore the birth of Christ. The final section of this book traces the probable history of the Essenes following, their dis- persion from the Qumran mon astery. Both St. John the Apostle and St. Paul appear to have been influenced by Essene con verts to Christianity, many of whom are thought to have set tled in Damascus. Father Danielou feels that our new knowledge of the Essenes supplies answers to many gaps in the previously known early hitory of the Church. His book is an excellent text for all Cath olics wishing at once to know (1) what the scrolls are all about and (2) what position a Catholic scholar takes regarding them. As always, Father Danielou’s presentation is splendid. BETHUNE & WHISENANT SHOE REPAIR CEdar 3-1 !H»0 2581 Piedmont Rd. Broadview Plata Upper Level by Cafeteria PIANO SERVICE POLLARD PIANO TUNERS JA. 4-2548 CLIFF ■a WRITH Lord, in whose honor Pope Plus XII established the new feast of St. Joseph the Worker. THE SICK AT HOLY MASS, by Rev. Joseph Lamontagne, S. S. S„ 15c; HOLY HOUR FOR YOUTH, by Sister Marie Em manuel, S. C., 10c (Sentinel Press) — the first pamphlet aims to help the sick integrate their lives more closely with the Sacrifice of the Cross through Holy Mass; the other was writ ten to contribute a new life to the efforts of youth at achiev ing Christ likeness through the dialogued Holy Hour. Theology For The Layman THE BULLETIN. February 21, 1959—rAGE 5 Jottings booklet.for your Holy Hour (The Sentinel Press, 194 East 76th Street, New York 21, N. Y„ 30c) — brief essays taken from The Sentinel of fhe Blessed Sacra ment, to help you profit by your visits with Jesus in the taber nacle. Like The Imitation of Christ, it has many parts which are in the first person, in which Our Lord seems to speak to the soul, inviting you to kneel in His Presence, and simply listen to Him. MARTYRDOM IN MEXICO, by Florence Wedge; WHAT THE POPES SAY ABOUT SAINT JOSEPH, by Sister Em ily Joseph, C. S. J. (Grail Press, St. Meinrad, Ind., 15c and 10c respectively) — the first is the story of Father Miguel Augustin Pro, S. J., who died for his faith in Mexico in November, 1927, and whose cause for beatifica tion has been forwarded to the Sacred Congregation of Rites; the second consists of pertinent quotations from recent popes concerning the husband of Our Lady and foster father of Our NEW BOOKLETS CATHOLIC KIDS, by Cliff Writh; VALE OF DEARS, by Joe Lane (Michael Book Com pany, 2611 W. 99th PL. Chicago 43, 111., $1 each) — religious cartoon books, the first is a series of 70 cartoons depicting little kids applying their knowl edge — sometimes scant, some times wierd — of their religion to their everyday lives. Car toonist Wirth, a staff artist for the Detroit Times and Art Di rector for The Michigan Catho lic, has six youngsters of his own.Vale of Dears is another of the nuns series of cartoon books which have made Car toonist Lane well known for his gentle spoofing of the Sisters. SPEAK, LORD — Book II, a View... (Continued on Page 4) hard to convince ourselves of it. We sometimes act more like deists than the theists we should be. Deists (from the Latin word for God) believe that the Cre ator made the universe and ev erything in it. Good. But they also claim that after God set the whole thing in motion, He let it run along by itself. As if He gave up the whole thing as a bad bargain and forgot about it. Theists (from the Greek, word of God)—and we’re in this camp, of course — say that God not only made the universe, He also gives it loving care and guides ail creature to their pro per end. We call this. Divine Providence — and we use capi tals because it’s not some pious fancy, but a very important doc trine of our Faith. In the first place, our Father in heaven preserves and gov erns the world. If He took away His sustaining power for one in stant, we’d fall back into noth ingness. But God’s Providence is more than that. Nothing hap pens without His will or permis sion. Christ said this clearly when He insisted that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without His Father’s permission. God is really a father to us. He cares about us and helps us and listens to our prayers. Remember when St. Peter (may he forgive us for using his name so often) saw Christ walking on the water and want ed to go to Him? Even though the Savior commanded the apos tle to come, Peter sank after he started because he couldn’t sum mon enough trust in Christ. We’re like that too, because we don’t realize the fundamental teaching of Divine Providence. A firm conviction that. God knows everything, that He can do everything, and that He loves us —this is the sure cure for that most terrible of isms; wor- rywartism. —R. H. W. THE MODERN WASHDAY MAGIC MAKES WASH SOFTER, FLUFFIER . , MORE ABSORBENT FOR EASIER IRONING • SOFTER, FLUFFIER . . . dried indoors or ooil • EASIER IRONING . . . iron glides smooihlyl • MAKES LINGERIE ANTISTATIC ... no more clingkigl • FEWER WRINKLES . . . most flat work needs no ironing! « SAFE AND GENTLE . . . moles babies diapers super seft for baby's fender skin. Helps to prevent diaper rashl • BEAUTIFUL FINISH . .. 9’res all fabric a "like new" look! SEE the difference — FEEL the difference SOFT-MAGIC mates all washable* last longer stay clean longerl Kind to skin and hands. Another Great Product By TEB RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT CORP. Atlanta, Georgia •Ov Pont'* trademark lor it* fabric conditioner. m Conlwnt fjtt Font Zo'con ■ Services For Charles McGrath ATLANTA — Funeral serv ices for Mr. Charles F. McGrath were held January 31st at the Sacred Heart Church, Rev. John Emereth officiating. Survivors are Miss Helen Mc Grath, Mr. and Mrs. George Mc Grath, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. McGrath of Springfield, Ohio. Question Box (Continued on Page 4) could excuse himself from seri ous sin if he deliberately ate the equivalent of a fourth meal, re gardless of whether the food was eaten all at once, or at va rious intervals during the day. Considering the fact that the Lenten Fast forbids, under pain of sin, ail eating between meals, it would be Pharisaical for one to try to cut corners in observ ing the Fast, taking care only to avoid mortal sin. A Catholic sincerely interested in his spi ritual welfare will take the law of the Church at its face value, and try to fulfill it as it is. That law is clear and simple: “Eating between meals is not permit ted.” IF THE Lenten Fast is much too difficult for an individual to keep, then he would have rea son for an excuse or a dispensa tion. The law itself defines such difficulty: “When health or abil ity to work would be seriously affected, the law does not ob lige. In doubt concerning fast and abstinence, a parish priest should be consulted.” Q. Where do the ashes blessed on Ash Wednesday come from? A. The ashes used on Ash Wednesday are obtained from burning the palms blessed the previous Palm Sunday. Q. What is scandal? Does scandal differ from bad ex ample, or are both one and the same thing? A. Scandal can be defined as an act (or a word) which tends to tempt or to influence another to commit sin. The term is ul timately derived from a Greek expression meaning a “trap.” The principal characteristic of scandal is that it gives an other an occasion for sin. Tech nically speaking, scandal clear ly does not mean conduct that is merely shocking or surpris ing, therefore. Scandal is direct when the person responsible for it actual ly intends his action to be the occasion for another’s sinning , (i.e., when one deliberately mis uses the Holy Name in an effort to provoke others to sin). Direct scandal is always wrong. IN INDIRECT scandal, the possibility of another’s commit ting sin as a result of one’s own action is foreseen, but not di rectly intended. Such scandal is wrong, of course, when the scandalizing act is itself evil; stealing, for example. Indirect scandal can be immoral even if one’s action is indifferent, if un der the circumstances, a suf ficient reason for placing that action is lacking. BAD EXAMPLE is that type of scandal which influences an other to commit the same kind of sin he sees or hears of. A Catholic parent who fails to at tend Sunday Mass is guilty of bad example as regards the Sunday observance in respect to his children, for instance. Like wise, a Catholic who omits Sun day Mass to play golf would show bad example to other Catholics who might be led to do the same thing. Bad example is always scan dal. But all scandal does not consist of bad example. * * * (The purpose of this column is to assist the laity to a fuller understanding of their religion. It does not seek to promote con troversy. Questions concerning personal marriage problems should be referred to one’s par ish priest.) (Continued on Page 4) what Tyould we have seen? No body, naturally, was looking. Of that first instant before which there was no instant, we can know only as much as God tells us. The telling is in the open ing two chapters of the Bible’s opening book, Genesis (which means Beginning). Please read them carefully: we shall be much occupied with them for the next few weeks. They tell of a creation of the world in six days; as we read on in the Old Testament, the surface meaning seems to be that it ail happened roughly four thousand years before the birth of Christ. Scripture did not require the surface meaning, but having no reason to do oth erwise, men generally did, up to a century ago, take the four thousand years for granted. Modern science — geology es pecially — provided reason against believing the four thous and years and they were drop ped painlessly. Man is immeas urably older, and the universe immeasurably older still. What of the six days? What of the order Genesis gives for the emergence of sun and moon and the rest? The Fathers and Doctors of the Church never thought of Genesis as giving us a scientific blueprint of crea tion. Round the end of the fourth century, over fourteen hundred years before Darwin, St. Augustine wrote De Genesi ad liiieram, establishing that Genesis was not meant to be taken literally. His own view was that in the beginning God created the “seeds,” the ele ments which would ultimately develop, evolve, into our uni verse. (He has a couple of the ories about the six days, neither of them literal.) The burning question, of course, was as to the creation of man. Genesis speaks of two elements—earth and the breath of God. “The Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth” and “breathed into his face the breath of life; and the man be came a living soul.” Did the word “formed” mean one single, instantaneous action? Or could it mean a long process, animal bodies slowly developing, (un der God’s guidance) until at last one was evolved capable of un ion with a spiritual soul? Ob viously the word “formed” could mean either: of itself it does not tell us. Nor does the Church. Catho lics may, if they will, believe in an immediate creation of the human body from elements in the earth; they are allowed to believe in an evolutional pro cess by which the first human body comes from the earth by way of other animal bodies. What they must not deny is the immediate creation, for the first man and every subsequent man, of the soul. The soul, being a spirit, having no parts, cannot evolve from lower form; it can exist only if. God creates it. (Continued on Page 4) Teach us to care and not to care, teach us to sit still. * * * G. M. Hopkins “God’s Gran deur”; The would is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from shock foil; it gathers to a greatness like the ooze of oil crushed... * * * Cardinal Newman in “Second Spring”: Ideas come and ideas go but God abides eternally in the heart. * * * Bede Jarrett’s “No Abiding City”: We are pilgrims, strang ers, and this is not an abiding city. That which appears is but painted canvas, the kings wear cardboard crowns. But there is a reality behind. We must rub our eyes with the fairy eye- salve and see the truth. We must look on that which is eternal, remind ourselves of it, comfort ourselves by remembering that all the rest will pass. CAMEL-* LA G A11D E i\ ^1 RESTAURANT PHONE US YOUR Take Out Orders Cab Deliveries Arranged TR. 2-5808 1851 Peachtree Rd., N. W. FREE PARKING THE DINETTE GOOD FOOD Across From St. Joseph's Infirmary JA. 3-9207 246 IVY ST., N. E, ATLANTA, GA. ■V: .. .. .. >'.'n i'j m iU~jl GRAY OPTICAL CO. FRAMES & LENSES FITTED COMPLETE $7.95 16 Edgewood, N. E. MU. 8-1154 — Atlanta, Ga. it costs so little to serve the best! .and 0’ Lakes S Butter BILL DALY'S RED BARN CE. 3-4625 CE. 3-4531 The man who advocates letting well enough alone never seems to recognize what is well enough. BUCKHEAD MEN'S SHOP Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats Jarman Shoes McGregor Sportswear Haspel Suits CE. 3-6759 3047 Peachtree Rd., N. E. Official Boy Scout Trading Post FIGURE 3 mm Now Conveniently Located In The Heart of Atlanta 70 Houston St. Atlanta ffiQr-v for good clean fun DIXIE ROLL-A-ROUNDA • It’s great! Keeps the family together . . . enjoy ing a fun-filled evening. 2211 ROSWELL ROAD MARIETTA, GA. PH. 9-9329 LIBERAL DIVIDENDS ON SAVINGS Savings received by the 10th Earn Dividends for That Month PO. 7-9774 TRI-CITY FEDERAL Savings 8t Loan Association 6C6 South Central Ave. Hapeville WITHAM’S FABRICS CENTER Let us help decorate your home with beautiful Colorama Fabrics, Famous Artloom Carpets, All Wool, Nylon and Acrilan Draperies, Covers, Slip Covers, Carpets & Valances SAMPLES SHOWN IN YOUR HOME BY APPOINTMENT 2286 Cascade Road, S. W. PL. 3-8312 Atlanta, Ga. : WAKEFIELD V* Mile trom new St. Pius X High School 3 & 4 BREDROOM BRICK HOMES $14,703 to $19,000 Thibadeau, Show & Brannan DR. 8-3636 Decatur, Ga. 1240 Clairmonl DeKolb Musicians Supply 14-5 Clair moot Avenue DR 3-4305 DECATUR ... In Georgia The Finest in Food and Service LOCATED IN THE HEART OF ATLANTA 231 Courlland-Harris Streets South Expressway — U. S. 41 near Hapeville — Glenville — U. S. Highway No. 301-25