Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, March 07, 1959, Image 6
PAGE S—THE BULLETIN, March 7, 1959. /^ rs> j £ # Kean© Services In Augusta AUGUSTA — Funeral serv ices for Mrs. Elnora O’Connor Keane were held February 25th at St. Patrick’s church, Rev. Arthur Weltzer officiating. Survivors are two sons, Dan iel J. Keane and Joseph Keane, both of Savannah; two brothers, Dan J. O’Connor and Clifford O’Connor, both of Augusta; four sisters, Miss Margaret M. O’Con nor, Miss Katherine O’Connor, Miss Jane O’Connor and Mrs. Henry Giebner, all of Augusta ad two grandchildren. Savannah Services For Mrs. Carswell SAVANNAH — Funeral serv ices for Mrs. Carmen Canudas Carswell were held February 23rd at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. W. D. Hudson of Beaufort, S. C., Mrs. George H. Haynes, Mrs. Celia Colyer, and Mrs. Sam Sutton, all of, Columbus; two sons, Francisco Sanchez of Alex andria, Va., Pedro C. Sanchez of Savannah; one sister, Mrs. Rosa Ruizy Zevada of Mexico City; ten grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. It’s the rounder who avoids the straight and narrow path. Rodgers Hosiery Company DIVISION OF WAYNE KNITTING MILLS MANUFACTURERS OF BELLE SHARMEER ATHENS, GEORGIA ATHENS FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION r 114 COLLEGE AVENUE ATHENS, GEORGIA BAILEY’S Roofing — Sheet Metal Heating — Air Conditioning Contractors Phones: Liberty 3-5281 - 3-5282 - 3-5283 P. O. Box 106 • Athens, Georgia COLONIAL POULTRY COMPANY, Inc. ONETA STREET ATHENS, GEORGIA A nun-physician, Maryknoll Sister Antonia Maria, of Stockbridge, Mass., visits the New York of fice of Catholic Relief Services—N.C.W.C., American Bishops’ overseas relief agency, and confers with project supervisors there. She will soon return to Formosa where she has been working among the sick, and previously in South China, Hong Kong and Korea. She is pictured seated with, left to right, Margaret Connellan, Minerva Mores, Eileen Egan and Berta del Razo. Stand ing are Sister Gabrielle Marie and Rita Lynn. (NC Photos) ATHENS LUMBER COMPANY Successor to R. L. Moss Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Sash, Doors and Architectural Millwdrk PHONE LI. 6-0161 ATHENS, GEORGIA Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days (N.C.W.C. News Service) SUNDAY, March 8—St. John of God, Confessor. He was a native of Portugal and founder of the Brother Hospitallers. Un til the age of 40 he had been in turn a shepherd, a soldier and a shop keeper in Gibraltar. Im pressed by a sermon preached by St. John of Avila, he went to Africa and took to caring for Christian slaves held by the Moors. Gathering others in the work, he founded his Institute. He died ten years later, in 1550, of an illness contracted while ministering to the sick. MONDAY, March 9 — St. Francis of Rome, Widow. She founded the Oblates of Tor dei Specchi in Rome. She was born in 1384 and desired to become a nun, but at the age of 12 was married to Lorenzo Ponziani. She lived by the axiom: “A wife is bound to leave her devotions at the altar and to find God in her household work.” She be came a model to the matrons of her time, doing much to correct their idle manner of life. She stood by her husband in ad versity and exile until his death in 1436, then joined the Oblate institute which she had founded three years, previously. She spent the last four years of her life in piety and severe penance. She died in 1440, and was can onized in 1608. TUESDAY, March 10 — The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. They were Christian soldiers quarter-, ed in Armenia about 320. When their legion was ordered to sac rifice to heathen gods, they re fused. Stripped of their cloth ing they were made to lie on the ice of a frozen lake. A warm bath was placed on the bank as a temptation to apostatize. One weakened and went to the bath, but his place was taken by a guard who was converted by the courage of the others. They were forced to remain on the ice until they were frozen to death. WEDNESDAY, March 11 — St. Euthymius, Bishop-Martyr. He was a monk and became Bishop of Sardis in Lydia. He courageously opposed the Icon oclasts and was banished by Emperor Nicephorus. He was permitted to return to his See city several times but each time was exiled when he refused to become an Iconoclast. He re mained in exile 29 years and eventually was scourged to death about 840. THURSDAY, March 12 — St. Gregory the Great, Pope-Con- fessor-Doctor. He was born in Rome about 540. His mother was St. Sylvia. Before he was 30 he became Mayor of Rome. He soon resigned his office, left the com forts of his home and became a Benedictine monk. He was sent to Constaninople as a Pa pal Nuncio and in 590 was elect ed Pope. The 14 years of his Pontificate made him a com manding figure in world his- otry. He sent St. Augustine to spread the Faith in England; promoted the conversion of the Lombards in Italy and the Goths in Spain; upheld the rights of Rome against Constaninople, and brought about a number of other achievements. FRIDAY, March 13 — SS. Roderick and Salomon, Martyrs. Roderick was a priest at Cab- ra, near Cordova. He was ex posed as a Christian by his bro ther, who was a Mohammedan, and imprisoned at Cordova. In prison, he met Solomon, a lay man, also jailed for his Faith. The two were martyred at Cor- Centenary Closing LOURDES BISHOP THANKS POPE JOHN FOR MESSAGE LOURDES, France, (NC) — Bishop Pierre Marie Theas of Tarbes and Lourdes has sent His Holiness Pope John XXIII a telegram describing the closing of the centennial year of the Lourdes apparitions. The message read: “At this glorious closing of the centenary of the apparitions, un der the presidency of the Apos tolic Nuncio to France, Arch bishop Paolo Marella, in the presence of two members of the French government, of 30 arch bishops and bishops from dif ferent countries, the crowd of pilgrims thanks Your Holiness for the moving radio message and for the Apostolic Benedic tion. “They pray with fervor for Your Holiness and ask of the Virgin of Lourdes peace for the world, her protection for the en tire Church and particularly for persecuted Catholics.” According to the first pre liminary studies of the Lourdes centennial year, about 5.5 mil lion pilgrims from all parts of the world visited Lourdes be tween February 11, 1958 and February 18, 1959. The number of sick totalled more than 50,000 it was reported by Vatican Ra dio. AKINS CONCRETE INC. Ready-Mixed Concrete Pre-cast Concrete ® Concrete Pipe 425 Barber St. Telephone LI. 8-1331 Athens, Georgia t STOP AT THE THE GEORGIAN ATHENS, GEORGIA 100% AIR CONDITIONED MARYLAND DELEGATES APPROVE BILL TO ERECT MONUMENT TO FR. ABRAM RYAN, CONFEDERACY'S PRIEST-POET • CHILDREN FREE • FREE PARKING • FREE RADIO, TELEVISION ANNAPOLIS, Md„ (NC) — A bill to honor the memory of Fa ther Abram Joseph Ryan, priest- poet of the Confederacy, has passed the House of Delegates and been referred to the State Senate. The bill calls for the erection of a monument to Father Ryan in Hagerstown, Md., listed as the birthplace of the priest. Rep. Francis X. Gallagher of Baltimore and the Washington County delegation introduced the bill February 12, soon after a historian and biographer of Father Ryan, Edward A. Egan, submitted new evidence indi cating the priest-poet’s birth place as Hagerstown. The Maryland Civil War Cen tenary Commission and a num ber of organizations interested in the Civil War and the Con federacy got behind the move after it was said that nine states and eleven cities of the South already have memorials to Father Ryan. The resolution urging the erection of a memorial noted that “Father Ryan has achieved a prominent place in Amrei- can letters as a Maryland poet of rare ability and lyrical charm.” It continued: Poverty may be no crime, but it has its penalty just the same. Alwyn B. Stiles, Manager THE FARMERS HARDWARE OF ATHENS, Inc. WHOLESALE GENERAL HARDWARE, PAINTS, ETC. PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL FITTINGS ATHENS, GEORGIA “Whereas, The unique combi nation of spiritual and melan cholic elements produced poems well beloved by both Southern ers and Northerners alike so much that Father Ryan has been name the ‘Tom Moore of Dixie’.” SCHOOL BUSINESS WORKSHOP MILWAUKEE, Wis., (NC) — A summer workshop on school business administration will be presented from June 7 to 11 at the Marquette University Col lege of Business Administration here, for a limited number of diocesan and religious priests and Brothers. ELBOW GREASE If you have a problem to solve, remember that hard work is the best solvent of all. dova in 857. SATURDAY, March 14 — St. Leo, Bishop-Martyr. The time of his martyrdom is not known but the Roman Martyrology re cords that he was put to death for his faith in the Veranian Field at Rome. BETTER-MAID DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. * Better-Maid Ice Cream * Jersey Milk Phone Liberty 6-7383 198 W. Hancock Aye. ATHENS, GEORGIA