Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, October 31, 1959, Image 12

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PAGE 6—THE BULLETIN, November 14, 1939 f - FISHERMAN’ A Fabulous J Bible Epic!”—Atlanta Journal. J. m BldSHERMAN ... THE STORY OF SIMON OF GALILEE ^TECHNICOLOR • PANAVISION — 70 • STEREOPHONIC SOUNDi FEATLltKS: 1:48—3:00—8:10 F. Al. Matinee, SI.25 — Night, 1.25, $1.50 — Children (ail hours), 75c (Night Prices All Saturday and Sunday) ROXY Theatre — NOW SERVE YOUR FAMILY . . . TREAT YOUR FRIENDS . . . To the Finest AVERA’S BRAND HAMS AND BACON — and — SAUSAGE - BOLOGNA BLUE RIBBON WIENERS AT YOUR FAVORITE GROCERS J, THOMAS STUART LESSIE K. STUART STUMT OFFICE SUPPLY School Supplies — Duplicating Machines Office Supplies — Office Furniture 915 BROAD STREET — P. O. BOX 932 PHONE PARK 4-3512 — AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Augusta's Only Bank Exclusively for Savings Realty Savings Bank 827 BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Your Savings Account Invited Member of Federal Insurance Corporation $10,000 Maximum Insurance for Each Depositor AUGUSTA HUM SUPPLY CGHPAHY Better Building Materials — AND — Ready Mixed Concrete 1559-61 Brood St., Telephone PA. 2-8818 Augusta, Georgia POULTRY PALACE FRESH DRESSED POULTRY FRYERS, HENS AND OTHER POULTRY IN SEASON 1204 ELLIS STREET • PHONE PA. 2-9937 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA POPE JOHN TAKES STRONG ACTION AGAINST REDS IN FIRST YEAR OF HIS REIGN By Patrick Gavan-Duffy Riley (N.C.W.C. News Service) VATICAN CITY — During the first year of his reign His Holiness Pope John XXIII took the sternest anticommunist ac tion to issue from the Holy See in a decade. His first 12 months as Pon tiff also saw him call for the re turn of separated Christians to the Church and express his “af fection for the entire American nation” during his visit to Rome’s North American Col lege. Early this spring Pope John ruled it sinful for Catholics to vote for any political candidate, communist or not, ■ known to support communists or their ac tivities. The ruling came in the form of a “monitum,” or warn ing, issued by the Sacred Con gregation of the Holy Office. Approved by the Pope as Pre fect of the congregation, it complemented and stiffened the Holy Office ruling of 1949 which excommunicated communists and those who support commu nism. Pope John’s action apparently dashed the hopes of the Soviet newspaper New Times, which had greeted Pope John’s elec tion with the pious wish that he would support “the princi ples of coexistence.” The anticommunist ruling is believed to have been occasion ed by a political coalition of communists and rebellious members of the Christian Dem ocratic party in Sicily. But Pope John had condemned collabo ration with extreme leftists — collaboration known as the “op- Insured to $10,000 by FSLIC We Pay Postage On Mail Accounts Current Rate on Savings Standard Federal Savings & Loan Assn. 48 Broad St. NW, Atlanta 3 Ga. MU. 8-6619 A Nursing Resort Exclusively FOR ELDERS • Personalized nursing care under supervision of registered nurse. Owned by doctors, med ical care available. • New, bright decorator inter iors and furnishings. Cheerful recreation rooms and TV lounges. Resort accommoda tions at nursing home rates. • Twenty acres of landscaped grounds. Safety in masonry building with sprinkler system throughout. • Delicious meals for delicate appetites. Select clientele, con genial companionship. write for details . . . ening to the left” — in 1956 when he was Patriarch of Ven ice. He called it “wrong in its premise and fatal in its appli cation.” To his associates and to the world Pope John frequently voiced his anxiety for people in communist-ruled countries and his sorrow at communist persecution of the Church. In an address on Pentecost he call ed communist attempts to cre ate schismatic churches “a great reason for sadness” which “the habitual serenity of Our demeanor does not allow to show through.” But he was vis ibly sad as he spoke. Five months earlier the Pope -—for the first time in any papal utterance — had referred to “schism” in China. He said that the word seemed to burn his lips. Now, on Pentecost Sunday, he said: “It is with great sorrow that we must say the position of the Church in China seems to have deteriorated further.” His counsel to Catholics in Iron Curtain countries was: Re main firm in the Faith yet love those who would deprive you of it. He composed a prayer for the Church of Silence. Pope John issued his first en cyclical letter on June 29. The 10.000-word encyclical, entitled “Ad Petri Catedram” (To the See of Peter), earnestly invited separated Christians to return to the Catholic Church, and ap pealed to the leaders of nations to strive for peace. In urging separated Chris tians to return to Rome the Pope revealed a touch of the poet. “I am your brother Jos eph,” he told them. This was a reminder of his own Christian name of Joseph. It was also an exact echo of the cry of the Patriarch Joseph, who in these words revealed his identity to his long-separated brothers, men who had once exiled him and who saw in him only the all-powerful governor of an alien land. From the first days of his pontificate Pope John made a habit of chatting with all Vati can employees he met on his many ramblings through Vati can City. He asked them about their family, their household budget, their cares and anxie ties. A- new pay and pension scheme for them was the re sult. And one feature of the Vatican’s plan bore the unmis takable mark of John XXIII: fi nancial help for struggling young students from the fam ilies of Vatican workers. On July 19 the Pope moved to his summer residence at Cas- telgandolfo, about 13 miles south of Rome in the Alban Hills. He returned to his resi dence in the Vatican on Sep tember 24, almost two months earlier than Pius XII was in the custom of returning. And unlike Pius, who adhered to the same strick work schedule at Castelgandolfo that he kept at the Vatican, Pope John took more time for relaxation. He frequently left the papal villa to grant audiences at the Vat- WIRTZ & HERNLEH ESTABLISHED 1904 ALLIS-CHALMERS POWER FARM EQUIPMENT Specializing In All Makes of Farm Equipment Paris and Service 1767 Milledgeville Road Augusta, Georgia E. J. HERNLEN, Proprietor one of the very few things that costs you less than your Electric Service Did you ever count up all the wonderful ways you put low-price electricity to work to save you time and work and trouble? You’ll be surprised how many there are and how far your electric dollars go! GEORGIA POWER COMPANY OLDEST PRIEST —- NEWEST BISHOP: Said to be the old est priest in the United States, Father Joseph Samuel Garcia, 100, a godson of famed scout Kit Carson, is shown with the nation s newest Catholic bishop, Bishop Charles A. Buswell, recently con secrated for the Diocese of Pueblo. The bishop celebrated Father Garcia’s 100th birthday Mass, October 28, in Mt. San Rafael Hos pital, Trinidad, Colorado, where the priest lives in retirement. —(NC Photos) - ican, to see some of the sights around the Alban Hills, to visit churches, seminaries and sick friends. He also canceled for the summer his daily schedule of conferences with the Church’s administrative officials. He had restored these regular audienc es upon his accession to the papacy. The Pope’s second encyclical letter was issued on August 1. It was entitled “Sacerdotii Nos- tri Primordia” (From the Begin ning of Our Priesthood) and its 9,000 words dealt with priestly life. The centenary of the death of St. John Vianney, patron of parish priests, was the occasion of the encyclical and the ex ample of this model priest was cited throughout. During the second week in September word leaked out that the Holy See had ordered a halt to the priest-worker experiment in France. Within a few days a secular newspaper in France published the document that in structed the French bishops to erid the experiment. It was a letter from the Sacred Congre gation of the Holy Office — the Church’s supreme administrat ive watchdog of faith and mor als — dated July 3. The decision contained in the letter had Pope John’s personal approval. For October, the month of the Rosary, Pope John issued an encyclical calling on Catholics to pray the Rosary for five in tentions: guidance of the Pope, success of missionaries and the apostolate, peace among na tions, success of Rome’s forth coming diocesan synod, and the success of the forthcoming ec umenical council. The 1,400- word document was dated Sep tember 26 and was known by its opening words, “Grata Re- cordatio” (Graceful Memory). On October 11 the Pope went to the North American College •—the seminary for Americans that is situated on Janiculum Hill overlooking the Vatican— to preside at the college’s cen tenary celebrations. The Pope had two surprises for the Americans. He made his first address in English. After replying in Latin to a Latin address of welcome by the college’s rector, Arch bishop Martin J. O’Connor, Pope John produced a type written speech and to the de light of the more than 2,000 present ,began speaking in Eng lish. His pronunciation was clear and audible, though strongly accented. The second surprise was the announcement that the beatifi cation cause of Mother Eliza beth Seton, American-born con vert and the foundress of America’s Sisters of Charity, had successfully completed an important step in the beatifica tion process. He said there was reason to hope the cause would soon reach a happy conclusion. The Pope imparted his bless ing in English “in token of Our affection for the entire Ameri can nation, so dear to us.” Services For Mrs. Thomas ATLANTA — Funeral servic es for Mrs. Annie D. Thomas were held November 3rd at the Sacred Heart Church, Rev. John Emmerth officiating. Survivors are a son, Mr. C. D. Thomas; daughter in law, Mrs. William Sibley Thomas, Selma, Ala.; grandchildren, Mrs. Rus sell J. Lewis, Mrs. Warren P. Sewell Jr., Bremen, Mr. Wil liam Sibley Thomas, Selma, Ala. and three great-grand children. Services For Mrs. H. L. Lignieres CEDARTOWN—Funeral serv ices for Mrs. Henri L. Lignieres a native of Guadalupe, F.W.I. and resident of Cedartown for the past five years who died Oct. 31st were conducted from Saint Bernadett’s Church. The High Mass of Requiem was sung by the Rev. John D. Stapleton, pastor, assisted by Rev. John F. McDonough, pas tor of St. Mary’s Church, Rome and Mr. Henri Lignieres, C.S. SP., son of Mrs. Lignieres. Mrs. Lignieres is survived by her husband, two daughters, two sons and a number of grandchildren. Maurice J. Sullivan Services In Savannah SAVANNAH — Funeral serv ices for Maurice J. Sullivan were held October 29th at the Cathedral of St. John the Bap tist, Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. James McNamara officiating. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Anne Sullivan; a daughter, Mrs. Wm. H. Fountain Jr.; a son, Maurice J. Sullivan Jr., two sisters, Mrs. P. J. McNamara and Mrs. Katherine Evans, Bal timore, Md.; a brother, Dennis O. Sullivan, Tampa, Fla. and several nieces and nephews. Truth is often discounted — gossip is quoted to face value. SMITH SHOE REPAIR DANIEL VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER AUGUSTA, GA. WHAT ABOUT YOU? The Franciscan Sisters are looking for girls who are will ing to serve God as nurses, min ing instructors, supervisors, ad ministrators. technicians dieti- :ians. medical librarians, cook*, seamstresses, sacristans, and io the many other departments in which they are needed. The need tor Sisters is great. More hospitals could be opened if there were enough Sisters tc staff them. Is our Lord calling you? If you are interested in be coming a Sister in the field al nursing, write today for infor mation to: Reverend Mother General ST. MARY OF THE ANGELS CONVENT * 1000 30th Street J Rock Island. Dltnoia ? BEST WISHES Georgia Compressed Steel Co. 1365 REYNOLDS STREET CITY IRON AND METAL CO. Gordon Highway WINTER BROS. INC. 610-18 Gwinnett Si. William J. Heffernan, Jr. Blanche E. Heffernan T. R. Heffernan JOHN W. DICKEY COMPANY REALTORS INSURANCE — G. I. and F. H. A. LOANS 128 Eighth St. — Dial PA. 2-0184 — Augusta, Ga. H. L. GREEN CO. Sc - $1.00 BROAD AT NINTH AUGUSTA. GEORGIA BEST WISHES FROM RIVERSIDE GLASS CO. GLASS FOR EVERY PURPOSE TWELFTH AT REYNOLDS ST. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA AUGUSTA HIDE COMPANY E. A. LAMAR, Proprietor Hides, Furs, Wool, Beeswax and Tallow, Scrap Iron, Metals, Rubber and Rags Office and Warehouse: 1433 Reynolds Street Pontiac Plaster Ant© Service "For 22 Yea rs Your Pontiac Dealer" ELEVENTH at TELFAIR AUGUSTA, GEORGIA BARTGH H naan eo. Used Lumber, Sashes, Doors All Kinds of Building Material 1219 D'ANTIGNAC ST. AUGUSTA, GA. W. E. RAINES COMPANY INCORPORATED Building Specialties and Supplies Watson Fly Screens - Metal Weatherstrips - Special Equipment - Chain Link Fence - Waterproofing - Ex pansion Joints r Fenestra Windows - Fire Doors - Struc tural Steel - Ornamental Iron - Metal Specialties - Re inforcing Steel - Overhead Garage Doors. 10-12-14 Seventh St. — PA. 2-5553 — Augusta, Georgia COMPLIMENTS OF C. L CARPENTER E. J. McMAHON & COMPANY Plumbing and Heating Contractors 540 BOHLER AVE. PHONE PA. 4-3506 AUGUSTA, GA.