Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, October 31, 1959, Image 13

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BOOK REVIEWS EDITED BY EILEEN HALL 3087 Old Jonesboro Road, Hapeville, Georgia Each issue of this Book Page is confided to the patronage of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, with the hope that every read er and every contributor may be specially favored by her and her Divine Son. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Only a very few years, ago modern books written specifi cally for Catholic children were pitifully few and far between. This dearth is fast being rem- edid, however, and practically HcAULIFFE REALTY CO. Real Estate - Renting - General Insurance 807 BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, GA. SKINNER AUTO SUPPLY CO. Telephone PA. 4-8247 1337 Reynolds St. Augusta, Go. All Your Clothes Should Go To... SNOW'S LAUNDRY ★ CLEANING There's a SNOW Office near you AUGUSTA, GEORGIA CANTER ELECTRIC COMPANY Electrical Contractors 1503 Hicks St. Phone PA. 4-8201 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA DALTON PRINTING COMPANY 117 EIGHTH STREET AUGUSTA, GA HENRY T. JONES, PROPRIETOR "WE PRINT TO PLEASE" DINE AT ... . TOWN TAVERN SEVENTH AND BROAD STREETS W. J. Heffernon Georgia-Carolina Warehouse and isipress Co. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA NO ONE ONLY UPS PRICE PRICE With GLOBE'S Exclusive Free Pick-up and Delivery Look What $ 29 95 Buys . . . o high silicon content finish . . . leoves o hard, glass-like surface that is almost indestructible. Guaranteed 3 Yrs. Never Requires \ •&> Polishing 1. Every ear completely hand-sanded to remove rust and oxidized paint! 2. Every car carefully masked by ex perts to keep point off of chrome and glass! 3. Every car painted by factory experts in a modern dust-proof, glass-enclosed spray booth! 4. Every ear baked in Atlanta's most modern infra-red baking tunnel! Offered Only by GLOBE Complete Body and Fender REPAIRS New Rust-Proof Process Globe'* production m*thod* enable us to perform the most meticulous repairs at a fraction of the prices others charoe. From the smallest to the largest wreck. Check others’ estimates firstl Then see us! One-Day Service—6 Days a Week Mon.-Sat., 7:30 to 6 p.m. New adhesion seal developed just for GLOBE. One more reason why our 3-year guarantee means something, optional at extra eoiti Another GLOBE exclusive COMPLETE BUDGET TERfViS Use 3—6—12—18 Months' Payment Plan No Down Payment • Over 3,000 colors to choose from. • World's largest outo painting. • In by 9—Out by 5, owvyp 0R Sass 1 all publishers of Catholic books now include a few juvenile offerings on their semi-annual lists. Many of them are of ex cellent quality. Among the early arrivals this fall were: STORIES FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT, by Piet Worm, Sheed & Ward, $3.00—the third in the series, of lavishly illus trated Bible Stories by this gift ed artist and architect, of Am sterdam, Holland, who began drawing pictures first for his own two children. Like his pre vious volumes of Old Testament stories, this book is, done in gay colors and much gold; the sim ply written text is of secondary interest to the vivid and lively drawings. A splendid gift book. AFIONG, a Story of West Africa, by Mother Mary Elean or, S. H. C. J„ Bruce, $2.25—an enjoyable story, for ages 9 to 12, of a little African girl who attends the “House of Book” conducted by the white mis sionary “Mudders” (Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus) and “Fadders” (St. Patrick Fathers) and finds happiness in the Cath olic faith. Although the author states that all incidents of her story really happened, the denouement disappointingly de pends on the miraculous de struction of a native ju-ju shrine. No doubt such phenom ena can and do happen, but young minds are all too easily misled into attaching more im portance to such incidents than to the miracles of grace con stantly wrought without fanfare as a result of patient and per severing prayer. Previously published books for children include the follow ing, reviewed by Dorothy Todd: THE BIG STORY, by Rev. William Peil, Grail, 35c. This little booklet explains to very young children what it means to be a member of the Mystical Body of Christ. It is brought about very effectively by means of illustrations and simple lan guage and will be helpful to those charged with the respon sibility of teaching children the truths of holy faith. MARGARET, by Sister M. Juliana of Maryknoll, Sheed & Ward, $2.00. Princess Margaret, who became Queen of Scotland when she married King Mal colm, was such a kind and gen erous lady that she brought up nine orphans with her own eight children. She had churches, schools and hospitals built for her people and even served breakfast every morning to twenty-four people. The story of her full and useful life makes interesting reading especially for those who are named for her. RICHARD, by M. K. Richard son, Sheed & Ward, $2.00. Rich ard of Chichester did many dif ferent things. He was first a farmer, then a scholar and later a Bishop. All during his life he wanted only to know our Lord more clearly, love Him more dearly and follow Him more nearly. After he died people all over the country, who had not realizzed that they had a great saint living among them, began praying to him for help and he did not disappoint them. Three great martyrs were named for him. THE FOUR EVANGELISTS, by Katherine Wood, Kenedy, $2.50. This book gives an ac count of the lives of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and how they happened to write the Gos pels. Each one is different, al though they all wrote about the same thing. The many drawings depict important events in their lives, making it appealing to children. Pope Lauds Diocesan Synods As Proofs Of Unchanging Value Of Revealed Truth, Papal Teaching THE BULLETIN, November 14, 1959—PAGE 7 Strseklail’s INTERIORS ANTIQUES GIFTS 47 West Paces Ferry Rd. CE. 7-3940 Atlanta, Ga. ROSMINI, by Claude Leet- ham, Helicon, $7.50. (Reviewed by Flannery O’Connor) Antonio Rosmini, philosopher, statesman and priest, founder of the Institute of Charity,, was one of the great churchmen of the 19th century. The causes he spoke for then read like a cat alogue of improvements that have eventually come to pass in the Church in the 20th century or in some cases of matters that are still in agitation. He favor ed the revival of the philoso phy of St, Thomas, the use of the vernacular in the liturgy, the necessity for an understand ing of Eastern philosophies, and native clergy. His political phi losophy Was substantially that of Leo XIII but preceed it by half a century and was .regard ed in its time as dangerous and unrealistic. He was viciously persecuted by high churchmen who, according to G. Bozzetti who provides the intfoductiori, “thus transformed his testimony into acute martyrdom.” (N. C. W. C. News Service) VATICAN CITY — His Holi ness Pope John XXIII has hail ed the convoking of diocesan synods as solemn affirmations of “the unchangeable value of revealed truth and of pontifical teaching.” In a special audience the Pope received 2,000 people from the Italian city of Trieste where a synod — a meeting of the cler gy of the diocese to study and take action on problems within the diocese — had been recently concluded. The Pope said that the synod was a “joyful response, not in words in deeds, to those people who are in the habit of claim ing that spiritual and moral val ues are becoming darkened and who pessimistically refrain from contributing to the world’s im provement.” The Pope said “a synod solemnly affirms the unchange- More than with his philoso phical or political accomplish ments the reader of this biogra phy will be impressed with Rosmini’s balanced good sense in guiding the Institute of Cha rity. He seems to have had the only clear head in the insti tute. Its members were the first missionaries to the English in the 19th century and some of the most interesting parts of this book deal with Rosmini’s difficulty in controlling by cor respondence their Italian ex cesses in devotion. He was con tinually having to restrain them from forcing scapulars and rig orous retreats on the English in stead of instilling in them de votion to the essentials of the religion, or what he called the “bread” of the faith rather than the “sugar.” This is a rewarding biography of a man full of good sense. Roberts Desoto Plymouth Company 15TH AT BROAD PARK 4-1424 AUGUSTA. GEORGIA 'Smartest of the Smart Cars' SAINTS AND OURSELVES, Third Series, edited by Philip Caraman, S.J., Kenedy, $3.50. This collection of ten hagio graphies by outstanding Catho lic writers is refreshing. The following three well travelled saints are especially interesting: St. Benedict Joseph Labre, the holy hobo, who tramped around Europe on perpetual pilgrim ages; St. .Monica, who for. twen ty years followed her wayward son across. Africa and Europe; and St. Catherine of Siena, who after letters to the Pope in which she addressed him as “Dear little Bobbo,” and then told him to be a man, trekked from Siena to Avignon and per suaded him to return to Italy. CATHOLIC LITERARY OPINIONS IN THE 19TH CEN TURY, by- P. H. Vitale, Acade my Library Guild, $3.75 — A collection of literary criticisms by Newman, Patmore, Hopkins and others. Excellent for those who have majored in English or are literary minded. For any one else, beware! The thesis running through the different essays is that not only the in tellectual and moral as such, but the religious and philoso phic as well, are essential at tributes of true greatness in lit erature. — John Schroder, S.J. able value of rev'ealed truth and of pontifical teaching as the sure norm of truth and of cer tainty.” “Your gesture confirms and strengthens discipline and, whenever there is need, it re establishes order which is some times weakened by mistaken habits,” he added. “In this way there is brought into play a strong plan of moral consolidation, demanding from each one and from all together, clergy and faithful, clarity of ideas, a resolute will and sure guidance. “A synod also means fervor for new and fruitful activities in all fields of Catholic life from the parish to the care of voca tions; from the school to Catho lic Action; from the press to social action; from charitable action to leisurely recreation . . . “All this is the magnificient affirmation of the Catholic world and of its always re newed effort to give those an swers and those decisions which alone can return order and security to present day society.” To a group of minor semi narians and choir boys from the Italian city of Rieti who were also present the Pope said: “There is nothing more com forting to the heart of a bishop — and we experienced it at Venice— than to meet a living crown of youth around the altar and to discover in each one of them some marked sign of piety, of innocence and of gentleness of behavior, leading him to heed the invitation of the Master: “Come and follow me.” At the end of the audience the Holy Father was presented with a scale model of the Italian ship Vittoria on which he had traveled several times to the Middle East. It was built by members of the United Trieste Shipyards. SSusky Builders* Supplies, Inc. Galvanized Iron & Tin Roofing, Asphalt & Metal Shingles — Steel & Aluminum Sash — Rock Wool Insulation — Paints — Hardware — Wire Nails — Cyclone Fence —- Builders' Supplies 1009 BROAD ST, PA. 2-4477 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Charles Ruben Mrs. Charles Ruben Paul Ruben 914-16 BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, GEORGIA &L en 3 DEPARTMENT STORE FIRE LEOPOLD MOTHNER, Agent MOTHER INSURANCE COMPANY - AUTOMOBILE — CASUALTY — BONDS COMPENSATION Augusta, Georgia Eei t Wish 3 rom W. A. Herman For the Finest in Dairy Products FRESH DAILY S SANCKEN DAIRY BORDEN AUGUSTA, GEORGIA FRESH at Your Grocers! COLONIAL BAKING COMPANY AUGUSTA, GEORGIA