Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, December 12, 1959, Image 5

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TWO LOCATIONS Decatur McKINNEY BLDG AND Atlanta By MED. ARTS BLDG Opticians Kalish & Ainsworth 542 CHURCH ST DR. 3-7903 380 P'TREE ST., NE JA. 3-5033 Henry Hamburger Invites You To Visit 3he IJorlljlJc jbe/icutcMcn Atlanta's Gourmet Shop 3209 Maple Dr., NE — Atlanta WHAT ABOUT YOU? The Franciscan Sisters are looking for girls who are will ing to serve God as nurses, nurs ing instructors supervisors, ad* -ninistrators technicians dieti cians medical librarians cooks, seamstresses, sacristans, and in the many other departments in which they are needed The need tor Sisters is great. More hospitals could oe opened if there were enough Sisters to staff them. Is our Lord calling vou? It you are interested in be coming a Sister in the field ol nursing, write today for infor mation to: Reverend Mother General ST. MART OF THE ANGELS CONVENT 1000 30th Street |i Rock Island Illinois ! 7 QUESTION BOX (Continued from Page 4) knows (a simple telephone call to the rectory can confirm one’s impression as a thelogical mat ter, for example), in Composing the letter, one should not hesitate to make use of authoritative quotations, since they swiftly give the lie to falsehood and half-truths. Thus in a current Saturday Evening Post Letters Column, a writer summarily dismisses one author’s absurd assumptions regarding the so-called “mother or the children dilemma”—ac tually it is a myth—by quoting directly from the words of Pope Pius XII, SECONDLY, letters to editors should be charitable as well as correct. Certainly, the use of cynicism, sarcasm and similar devices should be scrupulously avoided. For that matter, it would be stupid to resort to such means when proceeding against articles founded upon ignorance of fact. For there is no more final, thoroughly level ing argument than the absolute rejection of the very premises upon which a misinformed writer has chosen to build what he erroneously thought was a solid case. LETTERS SHOULD ALSO be direct and concise. Oftimes it is sufficient to demonstrate an author’s inaccuracy on a sin gle issue, in. order to cast doubt on his entire thesis. Writing letters to editors can be an important apostolate, in that the dissemination of truth and contradiction of error is unquestionably a meritorious work, provided that it is pur sued in charity, humility and justice; and, of course, for the greater honor and glory of God. Services For M. J. Urgo ATLANTA—Funeral services for Mr. Michael J. Urgo were held November 27th at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Rev. Richard Morrow officiating. Survivors are his wife; daughter, Mrs. Robert Malone, Atlanta; sons, Mr. John Urgo, Mr. Eugene Urgo, New York City; brother, Mr. Joseph Urgo, Hagerstown, Mr. your Lump Sun Savings.. • fer asjw your accumulated cub with this specialized Savings Association . where your money consistently e*™* higher-than-average earnings -.. without worry; wmi «r risk on your part Every six months, ym/% receive a check for the extra dollsrs your savings have earned. Open your thk wmtf Mutual Federal Savings & Loan Association JACKSON 3-8282 205 AUBURN AVENUE, N. E. ATLANTA, GA. (Liberal Dividend Rate — Insured by F. D. I. C.) Each Account Insured Up To $10,000,00 SAVE BY MAIL Theology for The Layman (Continued from Page 4) ing in Plis power the things He had done for men in His body, as he wants them done now. The first strong hint is in the changing of his name from Simon to Peter, which means Rock, with the meaning of the change made clear to Matthew (XVI, 17-20)—“Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church ...” If you do not know the words by memory, reread the passage now. Read too what Our Lord said to Peter at the Last Supper (Luke XXIII, 28-32). We may concentrate here upon the words in which Christ makes Peter to be the shepherd of the flock (John XXI, 15-18). in three phrases Peter is told that he must feed the lambs and the sheep: which involves a com mand to the whole flock to be fed by him. But with what food? Three times Our Lord speaks of food. To the Devil tempting Him He quotes Deuteronomy: “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God:” so what God speaks is food. To His disciples urging Him to eat (John IV. 34), He says “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me”—so the divine law is food. And to the multitude whom He had fed with five loaves and two fishes He had said (John VI. 55) “The man who eats my flesh and drinks my blood en joys eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day:” so His body and blood are food. With Truth and Law and sac rament Peter must see to it that we are fed—Peter and the men who one by one shall succeed him as shepherds till the end of time. Yet not by their own power. After each of the commissions He gave to Peter Our Lord add ed a rebuke. In Matthew XVI, He says to Peter “Get thee be hind me Satan,” for Peter was urging Him not to go to Jerusa lem and suffer. In Luke XXII, there is almost worse: “before the cock crows, thou shalt deny me thrice.” And there is. a strange phrase near the end of John XXI “What is it to thee?” Peter became a saint; many of his successors have been canonised too; many startle us by the small show of sanctity. So with bishop and priests. We rejoice in the evidently holy, we may be sad at others. But the power in which, by which, we live is never theirs. It is al ways Christ’s. It is Christ we join when we join the Church, not the man who at any given moment direct it here upon earth. The gifts come to us through them: but always from Him. Most people find it easy to look at the bright side of life as long as it is turned their way. CURRAN NURSERY WEST END HEADQUARTERS FOR QUA MTV SHRUBS — TREES — SEEU FERTILIZER 2365 Sewell Rd. S.YV., In Cascade Heights PL. 5-6162 PL. 5-7049 Atlanta, Ga. CE. 7-8694 Free Inspection Atlanta, Ga. MERRY CHRISTMAS CHRISTIANS PHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS . . DELIVERY SERVICE SEE OUR FINE VARIETY OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS PO. 7-9726 FOREST PARK, GEORGIA * RELIABLE AND FRIENDLY SERVICE CORNER MAIN ST. & PHILLIPS DRIVE WILL EDIT NEW ENCYCLOPEDIA The newly named editors of the new Catholic Encyclopedia, to be prepared by the Catholic University of America in conjunction wth McGraw Hill Book Publishing Company of New York, confer at the university as the editorial board of the new project is announced. Left to right: Msgr. Wil liam J. McDonald, rector of the university, who was named editor-in-chief; Msgr. John H. Harrington, of St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y., managing editor and Dr. Martin R. P. McGuire, of the faculty of Catholic University, named secretary of the editorial committee. (NC Photos) Encyclical (Continued on Page 3) have been solved with prejudic ed solutions which in the future would constitute a force per haps too great to overcome, and would present further obstacles to the evangelization of the world. “It is in the field of public activity that the laity of mis sion countries have their most direct and preponderant activi ty, and it is necessary to see with the greatest timeliness and urgency that the Christian com munities offer to their earthly countries, for their common good, men who may honor the various professions and activi ties at the same time as they honor of their solid Christian life the Church that has regen erated them through grace . . . “In particular in the field of the problems of the organiza tion of the school, or organized social assistance, or work, or political life, the presence of native Catholic eexperts will have the most happy and bene ficial influence ... so long as they base their intentions and their actions on Christian prin ciples which long history shows to be efficient and decisive in achieving the common good.” Pope John extended his ap peal not only to Catholics in mission lands but “also to all those lay Catholics wherever they emeerge in the professions and in public life, that they may seriously consider the possibili ty of helping their newly ac quired brothers, even without leaving their country. Their ad vice, their experience, their technical assistance will be .able without excessive labor and without serious discomfort to make a sometimes decisive con tribution.” The Pope asked bishops throughout the world to take care of young people who come to their countries to study. He reminded them that these stu dents are living in a society that is strange to them. He asked that they assign priests and lay men to work at finding these students and at protecting their faith. In conclusion the Pope ex pressed his gratitude toward “all those who dedicate them selves to the cause of the prop agation of the Faith ... to the dear missionaries of the regu lar and diocesan clergy, to the women Religious so exemplarily generous and so valuable for the need of the missions, to lay mis sionaries who readily run to the frontiers of the Faith ... to ail the Bishops, clergy and faithful of the dioceses of the whole world who contribute .. with prayers and offerings to the spi ritual and material needs of the missions.” He addressed a particular word of comfort to the. Church of Silence: “To the holy pastors who give their spiritual sons the example of a Faith that does not bend and a faithfulness that does not yield even at the price of sacrificing life; to the faithful thus so sorely tried but so dear to the Hear of Jesus Christ who has promised happiness and copious mercy to those who suf fer persecution for justice’s sake, We address Our exhorta tion to persevere in their holy fight. For the Lord, always mer ciful in His inscrutable designs, will not leave them without the help of the most percious graces and of intimate consolation. With the persecuted there is, in the communion of prayer and sufferings, the whole Church of God, sure in the expectation of victory.” Atlanta Services Mrs. Harry Goodwin ATLANTA—Funeral services for Mrs. Harry Goodwin were held December 2nd at the Im maculate Heart of Mary Church, Rev. H. J. Rainey officiating. Survivors are her husband; Mr. Harry Goodwin, daughters, Pamela, Cynthia and Carol Goodwin, all of Atlanta; par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Caron, Fairbault, Minn.; six sisters and three brothers, all of the Fair bault area. LIBERAL MENDS ON SAVINGS Savings received by ihe lOih Earn Dividends for Thai Month PO. 7-9774 Ti-CITY FEDERAL Savings 8t Loan Association 606 South Central Ave. Hapeville Clairment Shopping Center ALLEN BROS. 5 & W STORE SHOP EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS AND USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN CHRISTMAS CARDS — TREE DECORATIONS — GIFT SETS FOR THE FAMILY — ALL KINDS OF TOYS — DOLLS AND CARRIAGES — HIGH CHAIRS — TRICYCLES — PEDDLE CARS — SPRING PONIES 3414 Clairmoni Road ME. 4-5022 ATLANTA, GEORGIA THE BULLETIN, December 12, 1959—PAGE 5 Rev. Walter A. Coggin, O.S.6. Elected Abbot Of Belmont BELMONT—The Rev. Walter A. Coggins, O.S.B., was elected the third Abbot of Belmont Ab bey by the members of the monastic chapter, to succeed the late Rt. Rev. Vincent G. Taylor, O.S.B. The Rev. Walter A. Coggin, O.S.B., becomes the Abbot- elect of Belmont Abbey mon- School in Richmond and at Loyola High School in Los Angeles. He attended Belmont Abbey Junior College and later obtained his bachelor of arts de gree at St. Benedicts College at Atchison, Kansas. In 1939 he returned to the Abbey to take a teaching post in the junior college. He received his M. A. degree from Catholic University in Washington, D. C., during sum mer sessions there. In 1952, af ter two years of study, he was awarded his Ph. D. by the same institution. Father Walter was ordained to the priesthood in 1943. He had previously been elec ted and served as Coadjutor to the late Abbot Vincent Taylor from 1956 until the death of Abbot Vincent on November 5 of this year. Radio Station WERD KC 860 On The Dial 330 Auburn Ave., NE JA. 4-0666 — Atlanta, Ga. REV. W. A. COGGIN, O.S.B. astic community and the Abbot- Ordinary designate of the Bel mont Abbey Nullius diocese which comprises Gaston Coun ty, North Carolina. The name of the Abbot-elect has been forwarded to the Holy See in Rome for confirmation. On recipt of the Bull of Con firmation and the presentation of the chapter, the Abbot-elect will assume full jurisdiction and all rights of his office. Father Walter was born in Richmond, Va., February 10, 1916. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs W. A. Coggins of 3205 Grant Street in Richmond. He received his high school education at Benedictine High TO TELECAST CHRISTMAS EVE MIDNIGHT MASS NEW YORK — In the annual NBC-TV Network presentation of Christmas Eve Midnight Mass from St. Patrick’s Cathe dral in New York City, Thurs day, December 24 (from 12 mid night to 1:45 a. m. EST), The celebrant will be the Most. Rev. Joseph F. Flannelly, Auxiliary Bishop of New York and Ad ministrator of the Cathedral. Narrator for the telecast will be the Very Rev. Msgr. Timothy J. Flynn, director of the Office of Radio and Television of the Archdiocese of New York. Music will be under the direc tion of the Rev. Francis X. Duf fy and Dr. Charles Courboin, both of the Cathdral staff. Ad ditional details will be announc ed. Gi|» ff. _ sags INTERIORS ANTIQUES GIFTS 47 West Paces Ferry Rd. CE. 7-3340 Atlanta, Ga. C. MALCOLM NEWELL Photography Studio Weddings — Portraits Restorations — Identification Parties 2292 Cascade Road, S.YV. I*L. 5-5224 Atlanta, Ga. Cloudt's Food Shop CATERERS TO ATLANTA 1933 Peachtree St., N. E. TR. 6-7523 Atlanta, Georgia NOTICE! Fire and Regular Alarm Systems Installed 24-HOUR SERVICE 580 14ih Street, N. W. TR. 5-1658 — Atlanta, Ga. A. C. SAMFORD, President & General Manager JAMES H. SAMFORD, Ex. Vice Pres. TONY YAKSH, Vice Pres. A. C. SAMFORD, JR.. Vice Pres. J. T. ANDERSON, Sec. & Treas. A. C. Samford INCORPORATED CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS P. 0. Box 1229 Albany, Georgia Phone HEmSock 2-7431 LD-49