Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, January 09, 1960, Image 6

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FAGE 6—THE BULLETIN- January 3, 1380 ANTICIPATED RATE. PAYABLE DEC. 31. 1959 BROOKHAVEN FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN, ASSOCIATION 4008 Peachtree Roda, Atlanta 19, Ga. Accounts! Opened by Mail— CE. 7-6406 R. C. COLBERT, President RING IN THE NEW YEAR ANTICIPATED RATE. PAYABLE DEC. 31. 1959 ur st: Happy New Year Beacon Dry Cleaners and Laundry ATLANTA'S FINEST SERVICE 2339 Peachtree Rd. CE. 3-1727 Atlanta, Georgia Marty's Beauty Salon Visit our Salon for a beautiful new hair-do by fine hair stylists “Knights Of Columbus Week” Observed By Ellacon Parish Dwarfing the participants, this spectacular bell, 20-feet in circumference and weighing five tons, is blessed by His Eminence Paolo Cardinal Giobbe during a consecration ceremony at St. Paul’s Church in Rome. The huge bell, largest of six donated to the basilica was presented by Pope John XXIII. Another of the bells was donated by the cities of Bergamo and Venice. (NC Photos) CE. 7-7868 2971 PEACHTREE RD., N. E. ATLANTA, GA. Clairmont “66" Service Station YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD "66" DEALER Road Service — Phillip's Tires Batteries and Accessories ME. 4-9119 2787 Clairmont Rd. at Expressway Atlanta, Ga. • We Give S & H Green Stamps • We Pick Up and Deliver Willingham & Payne INCORPORATED INSURANCE and SURETY BONDS Calder W. Payne — Alberta D. Williams 350 SECOND STREET MACON, GA. Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days (N.C.W.C. News Service) SUNDAY, January 10 — Feast of the Holy Family, hon oring the Child Jesus, His Holy Mother Mary and his foster- father, Joseph, was instituted by Pope Leo XIII in 1893 and ex tended to the whole Church in 1921. It is observed on the Sun day within the octave of the Epiphany. MONDAY, January 11 — Feast of St. Hyginus, Pope- Martyr. He was an Athenian and succeeded St. Teleshorus as Pope in 154. The struggles of the Church in his time were chiefly with the Gnostic here tics. He excommunicated Credo and others of their leaders. He was martyred in 158 during the reign of Emperor Antonius Pius and was buried near the body of St. Peter. TUESDAY, January 12 — St. Tatiana, Martyr. According to the Roman Martyrology, she was a Roman woman who was put to death for her Faith in a persecution under Alexander Severus about 230. On this day the Greeks also honor a St. Ta tiana along with two other martyrs, Euthasia and Mertios. WEDNESDAY, January 13 — Commemoration of the Baptism of Our Lord by St. John the Baptist. Generally this date is the feast of St. Popitus, Martyr. eS DODD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY FRANK BIENERT, Manager 1644 WATERVILLE COURT MACON, GEORGIA L. E. SCHWARTZ & SONS, Inc. ROOFING AND SHEET HETAL CONTRACTORS 279 Reid Street Macon, Georgia He is said to have been a native of Sardinia who as a boy was converted to Christianity and succeeded in converting his fa ther. It is said that Emperor Marcus Aurelius personally con ducted the trial of the boy for rejecting the gods of Rome. He is said to have been martyred about 166. THURSDAY, January 14 — St. Hilary, Bishop-Doctor. He did not embrace the Faith un til near middle age,, and receiv ed Holy Orders. He was chosen Bishop of his native Poitiers in 353. His vigorous opposition to the Arian heresy in several Gallic councils led Emperor Constantius to banish him to Phrygia. In exile he composed his great work on the Trinity. After a personal triumph at the Council of Seleucia, he was al lowed to return to Gaul, where he died in 368. Pope Pius IX named him a Doctor of the Church. FRIDAY, January 15 — St. Paul, the First Hermit, Confes sor. He was an Egyptian and was well educated. As a youth he fled to the desert country near Thebes to escape a raging persecution. Delighted by the solitary life of prayer and pen ance, he remained in, the desert until his death at the age of 90 in 342. SATURDAY, January 16—St. Marcellus I, Pope-Martyr. He was elected Pope in 304. The tyrant Maxentius, who soon was to be overthrown by Con stantine, had the Pontiff arrest ed and scourged, then assigned him to labors in the imperial stables. He was rescued for a time, but eventually recaptured and returned to the hard labor, which broke his health. He died in 309. His relics are in the Ro man church which bears his name. MACON — A special week was recently set aside in St. Jos eph’s parish as “Knights of Col umbus Week.” The week consisted of special exercises in the parish including a special evening Mass for the repose of the souls of all deceas ed members of Macon Council 925. At the Council’s meeting held during the week, three veteran honorary members were honor ed and the council' cited 21 members with 25 or more years membership. Charles Lellardy Adams (47 years), Godfrey Kennington (51) and Charles B. McBrearty (43) were the honorary members cit ed. Honored as 25-year members, were Frank Barshow, the Rev. Thomas Brennan, N. J. Camerio, R. H. Casson, T i m Harrison, Robert Hurley (43 years), John J. McCreary (43), John F. Mc Brearty. Patrick J. Murphy, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas I. Sheehan, Hillman Tanner Sr., Sam Vullo, George Powell Sr., Raymond McDonnell, Robert McCrary, Ed Lackey, James Hornsby, Alex Hadarits, Francis T. Cassidy, Daniel Brosman and Holst Beall Sr. State Deputy Charles C. Ches ser of Augusta told the local group that “through the initia tive of the Knights of Columbus, prejudice and misunderstanding of the Catholic Church is almost a thing of the past.” Monsignor Sheehan, pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church, call ed the K. of C. an organiza tion devoted to “service to church, country and fellow man.” Local Grand Knight Joe Mc Neil presided at the meeting in the Parish Hall of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. A film entitled Noble Heritage was shown ex plaining the founding and work of the K. of C. Thomas McGoldrick was gen eral chairman for the event. HOLY FATHER URGES C. MALCOLM NEWELL Photography Studio Weddings — Portraits Restorations — Identification Parties 2292 Cascade Koad, S.W. fL. 6-5224 Atlanta. Ga. (Continued on Page 2) eternal moral laws, it will be repeatedly necessary to remove from the path toward peace those obstacles which the mal ice of man have put in its way. Among these obstacles His Holiness listed: propaganda of immorality, social injustice un employment, poverty contrasted with luxury, lack of proportion between technical and moral progress in nations and the un checked armaments race. Pope John said the Church’s proper function and office to ward attainment of peace is one of prayer and teaching. The Pope said: “The Church prays with con fidence to Him who rules the destinies of nations and can di rect the hearts of governments to good . . . Besides prayer, the Church makes available its material offices, points to the incomparable treasure of its doctrine, urges its children to lend their active cooperation for peace.” The Pontiff began his mes sage by saying the road to Beth lehem truly marks the path for the right approach to peace, but noted how many other roads have been sought which lead to nowhere. “In the world of today,” he said, “how many roads of peace have been proposed and impos ed; and how many have been suggested even to Us, who re joice indeed, with Mary and Joseph, in the sure knowledge of our path and have no fear of the possibility of going astray.” “From the Second World War right up to this present time,” the Pope continued, “what a variety of utterances, what an abuse of this sacred word ‘peace, HAYS HEATING & PLUMBING COMPANY Steam and Hot Water Heating Systems and Plumbing Installations 352 First Street Phone SH. 3-5448 C. G. HAYS, OWNER Macon, Georgia JULIETTE MILLING COMPANY FEEDS - HAY - GRAIN MACON, GEORGIA PRIEST SLAIN IN ALGERIA PARIS, (Radio, NC) — Father Rene Husson, W.F., French priest who spent 20 years as a missionary in the Sahara, was shot and killed (Dec. 28) by ter rorists in Algeria, it was learned here. nor do We wish to forget our separated brethren for whom Our prayer rises unceasingly to heaven, that the promise of Christ may be fulfilled: one Shepherd and one flock.” Father Husson, 48, was slain by machine-pistol bullets fired' at him while he was walking in a narrow street in Ouled Djellal, oasis town about 70 miles south of his mission at Biskra. The White Father from the Diocese of Nancy had gone to Ouled Djellal to offer midnight Mass for the European Chris tians and about 100 Moslems there. He was awaiting the de parture of a military convoy to Biskra when he was shot. Ordained in Cathage two dec ades ago, Father Husson return ed to Nancy’ to visit relatives there in 1959 for the first time. peace’ . . . But human efforts in the matter of universal peacemaking are still far from the point where heaven and earth meet. The Pope concluded his mes sage with a wish and an ex hortation. His wish was that “all men of good will will return to Christ and listen to His divine teach ing which is the teaching of His Vicar on earth and of the law ful pastors, the bishops.” His exhortation: “At Bethle hem all men must find their place. In the first rank should be the Catholics. Today espe cially, the Church wishes to see them pledged to an effort to make His message of peace a part of themselves ... it is completely intolerable for Cath olics to restrict themselves to the position of mere observers; they should feel clothed, as it were, with a mandate from on high.” Before closing, the Pope de scribed a painting which he keeps in his chapel, a painting which depicts the Holy Family and young John the Baptist in “Sacred Conversation.” Identifying himself with the “John” of the painting, Pope John said he likes to consider himself in his “universal minis try” engaged in sacred conver sation with those whom he would name as being particular ly dear to him. These are, he said, “those who suffer from the anxieties and miseries of life . . . the sick and the in firm . . . those who are suffer ing in spirit or in their hearts because of the uncertainties of the future, economic hardships, humiliation imposed upon them because of some fault committed or presumed . . . the little chil dren ... the aged, often tempt ed by moments of melancholy or by the thought of themselves as useless. “And not to them alone, but also to all whose state of life is undistinguished, to the poor, to workers, to employers, and to those who are invested with public and civil power . . . “And how could We omit re membrance on this day before Christmas Eve of Our venerable bishops . . . and the generous and heroic bands of missionary men and women and of cate chists; and of the compact and noble army of the diocesan and religious clergy and of the reli gious women belonging to in numerable and praiseworthy in stitutes; and of the Catholic laity all on fire with zeal for the works of Christian piety . . . J. H. STARR - J. H. STARR, JR. - F. J. STARR STARR ELECTRIC COMPANY WIRING - CONTRACTING REPAIRS - SUPPLIES 584 SECOND STREET MACON, GEORGIA ed Ees,t Will, BIBB DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 338 TERMINAL AVENUE MACON, GEORGIA