Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, May 28, 1960, Image 8

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PAGE 8—THE BULLETIN, May 28, 1960 NEW HOME & SCHOOL OFFICERS AT MACON MACON—At the final meet ing of the school year Joe Genone, retiring president, in stalled the following new offi cers for the year 1960-61: Mrs. George T. Powell, Jr., Presi dent; Mrs. Andrew W. Mc Kenna, Vice-President; Mrs. A. D. Younis, Recording Secretary; Mrs. E. L. Hofstadter, Corre sponding Secretary; J. Thomas McGoldrick, Treasurer. Mrs. Powell announced the commit tee chairmen: Athletics, Ed Hatcher and Joe Genohe; Cul tural Development, Mrs. Wm. M. Syme, Jr.; Health, Mrs. Phillip F. Powell; Hospitality, Mrs. Don .Kehaya; Membership, Mrs. Chris Sheridan; N.C.C.W., Mrs. Richard Cowan; Program, Joe McGoldrick; Publicity, Mrs. George Currey; Scouting, Mrs. Louis Shaheen; Ways and Means, Mrs. Robert Young; Civil Defense, Ben L. Kersey, Jr.; Parliamentarian, Andrew McKenna. In giving his annual report Mr. Genone summarized and evaluated the work of the past year. A new plan—holding Open House rather than a busi ness meeting every other month —proved highly popular. At these sessions the teachers re mained in their classrooms, which gave each parent ample opportunity for a personal con ference in regard to his child’s progress. Highlighting the other meet ings were “A TALK BY OUR DIOCESAN SUPERINTEN DENT,” Reverend John Cuddy; “A CHRISTMAS PROGRAM” by the children of St. Joseph School; “CIVIL DEFENSE,” in cluding a plan for evacuating the school, by Ben L. Kersey, Jr., who is on the Civil Defense Committee in Bibb County and closely associated with the State of Georgia Director. Through the Cultural De velopment Committee the school library was staffed with volun teer workers each day; new books were donated to the li brary. Through the efforts of Mrs. Robert Young the Junior League of Macon presented its annual play to the St. Joseph School children. In co-operation with the Bibb County Board of Health chil dren who had their parents’ per mission were given tuberculosis tests this year. In January in co-operation with the NCCW the Home and .School Association sponsored the bi-weekly Sewing Bee for making cancer pads and dress ings for Our Lady of Perpetual Help Free Cancer Home in Atlanta. A very active Scouting Pro gram had all of St. Joseph’s Girl Scout troops represented at the city-wide •'Ingathering,” award ed 129 badges to Cub Scouts and presented the pack on tele- _ vision, noted 88 advancements in the Boy Scout Troop and sent the troop to the Middie-Georgia Council’s Annual Camporee. In the field of Athletics the upper grades have enjoyed a well-rounded program of foot ball, basketball, and baseball and for the use of all the chil dren softball and bats, and dodge balls have been pur chased. SURRENDER (Continued from Page 1) As fund raising projects, as well as fun for the family, the Halloween Festival, an Aunt Jemima Pancake Breakfast and a Family Sunday Dinner met with great success. BUSY SCHEDULE FOR SAVANNAH CATHOLIC YOUTH SAVANNAH—Members of the Catholic Youth Councils of the various parishes in the Savan nah area had a busy week end recently. Though they meet weekly in their own parishes, these groups of young people of high school age often plan their activities on an inter- parochial or Deanery basis when their officers and commit tee chairmen of the spiritual, cultural, social and physical de partments meet with their spiritual directors and their adult advisors. The Blessed Sacrament CYC invited other CYC’s to their Friday the 13th Movie Party in the School Gym. Dancing fol lowed a mystery movie and re freshments were served. The Deanery Physical Com mittee held a Swim Party at the DeSoto Pool on Saturday, the 14th. After the swim, a hamburger fry was enjoyed at the Cathedral Parking Lot, fol lowed by dancing in the School Hall. On Sunday afternoon May 15th the boys’ and girls’ teams participated in the Softball League, at Forsyth Park. This will continue each Sunday af ternoon during the softball sea son. Square dancing is another ac tivity of the Physical Depart ment, with classes being con ducted on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 in the Nativity Hall. As their spiritual activity CYC’s receive Holy Communion in a body monthly in their re spective parishes, their last joint Communion and Breakfast being held at Blessed Sacrament on April 24. St. Mary’s CYe Elects Officers AUGUST A—At the recent monthly business meeting, the Youth Council of St. Mary’s on the Hill, elected new officers. The results of the election were as follows: president, William Shealy; vice-president, Lee Etheredge; secretary, Jane Bled soe; and treasurer, Mar lie Jacobs. At the Honor Banquet which was held at Aquinas last Sun day the new committee chair men were appointed: Spiritual Chairman, Eugene Long, Jr.; Cultural Chairman, Julia D’- Antignac; Social Chairman, Lee Bussey; and Physical Chairman, Jimmy Cook. These new officers and committee chairmen will be formally installed in September. Anne Smith was named as the outstanding Council mem ber of the year. Anne, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith of 1313 Stovall Street is a Senior member of St. Mary’s CYC. of country, respect for law, and “satisfaction with our basic pol itical and social order . . . would vanish,” he added. “For the existence we have known,” Sen. Dodd said, “com munist rule would mean death as final as the grave.” “This is the fate which the avant-garde of the neutralists is willing to accept now,” he stated, “if they can thereby pur chase (by unilateral disarma ment) the guarantee that there will be no war: death of soul, death of the spirit, death of the heart, if only the body is per mitted to live.” "Lei our people live, and if need be die, in defense of our faith, our freedom and our country, confident that our in dividual destiny and the sur vival of our race is yet in the hands of Divine Providence. . the Senator concluded. Patronise Our New Sodalists deceived It Aquinas AUGUSTA -— Twenty-five candidates were received into the Girls’ Sodality at Aquinas High School. The reception fol lowed a Dialogue Mass offered by the Sodality Director, Father Ralph Siekel. Immediately after the recep tion the new sodalitists ^rere en tertained with a breakfast in the cafeteria. Father Siekel congratulated the newly receiv ed and explained to them what an honor it was to be a member of the Sodality. Those received are: Patricia Armstrong, Mari-Gloria Arroyo, Kay Campbell, Rosemarie Cas- ella, Helen Deigman, Maryan Doris, Roberta Emerson, Dee Evans, Laura Gary, Maureen Herman, Ellen Horton, Johanna Keip, Judy Kirsch, Suzanne Lawrence, Cheryl Lewis, Patri cia Lucky, Frances McLaughlin, Melinda Milz, Mae Mulherin, Charlene Nagel, Nancy Roberts, Janet Salmon, Gloria Sumner, Heien Turley, and Elizabeth Whildcn. FIRST COMMUNION CLASS AT CATHEDRAL—First communcants of the Cathedral Day School are pictured with the Most Rev. Thomas J. McDonough, D.D., J.C.D., Bishop of Savannah, and their pastor, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. James McNamara, P.A., V.G., V.F., Rector of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Savannah. Children pictured are, first row, left to right: Edna Murrin, Glenda Forbes, Linda Corish, Linda Glassen, Patrice Richardson, Bonita Chapman, Joseph Sheehan, Franklin Forbes, Anthony Balcom, John Bouchea, Jo Jo Thompson, James Johnstown; Second row: Joan Labarbera, Patricia Bryan, Kathy Shippen, Kathy Lyle, Mary Brady, Mildred Cook, Danny Muller, Thomas Luther, George Bargeron, Thomas Moore, Billy Charnuck; Third row: Eliza beth Oliver, Helen Cook, Theresa O’Neill, Nancy Ray, Mary Dufour, Henry Spivey, Michael Harrison, Michael Crawford, Tony Grossi; Fourth row: Sally Elmore, Susan Rainey, Kathleen Burke, Sandra Murrin, Julia Dyer, Irene Jaffs, Emily Moore, Helen Broderick, Jacqueline Embler.—(Andrew Bunn Photo). Catholic Women Elect New Club Officers VALDOSTA—The final meet ing of the year of St. John’s Catholic Women’s Club was held Tuesday evening, May 10, at the new school with Mrs. T. S. Dvorak, president, presiding. A report on the Library and Literature Committee was given by Mrs. John Donnelly. Mrs. Zeno Sutter and Mrs. Elmore Thrash reported on the recent Deanery meeting in Albany and the Diocesan meeting in Savan nah. * a: A financial statement cover ing the two year’s work of the outgoing administration was read by the treasurer, Mrs. Kel ley Kalil. All the circles had turned in their quotas for the year. After an explanation of its purpose by Mrs. E. O. Kline, the annual purse was taken up for the Madonna Plan. It was announced that St. John’s Catholic Women’s Club will be host in the fall to the ladies of the Columbus Deanery; also that the Thirtieth National Convention of the National Council of Catholic Women will be held in Las Vegas, October 31, to November 4, 1960. Miss Helen Pollard, a past president, conducted the instal lation of the new slate of offi cers for the ensuing term: President, Mrs. Richard Jos eph; Vice President, Mrs. D. L. Lajeunesse; Corresponding Sec retary, Mrs. T. B. Jenkins; Re cording Secretary, Mrs. Marion Grimes; Treasurer, Mrs. C. J. Cooke. Rev. Thomas H. Payne closed the meeting with a few re marks regarding the function of the Catholic Women’s Club; that it was a most excellent of women’s groups, by its objects and its means and results; by its practice of virtues in all its endeavors, and by its results in the development of leadership. Final Meeting At Blessed Sacrament SAVANNAH — The final meeting of the Blessed Sacra ment Home and School Asso ciation was held on Wednesday, May 11th. The pastor, Msgr. Thomas Brennan, and the prin cipal, Sr. Mary Jude, R.S.M., said that the children are to be commended for their behavior and the parents for their co operation. RECEIVES WEST POINT APPOINTMENT — Richard Rhodes of St. Teresa’s parish, Albany, has received an ap pointment to West Point. Richard received his appoint ment through Congressman Pil cher, having received the high est grade of any candidate from the district. Sodality Names 1960-61 Officers AUGUSTA — The Girls’ So dality of Aquinas High School recently elected officers for the 1960-1961 school year. Those elected were Eidth Reed, prefect; Connie Enzbren- ner, vice-prefect; Lee Bussey, secretary, and Janet Salmon, treasurer. These new officers and Che- rie Carpenter will represent the Sodality at the Hendersonville Summer School of Catholic Ac tion. This summer school is a lead ership training center for Cath olic youth of the Southeastern area. It will be held at Our Lady of the Hills Camp. QUALIFY AS CATECHISTS P H E N I X CITY, ALA.—A group of twenty-nine adult catechists from the Columbus- Phenix City area formally com pleted their training and re ceived certification on Sunday, May 15, in a ceremony at St. Patrick’s Church in Phenix City. The ceremony comes at the official completion of courses in both Christian Doctrine and Methods of Teaching Doctrine that began last October and have met each Monday evening for the entire school year. Besides five Brothers from Holy Trinity and four Sisters from St. Patrick’s School, the group includes eleven men and women from Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Columbus and nine from St. Patrick’s in Phenix City. Change Name Of St. Teresa’s Altar Society ALBANY — The regular monthly meeting of St. Teresa’s Altar Society was held in the school auditorium with the pre sident, Mrs. Ken Lewis, presid ing. Father Marvin J. LeFrois opened the meeting iw i t h a prayer. The group will change its name to “Catholic Women’s Council,” with this change go ing into effect at the September meeting. It was further decided to hold all future meetings in the Catholic Youth Hall located on Residence Avenue. These future meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month with alternate day time and evening meetings. Ev ery other meeting will be a luncheon meeting. The remain der of the meetings will be held at 8:00 o’clock in the evening. The president reminded the members of the national con vention of the National Council of Catholic Women which will be held in Las Vegas in the fall and urged that we send a delegate from this council. Mrs. J. L. Lindsey, chairman of the nominating committee, presented the following slate of officers to serve during the coming year: President, Mrs. Paul Anderson; Vice President, Mrs. G. M. Barrett; Secretary, Mrs. Fran Hutnick; Treasurer, Mrs. Harry Stephenson. Father LeFrois expressed his appreciation to the outgoing of ficers and presented Mrs. Lewis with a gift. The program was a rendition of several vocal se lections presented by the girls of the 5th grade. The meeting was adjourned and refresh ments served. St. James Names Officers SAVANNAH — Mrs. Frank Cullum was elected president at the annual meeting of the St. James Home and School As sociation. Father John Fiero, Assistant Pastor, installed the new president along with the following officers: President-elect, Mr. Jack Ahern; Vice-president, Mrs. Dan Willoughby; Recording Secretary, Mrs. John Considine; Treasurer, Mrs. William T. Gaudry. The retiring president, Mrs. Edward J. Fogarty, ex pressed her gratitude to all the out-going officers and commit tee chairmelen for their work during the past year, and asked for a standing ovation for Mrs. Thomas Lang and Mr. Joseph V. Ryan for their outstanding work on the May Festival. Mrs. M. J. Prouty introduced Joseph Porrciau who gave a demonstration of 4-H work in Hugh Grady Speaker At Statesboro STATESBORO—T h e annual Mother’s Day communion break fast of the Holy Name Society of St. Matthew’s Church, States boro, Georgia, was held at the American Legion Club on Sun day, May 8. Newly elected, officers are: Roger Fluet, Cobbtown, Presi dent; Wallace Gacek, Statesboro, Vice President and Secretary; Jerry Ernst, Statesboro, Treas urer. The Society presented Brother Christopher, of Glenmary Home Mission, a two-suiter suitcase as a going-away present on his de parture from Georgia to work in other missionary fields. Hugh H. Grady, K.S.G., talked to the men, taking as his subject the participation on the laity in Liturgy. Mr. Thomas J. Buttimer, Pro gram Chairman of the Knights of Columbus gave a talk on the Knights of Columbus. Also present was Mr. Leo A. Harrington, of Chicago, Illinois. stamp collecting, followed by Joseph Prouty who demonstrat ed his 4-H project of penny col lecting. Miss Terry Tatum, award winner in public speak ing, told of “Importance of Keeping Good 4-H Records.” MISS HARPER GEORGIA IRISH HISTORY WINNER SAVANNAH — Miss Joan Harper frdm Nativity of Our Lord parish, Thunderbolt, has won top state honors in the es say contest sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary A.O.H., Sav annah. Miss Harper’s prize winning essay will now be considered in the nationwide contest on Irish history which is sponsored by the national Ladies Auxiliary A.O.H. ST. MARY'S AUXILIARY AUGUSTA — The final meet ing of St. Mary’s Ladies Auxil iary for the year 1959-60 was highlighted by several interest ing reports. Miss Anna Rice, as sisted by Mrs. F: X. Mulherin, gave a delightful account of the annual Diocesan Conven tion, which they had recently attended. This was of particular interest since a member of St. Mary’s Auxiliary, Mrs. Norman Boatwright, presided as Dioces an president. Mrs. James Cullman gave the annual Treasurer’s repprt, show ing final figures in the black. Mrs. E. V. Hastings, Chair man of the Citizens for Decent Literature Committee, read a request from Mr. Charles Keat ing to send him samples of in decent literature found on the newsstands in Augusta, to be used to illustrate his talk to the Granahan Senate Committee, which is to conduct hearings on this subject on May 27th in Washington. Mr. Keating is to give the opening address to this committee, as they begin their report of investigations. Some post cards were written at the meeting to the Granahan Com mittee, commending their inter est in this matter. It was voted to send the Altar boys on a 1 day’s outing to Camp Villa Marie to have a picnic with the students of St. John Vianney Minor Seminary, to be followed by a tour of the sem inary. Mrs. Hastings, as Chairman of the Nominating Committee, presented the following slate of new officers for the coming year: President, Mrs. James Cullum; Vice-President, Mrs. Graham Der,iso; Secretary, Mrs. Thomas Bailey; and Treasurer, Mrs. Albert Rice. These officers were unanimously elected. After Mrs. Louis Battey gave a splendid annual report of her year as president, Mrs. Hastings presented her with a gift of' ap preciation on behalf of the Aux iliary. Next Msgr. Bourke in stalled the new officers. Following several announce ments, including a request by Mrs. Eugene Long for surplices for six new altar boys, the meeting was adjourned. D.C.C.W. OFFICERS — Newly elected officers of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Wo men are pictured above. (1 to r): Mrs. E. H. Buck, Macon, treasurer; Mrs. Edwin Mulligan, Sav annah, 1st vice president; Mrs. John Barry, Columbus, president; Mrs. James Dembrowski, Macon, 2nd vice president and Miss Margaret Collins, Savannah, secretary.—(Bulletin Staff Photo) CONFIRMATION AT VALDOSTA — The Most Rev. Thomas J. McDonough, D.D., J.C.D., Bishop of Savannah, is pictured with the confirmation class of St. John the Evangelist parish, Valdosta. The class was composed of more than 50 children. Sr. Mary Jude said that in comparison with one half mil lion children, the children of this diocese rated above the average in all phases of aca demic achievement. This rating was based upon the mid-term exams given. The annual school picnic will be held at the Savannah Beach Memorial Park on Tuesday, May 31. Following the graduation ex ercises on June 3rd, the asso ciation will serve refreshments to the graduates. Mrs. George Abelson was ap pointed chairman of the Gold Bond Group Project Plan. All members of our association are urged to contact her to learn how the school can benefit by saving these stamps. FIRST COMMUNION CLASS MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH. SAVANNAH