Newspaper Page Text
Sacred Heart
Surkc County’s
First Church
' Serving
Georgia's 88
Southern Counties
J :
Vol. 41, No. 25
Published By The
Catholic Laymen's
Ass'n of Georgia
10c Per Copy — $3 A Year
PAPAL AUDIENCE — Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCormack, Sr., talking to Holy Father
Pope John XXIII in audience in Rome on their recent trip there. Mrs. McCormack is
showing and thanking the Holy Father for the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal recently
presented to them.
Pope John Gives Warm Welcome
Elizabeth II Is First Ruling
English Queen To Visit Vatican
By James C. O'Neill
ness Pope John XXIII wel
comed Queen Elizabeth II of
England and her husband the
Duke of Edinburgh to the Vat
ican with extraordinary cour
tesy and characteristic per
sonal warmth.
The visit (May 5) marked
the first time a ruling Queen
of England ever visited the
Vatican. But it was not Queen
Elizabeth’s first visit here. Be
fore she ascended the throne,
she and Prince Philip paid a
courtesy call on Pope Pius XII
in 1951 during an unofficial
tour of Italy.
The Queen’s welcome was
surrounded by all the cere
monies and honors reserved
by the Holy See for heads of
state. From the moment she
stepped into a Vatican-provid
ed car at 10:40 a. m. until she
and her suite left to go to the
airport, the Queen was given
the greatest honors and un
precedented courtesy.
At the Pope’s instructions a
special exhibition of Vatican
Library historical documents
relating to the papacy and
England was set up in the
Borgia Apartments of the Vat
ican for the visitors.
The Queen and Prince Philip
were accompanied during the
drive to Vatican City by Prince
Leone Massimo, Superintend
ent General of the Vatican
Postal System.
The cortege drove through
Vatican City to the courtyard
of San Damaso, the main
(Continued on Page 8 )
Mother Magdalen Of Jesus
Observes Silver Jubilee
day, April 15th, Mother Mag
dalen of Jesus, D. C., Prioress
of the Carmelite Monastery in
Savannah, observed the Silver
Jubilee of her Clothing in the
Habit of Carmel. In the chapel,
crowded with friends and
well-wishers, the occasion was
observed by the celebration of
a Pontifical Low Mass by His
Excellency, The Most Rev.
Thomas J. McDonough.
Bishop McDonough was as
sisted by the Right Reverend
Andrew J. McDonald, Chancel
lor of the Diocese, and the
Reverends Edward Frank and
George James, assistants at
Blessed Sacrament Church. In
the sanctuary were the Right
Reverend T. James McNa
mara, Rector of the Cathedral,
the Very Reverend Bede C.
Lightner, O.S.B., the Reverend
Norbert McCown, O.S.B., Rev
erend Robert J. Teoli, Rever
end John V. Mulvey, S.M.A.,
Reverend Ailbe Doolan, O.D.C.,
Discalced Carmelite from the
Irish Province in Oakville,
The Jubilee Sermon was
preached by the Very Rever
end Bede C. Lightner, O.S.B.,
Prior of the Benedictine
Priory in Savannah. In noting
the occasion, Father Bede
pointed to the religious life as
the only true means of seizing
upon the happiness that is
sought in the merry-go-round
of the world. He pin-pointed
riches, gratification of the
senses and ambition for power
and influence as the three
main sources in which the
world seeks contentment and
showed how the Religious
finds peace of mind and true
happiness in the renunciation
of these materialities through
the vows of poverty, chastity
and obedience. “Mother Mag
dalen has chosen a way that
often seems strange to men,”
said Father Bede, “the way of
Carmel — and this is the way
of contemplation, of longing
(Continued on Page 8 )
8 j£y
May 16. 1896
May 20, 1854
May 20, 1896
May 22, 1883
May 24, 1954
O God, Who didst aive to
thy servants by their sacrcdotal
office, a share in the priesthood
of the Apostles, grant, we im
plore, that they may also be one
of their company forever in
heaven. Through Christ Our
Lord. A men.
Panel Highlights
‘Vocation Day’
At Mt. de Sales
MACON — The highlight of
Vocation Day at Mt. de Sales
was the panel discussion en
titled “A Look at Religious
Participating in the panel
were: Mrs. Angelo Punaro,
chairman, Sister Mary Valen
tina, R.S.M., Mrs. John D. Cas
sidy, and Mr. John McCreary,
all of Macon, and Rev. William
Seli, S.M., from Marist Col
lege, Atlanta. Each member of
the panel took a look at re
ligious vocations from his own
viewpoint as the father or mo
ther of religious and as a nun
or priest. A question period in
which the students participat
ed followed.
The final activity of the day
was a kineposium held in each
homeroom. In this the students
under student leadership dis
cussed questions pertinent to
the subject. Summaries of
these discussions were report
ed to the student body by rep
resentatives for their respec
tive homerooms: Peggy O’Neal,
senior; Donna Cozzati, junior;
Carol Patterson, sophomore;
Kathy Bender, freshman. Mary
Ross Ashby, prefect of the so
dality was chairman of this
"A LOOK AT RELIGIOUS VOCATIONS" was the theme of a panel discussion
marking Vocation Day at Mt. de Sales Academy, Macon. Participating in the panel were
Mrs. Angelo Punaro, chairman; Sister Mary Valentina, R.S.M.; Mrs. John D. Cassidy;
Mr. John McCreary, and the Rev. William S eli, S.M.
to this house.” Thus com
menced the blessing of another
of the Diocese of Savannah’s
On Sunday, April 23rd, His
Excellency, Bishop McDon
ough, blessed and offered the
dedication mass of Waynes
boro’s Sacred Heart Church.
Rich in historical tradition,
one of Georgia’s original eight
counties, Burke County has
never had a Catholic Church.
Now, in this rolling country,
where King Cotton once ruled
and still holds sway, the King
of Kings is honored, glorified,
and adored as has never been
done before.
Assisting Bishop McDonough
were Rt. Rev. Msgr. Andrew
J. McDonald, Chancellor, Rev.
Francis Guest, pastor of the
new church, and Rev. Ralph
Seikel, Moderator of Aquinas
High School. The Liturgy was
beautifully celebrated, with
community participation in
the prayers, music by the
Aquinas High School Choir
under the direction of Sister
Mary John, C.S.J., and guard
of honor by the Augusta
Council Knights of Columbus.
Following the Mass, a Com
munion Breakfast was served
for the 100 people in attend
ance. Seated at the head table
with His Excellency, Bishop
McDonough, were Miss Molly
Lehr, who will received the
“Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice”
award on Mothers’ Day at
Bay Branch, and Mr. Dan
Sheehan, K.S.G., who super
vised the construction of the
Situated in a newly devel
oped section of Waynesboro,
the chapel’s erection was made
possible largely through the
generosity of Mrs. Bernard
Zapfe of Kokomo, Indiana.
Pews and Communion railing
were a gift of the Catholic
Church Extension Society. The
other furnishings were gifts
of local parishioners and
Waynesboro and Burke
County are part of the eleven-
county mission area in the
Diocese of Savannah which is
served by the Glenmary
Home Missioners. Eight Glen
mary Fathers and Brothers
now labor in this section.
“Peace to this house.” With
hopeful expectation every
mission - minded Catholic in
the Diocese of Savannah looks
for the day when our remain
ing churchless counties will
be blessed with a house chapel
similar to that in Waynesboro.
St. Patrick’s
Altar Society
AUGUSTA — Mrs. Harry B.
Arthur was installed as presi
dent for 1961-62 at the May
meeting of the St. Patrick’s
Altar Society and Council of
Catholic Women. Other offi
cers are Mrs. William D.
Moore, secretary, and Mrs. T.
P. Stallings, treasurer.
Since this was the last meet
ing until September, the Rev.
A. A. Weltzer, pastor, announc
ed the summer appointments
for the work of the Altar So
Plans were completed for a
rummage sale to be held May
Mrs. Stallings invited mem
bers to meet at her home Wed
nesday for lunch, and to make
cancer pads to be sent to Our
Lady of Perpetual Help Can
cer Home in Atlanta.
Mrs. Arthur announced the
appointment of the following
committee chairmen: Organi-
(Continued on Page 8 )
GLENNVILLE DEDICATION—In the photo above Bishop Thomas J. McDonough ad
dresses the congregation at the dedication of St. Jude’s, Glennville. Father George Mathis,
pastor of St. Jude’s, stands at the extreme right. Two priests on the left are the Rev. John
Garvey, assistant pastor at Statesboro, and the Rev. Ralph Seikel, Moderator of Aquin
as High School, Augusta.
GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY—St. Joseph’s Church, Bay
Branch, which will mark the 50th anniversary of its dedica
tion this Sunday. At this occasion, Miss Mollie Lehr of the
parish will receive the papal medal “Pro Ecclesia et Ponti
fice” from Bishop McDonough.
Bay Branch Church
To Mark Anniversary
BAY BRANCH — Sunday,
May 14th, will mark 50 years
to the day of the Dedication
of Saint Joseph’s Church in
Bay Branch.
His Excellency, Bishop Mc
Donough, will offer the anni
versary Mass at 5:00 p. m.
Following the Mass, the “Pro
Ecclesia et Pontifice” award
and medal will be bestowed
on Miss Molly Lehr. In keep
ing with Parish tradition, a
picnic supper will be served
under the big liveoak tree
next to the church.
For years prior to 1911, Mass
was offered in the homes of
Screven County Catholics. Fa
ther (now Monsignor) Joseph
Mitchell encouraged the faith
ful to cooperate in the erection
of a church. With the aid of
generous Savannah people, the
timber donated by the local
Catholics was soon transform
ed into a simple, but lovely
country church, under the pa
tronage of Saint Joseph.
Following the Dedication,
Saint Joseph’s was served
from the Cathedral in Savan
nah. Priests made the week
end trip by train or automo
bile, offering Mass and then
returning to their work in Sa
vannah. During these years, a
tradition grew for having a
Home-coming Mass and picnic
Father John Barry, in be
half of the parishioners, in
vites friends and well-wishers
in the Diocese to join in the
Anniversary Mass and to bring
a picnic supper for the Home
coming celebration.
Editorial Comment
Book Reviews
View From the Rectory
Doris Answers Youth
Golden Jubilee
For Sister Mary
SAVANNAH — Sister Mary
Presentation will celebrate her
Golden Jubilee on Sunday,
May 14th at Our Lady’s Con
vent, 253 Knickerbocker Road,
Tenafly, New Jersey.
Sister Presentation was at
Savannah for nearly 25 years
before being transferred to the
New York Area several years
Essay Contest
SAVANNAH — Winners in
the Georgia Day essay contest
were announced recently by
Father John Cuddy, Diocesan
Superintendent of Catholic
First prize was won by
James Duffy of Cathedral
Day School; second prize was
awarded to William Harris of
Blessed Sacrament School;
third prizes were awarded to
Kathleen Connolly, William
Powers and Jane Davis of
Blessed Sacrament School,
Leslie Crown of Saint James
School, Elaine Jenkins of
Saint Benedict School, and
Mary Ellen Crump of Sacred
Heart School. All are eighth
The title of the essay was,
“Why We Celebrate Georgia
Day.” This contest was spon
sored by a resident of Chatham
County whose purpose was to
foster a love and interest in
the history of the State of
Georgia. Eighth graders of the
nine Catholic parochial schools
in Chatham County partici
addition to the growing num
ber of mission churches in the
Savannah Diocese is the Chap
el of St. Jude at Glennville,
Begun late last year, con
struction of St. Jude’s was
completed in time for Mass to
be. offered there for the first
time on the • first Sunday of
February. The official dedi
cation took place on Sunday,
April 31st.
Officiating at the dedicatory
services was the Most Rever
end Thomas J. McDonough,
Bishop of Savannah, who cele
brated low pontifical Mass at
5:00 p. m. Bishop McDonough
also delivered the sermon.
Congratulating the Rev.
George Mathis, priest of the
Glenmary Home Mission So
ciety, pastor of St. Jude’s, and
the Catholics of Tattnall
County the Savannah Bishop
said, “This beautiful House of
God is not only a tribute to
the devotion and solidarity of
all the Catholic people of the
diocese, whose contributions
to the Confraternity of the
Laity have made its erection
possible, but also to the spirit
of Faith and Love of God on
the part of pastor and people.
After the many sacrifices you
have made in going long dis
tances to attend Mass and re
ceive instruction, you now
have in your own midst, the
Chapel of St. Jude, and still
another Georgia County has
a Church where Christ con
tinues in every Mass to offer
Himself to His Heavenly Fa
ther as a propitiation for our
The small band of approxi
mately 30 Catholics of St.
Jude’s were augmented at the
dedication ceremonies by ap
proximately 50 visitors includ
ing eight members of the
Fourth Degree Assembly,
Knights of Columbus from Sa
vannah and 17 Glee Club Sen
iors from Aquinas High
School, Augusta who provided
music for the services, two
Sisters of St. Joseph who ac
companied the Glee Club, and
two Glenmary Sisters.
Also present were a Glenn
ville Baptist Minister, the Rev.
Mr. George W. Fields and his
family, and Mr. L. V. Kick-
lighter, sheriff of Tattnall
Master of ceremonies was
the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Andrew J.
McDonald, Chancellor of the
Diocese. The Rev. Ralph
Seikel, moderator of Aquinas
High School, and the Rev.
John Garvey of the Glenmary
Home Missioners assistant
pastor of St. Matthew’s,
Statesboro, served as Chap
lains to the Bishop.
Winners pose with Msgr. T. James McNamara, rector
of the Cathedral. On left in photo is Wm. Harris, runner-
up. James Duffy, 1st place winner, is on right.