Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, June 10, 1961, Image 1
Serving Georgia's 88 Southern Counties DIOCESE OF SAVANNAH EDITION ♦ Published By The Catholic Laymen's Ass'n of Georgia OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF SAVANNAH Vol. 42, No. 1 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1961 10c Per Copy — $3 A Year At Blessed Sacrament Special Devotions On Feast Of Sacred Heart SAVANNAH — The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, celebrated on June 9th, was observed with special devo tions in Blessed Sacrament Parish. Promoters of the League of Corpus Christi Procession At Savannah Parish SAVANNAH — A Corpus Christi procession followed High Mass at the Church of The Most Blessed Sacrament, Sunday June 4th. Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament was cele brated three times during the ceremonies: first at the altar of the Blessed Mother, in the Auditorium, and at the Main altar in the church. Singing at the Mass and the procession was the Boys’ Chior under the direction of Sister M. Raymond, R.S.M. PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTLY DEAD RT. REV. AUGUSTAN VEROT, S.S.D.D. Third Bishop of Savannah June 10. 1876 REV. BENJAMIN B. K. DONOHUE June 12, 1912 REV. H. DAVID June 13, 1909 RT. REV. BENJAMIN J. KIELEY, D.D. Seventh Bishop of Savannah June 17. 1925 O God, Who didst give to thy servants by their sacredotal office, a share in the priesthood of the Apostles, grant, we im plore, that they may also be one of their company forever in heaven. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. the Sacred Heart of Blessed Sacrament Church cooperated with the pastor - director, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Brennan, in making plans for the observance. The promoters and members of the league received Holy Communion in a body at the 7 a. m. Mass. That evening a Holy Hour was conducted by Monsignor Brennan, during which the entire parish was rededicated to the Sacred Heart. Diplomas were pre sented to the following pro moters who have served in this capacity for at least six months since last June: Mrs. E. P. Daly, Mrs. Paul Fleming, Mrs. Jack Fulton, Mrs. William J. Lynch and Mrs. Joseph Magee, Sr. The weekly novena in hon or of the Most Blessed Sacra ment and the Infant of Prague were held in conjunction with the Holy Hour. Mrs. William F. Whalen and Mrs. William C. Broderick were in charge of arrange ments. Hugh Grady State Deputy COLUMBUS — Hugh H. Grady, of Savannah, was elec ted state deputy of the Geor gia Knights of Columbus at their 59th convention here. Other officers named were Joseph Zwicknagel, Decatur, state secretary; Ray Dwornik, Albany, state advocate; John Stiles, Brunswick, state breast urer; Thomas Griffin, Mari etta, state warden. A Knight of St. Gregory the Great, Mr. Grady has long been active in Catholic activi ties. Among the many offices he has held may be listed that of grand knight of Savannah Council 631 and President of the Catholic Laymen’s Asso ciation of Georgia. Diocesan Laymen’s Retreat CAMP VILLA MARIE JUNE 16, 17, 18, 1961 Name: Telephone . Number: _ Address: No. & Street City State Do you plan io make ihe entire retreat? If not, please check those meals which you WILL attend: Saturday Breakfast □ Lunch □ Dinner □ Sunday Breakfast □ Lunch □ REGISTRATION FEE — $2.00 1. WHAT? A retreat is a week end given to God. The two days are spent in silence and prayer. A retreatmaster speaks to the group during the day to help you to get closer to the ideal man you know you should be but are not. 2. WHERE? Camp Villa Marie, Grimball Point Road, Savannah, Georgia. Retreatants will make use of the camp facilities. A bit rugged? Yes, but so was the cross. 3. WHEN? Friday evening, June 16, at 7:30 p. m. ’til Sunday afternoon, June 18, at 3:00 p. m. If you cannot make the whole retreat, you may make a portion of it. 4. WHY? Because you need an opportunity to think things out. Your soul should have that one week end out of 52. 5. WHO? Men like yourself in search of a quiet week end to spend with God. 6. RETREATMASTER? Monsignor Andrew McDon ald whose efforts were so successful two years ago. 7. HOW MUCH? Your registration fee of $2.00 plus a donation at the end of the retreat. To cover expenses, this donation should be at least ten dollars, if you can possibly afford it. Five meals, a place to stay, and the op portunity of a retreat are surely worth that. 8. MUST I REGISTER? Yes. In the past, we have gone deeply into debt because we did not know how many to expect. You must register in order to make the retreat. 9. HOW DO I REGISTER? Cut off the registration blank above and send it to: The Reverend William V. Coleman Post Office Box 2227 Savannah, Georgia REGISTER NOW! SPACE WILL BE LIMITED THIS YEAR! DEPARTS FOR IRELAND—Bishop Thomas J. McDonough is shown as he boarded a plane to visit Ireland. Most of his time will be spent in and around Cork, where he will speak at Seminaries and Churches in behalf of vocations to the Diocesan priesthood in Savannah. The other priest is the Rev. John L. Nugent, Philadelphia pastor, who ac companied the Bishop. As might be expected, the name of the Irish International Air lines plane is “St. Patrick.” At Spring Hill, Ala. Augustans To Be Ordained June 14 AUGUSTA — Two Augus- tians will be ordained to the Sacred priesthood on Wednes day June 14th at Spring Hill, Alabama. Being ordained by The Most Rev. Thomas J. Toolen, D.D., Archbishop of Alabama will be REV. H. K. CONNER, S.J. Rev. Mr. Herbert Kuhlke Con ner, S.J. and the Rev. Mr. Ben jamin Lee Wren, S. J. Both were members of Sacred Heart parish, here, prior to their entry into the Society of Jesus. The Reverend Mr. Herbert Kuhlke Conner, S.J., will offer his first solemn Mass at Sacred Heart Church on June 18, at 12 o’clock, noon. The other ministers of the Mass will be: deacon, the Rev. Arthur Welt- zer, pastor of St .Patrick’s Church; sub-deacon, the Rev. Edward Coles, S.J., principal of Jesuit High of Houston, Texas; the Preacher of the Mass will be the Rev. John Holloran of Creighton Univer sity. Mr. Herschell Wilhelm will be the master of cere monies. Rev. Mr. Conner was born in Augusta on October 30, 1930. He is the son of Mrs. Herbert A. Conner and the late Mr. Conner. He attended Sacred Heart Parochial School and Boys’ Catholic High School, from which he grad uated in 1948. He entered the Society of Jesus at Grand Coteau, Louisiana on July 30, 1948. He made his philos ophical studies at Spring Hill College and received a bache lor of arts degree in'languages from there in 1954. Rev. Mr. Conner taught for two years at Jesuit High School of Tampa, Florida, from 1955-1957 and then for one year at Colegio San Igna cio de Loyola in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. There will be a reception for Father Conner at 561 Greene Street on Sunday, June 18th, from 5-7 pi m. witii Benedic tion of the Most Blessed Sac rament at Sacred Heart Church at 7:30 p. m. The Rev. Mr. Benjamin Lee Wren, S.J., will offer his first Solemn High Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Augusta at 8 a. m. on Sunday, June 25th. Preacher at the Mass will be the Rev. Gerald A. Arm strong, S.J. Born in Suisun, California on January 1, 1931, the Rev. Mr. Wren’s mother is Mrs. Louise Wren, formerly of Au gusta, now a resident of Wash ington, D.C. The Rev. Mr. Wren attend ed Sacred Heart School and Boys’ Catholic High School, here. He entered the Society of Jesus on July 30, 1948 at St. Charles College, Grand Coteau, Lousiana. He attended Spring Hill College receiving his A.B. degree in 1954, per- sued his Philosophical studies at Spring Hill and his theo logical studies at St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s, Kansas. The Rev. Mr. Wren taught at Jesuit High School, Dallas, Texas from 1955-1958. There will be a reception for the newly ordained Father Wren from 7-9 p. m., on Sun day June 25th in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall. REV. B. L. WREN. S.J. Editorial Comment 4 Book Reviews 7 Backdrop 4 Obituaries 6 View From the Rectory 4 Question Box 6 Women's Retreat At Mt. De Sales July 28 to 30 MACON — The annual retreat for women will be held at Mount de Sales Academy, beginning the evening of July 28th and closing Sunday afternoon, July 30th. Any one wishing to make this retreat is asked to write immediately to make reservations. Please address correspondence io: Sister Superior, Mount de Sales Academy, Macon, Georgia. Varying Views Held On Outlook For Church In Dominican Republic N. C. W. C. NEW S SERVICE Church sources in close con tact with Dominican Republic affairs hold varying views re garding the Church’s future there following the assassina tion of Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo, the nation’s dictator for 31 years. For the past year and a half the Trujillo regime has waged a bitter campaign against the Church. It began in January, 1960, when the Dominican Bishops denounced the re gime’s violation of human rights. Since that time the re gime has expelled over 50 for eign-born priests from the country and tormented mob attacks on prelates. Shortly before Gen. Trujillo’s assassi nation (May 30) his govern ment was taking steps to seize all churches and Catholic schools and eliminate religious instruction from public schools. Some Church sources in touch with Dominican deve lopments have said that if President Joaquin Balaquer, until now a figurehead, can become president in fact as well as name, he will change the government’s anti-Church policy and hold honest elec tions. These sources, however, ex pressed doubts as to the Presi dent’s ability to strengthen his position and resist efforts by others to take control of the nation. On the other hand, a priest recently expelled from the Dominican Republic by the Trujillo regime foresees in creasing government hostility to the Church. Father Roger Roselle, C.I.- C.M., Belgian-born Immacu late Heart of Mary Father ousted in March and now in San Antonio, Texas, said that the Trujillo family is appar ently still in control. Trujillo attempted to have the Bishops declare him “Ben efactor of the Church.” This would have marked suc cess in two campaigns: it would have signified the sub mission of the Bishops and put the Church’s seal of approval on his own self-portrait as a champion of the Faith. On May 17 legislation was introduced to declare all Cath olic churches the property of the state and seize all Catholic schools. The bill would re nounce the nation’s concordat with the Holy See. The Church had fallen on hard days in the island which was the first center for the expansion of Christianity in the New World, the scene of the first Mass ever celebrated in the Western Hemisphere in 1494, the island which boasts the first metropolitan see in the New World and the oldest university west of Europe. Rev. Brian Egan In Albany Address "No Word Has More Historical Overtones Than Word Dedicated rr ALBANY — “In the Ameri can vocabulary, no word has had more historical overtones than the word “dedicated.” Yet from the nerve centers of the military, from the inner sancta of our universities, from the well springs of our profession al life, there is the harried cry: we cannot keep them. They are deserting us for the love of silver and gold.” This was the alarm sounded by Very Reverend Brian Egan, O.S.B., Honor Banquet Held By St. Mary's C. Y. O, AUGUSTA — The Catholic Youth Organization of St. Mary’s on the Hill Church held its honor night banquet Sunday, May 21, in the cafe- torium of the Parish school. Miss Paige Mannelly was named the outstanding Coun cil member of the year. Paige, who is a Senior at Aquinas High School is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mannelly of 3024 Lake Forest Drive. She is a former officer of St. Mary’s CYO. Among the characteristics mentioned in the presentation of a special gift to Paige were her conscientious attitude to ward religious duties; coopera tion in any task assigned to her and faithfulness to every duty. Guests of honor at the ban- Baccalaureate Service At Saint Paul’s DOUGLAS — On May 28th, St. Paul’s held its first Bac calaureate service for its Cath olic seniors. Six seniors, three from St. Paul’s and three from the mission parishes, partici pated in impressive services. Mass was offered for the students by Father Gerard Moran, O.M.I., pastor of St. Paul’s. The Baccalaureate ser mon was delivered by the Rev. Robert Brucato, chaplain at Moody Air Force Base. The religious ceremonies were concluded with Benedic tion of the Most Blessed Sac rament, followed by a recep tion given in honor of the graduates at the parish hall. quet were Right Reverend Monsignor Daniel J. Bourke, Reverend Ralph Seikel and the graduating Seniors of the CYO. Newly elected officers for the coming year were in attendance. They are: Lee Etheredge, President; James Cook, Vice-President; Linda Glowacki, Secretary and Diane Hughes, Treasurer. Father Bolgnd appointed the following to the executive committee for the coming year: Katherine Garren, Social Chairman; William Faughnan, Spiritual Chairman; Cheryl Lewis, Cultural Chairman. Physical Chairman is to be appointed later on in the year. Following the banquet, Mr. Richard Bowles entertained those present with a color movie about various parish activities during the last year. President of St. Bernard Col lege, St. Bernard, Ala. at Arm ed Forces Day ceremonies here. Speaking before a large gathering of military person nel, Father Egan called upon his audience to assume the sense of individual responsi bility which lies at the heart of the free way of life in America. “If we find our selves faced with the prospect of domination by Russia, it is no merely political or military question: it is a human ques tion, indeed a spiritual one. We are living beyond our emotional and moral means.” Father Egan called for a re newal of the moral convictions and spirit of loyalty to our national interests and charac terized dedicated Americans throughout history. Saint Vincent Graduates Honored By Alumnae Assn. SAVANNAH — The f o r t y graduates of the Class of ’61 of St. Vincent’s Academy were honored by the Alumnae As sociation on Monday, May 29, at 8 p. m. with a party in the courtyard of the Academy. On the program was the in troduction of the graduates and the crowning of the statue of Mary the Mother of God by the senior class president, Miss Ann Leonard. Mrs. Frank H. Emerick welcomed the gradu ates into the Alumnae Associ ation and her twin daughters, Misses Rosemary and Carolyn Emerick, responded for the Class of ’61. The installing of the officers of the Alumnae Association was conducted by Miss Dale Fuhrman. A special table was reserved for the Class of ’36 which is observing its 25th an niversary. An Alumna, Mrs. Loretta Flanagan, was honor ed by the Association as the recipient of the medal “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice.” Another Alumna, Mrs. Eulalia Feuger Mulherin of Augusta, who also received the Papal award, was sent a congratulatory wire. Mrs. Peter R. Schreck was general chairman of the party and was assisted by the fol lowing committees: Decora tions, Mrs. C. L. McKenzie, Jr. and Mrs. William C. Brode rick; refreshments, Miss Dale Fuhrman, Mrs. S. P. Wood ward, Mrs. Fred Williams, Mrs. Julian Halligan and mem bers of the Class of ’36; invi tations, Mrs. J. E. Corcoran; program, Mrs. J. Arthur Kear ney; door, Mrs. Bart Shea, Jr. and Miss Joan Harty; servers (class of ’60), Miss Mary Ellen Grady and Miss Kathleen Broderick. All Alumnae of St. Vincent’s were invited to attend. Receives Scholarship SAN ANTONIO — Mary Kathryn McBrearty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McBrear ty of 381 College St., Macon, Ga., has been awarded a full tuition honor scholarship to Our Lady of the Lake College in San Antonio. DOUGLAS GRADUATES — Special Baccalaureate services were held for the first time at St. Paul’s Church, Douglas. Pictured with the graduates are the Rev. Gerard Mo ran, O.M.I., pastor of St. Paul’s, and the Rev. Gerald Flater, O.M.I., assistant pastor.