Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, June 10, 1961, Image 8
PAGE 8—THE BULLETIN, June 10, 1061 CLASS OF 1961, MOUNT De SALES ACADEMY, MACON — FIRST ROW, left to right: Montine Comer, Jean Donaldson, Mary Rose Long, Adriana Ponce, Peggy O’Neal, Mary Lou Vullo, Jackie Hamlin, Dianne Farrell. SECOND ROW: Charlotte Tyre, Kay McBrearty, Sally Orr, Beverly Glidenwell, Jean Cooper, Freida Tucker, Betty Crawford. THIRD ROW: Maila Schull, Anne McBride, Beverly Teeringer, Mary Ross Ashby, Teresa Kernel, Nancy Blackwelder. FOURTH ROW: Joan Cooper, Ann Coleman, Cecelia Smaha, Marsha Griggs, Martha Cain. Msgr. John D. Toomey. The officers are: president, Jack Ahern, vice president, Mrs. M. A. Spellman, secretary, Mrs. J. B. Tison, treasurer, J. A. Mc- Near. Catholic Women Name Meeting Of St. James Home & School present as a token of appreci ation for her efforts by the Home and School Association. The officers for the coming year were then installed by Blessed Sacrament Graduates 70 SAVANNAH — Seventy graduates of Blessed Sacra ment School received their diplomas from Monsignor Thomas A. Brennan, pastor, at ceremonies held in the school A one-year scholarship to Saint John Vianney Minor Seminary was awarded to Nor- bert Lain on the basis of high scholastic attainment. The one- year scholarship to Benedic tine Military School was awarded to William Oetgen on the basis of high scholastic attainment. The one-year scholarship to Saint Vincent’s Academy was awarded to Shirley Lynch, first honor graduate among the girls. Other honor students among the graduates were: Maris An derson, Kathleen Connelly, Daniel Corcoran, Edward Daly, Catherine Fleming, Josephine Geraty, Marry Hill, Mary Hop kins, Angela Jerome, William Lloyd, Linda Loescher, Karen Robertson, Barbara Stader- mann, Marie Trontell and John Ware. SAVANNAH — The May meeting of the Catholic Wo man’s Club was held Tuesday evening, May 9th, at 8:15 in the club rooms. The annual election of officers was held and the following new officers were elected: President, Mrs. John Buckley; 1st vice presi dent, Mrs. Rudolph Heitmann; 2nd vice president, Miss Mar garet Murden; 3rd vice presi dent, Miss Regina Lytgen; re cording secretary, Mrs. R. E. Stradtman; corresponding sec retary, Mrs. Leon Blackburn; treasurer, Mrs. George Big- nault; Members at Large, Mrs. A. J. Shcano, Mrs. E. Cafiero, Miss Margaret Collins, Mrs. C. R. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. C. F. Feus. The president reported a very good attendance at the Corporate Communion and Continental breakfast, held Sunday, May 7, at St. James Church. A report was also given by Miss Margaret Col lins, chairman of the Fashion Show which was held re cently at the Manger Hotel by the Club, sponsored by Fine’s, SAVANNAH — The St. James Home and School As sociation met May 15 at 8 p. m. The minutes of the last meet ing were read and approved and the outgoing treasurer gave a complete financial re port for the preceding year. It was reported further that we now have a total of 1,296 books in our school library. The outgoing president, Mrs. Frank Cullum, read an annual report covering the activities during her tenure of office. Mrs. Cullum was presented a Inc., and was quite a success. May 30th was set as the date for the annual supper meeting of the Catholic Woman’s Club, held at the Manger Ho tel, at which time the new officers were installed. Fa ther Andrew Doris, the chap lain, gave an interesting talk on the virtue of charity. Mrs. Leon Blackburn, delegate from the club at the Diocesan Con vention of the NCCW at Ra dium Springs, gave a very in teresting report of the conven tion. Refreshments were serv ed after the meeting. CATHEDRAL FIRST COMMUNION CLASS—The First Communion class of the Ca thedral poses with Bishop Thomas J. McDonough and Monsignor T. James McNamara, Cathedral rector. MAY COURT—Photo above shows the “May Court” at Blessed Sacrament Church, Savannah. Miss Janes Davis, second from the left in the back row, was the “May Queen.” Dan O’Connor, front row, center, was the crown- bearer. poolside chaperones. Immediately following the breakfast, CYO elections were held and the following new officers were elected: Presi dent, Kay Hughey; Vice-Presi dent, Doug Gotsch; Secretary, Terry Harris and Treasurer Pat Keenan. Father Marvin LeFrois con gratulated the new officers and expressed his gratitude for a job well done to the retiring officers. ALBANY — More than 50 members of St. Teresa’s Cath olic Youth Club attended the 8:30 Mass and received Holy Communion on Sunday morn ing, May 21. Following the Mass the group was entertain ed at a breakfast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McCor mack, Sr. Honored guests of the occa sion were the following Al bany High School seniors: Johann Bleicher, Gary Booker, Pam Burgess, Gioconda Ceval- los, Helen Cyganiewicz, Jim Dubeau, Donald Duke, David Dunn, Paul Henry, Frank Jones, Angelyn Hendley, Lou Ann Kahn, Barbara Murphy and Richard Myler. The Misses Anna Louise and Bea McCormack were host esses. and were assisted by the other adult advisers for the group; Mrs. G. R. Finnegan, Mr. Charles Bell, Mr. Dale Reinhart, Mr. Jack Brundage, Mrs. L. J. McCoy, Mrs. J. W. Mock, Jr. Aiding in serving the breakfast were: Mrs. R. E. McCormack, Jr., Mrs. L. King, Mrs. Ray Pinkston, Mrs. Dale Reinhart, Mrs. Mary Lewis and Miss Evelyn Wilder. Jim Barnett and Matt McCoy were Blessed Virgin is crowned during the annual May Procession exercises at Savannah’s Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. person - to - person Service A a(,i your lankiny needs SAVANNAH BANK & Trust Co. Savannah, Georgia Member F. D. I. C. NATIONAL LEGION OF A moral estimate of current entertainment feature motion pictures prepared under the direction of the New York Office of the National Legion of Decency with the cooperation of the Motion Picture Department of the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae. CLASS A-Section I—Morally Unobjectionable for General Patronage Absent Minded Professor, The —Buena Vista Alamo—UA All Hands on Deck—Fox Amazing Transparent Man—Am. Inti. Ben Hur—MGM Bernadette of Lourdes—(Janus) Beyond The Time Barrier—(Amer. Inti.) Big Gamble, The—Fox Cimarron—MGM Cinerama South Seas Adventure—War. Cinderfella—Para. Days of Thrill and Laughter—Fox David and Goliath—AA Desert Attack—Fox Dondi—AA Fabulous World of Jules Verne—War. Fidelio—Brandon Films Five Guns to Tombstone—UA Flaming Star—Fox Flute And The Arrow—Janus Glenn Miller Story—U-l Green Helmet—MGM Gorgo—MGM Guns of Savarone—Col. Hand and Hand—Col. Frontier Uprising—UA I Was A Parish Priest Last Dawn (Br.)—Lopert Little Angel—K Gordan Murray Prods. Left, Right and Center—(Br.) BCG Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come—Fox Master of the World—Am. Inti. Mighty Crusaders—Falcon Prods. Misty—Fox Modern Times—United Artists Ole Rex—U-I On the Double—Para. One Hundred One Dalmatians— —Buena Vista Operation Camel — Am. Inti. Passport to China—Col. Parent Trap, The—Buena Vista Pepe—Col. Police Dog Story—UA Question 7—Ger.-Eng) Lewis de Rochement Romanoff and Juliet—U-I CLASS A—Section II—Morally Unobjectionable for Adults and Adolescents All The Young Men—Col. Angry Red Planet—Am. Int. As The Sea Rages—Col. Atlantis, The Lost Continent—MGM Atomic Submarine—AA Babette Goes to War (French original) —Col. Ballard of A Soldier—(Russian) Bat—AA Battle of the Sexes—(Br.)—Continental Battle at Bloody Beach—Fox Because They Are Young—Col. Beware of Children—Am. Inti. Bell Boy—Para. Bells Are Ringing—MGM. Black Sunday—Am. Inti. Blue Print for Robbery—Para. Brides of Dracula—UI Cage of Evil—UA Canadians, The—Fox Co unterplot—U A Crazy for Love—Ellis Don Quixote—MGM Enemy General—Col. Ferry to Hong Kong—Fox Fiercest Heart—Fox Flying Fontaines—Col. Four-D Man—U-I Gazebo—MGM General della Rovere 9 Ita 10 — Cont. Giant of Marathon—MGM Gidget Goes Hiwaiian—Col. Gold Of The Seven Saints—War. Goliath and the Dragon—Am. Int. Great Imposter, The—UI Hand, The—Am. Inti. Hannibal—W ar. Hell Bent For Leather—U-I High Powered Rifle—Fox Home is the Hero—Show Corp. Homicidal—Col. Hoodlum Priest—UA House of the Seven Hawks—MGM House of Usher—Am. Inti. I Aim At the Stars—Col. Ice Palace—War. Jailbreakers—Am. Inti. Journey to the Lost City—Am. Inti. Konga—Am. Inti. . Long Rope—Fox Man In A Cocked Hat (Br.)—Show Man Who Died Twice—Rep. Magnificent Seven—UA Marie Octobre—(Fr.) Lopert Films Mating Time—(Br.) Union Mein Kampf—Col. Midnight Lace—UI Mountain Road—CoL Nature Girl and the Slaver—UP Night Fighters—UA Operation Bottleneck—UA Othello—UI Pay or Die—AA , 'fj Place in the Sun—Para. Please Don’t Eat the Daisies—MGM Pleasure of His Company—Para. Posse From Hell—U-I Prisoner of the Volga—Para. Raisin in the Sun, A—Col. Rommel’s Treasure—Medallion Scent of Mystery—Todd Jr. School for Scoundrels (Br.)—Continental Corp. of Am. Secret of the Purple Reef—Fox Secret Partners—MGM Secret Ways—U-I Sergeant Rutledge—War Seven Ways from Sundown—Fox Shadow of the Cat—U-I Sniper’s Ridge—Fox Song Without End—Col. S.O.S. Pacific—UI. Stalag 17—Para. Steel Claw—War. Sundowners—W ar. Sunrise at Campobella—War. Tarzan The Magnificent—Para. Tess Of The Storm Country—Fox Time Machine—MGM Tormented, The—AA Trapped In Tangiers—Fox Two-Way Stretch—(Br.) Rank Unforgiven, The—UA. Valley of The Redwoods—Fox Village of The Damned—MGM Visit To a Small Planet—Para. Wake Me When Its Over—Fox Walk Like A Dragon—Para. Walking Target—UI White Warrior—War. World of APU (Ind.)—Harrison Young Savages—UA CLASS A—Section III—Morally Unobjectionable for Adults All the Fine Young Cannibals—MGM All In A Night’s Work—Para. Angel Wore Red—MGM Angry Silence (Br.)—Valiant Anna’s Sin—(Ital.) Atlantis Films Apartment, The—UA Back to the Wall (Fr.)—Ellis Best of Everything—Fox Big Deal on Madonna Street (Ital.) Big Bankroll—AA Black Orpheus (Fr.-Ital.)—War. Blast of Silence—UI Captain’s Table—Fox Career—Para. Cash McCall—War. Chance Meeting—Para. College Confidential—U-I Cover Girl Killer—(Br.) Fanfare Cranes Are Flying (Russ.)—War. Crimson Kimono—Col. Crowded Sky—War. Dark at the Top of the Stairs—War. End of Innocence (Argentine)—Kingsley Exodus—UA 400 Blows (Fr.)—Zenita Facts of Life—UA Fast And Sexy—Col. Fate of a Man, (Russ.) Lopert Fever In The Blood, A—War. Five Golden Hours—Col. Four Fast Guns—U-I French Mistress (British)—Lion Inti. Goliath and the Barbarians—Am.-Int’l. Grass is Greener—UI Greengage Summer—Col. Heller In Pink Tights—Para. CLASS A—Section III—Morally Unobjectionable for Adults Sand Castle—Noel Prods. Santa Claus—K. Gordon Murray Prods. Seven Wonders of the World —Stanley Warner Serengeti Shall Not Die—AA Silent Call—Fox Swiss Family Robinson—Buena Vista Sword and the Dragon—Valiant Films Sword of Sherwood Forest—Col. Tammy Tell Me Tdue—U-I Teacher And The Miracle, The—President Ten Commandments, The—Para. Ten Who Dared—Buena Vista There Was A Crooked Man—(Br.) Lopert Three Worlds of Gulliver—Col. Tomboy and the Champ—UL Town Like Alice, A (Br.)—Rank Trouble In the Sky—U-I Trapp Family, The—Fox Wackiest Ship in the Army—Col. Watch Your Stern—(Br.) Magna Wings of Chance—U-I Wizard Of Baghdad—Fox Would-Be Gentleman—(Fr.) Pathe Murder, Inc.—Fox Music Box Kid—UA North to Alaska—Fox Nude In A White Car—(Fr.) Trans.-Lux Ocean, Eleven—War. Odds Against Tomorrow—AA Operation Eichmann—AA On The Beach—UA One-Eyed Jacks—Para. One Foot In Hell—Fox Once More with Feelings—Col. Operation Petticoat—U-I Our Man in Havana—Col. Pillow Talk—U-I Please Turn Over—Col. Hell Is a City—Col. Heros Die Young — AA Home From the Hill—MGM House of Intrigue—AA Hypnotic Eye—AA. Inherit The Wind—UA. I Passed For White—AA Idiots—(Rus.) Fox Ikiru—(Pap) Brandon I’m All Right, Jack—(Br.) Col. It Started In Naples—Para. Jayhawkers—Para. Key Witness—MGM League of Gentlemen—(Br.) Kingsley-Intl. Let No Man Write My Epitaph—Col. Magician (Swed.)—Janus Make Mine Mink (Br.)—Conti. Malaga—War. Plunders, The—AA Portrait In Black—U-I Purple Gang—AA Return to Peyton Place—Fox Rue de Paris (Fr.)—Lopert Ring of Fire—MGM Savage Innocents—Para. Senechal. The Magnificent (Fr.) DC A Seven Thieves—Fox Sins of Rachel Cade—War. Sound and the Fury—Fox Spartacus—UI Story On Page One—Fox Stop Me Before I Kill—Col. Subterraneans—MGM Third Voice—Fox Threat—War. Tiger Bay—Br. Continal Touch of Larceny—Para. Tunes of Glory (Br.)—Lopert. Unfaithfuls, The—UA Upstairs and Downstairs—Fox Virgin Island—Films Around World Virgin Spring (Swed.)—Janus Web of Evidence (Br.)—AA Why Must I Die—Am. Inti. Wind Cannot Read—Fox Wolf Larsen—A A Wonderful Country—UA Young Have No Time—(Danish) CLASS B—Morally Objectionable in Part for All And Quiet Flows the Don (Russ.)—UA Angel Baby—Col. Between Time and Eternity—UI Bimbo the Great—War. Blood and Roses—Para. Breath of Scandal—Para. Butterfield 8—MGM Can-Can—Fox Hell to Eternity—AA Hercules Unchained—War. Her Bridal Night—(Fr) Ellis Herod, The Great—AA Hiroshima, Mon Amour—Zenith-Inti. Jax Boat—Col. It Takes a Thief—Valiant Last Sunset—U-I Carry On Nurse—(Br.) Government Films Leech Woman—UI Carthage In Flames—Col. Circus of Horrors—Am. Inti. Crack in the Mirror—Fox Cry For Happy—Col. Curse of the Werewolf—U-I Desire In the Dust—Fox Entertainer, The—Br.) Cont. Electronic Monster—AA Elmer Gentry—U.A. Esther and the King—Fox Five Branded Women—Para. Foxhole In Cairo—Para. From The Terrace—Fox Gangster Story—R.C.I.P. Girl In Room 13—Astor G. I. Blues—Para. Go Naked In the World—MGM Goddess of Love—Fox Happy Anniversary—UA Head of a Tyrant—UI Headless Ghost—Am. Inti. Legion of the Nile—Fox Lets Make Love—Fox Lissette—Medallion Look In Any Window—AA. Love and the Frenchwoman (Fr.)—Kingsley-Intl. Love In A Goldfish Bowl—Para. Mad Dog Doll—Col. Mania—V aliant Marriage-Go-Round—Fox Minotaur—UA Millionairess—Fox Misfits, The—UA Around World Parrish—War. Pharaoh’s Woman—U-I Portrait of a Mobster—War. Portrait Of A Sinner—Amer. Inti. Private Lives of Adam and Eve—UA Proper Time—Lopert Psycho—Para. CLASS C—Condemned Adorable Creatures (French)—ContinentalLove Is My Profession (Fr.) And God Created Woman (Fr.)—Kingsley Rat Race—Para Right Approach, The—Fox Rosemary—(Ger.) Films Around World Sanctuary-Fox September Storm—Fox Sex Kittens Go to College—AA Shade Down—U-I Sons and Lovers Stranglers of Bombay—Col. Sunrise' Package—Col. Squad Car—Fox Take A Giant Step—UA Terror of The Tongs—Col. Thunder In Carolina—Howco Inti. Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll—Am. Inti. Two Loves—MGM Underworld—U.S.A.-Col. Vice Squad—UA Warrior Empress Where the Boys Are—MGM Who Was That Lady—Col. (Fr.)—Embassy Woman Like Satan (Was Female) —Loport World of Suzy Wong—Para. NOTE: “Stud Lonigan”—UA. The “B” (Objectionable in Part for All) classi fication given to this film on July 7, 1960 is applicable only to prints shown in Continental U. S. A. Oscar Wilde—(Br.) Warwick Films —Kingsley-IntLPassionate Summer (Fr.-Ital.)—Kingsley Please! Mr. Balzac (Fr.)—DCA Pot Bouille (Lovers of Paris) (Fr.)—Continental Private Property—Citation Question of Adultery—NTA Rosanna—Jacon Film Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Br.) —Continental Savage Eye — Trans. — Lux Kingsley Inti. Baby Doll-—War. Liane, Jungle Goddess—DCA Bed of Grass (Greek)—Trans-Lux Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley Bed, The (Fr.)—Kingsley International Lover’s Return (Fr.)—Lopert Breathless—(Fr.) Films Around the World Love Game—(Fr) Films Around World Come Dance With Me—(Fr.) Kinsgley- Mademoiselle Gobette (Fr.)—IFE Inti. Mademoiselle Striptease (Fr.)—DCA Desperate Women, The—Majestic Films, Maid in Paris (Fr.)—Continental Inc. Marie du Port (Fr.)—Bellon-Foulke Expresso Bongo (Br.)—Continental Mating Urge—(Citation) Fruits of Summer (Fr.)—Ellis Films Miller’s Beautiful Wife (Ital.)—DCA Green Carnation (Br.)—Warwick Films Miss Julie (Swedish)—Trans-Global Pic. Sins of the Borgias (Fr.)—Aldart Game of Love (Fr.)—Times Film Corp. Mitsou (Fr.)—Zenith Inti. mark Prod. Garden of Eden—Excelsior Pictures Mom and Dad (Sideroad)—Hallmark Prod.Snow Was Black (Fr.)—Continental Heroes and Sinners (Fr.)—Janus Moon Is Blue, The—UA Smiles of a Summer Night (Swed.) Rank Husband for Anna, A (Italian)—IFE Naked Night, The (Swedish)—Times FilmStella (Greek)—Burstyn I Am a Camera—DCA Nana (Fr.)—Times guished Films, Inc. Illicit Interlude (Swedish)—Gaston HakimNever On Sunday (Greek)—Lopert The Lovers (Fr.) — Zenith Karamoja—Hallmark Productions, Inc. Night Heaven Fell (Fr.)—Kingsley Third Sex (Ger.)—D. & F. Dist. Letters from My Windmill (Fr.)—TohanNo Orchids for Miss Blandish (British)—Wasted Lives And the Birth of " Pictures Alliance Films Twins—K. Gordon Murray Pro. Oscar Wilde—(BR.) Four City Interprises Woman of Rome (Ital.)—DCA SEPARATE CLASSIFICATION (A separate Classification is given to certain films which, while not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protection to the uninformed against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.) Martin Luther—de Rochemont Storm Center—Col. Adam and Eve (Mex.)—Wm. Horne Case of Dr. Laurent* (Fr.)—Trans-Lux Anatomy of a Murder—Columbia Suddenly, Last Summer—Col. Girl Of The Night—War. Never Take Candy From A Stranger— Crowning Experience—NRA. Circle of Deception—Fox Omat Corp. La Dolce Vita—(Ital.) Astor Pictures, Inc.