Newspaper Page Text
Published By The
Cat-holic Laymen's
Ass'n of Georgia
Vol. 42, No.2
10c Per Copy — $3 A Year
Burkort, S.M., has been named
pastor of St. Francis Xavier
Church here. Father Burkort
replaces the Rev. James M.
Cummings, S.M., who left
June 17th for St. Joseph’s Ma
nor, Battendorf, Iowa.
Father Cummings will head
a Mission and Vocations Band
which will have its headquar
ters at St. Joseph’s Manor, a
Marist Seminary. Father will
Rev. James M. Cummings, S.M.
be engaged in Missions and
Retreat work in his new as
Father Cummings was hon
ored by the parishioners of St.
Francis Xavier at a Din
ner in his honor held on
May 28th.
Father will spend six weeks
touring Europe before assum
ing his new duties.
The new pastor at Bruns
wick, Father Burkort, is pre
sently engaged in Retreat
and Mission Work, with head
quarters at St. Pius X Church,
Bedford, Ohio. Father will ar
rive to take up his new duties
around the middle of August.
Also leaving Brunswick is
the Rev. Schlick, S.M., who
has been named pastor of Holy
Name of Mary Church, Al
giers, Louisiana.
Coming to Brunswick in
August will be the Rev. An
drew A. Walls, S.M. Father
Walls has labored many years
in Georgia. For the past nine
years he has been pastor of
St. Joseph’s Church, Marietta.
On June 29th Father Walls
will observe his Golden Jubi
lee as a priest with ceremonies
at Marietta.
The Rev. Edward J. Mack-
iewicz continues in his post as
assistant pastor of St. Francis
St. Francis, Columbus
Capping Ceremony
For Student Nurses
COLUMBUS — St. Francis
Hospital School of Nursing re
cently held its second capping
ceremony. The nine students
of the class of ’63 received
their caps in the auditorium
of the School of Nursing.
The ceremony opened with
an invocation by the Right
Reverend Monsignor Herman
J. Deimel, V.F., pastor of Holy
Family Church. Mrs. Clara
Brown, assistant director of
nursing service at St. Francis,
presided over the ceremony.
The symbolism accompany
ing the ceremony was explain
ed by Miss Ellen Rush, presi
dent of the Student-Faculty
Government Association. The
students were capped and re
ceived Florence Nightingale
lamps from Sr. Mary Dolorosa,
O.S.F., assisted by Mrs. Myrtle
Mayo and Miss Carolyn Mun-
ro. Sister Mary Evelyn, Ad
ministrator of St. Francis Hos
pital, accepted the class.
A welcome to the friends
and relatives of the students
was extended by Sister Mary
Paula, directress of the School
of Nursing, who also spoke on
“Why and What in Nursing?”
Mr. Alan Rothschild, a member
of the Hospital Advisory Com
mittee, delivered the principal
address, “The Changing Image
of the Nurse.”
Members of the class of 1963
who received their caps were:
Miss Janice Faye Arnold,
Phenix City, Ala.; Miss Grace
Marie Dougherty, Cataula, Ga.;
Miss Jo Ann Lowery, Opelika,
Ala.; Miss Mary Sandra Meyer,
Columbus, Ga.; Miss Rosa
Elizabeth Miller, Columbus,
Ga.; Miss Barbara Marie Mor
ris, Ozark, Ala.; Miss Rita Ei
leen Mullin, Columbus, Ga.;
Miss Diane Louise Murphy,
Phenix City, Ala.; and Miss
Sandra Kay Soenksen, Smiths,
St. Francis Hospital was op
ened in 1950 by the Sisters of
Saint Francis of Pittsburgh,
Pa. Seventeen Sisters staff the
one hundred and fifty bed hos
pital. The School of Nursing
was opened in September,
1959, and, at present, has an
enrollment of twenty students.
Twenty-five students are ex
pected in next Fall’s class,
thereby doubling the present
BREAK GROUND AT COLUMBUS—Pictured above breaking ground for St.
Benedict’s Mission, Columbus, is Father Ignatius Behr, S.V.D., pastor of the new church.
The building will cost an estimtaed $39,000. Looking on, from left to right, Mr. Joseph
Brannan, estimator for Pound Construction Co., Columbus, Mr. John Norris, representa
tive of St. Benedict’s parish, Fr. Ignatius, and Mr. Ted Szutowick, architect of Phenix City,
Alabama. The proposed structure will be dedicated in the fall.
First Mass At Sacred Heart, Savannah
Rev. Augustine Cunningham
Ordained At Belmont Abbey
AAaterialistic System
'To Dig Its Own Grave'
Says Polish Cardinal
BERLIN — A totally ma
terialistic governmental sys
tem fails to satisfy man’s spi
ritual hunger and so “will dig
its own grave,” Stefan Car
dinal Wyszynski asserted in a
Warsaw statement reported
The Archbishop of Gniezno
and Warsaw spoke at the
Jesuit church in downtown
Warsaw on the feast of the
Sacred Heart (June 9.) Refer
ring to the communist re
gime’s ban on the traditional
public processions held be
tween the feasts of Corpus
Christi and the Sacred Heart,
he appealed to government
leaders to open their hearts
to the people.
“If you do not open your
hearts to us and do not give
us your hearts,” he said, “then
even if you heap mountains of
gold on us we will not heed
you, because we hunger in our
hearts, because we want to
end this sickness of the heart
and live as decent people who
have a right to a heart.”
The previous week, on the
feast of Corpus Christi (June
1), Cardinal Wyszynski had
labeled “abominable” the gov
ernment ban on street proces
sions during the now-suppres
sed octave of Corpus Christi.
The ban did not apply to the
holyday itself. This year’s pro
cessions after the feast were
kept within the church build
ings and grounds, and there
were no reports of violations
of the government ban.
The regime said it issued
its ban because the Holy See
had abolished the old eight-
day celebration honoring the
Blessed Sacrament. Cardinal
Wyszynski said the govern
ment ban was based on “a
faulty interpretation of the
ordinance of the Holy See.”
He cited the fact that the
liturgical calendar published
last year by the Holy See was
accompanied by the proviso
that “where it has been a tra
ditional practice to hold spe
cial devotions, well attended
by the people, on the days
formerly within the octave of
Corpus Christi, these devotions
may be continued.”
Augustine Cunningham, O.S.B.,
was ordained to the priesthood
at Belmont Abbey Cathedral
on Sunday, June 11th. Ordain
ed prelate was the Most Rev.
Paul L. Hagarty, O.S.B., D.D.,
Bishop of the Bahama Islands.
Father Augustine is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Cun
ningham of Savannah. Father
celebrated his first solemn
Mass in the Sacred Heart
Church, here, on Sunday
June 18th.
The Very Rev. Bede Light-
ner was assistant priest, the
Rev. Luke Bain, deacon, the
Rev. Edmund McCaffrey, sub
deacon, and the Rev. Damian
Muldowney, master of cere
monies. The Rev. Eugene H.
Kusterer delivered the ser
mon. Servers and acolytes
were Belmont Abbey College
A native of Louisville, Ken
tucky, Father Augustine at
tended Benedictine Military
School Savannah and grad
uated from Belmont Abbey
College in 1957.
He entered the Benedictine
Order in 1954 and made his
religious profession of monas
tic vows in July 1955.
DOUGLAS — Plans for the
annual parish picnic were dis
cussed at the meeting of St.
Paul’s Altar Society. Plans
were also formulated for a
farewell dinner for Mrs. James
O’Merea and for Mrs. Clarence
Thanks for cancer pads, sup
plied by the Society, was ex
pressed in a letter from Sister
Josephine of Our Lady of Per
petual Help Free Cancer
Hostesses for the meeting
were Mrs. Donnie Lott and
Mrs. Louise Hanna.
Next meeting of the Society
will be held in September.
AT CAPPING CEREMONIES—The nine students of the class of ’63, St. Francis
Nursing School, Columbus, are pictured holding Florence Nightingale lamps.
Executive Board Meeting In Macon
D.C.C.W. President Stresses
Need Of Parish Workshops
MACON — The Executive
Board of the Savannah Dioces
an Council of Catholic Wo
men held its semi-annual
luncheon meeting here June
Following the luncheon, the
opening prayer to Our Lady of
Good Counsel was led by Rt.
Rev. Msgr. John D. Toomey,
Spiritual Moderator.
Mrs. J. Edwin Mulligan, of
Savannah, president, introduc
ed all Board members and ex
tended a welcome to the ob
servers, Mrs. Edward Daecy
and Mrs. A. K. Gannam from
Savannah Deanery, Mrs. Rob
ert Connor and Mrs. Si Cy-
ganieuicz from Columbus
Deanery and Mrs. Thelma Rog
ers and Mrs. R. B. Roberts
from the Augusta Deanery.
Msgr. Toomey advised that
since this was the first Board
meeting of the year that fol
lowing each chairman’s report
a general discussion would be
held in order to develop infor
mation and lay plans for the
coming year. Each chairman
then gave a brief outlifte of the
tentative activities and pro
jects planned by her com
Miss Pauline Peuffier an
nounced that the Convention
would be held in Augusta, May
5th and 6th, 1962 and Mrs.
Frank Mulherin of Augusta
would be general chairman.
Headquarters for the Conven
tion will be the Richmond Ho
tel and further details would
be made public at some later
Mrs. Mulligan stressed the
need of workshops within the
parish councils in order to em
phasize the work of the Coun
cil and asked the presidents of
the respective Deaneries to co
operate in seeing that this pro
ject was carried out. In this
connection, Mrs. Mulligan call
ed attention to the Leadership
Training Institute to be held
in Mobile, Ala., on August 5th
through the 8th, sponsored by
the National Council. It is
hoped that a delegate from
each parish council will attend
this Institute.
Msgr. Toomey asked that
members “keep in mind, that
in the Council, they were
working for God and the
Church, to help other people
learn more about God and the
Church, and in this way, the
Bishop’s Plan for Catholic Ac
tion would constantly be kept
in motion.” Msgr. Toomey em
phasized the importance of the
chairmen familiarizing them
selves with their program and
keeping in touch with the
Deanery chairmen.
Appreciation was expressed
to Mrs. Elsie Buck for making
the necessary arrangements for
this meeting. Mrs. Buck will
act as chairman of such future
affairs and will be a guest of
the Council at each meeting.
Warner Robins
K. of C. Council
Elects Officers
Heart Council No. 4371 of
Warner Robins elected Peter
O’Malley as Grand Knight at
a meeting held June 6th.
Taking office with O’Malley
for the coming year were
Lewis A. Wood, Deputy Grand
Knight; Edmund I. Kosater,
Chancellor; Allen B. Wagner,
Treasurer; Conrad J. Kalb
fleisch, Advocate; Ernest Ma
linger, Recorder; Jack Fede
rico, Warden; Richard Nadick
sbernd, 3 year Trustee; Ray
mond McDonald, Inside Guard;
Richard Whitenack, Outside
Hold over officers of the
Council include Rev. Robert
Brennan as Chaplain, George
Lotti and Charles Luecken-
hoff as Trustees, and Joseph
Dembowski, Financial Secre
Women's Retreat’
At Mt. De Sales
July 28 to 30
MACON — The annual
retreat for women will be
held at Mount de Sales
Academy, beginning the
evening of July 28th and
closing Sunday afternoon,
July 30ih.
Any one wishing to
make this retreat is asked
to write immediately to
make reservations. Please
address correspondence to:
Sister Superior, Mount de
Sales Academy, Macon,
Rev. Stephen J. Connolly
Ordained At All Hallows
Jesuits Name
New Pastor For
Augusta Church
AUGUSTA — The Rev. Au
brey Bernard Kearns, S.J., has
been appointed pastor of Sa
cred Heart Church. Father
Kearns replaces the Rev. Ed
ward J. Shields, S.J., pastor
for the past two years.
Father Shields has been
transferred to Grand Coteau,
La., to recuperate from a re
cent illness.
A native of Mobile, Ala., Fa
ther Kearns comes to Augus
ta from St. John Berchmans
parish, Shreveport, La. Father
entered the Society of Jesus
at Grand Coteau, La. and was
ordained on June 7th, 1941.
Father Kearns was in charge
of the Sodalities Union of the
Greater New Orleans area
from 1941 until 1943 when he
became a chaplain in the Unit
ed States Navy.
Father served in the Navy
until 1946 when he was as
signed as assistant pastor of
St. John Berchmans. In 1955
he was named pastor and from
this post comes to Augusta.
Press date for the next issue
of The Bulletin falls on Tues
day, July 4th.
In order that the staff of
The Bulletin and of our print
ers might enjoy this holiday,
our next edition will be print
ed Thursday, July 6th.
Copy deadline will be 9
a. m. July 5th,
Editorial Comment 4
Book Reviews 2
Obituaries 2
View From fhe Rectory 4
Doris Answers Youth 5
Rev. Stephen J. Connolly was
ordained June 18th, at All
Hallows Seminary, for the
Diocese of Savannah. Ordain
ing prelate was the Most Rev.
Thomas Morris, D.D., Arch
bishop of Cashel and Emily.
Father Connolly is the son
of Daniel Connolly and Ellen
Davis Connolly of Crowhill,
Baltimore, County Cork, Ire
Father Connolly celebrated
his first Solemn Mass at St.
Mary’s Hospital, Cappagh
Finglass, County Dublin, on
June 19th.
The newly ordained attend
ed the Loughine National
School in the parish of Rath
for six years and attended high
school at Mungret College,
entering All Hallows Semina
ry in 1955.
Baccalaureate Ceremony
For Graduates At Albany
ALBANY — St. Teresa’s
parish paid tribute to 20 Al
bany High School Seniors at
a Catholic baccalaureate cere
The Mass for the graduates
was offered by the pastor,
Rev. Marvin J. LeFrois, and
the baccalaureate sermon was
delivered by the Rev. Colum
Dillon, a Franciscan Father
from Statesville, N. C.
Music for the occasion was
provided by St. Teresa’s adult
choir, under the direction of
Mrs. R. E. McCormack, Sr.,
with Mrs. O. T. Kenan, Sr., at
the organ.
Following the church cere
mony the graduates were
guests at a banquet at Gar-
gano’s Restaurant.
Members of the Catholic
Youth Club presented an en
tertaining program which por
trayed a class prophecy as the
graduates might be 25 years
from now. A miniature diplo
ma and a statue were present
ed to each graduated.
The following graduates at
tended the baccalaureate cere
mony: Johann Bleicher, Gary
Booker, Pam Burgess, Giocon-
da Cevallos, Helen Cyganie-
wicz, Jim Dubeau,
Duke, David Dunn,
Hansen, Paul Henry, Angelyn
Hendley, Lou Ann Kahn,
Frank Jones, Pam Kelso, Bar
bara Murphy, Richard Myler,
Jim Parker, Wayne Shiflett,
Elaine Thibedeau and Jim
Naval Academy
For Shealy
AUGUSTA—William Pierce
(Skip) Shealy, recent graduate
of Aquinas High School, has
received an appointment to the
U. S. Naval Academy at An
Shealy, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Shealy, of St. Mary’s-on-
the-Hill parish, attended Sac
red Heart parochial school. He
is to report to Annapolis on
June 28th.
He was recommended for ap
pointment to the Academy by
former Tenth District Con
gressman Paul Brown just
prior to his retirement from
ALBANY GRADUATES — Pictured above are the Catholic graduates of Albany High School who were honored
at a Baccalaureate ceremony at St. Teresa’s Church on Sunday evening, June 4th. Shown with the graduates are Fr.
Colum Dillon, O.F.M., who preached the sermon, Fr. Marvin J. LeFrois, the pastor, and the two altar boys, Benny Duke
and Banks Burgess.