Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, August 05, 1961, Image 2

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f PAGE 2—THE BULLETIN, August 5, 1961 BARRETT & LEACH Fancy Groceries - Fresh Vegetables 3771 noswell Hoad CE. 7-0355 Famous Prime Western Beef Atlanta, ©a. BROOKWOOD SERVICE STATION Pure Oil Products - Tires - Lubrication - Tail Pipe - Mufflers - Brake Work MR. CLAY, Prop. Road Service - Pick-Up & Delivery 1S20 Peachtree Rd., N.W. TR. 6-2171 Atlanta, Ga. VICTORS Italian Restaurant Spring at North Ave., N.W. TR. 6-966‘S 10:30 A. M. ’til Midnight Italian and American ji|; Antipasto — Spaghetti Brasciole — Pizzas ljfVenetian Chicken "Baked Lasagna Free Parking at Ad- iacent Gulf Station Take-out Orders Home Designs of Distinction BUCKHEAD HOME PLAN SERVICE 3182 Peachtree Rd., N, E., Atlanta, Ga. CE. 7-0432 CUSTOM DESIGN — STOCK PLANS ECHOLS TRANSFER INC. PL. 3-8030 PL. 3-2153 PL. 8-9156 Hauling & Moving Truck & Driver $3.00 Per Hour 370-2 Lee St., S.W. Atlanta, Ga. ST. JOSEPH’S INFIRMARY SODA FOUNTAIN COFFEE SHOP AND RESTAURANT LOCATED NEXT TO GIFT SHOP ON MAIN FLOOR IN NEW BUILDING ATLANTA, GA. Distributors and Underwriters of Investment Securities Since 1894 r ^ The Robinson-Humphrey Company.Inc RHODES-HAVERTY BLDG. ATLANTA 1, GEORGIA Jackson 1-0316 Long Distance 421 J PHONE JA. 2-6500 *89 FORREST RD., N.E. ATLANTA 12, GA. Serve... While Being Served You benefit Our Lady of the Holy Ghost Monastery in Conyers, Georgia, every time you use daily-fresh PET DAIRY FOODS. PET DAIRY in Atlanta buys the entire production of fresh milk produced by the purebred Jersey herd on the Dairy Farm of Our Lady of the Holy Ghost Monastery. "YOU CAN'T BUY A FRESHER, FINER, BETTER-TASTING MILK THAN PET HOMOGENIZED VITAMIN "D" MILK." For Convenient Home Delivery in Atlanta PLEASE CALL 636-8677 HAS NOT PLAYED POLITICS PROTEST SCHOOL TAKEOVER Church in in Concentrates On Rebuilding ©f Religious Life Various Christian organizations in Georgetown, British Guiana, sthged a three-hour protest over the seizure of 51 primary schools by the government of that British crown colony on the northern coast of South America. About 3,000 parents and children joined in the march which was climaxed by a mass meeting on the capitol city’s Bourda Green. Of the schools seized, three were Catholic schools. All Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and Moravian schools were closed temporarily in protest. (NC Photos) This article is written by the director of the Office of Infor mation and Statistics of the Church in Spain and former editor of Ecclesia, official or gan of Spanish Catholic Action. By Msgr. Jesus Iribarren (NCWC News Service) Priests are not the Church. The political attitude of some priests does not deter mine the official opinion of the hierarchy. If we look around, we may find priests throughout the world — in the Congo, Al geria, China, Poland and Cuba —who favor the most outland ish parties and tendencies. They are not the Church. Al though at times there may be talk of a political clergy, there is never talk of a politi cal Church. It is important to point out that the Church in Spain did not plan the Civil War, nor is it responsible for the direction Spain has taken since its end in 1939. The Bishops have always acted —well or badly, as do all fallible men—to meet situ ations imposed from the oui- Gloudt's Food Shop 1933 Peachtree St., N. E. TR. 8-7523 Atlanta, Georgia CATERERS TO ATLANTA Crenshaw Bicycle Shop Schwinn & Dayton Bicycles New - Rebuilt - Supplies - Repairs 995 Hemphill Ave., N.W. ' TR. 6-1744 Atlanta, Ga. JOHN MARSHALL LAW SCHOOL JUNIOR COLLEGE 105 Forrest Ave., N. E. JA. 3-8580 “Around the Corner from Sacred Heart Church” Day And Evening Classes CE 7-86S4 ® Free Inspection ATLANTA 5, GEORGIA C&S REALTY COMPANY “Specialists in Commercial- Industrial Real Estate” 604 Mortgage Guarantee Building Warehouses, Stores, Mfg. Plants, Acreage, Shopping Center Dev., Industrial Dev., Subdivision Dev., Insurance JA. 4-2053 MIKE & STEVE SERTICH JIM ALDREDGE Says REGISTER NOW TO VOTE In The City Primary September 13 side: Neutrality or war? Au thoritarianism or democra cy? A number of political parties or a single party? Vertical or horizontal labor organizations? Censorship or freedom of the press? Faced with a policy that pleases some but not others— a policy that has been imposed by politicians — the Bishops have sought at all times to draw from it the greatest ad vantages for the Church. That is all they have done. To prove otherwise, one would have to show that the Bishops made the laws, appointed cabinet members and were consulted regarding military alliances or pacts between blocs. Even in cases where a bishop was made a member of an official organization or consulted by an official committee, this was done only because of his prestige or because the government valued his experience. It was the government which named or consulted him, not the Vatican or the Spanish Bishops. Only if the latter were the case could there be talk of a positive partici pation by the Church in pol itical legislation or of its responsibility for decisions. Twenty-five years after the Civil War, the Church in Spain must not be held responsible for the general developments of the past quarter century. It is responsible only for the re construction of religious life. By the end of the war that began 25 years ago on July 18, 13 bishops and 6,832 priests had been shot to death. Seminaries had either been destroyed or forced to close because seminarians were drafted into the army. Thousands of churches had been burned. Their valua bles had been stolen and their records had disappear ed. Apostolic and pious or ganizations had been dis banded, reduced to ashes. More serious than the abso lute number of dead priests was the fact that there had disappeared with them the framework for the guidance of Catholic life. There were no diocesan chanceries, no teach ers, no organizers of activities. Still more serious was the fact that the Spanish Civil War was immediately fol lowed by World War II. The Catholic world, which could have helped the Church in Spain, became divided into two opposing factions, each of which considered Spain as belonging to the enemy camp. German, North American, French, Italian and British Catholics suffer- BARBETTE'S HOUSE OF BEAUTY Permanents from $10 to $25 Shampoo from $2.50 to $3 Haircuts at $2.00 Pine Tree Plaza Shopping Center Buford Hwy. 457-0582 - Doraville, Georgia Guaranteed Passenger and Truch Tires—Retail, Whole sale, Fleet—8-Hour Service on Passenger Cars MOBLEY TIRE & RECAP SERVICE DR. 3-3388 - 2803 E. Ponce De Leon DECATUR Dunlap Distributor* Highest Quality Recaps! Any Tim© — Anywhere Call a TAXI RADIO CABS DECATUR CO-OP CABS 310 E. Howard Ave. 24-Hour Service Passengers Insured Trips Anywhere DE. 7-3866 — DE. 7-1701 DECATUR, GA. ed a propaganda bombard ment in which the political drowned out the religious. The Church in Spain again became the victim of politi cal policies it had not chos en. Concentrating on its own re construction with help from no one but God, it had achieved the following by 1960: —Seminarians, who num bered 7,516 in 1935, totaled 23,- 780 in 1960. —Only 242 priests were or dained in 1945 because semi nary classes had been inter rupted by the Civil War. In 1960, 1,024 priests were or dained. —The number of Sisters in creased from 44,145 in 1925 to 73,978. —The total number of per sons consecrated to God was 81,469 at the end of World War II in 1945. In 1960 it was 118,566. The importance of these fig ures is obvious when one notes the increases they show. But there is a greater, hidden im portance. A religious vocation needs a religious family and social atmosphere without which it would not be possible. We do not deny that elec tions, freedom of the press or a plurality of trade unions are important. However, they have little to do with the essence of the Faith, and there is contro versy as to what point the re form of outside institutions is the task of the bishops and not of citizens, who excuse their cowardice by falsely hoping that the Church may have the political courage they lack. What is true is that the Church has created a climate of love for God, of sacrifice and of unselfish personal giving. There are abundant vocations and generous young people for hospitals, colleges and the mis sions. Here are some figures: The Pamplona diocese gives io God three per cent of its population. According to this ratio, U. S. Catholics should have 1,200,000 priests and Religious. We do not con demn them fdr not having this number. We cite these statistics only as an indica tion of a religious life which presupposes a solid family life, mental health and love of God. These are the pro vince of the Church, not of politics. It is true that Navarre pro vince — of which Pamplona is the capital — has a rural population and is traditionally Catholic. It would be a mis take, however, to think that other religions have not also improved. The number of sem inarians in the Huelva diocese in Andalusia, which was set up only in 1953, increased from 119 to 220 within five years. It is often said that workers are against the Church. It is true that in Spain, as in nearly all the countries of the world, the fulfillment of religious du ties is lower in industrial areas than in agricultural ones. However, 3,408 diocesan sem inarians during the past school year were sons of industrial workers. In 1959, about 7,000 sons and daughters of indus trial workers were studying to become priests or Sisters. When a Spanish priest goes abroad he is constantly asked: Do you believe that Franco will let the monarchy come back? What about the struggle against the labor organizations by the Catholic Action Work ers’ Guild? Why do the Bish ops support the dictatorship? Will press censorship cease? Is the Basque clergy against the bishops? . The iask of ihe Church in socieiy, however, goes much deeper ihan ihe answers io ihese questions. The Church in Spain is educating 800,- 000 siudenis in its schools. It cares for 233,000 patients in its hospitals and asylums. It prints 1,600 magazines and newspapers for people at all intellectual levels. It builds houses for workers. It is the opinion of many of us in Spain that a rather large number of foreign Catholics— subjected to a constant propa ganda barrage from the ideo logical blocs currently con tending for world domination —commit two profound errors in regard to the Church in Spain. First, they bring the whole spiritual struggle that is be ing waged today down to ihe political level. And at that level they try to reduce ihe spiritual struggle io con tingent and variable forms, such as election procedures or the system of labor or ganization. They ask the Church to reduce its eternal mission of making mankind holy to a dispute or a con tent concerning the mon archy or the election of mayors. Secondly, they keep look ing backwards, like Lot's wife. They always look at Spain's history since 1936 and its attitude toward Hit ler and the Allies, at the political exiles or ihe Fal- ange, the nation's only legal political party. The mission of Spanish priests is not to look back ward, but to strive for the fu ture. More than half of Spain’s diocesan clergy — 11,720 priests — are now 49 years old or younger, which means they were not priests prior to the Civil War. At the beginning of that war 3,000 of them were not yet born. Politicians who have grown old, both inside and outside of Spain, think that their own old ideas should be adhered to by these priests. But the priests think only of the eter nal Church which has renewed itself during the past 25 years. Mass Rules Simplified VATICAN CITY (NC)—The Holy See has further simpli fied the rules concerning Mass on fourth-class ferias, the low est ranking of the liturgical calendar. The Sacred Congregation of Rites issued a declara tion stating that "a feria of the fourth class is never commemorated either in a festive Mass or a votive Mass, even if it is the con ventual Mass." A fourth-class feria is in ef fect an open day on the Church calendar, and normally the Mass of the preceding Sunday is offered. The new provision thus eliminates the addition of the Collect, Secret and Post communion prayers of the Mass of the Sunday if the Mass offered is either that of a feast or a votive Mass, such as a wedding Mass or a Mass on the occasion of the Forty Hours devotion. The new ruling provides for three minor changes in the re vised code of rubrics which was issued in July of last year. The congregation said its declaration was made as a re sult of questions that had risen concerning fourth-class ferial days. The statement was dated May 27, 1961, and appeared in July 1 issue of the Acta Apos- tolicae Sedis, the official pub lication of the Holy See, just made public. BISHOP PRAISES C.C.D. PIONEER ROME (NC) — The episco pal chairman of the U. S. Con fraternity of Christian Doc trine has paid tribute to Miss Miriam Cecilia Marks, former national secretary of the con fraternity who died July 18. Bishop Charles P. Greco of Alexandria, who was in Rome in connection with prepara tion for the second Vatican Council, said: “She dedicated her whole life in the further ance of God’s cause particu larly through the apostolate of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine of which she was an ardent promoter for so many years. “She helped make the con fraternity in the United States one of the very great move ments of the Church in the present age.” Rosary Crusade Draws Half Million CARACAS, Venezuela — More than half a million peo ple turned out on this capi tal city’s military parade ground for the climax of a four-month Family Rosary Crusade conducted by Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. The sea of peolpe represent ed almost half the population of Caracas. An American ex ecutive who has extensive ex perience in Latin America de scribed the gathering as “the most impressive demonstration I have ever seen in Latin America.” Ability is a God-given gift— display it to the world each day. Heads Philadelphia School Ssystem PHILADELPHIA (NC)—Fa ther Edward T. Hughes has been appointed to succeed Msgr. Edward M. Reilly as su perintendent of Philadelphia archdiocesan schools. Arch bishop John J. Krol of Phila delphia appointed Msgr. Reil ly, who has headed the school system since 1945, rector of the Church of the Incarnation. Father Hughes has been assist ant superintendent of schools since May, 1960. PIONEER NUN DIES AT 103 ROME (NC) — Sister Mary Melania d’Ernst, pioneer com panion of the foundress of the Sisters of St. Peter Claver, Mother Maria Theresa Led- ochowska, has died here at the age of 103. For The Finest In Non-Perishable Fancy Food Gift Baskets SNACK ’N SHOP Variety of Wonderful Appetizing Snacks Served AT OUR SNACK BAR -OPEN TIL 7 P.M. North Decatur Plaza ME. 6-4622 Decatur, Ga. winter or summer, the flavor never varies LAND O’ LAKES sweet cream BUTTER Prepare And Sew WORDERRIL MEALS IN MINUTES? BR00KHAVEN SHOE STORE “CORRECT FIT AND SATISFACTION ASSURED” Next io Vvoolworth's "Home of Red Goose Shoes" Shoe Headquarters in Brookhavea cm The/Moving Man,Inc. 643 IGih Si., N.W. TR. 5-7781 Atlanta 18, Ga. AGENT FOR /VC3P7TM ISAM L/A/BSt With a move by North American Van Lines you know what to expect . . . On local moves, you usually get same day service; on long distance moves. North Ameri can's nation-wide network of agents and dispatchers enables us to tell you when your goods will be delivered. Call for a free estimate. World Wide Movers CONTAINERIZED STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS — TRADE SHOWS, EXHIBITS, PACKING, CRATING, LOCAL MOVING paul c. McClellan, Sales Mgr.