Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, April 28, 1962, Image 5

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Nat’l Newman Apostolate Established As New Section NCWC Youth Department OBITUARIES WASHINGTON-The National Newman Apostolate has been established as a new section of the Youth Department, Na tional Catholic Welfare Con ference. The announcement was made by Archbishop John J. Krol of Philadelphia, episcopal chairman of the Youth Depart ment. Previously the National Newman Club Federation, an association of clubs for Catho lics attending non-Catholic col leges, had been a part of the college and university section of the NCWC Youth Department. The National Newman Aposto late will formally recognize various Newman organizations as official members of he “Newman family” of organiza tions affiliated with the Youth Department. Father Charles W'. Albright, C.S.P., will be the coordinat ing secretary of the National Newman Apostolate. For the present he will also continue to serve as executive secre tary of the National Newman Club Federation and of the Na tional Newman Chaplain’s Association. In commenting on he n ew development, Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan said: “This new structure for the first time officially and formally recogni zes the growth and develop ment of the Newman movement to a vigorous arm of the Church in Catholic higher education, and a vital apostolate for the Christian formation of students who will be among tomorrow’s leaders in the nation and in the Church.’’ Chaplain of the National New man Apostolate is Msgr. Alex ander O. Sigur, presently the chaplain of the National New man Club Federation and presi dent of the Newman Chaplains’ Association. He is also direc tor of the Newman Center of the University of Southwestern Louisiana in Lafayette, La. McKinley Stephens, jr. PORT W'ENTWORTH - Fu neral services for McKinley J Stephens, Jr. were held April 2nd at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Conducting the ser vices was the Rev. Francis J. Donohue. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Eloisa B. Stephens; three sons, John Anthony Stephens, James Michael Stephens and Robert Patrick Stephens; a daughter, Shirley Ann Stephens; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Stephens, Sr. of Pt. Wentworth; two brothers, William T Ste phens of Trenton, N. J and Byron A. Stephens of Garden City; a sister, Mrs. John F Shearouse of Port Wentworth. Burial was in Holy Cross Cemetery, Savannah. MRS. SKEFFINGTON SAVANNAH - Funeral services for Mrs. Ida Donahue Skeffington were held at the Sacred Heart Church, April 6th. Survivors are three sisters, Mrs. Paul Mary and Miss Moni ca Rippley, both of New Orleans, La.; Miss Bernice Rippley, New York 'City. M. F. WIEDL, SR. ATLANTA-Funeral services for Michael F Wiedl, Sr., were held at the Cathedral of Christ the King, April 1st, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph G Cassidy of ficiating. Mr. Wiedl is survived by his wife, Mrs. Judith Ivory Wiedl; one daughter, Mrs. FrancisHo- nisek, Connellsville, Pa.; one son, .Michael F Wiedl, Jr., Atlanta; two brothers, John Wiedl, Kittanning, Pa.; Frank Weidl, New Kensington, Pa.; six grandchildren. Burial services in Calvery Cemetery, Pittsburgh, Pa., conducted by Father Topping. MRS. DOUGHTY AUGUSTA-Funeral services for Mrs. Almeda Petit Doughty, were held at St. Mary’s on-the- Hill Church, April 18th, Father Colm Moriarty officiating. Mrs. Doughty the wife of the late J. P Doughty, Jr., is sur vived by two sisters, Miss Adele Petit, New York, N. Y.: Mrs. Evelyn Simpson, Augusta; two stepdaughters, Miss Melville Doughty, Atlanta; Mrs. Sarah Population Growth ’Public Policy’ Needed WASHINGTON, (NC)—A priest speaking before a House committee urged formulation of a “public policy” in regard to the problem of population growth, particularly in relation to U. S. foreign aid programs. Father James L. Vizzard, S.J., director of the Washing ton office of the National Catholic Rural Life Confer ence, said development of a public policy on this problem would prevent “bitter con flict” in the future that could harm the U. S. The Jesuit priest testified (April 18) on the Foreign As sistance Act of 1962 before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. He was invited to speak before the commit tee by Rep. Clement J. Zab- locki of Wisconsin, a mem ber of the committee. TAe committee will utilize the suggestions made by various speakers to formulate a bill which ultimately will become the Foreign Assistance Act of 1962. Father Vizzard said he does not think “we have faced up clearly and courageously to the practical implications for public policy of the deep split between conscientious citi zens over what means, if any, may be used in dealing with apparently harmful popula tion growth.” “To be very explicit,” he continued, “Catholic citizens believe that ‘artificial’ birth control methods are morally evil; other responsible citi zens are convinced that such methods are not only morally licit but also, in some condi tions, morally imperative . . . “I suggest, therefore, that an important public service needs to be performed by bringing together for inten sive discussions the best fisd Jottings .... (continued from page 4) complete and a successful thing instead of a failure; it is a finished action because it is God's will." One day she wondered, as do we all: "After all these Holy Commun ions, Masses, Confessions, spiritual books, resolutions, nothing is done . . . alas, I am as unkind as before, my tongue as violent, my mind as melancholy, my will more weak, my fervor died out, my self indulgence grown as I could never have imagined . . . and all this in the very sight and faith of God." But she says, "the most un pleasant things become delightful if they are done with Our Lord. I used to hate washing clothes and even cry over it, but since my last financial ruin, I find great joy in it. I try to think of Our Lady washing for the Holy Family and how carefully she would have done it." * * * * • ONE OF MY FAVORITES is found in a letter she writes to a friend suffering great depression. “The only resolution I have ever found works is whenever I want to think of myself, I will think of God, just some short, shgrp answer so to speak, such as ‘I am lonely and misunder stood.’ I think of the loneliness of Christ, at His trial, the misunderstandings even of His closest friends. Or I might say, ‘I have made a fool of myself.’ Christ was mocked. He felt it. Or ‘I can’t go on alone unhelped, Christ couldn’t.’ He couldn’t carry the Cross without help. Think of God everytime I want to think of myself. Self-think takes the form of humiliations and remorse that follows on our fail ures and sins, there is more comforting in thinking of God’s love and forgiveness, how good He is, then dwelling on the hurt and vanity and misery of what one is like oneself.” bSQG There are dozens more of ihese quotations culled from her diaries, journals, letters, writings which Maisie Ward includes in this biography in depth. Caryll Houselander perhaps had no idea of this new impact which would come after her death when she wrote: "I am certain that for me the real Communion with people is in writing . . ." minds from all the sciences and disciplines with a legiti mate interest in and a con tribution to make to the field of population and develop ment ... I do not know if such a study can appropri ately be undertaken by this committee or by an agency of the executive branch, or whether it might more right ly be done under private sponsorship. “But I suggest that if bitter conflict is to be avoided in the near future, a conflict which can be destructive to our foreign aid programs, a proper foundation must soon be laid for the development of public policy on this most delicate and vital issue.” Father Vizzard also said he would like to see “more signs that guidelines were be ing developed” for more ef fective use of private and voluntary nonprofit agencies in U. S. foreign aid programs. “This seems to me to be particularly urgent in the case of the Alliance for Prog ress,” he said. “We heartily endorse this newest proposal, but we wonder how effective it can be without the fullest collaboration with the social reform efforts and projects of the voluntary agencies al ready operating and develop ing in Latin America.” Fatima Anniversary Fatima, Portugal-Francesco Cardinal Roberti, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apos tolic Signature in Rome, will preside at rites here on May 12 and 13, marking the 45th anniversary of the first appari tion of the Virgin Mary to the three shepherd children of Fatima. Bishop Joao Periera Ven- ancio of Leiria, who announced the Cardinal’s coming, said the intentions of the mid-May pil grimage to the Marian sanc tuary will be peace in the world, and especially for Portugal and her overseas provinces. Cultivate individual thinking- it takes real courage to drop out of a crowd that is headed in the wrong direction. tr v " tint jbh Manley & Adams Marietta, Ga. BOMBER Amen. Amen. Bonk Of SMYRNA n Smyrna, Ga. >Jib BATTERY SHOP NEW AND REBUILT BATTERIES GUARANTEED SERVICE Phone 7-2424 1040 4-Lane Highway MARIETTA, GEORGIA OFFICE SALES & SERVICE Phone 8-2694 214 Atlanta Street Marietta, Georgia THE BULLETIN, April 28, 1962—PAGE 5 D Murphy, St. Augustine, Fla.; one stepson, William W. Dough ty, Augusta, and one nephew, F Fielder Simpson, Augusta. MISS HANNAH KUHN ATLANTA -Funeral services for Miss Hannah Maria Kuhn were held at St. Anthony’s Church, April 18th, Rt. Rev. Msgr. James E King, officiat ing. Survivors include three nieces, Mrs. George Moltz and Mrs. E C Brisbane, both of Atlanta; Sister Mary Mercedes, St. Vincent’ Convent, Savannah; two nephews, J H. and O H. Jenzen, both of Atlanta. MRS. SHIPLEY^ ATLANTA-Funeral services for Mrs. Agnes Sims Shipley were held at St. Anthony’s Church, April 13th, Rt. Rev. Msgr. James E. King, officiat ing. Survivors include Miss Mary Sims, Miss Annie F. Sims, New Orleans, La.; Mrs. Harry Pit man, Atlanta; Mrs. Clare Cha- fin, Miami, Fla., j B. Keating, Chicago; George Flynt. MISS GALLAGHER ATLANTA-Funeral services for Miss Sallie Regina Galla gher were held April 9th at the Cathedral of Christ the King, Father Allan Dillman officiat ing. Survivors are one sister, Mrs. H. L Holland, Sr., At lanta, and nieces and nephews. JAMES A. BLADON LILBURN-Funeral services for James A. Bladon were held at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Atlanta, April 14th, Father E J Beltran, of ficiating. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mamie Bladon; one daugh ter, Mrs. Alice B Gray, Lil- burn; one granddaughter, Miss Margaret B. Gray, Lilburnjone brother, George Bladon, Saluda, S C. Sharing Our Treasure (continued from page 4) began to doubt that Joseph Smith was really a prophet. “I could no longer accept Mormonism’s strange moral code which held it was sinful to dance, play cards, smoke, drink alcoholic beverages even in moderation — and stranger still — even coffee or tea. There are so many Churches claiming to be the true one that I wondered how I would ever find it. I had recourse to prayer, and God, I feel, had a hand in my meeting a wonderful Catholic woman, ‘Mom’ Quinlan, in Oakland. “She always had time to listen to my troubles, and in a quiet way helped to make me conscious of God’s love. She taught me how import ant it is to make God part of one’s home if it is to be a happy one. One Sunday morning as I was passing - St. Joseph’s Church in Ala meda, I heard the choir singing. “I entered and knelt in the rear. Then and there I de cided to learn more about the Faith that brought such love to the heart of Mom Quin lan. Father James Ryan at St. Joseph’s gave my husband and me a thorough course of instruction. David had been baptized before going into battle with the understand ing that he would later take instructions. The fact that the Church could trace its origin back to Christ, who confer red upon it the authority to teach His truth to all nations, convinced us that it is the one true Church. “I was baptized and Da vid and I received our Eu charistic Lord. Our three children have also been baptized. Wishing to share our precious treasure with others, we brought Mr. and Mrs. Earl Palmer to an In quiry Class conducted by Fa ther Carl Wolsin in Paterson, New Jersey, and now they and their three children are Catholics. Would that I could share our holy Faith with many others!” (Father O’Brien will be glad to have converts send their names and addresses to him at Notre Dame Univer sity, Notre Dame, Indiana, so he may write up their conversion stories. SPEAKER — Dr. Charles Malik, Lebanese statesman and former president of the United Nations General As sembly, was the featured speaker at the 36th annual meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Asso ciation in Washington, April 24 and 25. Now a professor at American University, Wash ington, Malik spoke on “Justice in the International Order.” The former Lebanese ambassador to the United States was the 1953 winner of the Christian Culture Award Medal given by Assumption College, Windsor, Ont. —(NC Photos) We Specialize in Packaged Meals to Take Home or Eat in Your Car SHRIMP BOATS Are Located In ATLANTA: 822 Cleveland Avenue -- PO. 6-0692 530 Fayetteville Rd., S. E. -- DR. 3-1100 829 Cascade Rd., S. W. — PL. 3-4270 E. Marietta Shopping Center -- 427-3531 2139 Piedmont Road, N. E. -- TR. 6-1694 MACON: 715 Riverside Drive — SH. 5-9400 2978 Vineville Avenue -- SH 3-1800 1424 Rocky Creek Rd: — 788-1342 AUGUSTA: 1631 Walton Way -- PA. 4-2411 WARNER ROBINS: 1307 Watson Blvd. — WA. 3-6300 ATHENS: Baxter St. — LI. 8-2202 DUBLIN: Rice Avenue — BR. 2-1900 ROME: 5 Central Shopping Center -- 232-3325 The Best Sea Food And „ Chicken Anywhere nr£}rr/ pc\r Phone Your Order In. Will Be Ready In 8-10 Minutes. Camp Villa Marie SAVANNAH, GEORGIA The Ideal Catholic Camp BOYS AND GIRLS — SIX TO SEVENTEEN BOATING — SWIMMING — RED CROSS SWIMMING INSTRUCTIONS — ALL SPORTS — AIR RIFLERY — ARTS AND CRAFTS — DRAMATICS MOVIES — CAMP FIRES ib SISTERS — SEMINARIANS — MATURE STAFF — RESIDENT PRIEST DIRECTORS —ALL NEW FACILITIES — DISCOUNTS TO FAMILY GROUPS All Inclusive Fee S30 per Week One, two or three week registrations accepted. THREE EXCITING WEEKS July 22-28 (Visit of the King of Siam) July 29-Aug. 4 (Water Pageant Week) Aug. 5-Aug. 11 (Kangaroo Court) FOR INFORMATION WRITE: FATHER COLEMAN, P. O. BOX 2227, SAVANNAH, GA. SPACE IS LIMITED - REGISTER NOW!