Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, May 12, 1962, Image 2

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PAGE 2—THE BULLETIN, May 12, 1962 Pornography Is Just Scratch Away In Some Movies Critic Avers CINCINNATI (NC) — Scratch the veneer of art on some of today’s movies and pornography will be found, a veteran motion picture critic said here. William H. Mooring, the critic, spoke at a meeting (April 27) of Citizens for De cent Literature and Motion Pictures. His topic was im morality and subversive in fluences in the film industry. What appears to be artistic merit in some movies, he said, sometimes turns out to be “merely camouflage.” He cit ed recent films in which the action stops just short of ob scenity, leaving the mind of the viewer to complete the scene. At the same time there are some hopeful signs of im provement in the movie makers’ product, Mooring added. “The fact that a number of family-type films have been enormously successful— ‘Ben-Hur,’ for example, and Disney’s ‘Parent Trap’ — is having an effect on future production,” the critic said. Currently, however, there is “a disturbing, depressing cycle of movies,” he said, “in which members of families are shown to be devouring each other.” He mentioned “Five Finger Exercise” and “All Fall Down” as examples of new films in which fami lies seem bent on their own moral destruction. Communism remains “a serious influence” in Holly wood, said Mooring, who won national attention in the 1940’s for his exposure of Communist party members ATLANTA DRAPERY R1RRT LENOX SQUARE - ON THE MALL CE - 7-1521 Norws < 4 C0^ pA 589 FORREST RD., N. E. PHONE JA. 2-6500 ATLANTA 12, GA. See Four New Homes in Near New Marist College m t You can start at 1496 Runnymead or 1404 Bubbling Creek Road and carry on . . . -Lovely 3 bedroom brick homes, 2 baths, family room, silding glass door to patio, buit-in Westing- house kitchen, double carport. $19,000 to $20,500 Maximum FHA or conventional financing CALL MR. RICE — DR. 8-4205 Serve . . . While Being Served You benefit Our Lady of the Holy Ghost Monastery in Conyers, Georgia, every time you use daily-fresh PE" DAIRY FOODS. PET DAIRY in Atlanta buys the entire production of fresh milk produced by the purebred Jersey herd on the Dairy Farm of Our Lady of the Holy Ghost Monastery. 'YOU CAN'T BUY A FRESHER. FINER. BETTER-TASTING MILK THAN PET HOMOGENIZED VITAMIN "D" MILK.” For Convenient Home Delivery in Atlanta PLEASE CALL 636-8677 DAILY FRESH EGGS PRODUCED AT OUR LADY OF THE HOLY GHOST MONASTERY IN CONYERS Delivered to Your Door by PET DAIRY PRODUCTS COMPANY Please PHONE 636-8677 for Home Delivery working in the industry. “Communism never flags, never gives up,” he said. “And there are many com munists and communist sym pathizers employed in motion pictures.” Their techniques have changed, he said, and “they no longer try, if indeed they ever did, to get direct propa ganda into movies. Instead, they try to equate religion with superstition, and to make it seem moribund, out of date, futile.” But not all anti-religious elements in movies are the work of com munists, he added. Mooring, a convert to the Catholic Church, said some Hollywood “religious” films are of poor quality. He men tioned the recent spectacu lar, “King of Kings,” as “dis appointing.” But some of the earlier examples “at least were en tertaining,” he added. He cit ed Bing Crosby’s “Going My Way” as a motion picture with a religious background that was both successful and worthwhile. “But these are always fol lowed by imitations,” Moor ing said, “and the imitations usually are of lower quality.” One of the lowest quality imi tations of “Going My Way,” he said, was “Say One For Me,” in which Crosby also played. Mooring said he has long favored a program of study and discussion clubs on the subject of motion pictures. “If producers heard from a couple of hundred Catholic youth who had studied a mo tion picture and who had written .down their criticisms, favorable and unfavorable, you may be sure the pro ducers would be impressed. Nothing would change over night, but such studies and evaluations would have an impact, I’m sure — a much greater impact than a resolu tion signed by 50,000 people calling the producers dirty dogs,” Mooring said. People who ignore traffic safety rules are always on the verge of a serious smashup. WALTER H. BODIFORD Guaranteed Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairs CE. 7-7337 3993 Peachtree Road Brookhaven, Ga. “Buy Your Slax From Max” MAX METZEL, Owner MAX'S MEN'S SHOPS 5494 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Chamblee Plaza Shopping Center Phone 451-1911 975 Peachtree, N.E. Phone TR. 4-9582 — At 10th St. JUHAN'S CLEANERS Expert - Personalized Service Given to Every Garment Coming Into Our Plant 112 N. Main St. PO. 1-4404 College Park, Ga. Catholic Press Proves Versatile The Catholic press serves many purposes, as this church goer in University City, Mo., discovered when she wore her new spring bonnet to Our Lady of Lourdes Church for Mass. Faced with a sudden downpour after the Mass, the Catholic press proved her solution for both Catholic reading and keeping the hat dry. (NC Photos) Educator Believes Catholics Want Even Stronger Stand On U.S. Aid To Non-Public Schools WASHINGTON (NC) — A Catholic educator said here he thinks Catholics generally would like even a stronger stand by Church leadership on Federal aid to nonpublic schools. Msgr. O’Neil C. D’Amour of the National Catholic Edu cational Association spoke (May 2) to a student convo cation at American Universi- C&S REALTY COMPANY “Specialists in Commercial and Industrial Real Estate” Suite 200 Henry Grady Bldg. Atlanta 3, Ga. Warehouses, Stores, Mfg. Plants, Acreage, Shopping Center Dev., Industrial Dev., Subdivision Dev., Insurance 524-2052 MIKE & STEVE SERTICH O’Kelley’s-A Complete Rental Service DRESS FORMAL..THE MODERN WAY^ Ml Hi** 94 Koadtom* Wm t'*' ('I 4r «•« and boy*. Bridal (town*, B rid* > mo Id Dress** ood Cock to H Drottos U rt»# late# fashion*. Also volU. hoops and crinolines. Select Mn correct aftlr* for that special occasion We’ll bo very happy to holp you with ony Formal Woar problems 0'JUL*\ Jnc. 191 MitchoN Street, S.W., JA 2-9960 Sutter & McLellan 1023 MORTGAGE GUARANTEE BUILDING JAckson 5-2086 ATLANTA, GEORGIA Where Insurance Is A Profession . . . Not A Sideline ty, a Methodist institution. He said there is nothing which can be called “the” Catholic position on Federal aid to education. “This is not to say that the leadership of the Catholic community has not taken a stand,” he said. “The leader ship has. This stand by no means has unanimous ap proval on the part of all Catholics. “My own opinion is that the Catholic population, gen erally speaking, would like to have ?. stronger stand.” He said the “official Cath- lic attitude” was expressed by the U. S. Bishops at their annual meeting last Novem ber. A statement then reaffirm ed the Bishops’ stand against any form of general Federal aid that discriminates against children attending non-public schools. The Bish ops appealed for justice and for an understanding recog nition of the rights of these children to participate in any proposed program of aid. The Bishops’ position, he noted, does not deal with whether or not Federal aid is necessary. “They are taking a stand against injustice and for fairness. I do not under stand how any American could criticize them for this,” he said. The Monsignor, an NCEA associate secretary in charge of Department of School Su perintendents, also said that during last year’s controver sy over Federal aid to edu cation, the press gave most attention to the issue of re ligion. But he denied religion was the major factor. He said it was one of several complex issues involved. The issues, he said, includ ed doubts over the effect of Federal aid on the tradition of local support and control of schools; questions about using Federal funds to dis tricts maintaining segregat ed schools; and the discussion on the constitutionality of aid to church-related schools. “Indeed, competent autho rities contend that the reli gious issue was not the de cisive factor in the defeat of the Federal aid bill last year,” he said. Set Record NELLORE, India, (NC) — A Confirmation tour during which he administered the sacrament to 4,000 persons had been com pleted by Bishop William Bouter of Nellore. The figure exceeds that of any pastoral tour in Bishop Bouter’s 33 years here. Atlanta’s newest name for THE FINEST OF STEAKS Is a Polynesian restaurant a strange place to find the best steak you ever tasted? Not in Atlanta, because Atlanta’s only authentic Polynesian Restaurant — the Dobbs House Tiki — takes great pride in serving the very finest, soft-as-butter sirloins and filets mignons. Call TR 3-3531 for reservations. Then, when you ar rive at the Tiki, murmur those magic words “rare,” “medium,” or “well done.” The chef will add that something extra to your steak almost before you can finish your delicious Polynesian beverages TDoWti/ ftoUA6 LUNCHEON II A M -3 P.M. RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE 1999 PEACHTREE RD. N.E. DINNER 5 P.M.-11 P.M * BEVERAGES 1) A M. MIDNIGHT • OPEN EVERY DAY WEST SIDE LOAN OFFICE Used Television Sets, Radios. Jewelry and Watches, Etc., at Bargain Prices 337 PETERS STREET, S.W. JA. 5-2912 Atlanta, Ga. ST. JOSEPH'S INFIRMARY SODA FOUNTAIN COFFEE SHOP AND RESTAURANT LOCATED NEXT TO GIFT SHOP ON MAIN FLOOR IN NEW BUILDING ATLANTA, GA. May Prayers, Brotherly Climate Asked By Pope As Council Preparation VATICAN CITY (NC) — The clergy and faithful of the world have been asked by His Holiness Pope John XXIII to increase their pray ers for the success of the Ecumenical Council in the month of May. Pope John has also told the faithful that the establish ment of just relations with their fellow men is part of the necessary climate for a fruitful council. Though not clearly specifying it, he seemed by this comment to be referring to racial con flicts in various parts of the world. His appeals were contain ed in an Apostolic Letter, Ec- umenicum Concilium pub lished here (April 28). The increased prayers in May were sought, the Pope said, “in order that this great event (the council) may con stitute a new Pentecost and that the Holy Spirit may spread His gifts once again pro d i g i o u s 1 y upon the Church.” The council, which is due to convene on October 11, is a continuation of the mission of Christ upon the earth, the Pontiff said, explaining: “Jesus is present in the Church and continues His mission on earth. His pres ence is evident in human his tory, which is completely di rected toward Him and serves, whether men realize it or not, His mission of re demption and of salvation.” He continued: “The forthcoming ecumen ical council will be a living Red Action "A Glaring Injustice” VATICAN CITY, (NC) — L’Osservatore Romano has called criticism by Sefan Cardinal Wyszynski of anti- Church measures in commun ist-ruled Poland “a cry of protest against a glaring in justice that increases daily.” The Vatican City daily was commenting on recent speeches by the Polish Pri mate in which he charged the Red regime with continuing to allow atheist attacks on the Church and accused com munist authorities in his pri- matial See of Gniezno of in terfering with a traditional religious procession in which he took part. Because of the Cardinal’s criticism — which followed the renewed demand by the Polish Hierarchy for the par liamentary investigation of illegal government measures against the Church — the government daily Zycie War- szawy accused him of trying to disrupt Church-State rela tions. L’Osservatore Romano not ed in an editorial (April 30) that communist actions against the Church are “in violation of the legal guaran tees which the Polish consti tution grants to all its citi zens.” The Vatican City daily re viewed recent discriminatory measures taken by the Reds and pointed out that the lat est one threatens the right to hold public meetings. It said: “This new law requires that all public meetings or dem onstrations of associations not considered ‘social’ are to be subject to a special authori- zation by the police. This au thorization must be request ed in advance.” The daily called the new laws and similar ones passed earlier “suffocating legisla tion . . . contrary to the let ter of the Polish constitution and against the rights gua ranteed to citizens of the ‘People’s’ Republic.” The editorial concluded by noting that when there is a popular outcry against such restrictions, “they are left in abeyance, but they are not abandoned. They remain, as it were, in thin air, kept in readiness for use when the time is deemed opportune.” Don’t make a hobby of time killing- it is an overcrowded field. Most worthwhile ideas come from quiet thinkers-not loud talkers. 2730 Piedmont Road, N. E. Atlanta 5, Georgia and expressive testimony of this presence, since the up dating of the life of the Church and the establish ment of reexamination of the various laws and dispositions during the solemn meetings will be directed to this one end: Christ, known, loved and imitated with increasing generosity.” The Pontiff noted that Christ’s mission was “to es tablish the Kingdom of the Father in the hearts of men and to spread it also in an exterior manner among the family of the redeemed.” Pone John added: “This imposes serious du ties both upon individuals and upon the societies in which they live. Earthly in terests must not come before truth, justice and equity in the relations with one’s neighbors. The light of hea ven is extinguished by thus denying God, as when one di rectly or indirectly suppress es his own brother, denying him the ihalienable rights of his nature 5s a free person and of his Christian vocation. “The hope of the ecumeni cal council, then, looks tow ard a more decisive effort for individual and social justice, a more generous enterprise of charity, a joyful giving of oneself to the common wel fare so that a more fair or der in family, social and in ternational relations may progress to the advantage of the whole of humanity.” Pope John concluded by noting that what is important is the interior renewal through a true Christian re birth, since “should this be lacking, not even the ecu menical council could pro duce fruits.” Worry Fades With Arrival Of Baldachin LA CROSSE, Wis., (NC) — Winona’s Bishop John P. Treacy can stop worrying now. It's just about assured that the two-ton baldachin he ordered will get here in time for the dedication of the new Cathedral of St. Jo seph the Workman on May 14. Bishop Treacy ordered the canopy, 27 feet in diameter and 45 1/2 feet high, shaped like a hugh tiara at a cost of $35,000 a year and a half ago. It re quired Edward Schulte, Cin cinnati designer, more than a year to complete the work. Erhard Stoettner, craftsman for the company which arranged for the shipment and installation of the baldachin, explained that a week’s delay in the spring opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway held up delivery of the canopy, but added it will be in stalled in time. To Assist Needy Mothers WASHINGTON, (NC) — The National Council of Catholic Women has announced a Mother’s Day remembrance in the form of a donation to assist impoverished mothers of the world. Mrs. Arthur L Zepf, NCCW president, said the remem brance is called the Madonna. Corsage, and the donation is part of the council’s Madonna Plan to aid hungry and anguish ed mothers. The donation, together with the name and address of the woman to be honored, may be sent to NCCW headquarters, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington 5, D C Criticism is a fine thing-;t helps all of us keep our feet on the ground. SMITH’S SHOES And Brookhaven Shoe Store 1215 Sycamore St., Decatur, Ga. — DR. 3-3227 2136 North Decatur Plaza. — ME. 4-4511 2332 Main St., Tucker, Ga. — 938-2424 ATLANTA FRED A. YORK PEST CONTROL SERVICE Our Slogan — Nearly Right Won't Do Our Service — Always Guaranteed Our Products On Sale At Office CALL FOR FREE INSPECTION OR INFORMATION 766 Slale St.. N. W Phone TR. 5-8378 Atlanta. Ga. Established 1894 Distributors and Underwriters of Investment Securities Since 1894 4 ►> The Robinson-Humphrey Company.Inc.^ RHODES-HAVERTY BULDG., ATLANTA 1, GEORGIA Jackson 1-0316 Long Distance 421 LISTED STOCKS PRIMARY MARKETS IN APPROXIMATELY 100 UNLISTED STOCKS CORPORATE BONDS — UNDERWRITINGS TAX-FREE MUNICIPAL BONDS INVESTMENT COUNSELING PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS J. C. Bradford & Co. Members of the New York Stock Exchange & American Exchange Thomas H. Stafford. Resident Manager Joseph G. Smith, Account Executive SUITE 736. BANK OF GEORGIA BUILDING PHONE JAckson 2-6834 ATLANTA. Ga.