Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, August 18, 1962, Image 8

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PAGE 8—THE BULLETIN, August 18, 1962 HERE AND THERE ST. ANTHONY’S CHURCH (Sav’h) Annual Boatride toDau- fuski Island, S. C. held Aug. 5 . . . ARCHBISHOP GERALD P. O’HARA, former Archbishop of the (then) Diocese of Savannah- Atlanta, recently returned to Savannah for a visit . . .MSGR. T. JAMES McNAMARA doing nicely after his two week ill ness in St. Joseph’s Hospital (Sav’h) . . . FR. NORBERT MAHONEY, C.O., an Oratorian from Rockhill, S. C., relief as sistant at Blessed Sacrament (Sav’h) for the Summer months ... FR. LOUIS A. WHEELER, S.J., (Philadelphia) filling in for two weeks at Cathe dral . . . BART SHEA, promi nent young Savannah barrister, announces his candidacy for the State House of Representa tives . . . Aquinas High School graduale JOSEPH O’CONNELL, at present a sophomore at Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass., being pictured in Augusta Chronicle as one of 151 students attending Augusta - College during the Summer months . . . MRS. HENRY DUNN, president of the Savannah Trustees’ Garden Club, recently received, in the name of her club, a state civic beautification award of $500, and a Steuben crystal urn in recognition of achievements in beautifying 12 blocks of parks along Bay St. (Sav’h.) . . . MISS MADELEINE MCAULIFFE, a 29 year old employee of the Court of Ordinary, has been asked to be a candidate for Ordinary for Chatham County (Sav’h) , . , CALEB B. BANKS and WILLIAM H. KEATING among 7 winners of the Arthur Lucas Memorial Scholarships to Armstrong College (Sav’h) , , . FRANK DOWNING, (Sav’h) candidate for state senate, a guest speaker at a recently held dinner-meeting of the Savannah Junior Chamber of Commerce ... Cmdr. HARRY A. POWERS, JR., Commanding Officer, Savannah Naval Train ing Center, among invited guests of the 172nd anniversary celebration of the U. S. Coast Guard ... ST. JOSEPH’S HOS PITAL (Sav’h) is cooperating in the 53 week training course of the Department of Practical Nursing at the Savannah Vo cational School. The course will include 720 hours of theoretical instruction and 1,300 hours of clinical experience in varied fields of nursing care . . . JAMES A. ROURKE elected co- chairman of the Youth Savan- nahians for Griffin Club . . . SP 4 THOMAS E. RUSHING, among the members of the best drilled Howitzer section of Savannah’s First Howitzer Bat talion, 118th Field Artillery, Georgia National Guard. The group also won awards for the Best Drilled Squad, and the Best Performance in an Army Train ing Test during a two week en campment at Fort Stewart, Ga. . . . The facade of BLESS ED SACRAMENT CHURCH (Sav’h) looks good all lit up at night . . . JACK GROOVER (Sav’h) will enter the Uni versity of Alabama in the Fall . . . Coastal Highway Commission Secretary- Treasurer JOHN J. BOUHAN reporting that a total of $90,392.50 in revenue was col lected during the month of July from traffic over the Eugene Talmadge Memorial Bridge. Bouhan is also on the Commis sion for four-laning Coastal Highway U.S. 17 in Georgia . .. At the request of Atty. Gen. Eugene Cook, Sol. Gen. ANDREW J. RYAN, JR., and his chief assistant recently left Savannah to attend the southern regional meeting of the National Association of Attorneys Gen eral in White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. . . Chatham County Policeman Capt. THOMAS MA HONEY recently celebrating two anniversaries: 35 years married and 35 years on the force . . . Former Savannahian Flight Nurse Lt. MARTHA T KAVANAUGH in the city re cently interviewing nurses in terested in following in her foot steps. She is stationed at Dob bins Air Force Base, Marietta, Ga. . . . MICKEY HARTNETT one of two heading a 42 member cast in Savannah’s Little Thea tre production of "Bye Bye Birdie’’. This is the largest cast ever to be assembled on the Little Theatre’s stage . . . MR. AND MRS. THOMAS JOSEPH RYAN, SR., of 33rd St. (Sav’h) recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary . . FRANK ROSSITER’S City Beat (Sav’h. Morning News) re porting that MRS. CHARLES V. WALSH of Savannah has a dis tinguished grandchild. The in fant has two uncles who are bishops: ARCHBISHOP ED WARD F. HOBAN of Clevelan 1 and BISHOP EMMETM. WALSH of Youngstown, Ohio. The baby, MOIRA ELIZABETH, was born to MR. AND MRS. HOBAN TAY LOR of Lombard, Ill. Mrs. Taylor is the former MISS PA TRICIA WALSH of Savannah ... Savannahian JEROME E. PINCKNEY has been promoted by the Union Bag-Camp Paper Corporation to the position of divisional box plant manager with headquarters in Trenton, N. J. Other plants besides Tren ton under Pinckney’s su pervision will be Baltimore, Lancaster, Pa., Washington Pa., and Cleveland, Ohio . . . HENRY RAPfe, Benedictine graduale, represented his Alma Mater in the annual North-South Georgia High School Football contest held recently in Atlanta; while RICKY MILL represented the same school in the Basket ball contest . . . JOSEPH O. SASEEN elected president of the Young Lawyers’ Section of the Savannah Bar Association . . . FRANK GALLOVITCH is cre dited with raising part of a city of Savannah-owned dock which was underwater for three days. The dock is situated di rectly behind City Hall is used by the sightseeing ship "The Visitor’’ . . . TOM WALSH, prominent Savannah lawyer has pitched his hat into the ring for election to Judge of the Chatham County Court of Ordinary (Sav’h.) . . . FR. FELIX DON NELLY, pastor of Nativity of Our Lord Church (Thunderbolt) principal speaker at the Group Communion of Savannah Coun cil 631, Knights of Columbus, held Sunday, 29 July, at Na tivity Church ... JOHN BURKE, outdoor editor for the Savannah Morning News, addressed a meeting of the Men’s Social of Blessed Sacrament Church on the 30 July . . . MARGARET PROUTY chosen as outstand ing member of St. Joseph’s Nursing School of 1962 . . . STEVE E. GRADY, III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Grady, Jr., is getting in on some nat ional functions in around Wash ington, D. C. since he is a member of the Army Honor Guard in that area. Steve is a graduate of Benedictine Military School (Sav’h.) . . . SGT. MALCOM E. KENDRICK one of three Policemen being specially trained to handle po lice dogs recently purchased by the city of Savannah depart ment . . . The Federal army in Columbus has increased. MRS. HELEN FEDERAL GAV IN and family have recently moved from the North to that city. She is the sister of MOST REV. BISHOP LENNOX FED ERAL of Salt Lake City and also the sister of MR. ROBERT FEDERAL, who, with his wife and family, resides in Colum bus ... 7 retreatants from Columbus recently traveled to Ignatius House in Atlanta for a few days’ retreat. They were Mesdames J. M. CONOLLY, ROBERT NOLAN, JAMES PETRAN, WILLIAM SOUTH, JOHN HUGENBERG, RITA REESE, and MISS MARY MAR GARET BURNS. Next deadline: Aug. 23rd Fr. Lawrence A. Lucree P. O. Box 2227, Savannah, Georgia St. Clare’s Names Officers ALBANY - St. Clare’s Al tar and Rosary Society met in July to name the following new officers: As President, Mrs. William Johnson; as Vice president, Mrs. Rosa Anderson; Secre tary, Mrs. Jack Hall and Re porter, Miss Yvonne Young. The outgoing president, Mrs. Benjamin Humphries, was given a vote of thanks for a job well done. At the August meeting, plans were announced to celebrate August 12th, the feast of St. Clare, the patronal saint, with a High Mass followed by re freshments served in the hall. Mrs. Rubun Higgins and Mrs. Benjamin Humphries were in charge of the serving. Also at the meeting plans were made for a combined outing with the Altar and Ros ary Society of St. Jerome's Chapel in Americus, to St. An drew’s State Park, Panama City, Florida. Pontiff Urges Catholics To Provide Spiritual Aid, Technical Aid To Emigrants VATICAN CITY, (NC)—His Holiness Pope John XXIII has asked Catholics to provide "deep religious formation and an adequate technical and cul tural training’’ for emigrants so that they may become full- fledged members of the new society in which they live. The Pope’s appeal for a fuller refugee and emigrant program was made in a special audience he granted to 5,000 former refugees and emigrants who came to Rome to comme morate the 10th anniversary of the Apostolic Constitution Exsul Familia. This papal document of Pope Pius XII gives norms for the spiritual care of emi grant families. Pope John joyrneyed from his summer residence at Castel- gandolfo to be with the pil grims, who were attending a special Mass in St. Peter’s basilica offered (August 5) by Paolo Cardinal Marella, arch priest of the Vatican basilica. ALAPAHA ALTAR SOCIETY ALAPAHA - St. Ann’s Altar 1 Society met August 3rd, imme diately following the First Fri day Mass. Following the business meet ing the group honored Father Gerald Flater, O.M.I. who is leaving the end of August for a new assignment in Toledo. Spread before the Pope’s throne were hundreds of gifts, many of them Eastern Rites vestments donated by the Pil grims. Among them was a large candle wrapped in barbed wire, a symbol of the persecution be hind the Iron Curtain from which the pilgrims had fled. Pope John recalled the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt and said the memory of the journey should be a comfort to thousands who even today are being forced to leave their homes to live in alien lands. Noting that the Church has always been concerned with the problem of emigration, the Pope added: "The phenomenon of nomadism is increasing today and creates constantly greater demands, hence the concern of the Church which follows con stantly the social transforma tion of the times." The Pope then called attention to the encyclical Ad Petri Ca- thedram of June, 1959, in which he asserted: "We feel no less anxiety for the plight of those who because of the urgent nec essity of seeking a living, or because of the sad conditions in their homeland, or even be cause of persecution on religi ous grounds are forced to emi grate from their fatherland." Although emigrants some times pose delicate problems for the host countries, the Pope said, they also contribute by their technical skill to the pro ductive and economic advantage of their new homelands. Pope John said "efforts must be unified to give emigrants a more profound religious for mation and an adequate tech nical and cultural training which can help them to become members of the new society." The Pope also showed aware ness of the problem of migra tion within the limits of one country. "Another problem that in creases constantly," he said, "is that of internal migration of workers, that is from one area to another, from one city to another. There is a need for a link between the parishes from which they come and the parishes of their new destina tion, and for accurate informa tion regarding the different pro blems inherent in organization, in brotherly hospitality and in the collaboration of the Catho lic laity." Pope John called for many more priests to dedicate them selves to problems of emigrants and for concerted action to in clude emigrants within the reli gious and social framework of their new background. He also promised that the Second Vatican Council will make its views known on pro blems of emigration. KEVIN R. SCHOCHAT Egale Rank Awarded To Schochat MACON - Eagle rank, scout ing’s highest award, was be stowed upon Kevin R. Schochat at a Court of Honor held in St. Joseph’s Social Hall. Jim Puster, former assis tant scoutmaster of Troop 10 made the presentation. Kevin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel E. Schochat of Macon. He will enter the eighth grade at St. Joseph’s school this fall. Irish Bishop Named MAYNOOTH, Ireland, (NC) — Father Peter Birch of St. Patrick’s College here has been named Coadjutor Bishop of Os- sory with right of succession. ST. CLARE’S TO PAINT CHURCH ALBANY - For the last month the members of St. Clare’s Church, backed with newspaper and radio ad vertising have been busy selling tickets for their Ice August 19th. The tickets cost 25<£ and the members have a thousand tickets to sell. A group of seventeen ladies and one man, all expert cake bakers, are each donating one homemade cake to go with the dish of ice cream which one ticket will buy. The social will take place on the front lawn of the beautiful mission church and will be served from 3:30 until 5:30 in the evening. The proceeds will be used to paint and caulk the outside of the church. Protestants, Jews Expected At Seattle Liturgical Week SEATTLE, Wash., (NC) - Many Protestant and Jewish churchmen are expected to at tend the 23rd North American Liturgical Week here at the World’s Fair, August 20 to 23. Father William Treacy, di recting the meeting’s liaison with Protestants and Jews, said that priests of the Episcopal diocese of Olympia and local Lutheran ministers have been urged by their denominational leaders to attend. In addition, he said, invi tations'have been mailed by his office to priests, ministers and rabbis of all denominations in Seattle and Vancouver, British Columbia. Father Treacy said there have been so many requests by non-Catholics for copies of the speeches scheduled at the Lit urgical Week that tape record ings will be made and distrib uted later. VATICAN FIREMAN must be Jack-of-all-trades - A member of the 17-man Vatican fire brigade combines the duties of a fireman with those of a nightwatchman, plumber, electrician, elevator repairman and stone-mason --to name a few extracurricular duties. Besides standing guard behind the papal throne at every public function to repairing statuary and unplugging sewers, the Vatican fireman is trained to fight fires of every type, and at a moments notice. Seven men and a brigadier are constantly on call at the Vatican. At left, a group of firemen check the location of fire hydrants on a large map in the Vatican firehouse. A fireman and Va tican gendarme (center) make their twice-daily round of all Vatican build ings. At right, firemen check a statue for cracks in order to prevent the hazard of falling pieces. - (NC Photos) 'Can I Win Friends For God And His Church’ I can win friends for God and His Church in many ways but the first and most essen tial one is that I myself must be a good friend of God and His Holy Church. For before one can gain friends he must first of all be a good friend himself. As a member of His Holy Catholic Church, I am already God’s friend, but I can make myself more worthy of this wonderful and special pri vilege by loving, honoring and praising Him and especially by keeping His commandments. Since good friends visit each other I must keep my soul pure and clean so that when I invite Him into it by receiv ing the sacrament of Holy Eu charist, He will want to dwell with me awhile and later He will invite me to visit Him in His glorious and heavenly home. If I practice all these duties of a loving friend and there by prove that I am truly God’s friend, I can then begin win ning more friends for God and His Church. "Go forth and teach ye all nations." With these meaningful words Jesus Christ, Son of God instructed His apostles to * * * * THE BULLETIN is pleased to print the winning essays in the Savannah Diocesan Council of Catholic Women’s annual es say contest. This essay is by Wilhelmina Perrin, sophomore at Immaculate Conception High School, Augusta. Wilhelmina wau winner in Group 1. The winning essay in Group 111 will appear next issue. * * * * WILHELMINA PERRIN person - to - person Service for aft your banbiny needs SAVANNAH BANK & Trust Co. Savannah, Georgia Member F. D. I. C. teach all nations and make them the friends of Him and His Church. By heeding His words as did the apostles, I too, can win friends for Him. First of all I can tell those who do do not yet know that Jesus Christ is the one and only true God, the Supreme Being, the Father of the whole human race. I can also tell them that He founded the Catholic Church as a necessary means of sal vation and that they are com manded to be connected with it in some way in order to be saved. After I have related these true, and important facts to them I must still go on and instruct them more so that they may be fully ready and willing to believe in God and become His friends. In the world today Com munism, which teaches false doctrines about God and His Church, is steadily thriving. The people are confused by dirty, lying literature that is being sold and distributed throughout the country. I can win friends for God and His Church by seeing that this literature is stopped from being distributed. To do this I must buy more good Catholic books and papers, and urge dealers to sell only good literature. After I read these decent pam phlets and papers I can pass them on to non-Catholic friends so that I could show them and afterwards they may see for themselves the truth about the one God Jesus Christ and that after my thorough explanations of the facts they will be con vinced that the Catholic Church is truly the key to their sal vation. Although I do all the things I mentioned before, there are still many many more things that I could do to win friends for God and His Church; for example I can urge fallen away Catholics who have at one time been friends of God, to come back to their Mother the Church, receive the sacraments and PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTLY DEAD Catholic Social— REV. WILLIAM FAULKNER BROWNE August 23, 1881 REV. CHARLES J. RETHANS August 26, 1951 Oh God, Who didst give to thy servants by their sacredotal office, a share in the priest hood of the Apostles, grant, we implore, that they may also be one of their company forever in heaven. Through Christ Our Lord, Amen. Even though I only use one of these many ways of winning friends for God, I am sure that the grace, and strength of my Almighty Father will shine through me to help me find more courage and perse verance to continue in my force ful task of winning more and more friends for God so that others may share in wonderful bliss of being friends of the Supreme Being, God and of His one, Holy and Catholic, Aposto lic Church. (Continued from Page 1) manual labor to build roads and thus come in contact with the peasantry. "This," he stated, "is a positive example of what can be done in the sphere of social evolution, which is plainly more fruitful than ‘revolution.’ The Marxist revolution attempts everything but the social ele vation of the people. Europe, China and Cuba prove that." He said the Cuban regime of Marxist Premier Fidel Cas tro is a last warning to the people of Latin America, and added: "It is necessary that Catho lics undertake with daring and courage the development and coordination of their activities. If the Catholic Young Workers, Catholic business leaders, the Catholic Farm Youth and the intellectuals and university stu dents of Pax Romana join their efforts in all fields toward a united, advanced planning, they will attract people’s attention and also that of political leaders. Then such plans could change into the ‘evolution’ that would far outdistance the‘revo lution’." again be friends of their Eternal Father. I can also bring my own friends to Mass with me so that by participating in the greatest act of love and sacri fice they may be convinced that they do want to belong to His Holy Church an d be His privi leged friends. I can per form acts of mercy and charity and other good works so that my good example will reflect credit on God and His Church, whose teachings I firmly be lieve. The week, to be held in the arena on the grounds of the World's Fair, will be devoted to discussions of the official public worship of the Catholic Church. More than 4,000 per sons are expected. Rev. Walfred Erickson, min ister of the Clyde Hill Baptist Church and dean of the Lay School of Theology for the Seattle Council of Churches, said that "the program, with its focus on Christian hope, promises emphasis upon doc- V trine and biblical theology which must surely interest all Christ tains.” "Ecumenically concerned Protestants will see in the sessions an opportunity to sample the intellectual life of Roman Catholicism and to understand better their Catholic bretheren," he said. HUDSON COACH AT DeSALES MACON - Appointment of Charles Hudson as head coach was announced by Sister Mary Aurelia, superioress of De Sales High School. U Mr. Hudson is a graduate of Berry College, Rome, Ga., where he majored in phys-ed and will teach history at De Sales, Sr. Aurelia said. While at Berry, Mr. Hudson was a member of the basket ball and tennis teams and coached the school’s B-teams. Tom Lee will continue his du ties as athletic trainer as the Cavaliers began preparation for the season’s opening football game with St. Joseph of Atlanta at Porter Stadium in Macon on September 8. Leadership (Continued from Page 1) "The Church and Music" - Mr. Harry Persse, Instructor, Armstrong College of Savannah, Savannah, Ga. "Leadership through Family Life" - Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ritzert, Savannah, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. George Schmick, Sav- an ah, Ga. "Leadership through Re ligious Life" - Sister Marj( Corniel, R. S. M., St. Joseph Hospital, Savannah, Ga. "Psychology and Tools of Leadership" - Sister Mary Frederick, R.S.M., Mercy High School, Baltimore, Md. "Effective Public Speaking"' - Sister Mary Maris Stella, R. S. M., Mercy High School, Baltimore, Md. "Basic Principles of Law" - John M. Brennan, Savannah, Ga. BENEDETTO LAUNDRY 3061 Houston Macon, Ga. SHerwcod 3-5555 Tony's Body Sho| Complete Body and Fender Repairs 1035 Triple Macon, C Hills Drive 746-763. A. F. (Tony) Viglione Georgia Distributors Language Labratory Systems STARR ELECTRIC CO. 584 Second St. - Sh 6-2441 Macon, Georgia Tile—Carpet—Inlaid- Linoleum--Ceiling Tile Expertly Installed by MUNFORD’S For free estimates call SH 6-5111 433 Walnut St. - Macon, Ga. hire Inspection Con tin no us Protect i o n TERMITE CONTROL & REPAIRS Serving Middle and South Ga. CALL COLLECT Macon - 3984 Napier Avenue SH 6-5134 Albany - 401 N. Jackson Street HE 6-4511 1