Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, October 13, 1962, Image 3

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THE BULLETIN, October 13, 1962—PAGE 3 SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL HOLY SEE, 21 ST COUNCIL SITE, WORLD FOCAL POINT ATICAN CITY The above diagram shows the locations of many of the Vatican buildings, portraying the size and completeness of the tiny religious state. Dominated by St. Peter's Basilica, the world’s largest church, this state within the city of Rome, is the site of the 21st Ecumenical Council of the Church and religious focal point of the world. The council cere monies and meetings will take place in and around the huge Basicica, with many of the outlying buildings beingf used for special committees and meetings. - (NC Photos) PONTIFF SIGNS BULL PROCLAIMING COUNCIL -m ■ With a few strokes of the pen, His Holiness Pope John XXIII affixes his signature, thus making official the convoking of the 21st Ecumenical Council of the Church. The Second Vatican Council, only the third world council of the Catholic Church in the last 400 years, opened on October 11th. - (NC Photos) SWISS GUARD IS READY Twenty - two new recruits were added the the Vatican Swiss Guard recently to bolster the Holy Father’s "little army" for added responsibilities connected with the Second. Vatican Council. The new Guardsmen were sworn in at the Damasus Court of the Vatican Palace. The Guard was cele brating the 435th anniversary of the "Sack of Rome", when 147 guardsmen gave their lives defending the Pope. (NC Photos) Prominent among the Ecumenical Council* s leaders are three non-Italian Cardinals, Agostino Cardinal Bea, S.J. (left), a German, headed the preparatory Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, designed to help separated Christians follow closely the work of the council. Eugenio Cardinal Tisserant (center), dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals and a native of France, presided in the Holy Father’s absence over the Central Preparatory Commission. Gregorio Pietro XV Cardinal Agagianian, an Armenian and Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, headed the Commission for the Missions. (NC Photos) Rome Newsmen Confer Taking over press preparations for the Second Vatican Council are Msgr. James I. Tucek (right), head of the Rome bureau of the NCWC News Service, and Luciano Casi- mirri, head of the Vatican Press Office. New and expanded press facilities have been installed at the Vatican to handle the expected influx of secular and religious newsmen this fall. (NC Photos) COUNCIL LEADERS Cross-Reference For Council Priests, seminarians, and laymen put in long hours in the offices of the preparatory commissions preparing for the Second Vatican Council. Above, just three of the enlarged office force work at filing the large number of items that will be brought to the attention of the council. The answers to the queries were broken down into subject matter and filed under a detailed crossreferencing index. - (NC Photos) LOCATIONS OF PAST CHURCH COUNCILS SPAIN ONICEA ^ £ Y qEPHESUS r AFRICA The Second Vatican Council called by His Holiness Pope John XXIII is the 21st such gathering in the history of the Catholic Church. The first and seventh councils were held at Nicea in 325 and 787. Four councils were convened in Constantinople in the years 381, 553, 680-81, and 869-70. The remaining councils held in the East were those of Ephesus, 431, and Chalcedon, 451. Six councils have been convened in Rome, five at the Lateran Basilica in the years 1123, 1139, 1179, 1215 and 1512-17, and one each at Vienne, France, 1311-12; Constance, Switzerland, 1414-18, Florence, 1431-45: and Tre r,t 1^45-63. (NC Photos) His Holiness Pope John XXIII bows his head before the main altar at the Basilica of St. Pau 1 Outside the Walls on the feast of St. Paul’s Conversion and he prays for the success of the ecumenical council which he convoked on October 11. It was on this feast in 1959 that the Holy Father first made public his intention to convene the Second Vatican Council. - (NC Photos)