The Savannah bulletin. (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1958, March 08, 1958, Image 2

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PAGE 2—THE SAVANNAH BULLETIN, March 8, 1958. THE DINETTE GOOD FOOD Across From Si. Joseph's Infirmary JA, 3-92Q7 246 IVY ST., N, E. ATLANTA, GA. BUCKHEAD Bowling Center • INDIVIDUALS • LEAGUES ® CLUBS 3141 Peachtree Road CE. 3-9189 ATLANTA 1101 Spring Si., N. W. ALBANY—Box 421 OTHER CITIES—See Yellow Pages in Phone Book Malta's Catholics Alarmed At Charge Cfmft “Intolerant” FIGURE 8 Monday—Closed MA. 7 9615 — Sunday — 1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m.-10:45 p.m. Tuesday Through Saturday 10:00 A. M. To 12:30 P. M. 2:00 P. M. To 5:00 P. M. 8:15 P. M. To 10:45 P. M. Atlanta LAKEWOOD PARK LONDON. (NC) — Malta’s 320,- 000 Catholics are alarmed by the charges of England’s Anglican Primate that the Church on Brit ain’s Mediterranean island colony is “intolerant.” This was reported here by the Catholic Herald, national Catho lic weekly. The Herald’s correspondent stated that non-Catholics visiting the island “enjoy complete free dom of worship. We are not aware of any lack of religious tol eration.” At a recent meeting of the Church Assembly, governing body of the state-supported Church of England, Dr. Goeffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, said Anglicans and others had “often and grieviously” been de nied their proper liberties. The Archbishop, however, gave no evamples of the alleged intol erance. Malta, whose population is about 99 per cent Catholic, is now for economic and strategic rea sons seeking full integration in the United Kingdom. Under its Socialist Prime Minister, Dom Mintoff, it wants to acquire a status similar to that of Northern Ireland. Archbishop Michael Gonzi of Malta has advised against the proposed integration. Maltese Catholics fear the Church would be endangered if the island be comes a part of a non-Catholic country. Archbishop Fisher disclosed at the Church Assembly that he had put off for the time being a mo tion declaring that the Anglican authorities here “concerned at the extent to which the Anglican and other religious minorities in the island of Malta continue to suf fer discriminating disabilities in consistent with their right to tol erance,” should “make it clear beyond all doubt that no scheme for integration with Britain can be acceptable which does not in clude specific guarantees for re ligious liberties in Malta under the civil law.” He added that he had sent a dni0 # $ * CELLAR RESTAURANT PEACHTREE AND IVY STREETS "charcoal broiled steak CHICKEN — SEAFOOD Hours: 11 a. m.-ll p. m., Luncheon through Dinner VISIT BEAUTIFUL DALE'S COFFEE HOUSE Lobby Imperial Hotel 6 a. m.-lO p. m. FRED WALTERS OLDSMOBILE THE NEWEST AND FINEST OLDSMOBILE SALES.. .. Service OLDSMOBILE FACILITIES IN THE SOUTH USED CARS YOU CAN TRUST GROWING THRU COURTESY AND QUALITY SERVICE 3232 PEACHTREE RD., N. E., ATLANTA, GA. Call CE. 7-0321 For Free Pick Up and Delivery | memorandum on the subject to British Colonial Secretary Alan Lennox-Boyd and the Lord Chan cellor, Lord Kilmuir, who is the Queen’s chief political advisor. The Catholic Herald pointed out that the declaration of rights establishing Malta as a British colony in 1802 laid down that the British sovereign is the pro teetor of the Catholic religion there and is bound to uphold and protect it. The Catholic Times, national weekly, said that though the Catholic religion has always been the religion of Malta, which was traditionally converted by St. Paul himself, non-Catholic sects are tolerated and have their own schools. Non-Catholics are barred from proselytizing and holding relig ious processions in the streets. For Catholics and those in mixed marriagse the marriage law is canon law. For non-Catholics their own marriage services are accepted. The only actual clash between Catholics and non-Catholics is the one of marriage between British servicemen stationed on the is land, a key military and naval base, and local Catholic girls. These are not encouraged by the Church. Urges flat lid Be Administered By Missionaries (N. C. W. C. NEWS SERVICE) WASHINGTON, — Some U. S. .foreign aid intended for social and medical care of the under- priviledge should be tunneled through religious missionaries, Auxiliary Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of New York said here. The Bishop called on the United States to utilize these “great forces of service and charity which are. .. scattered through out the world.” He suggested that missionaries would be especially qualified to administer foreign aid since they “live with the 1 un derprivileged people . . . speak their language, share their hunger and are identifield with the peo ple.” Bishop Sheen at a one-day con ference on foreign aspects of U. S. national security, held here at the request of President Eisenhower Among others who addressed the meeting were former Presi dent Harry S. Truman, Vice Pres ident Richard M. Nixon, Secre tary of State John Foster Dulles, Adlai E. Stevenson and former Secretary of State Dean Acheson. President Eisenhower spoke at the dinner closing the conference. The invocation preceding the President’s address was delivered by His Eminence Samuel. Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of Chicago. Urging that the U. S. administer part of its foreign aid through missionaries, Bishop Sheen point ed out that the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, of which he is national director, last year aided some 85 million under privileged persons. He called attention also to the missionary activity of various Protestant denominations, which spent some $44 million on such activities last year, and to Jewish social work. The Bishop emphasized that his suggestion applied only to social and medical aid. He stressed that he was not speaking of aid “for purposes of apostolate.” He asked, ‘why shouldn’t these religious groups engaged in social work be aided socially?” He added that by putting funds for social assistance at the dispos al of missionaries “we would re move the stigma that the only Think of the Future — BEAT INFLATION Only $250.00 down and the balance monthly for 5 years buys a beautiful lot in Oglethorpe Estate near Our Lady of the Assumption Church and School. Call Us For Particulars .... CE. 7-7527 ETHERIDGE & VAHNEMAN REALTORS 7201 PEACHTREE ROAD ATLANTA, GA. reason we’re giving economic aid is the political one. The speaker warned that U. S foreign aid will be largely a failure as long as it is wholly meterialistic. American belief in God and the communists’ repudia tion of religious belief, he assert ed, make the Soviets “suspect by all the people of Asia and Africa.” The U. S. has a “moral duty to aid the underprivileged,” Bishop Sheen said. He asserted that aid should be given with the recogni tion that “both the giver and the receiver have their respective needs.” “The underprivileged coun tries,” Bishop Sheen declared, “need our machinery for their fields, our clothes for their backs, our shoes for their feet, and our food for their stomachs. “But we have need too; we are poor in another way. We need to justify our wealth by sharing it... Therefore with humility and not w i ih pride and superiority, we ex tend our hands to the needy. Father James McFarland, Essex County director for the blind in the Newark archdiocese, plays the "Braille'’ tic-tac-toe set he designed for the blind, with Ben Costa of Newark. The work is part of the program of the Mt. Carmel Guild of the Newark Archdiocese for the blind. (NC Ph/vtns1 No Such Thing As "Party Of The Catholic Church" • PtOME, (NC) — A political party cannot claim to be the party of the Catholic Church even if its leaders are Catholic and its ethi cal and social doctrine is drawn from Catholic teachings. This is the conclusion of Jesuit Father Salvatore Lener in an article published by Civilta Catto- lic-a, Rome Jesuit fortnightly. Father Lener said that Catholic political parties are often found in countries which have secularis- tic parties with established anti- religious and anti-Church poli cies. In these countries Catholic parties are not working for the spiritual and temporal interests of the Church, but are dedicated to the “political interests of all Catholic citizens,” Father Lener declared. The protection of Cath olics who are “at the same time active members of the state and faithful members of the Church” constitutes the major aim of political parties which draw their inspiration from Church teach ings. Father Lener said that Catholic parties in countries v/ith large Catholic populations should not be considered indentical with the Church because the parties repre sent political interests. These parties should be looked on as the political instruments of the state and not of the Church, he said. When the Church speaks “in the light of the principles of the Gos pel and of natural law” on the right doctrine with regard to tem poral matters such as political, social economic or international relations or when she condemns a social, or political doctrine as con trary to these principles, she does not enter into the concrete sphere or the historical order of the in dividual state,” Father Lener said. In such matters, the Jesuit writer declared, the Church “acts in a most normal manner.” In countries which tolerate ex tremist parties or subversive or ganizations or anti-Church “laicist” movements, he said, “the presence of Catholic parties be comes an indispensable means for the defense of the welfare of the state and of its democratic regime.” In such countries, Father Lener argued, the concentration of Cath olic votes on strongly Catholic parties becomes a necessity which takes precedence over preference for the strictly political dr social programs of other parties. This is so because believers not only hold their religious interests above every other contingent political interest but mainly be cause Catholic citizens demand the right to be “citizens and Cath olics, simultaneously and in a stable manner, without any strug gle of conscience; members of the state and sons of the Church,” Father Lener concluded. IIAGSZME WHICH PUBLISHED TOP CRITICISM DF KIKSEY TECHNIQUES FEATURES ARTICLES OH MOST RECENT SURVEY MADE DY INSTITUTE (N. C. W. C. NEWS SERVICE) NEW YORK, — McCall’s maga zine March issue has hit the na tion’s newsstand, featuring the first of two installments on the latest Kinsey Institute Report called, “Pregnancy, Birth and Theirs is the burden of being un derprivileged; ours is the burden of being overprivileged.” Turning to foreign aid as a weapon against communism, the speaker warned that it is not effective “of and by itself.” He said that “it is conceivable that the Soviets could give more than the United States, because they give greater primacy to creating new slaves through world im perialism than to adequate pro duction for those presently en slaved.” He also warned that “seeking to win other peoples into our orbit by economic means alone... would be to put ourselves on exactly the same basis as the Soviets, namely, materialism.” Bishop Sheen pointed to the existence of Moslemism as a “third world power.” He said that “already the anti-God forces of the Soviets have won over some of (the Moslem) governments and largely because we have been silent on the fundamental differ ence between them and Soviets ... belief in Cod.” He urged that “the foreign aid of the United States must intro duce some factor besides the eco nomic, political and military one which is the strongest in our na tional traditions and one which the Soviets not only lack but repudiate. “They have one fear in our deal ing with the rest of the world, that we will take cogizance of that de fect which makes them suspect by all the peoples of Asia and Africa, and that is, our belief in God, the dignity of the human person, the freedom of conscience, and the principle that the state exists for man, not man for the state. Abortion.” In 1953, when the last Kinsey book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Female,” was published, the self-same McCall’s magazine came out with an article which it called a “thoughtful but sweeping attack on the approach used by Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey,” the head of the institute who died in 1956. A number of the criticisms ad vanced in McCall’s in 1953 con ceivably apply to the installment in the magazine’s current issue. The attack published in Mc Call’s in 1953 was written by Dr. Ashley Montagu, chairman of the department of anthropology at Rutgers University and author of the book, “The Natural Superior ity of Women.” In the attack Dr. Kinsey was characterized as “ a pollster” and it was claimed that “the insect approach is everywhere apparent throughout the book.” It said there was no “evidence that Dr. Kinsey and his coauthors have really understood the meaning of a human emotion in their 5,940 women” polled for the 1953 book. A criticism made in the maga zine in 1953 may be applied to the installment in the current issue of McCall’s. The 1953 com plaint was: “The misleading title of the study. . . the fact that it deals with a very limited geo graphical, economic and religious sample of American women.” From the institute report on “Pregnancy, Birth and Abortion,” scheduled to be published in book form on May 14, it is stated that the statistics were derived from the “same group of 8,000 women, interviewed in depth by the In stitute staff, who were the sources of the 1953 report.” Included in those “interviewed” at the time were a 2-year-old baby and 60 girls under the age of 6. And back in 1953, Dr. Kinsey, himself, ac- knowleged that the 8,000 women claimed to have been interviewed, dwindled to 5,940. The major finding of the pend ing Kinsey book is that “unmar ried women with the most devout religious attitudes have the low est incident of premarital preg nancies and abortions,” according to McCall’s. But close reading to the maga zine installment discloses that the survey was confined largely to white Prostestant women. Negro women were treated in a SDecial section, the magazine stated. The white Prostestant women were divided into three groups: “those who apnear to be quite devout; those who were obviously inac tive and even antagonistic to the church, and those who fell some where in between and were class ified as ‘moderately devout.’ ” The study further stated: “in the case of the Prostestants, this oroduced three groups of approxi mately equal size, each large enough for statistical validity.” But the study conceded that no such “success”—was achieved in attempts to poll Catholic and Jewish women. The study stated: “Among Catholics and Jews, there are not enough cases to pro duce a completely airtight statis tical pattern.” Then, with no explanation for the conclusion, th6 study added: “There is every indication, how ever, that the same trend exists among them.” The study concluded that five per cent, of the religious devout white Protestant women became pregnant before marriage — half as many as the 10 per cent figure which “prevails among American women as a whole”; that the rate among moderately devout white Protestant women is “consider ably higher,” winding up at just about the national average, and that among the deligiously inac tive white Protestant women the rate is highest of all, 15 per cent. It’s no problem to keep in touch with society if you have plenty of money to lend. We all have to learn to read— and then have to read to learn. John CL Bytier Company PAINTS, GLASS, BUILDING MATERIALS, MILL WORK AND HARDWARE SAVANNAH. GEORGIA Store 2-1161 Plant 2-1164 — Nearly 100 Years of Service — CLARK LAUNDRY — DRY CLEANING TWO COMPLETE PLANTS 1107 Peachtree St., N. E. 2967 Peachtree Road HEmlock 4466 CHerokee 5311 ATLANTA, GEORGIA FRED A. YORK PEST CONTROL SERVICE Our Slogan — Nearly Right Won't Do Our Service — Always Guaranteed Our Products on Sale at Office CALL FOR FREE INSPECTION OR INFORMATION 786 Slate St., N. W. Atlanta, Georgia .... In Georgi'a The Finest in Food and Service ■— Atlanta —■ Courlland-Karris Sts. (Across the Street from St. Joseph's Infirmary) South Expressway — U. S. 41 near Hapeville Glenvslle U. S. Highway No. 301-25 SAVANNAH PILGRIMAGE Sponsored by Most Rev. Thomas J. McDonough Auxiliary Bishop of Savannah DIOCESAN LOURDES CENTENNIAL Under the Spiritual Direction of Monsignor McNamara and Father Bourke, members will depart April 22,1958 from New York via Trans World Airlines to visit Lourdes during The Year of Jubilee—proclaimed by the Holy Father to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Our Lady’s appearances to St. Bernadette. 17-day itinerary includes: Fatima ... Rome... Killarney ... Dublin... London... Paris... Madrid ... Lisbon... $1,050.40 More than 60 Pilgrimage departures January through October. You can always TRAVEL NOW—PAY LATER when you go American Express/ For complete information, ask your Travel Agenf or American Express Travel Service 121 Peachtree Street, N.E., Atlanta 3, Georgia, Jackson 3-7821 or at Davison’s Travel Bureau PROTECT TOUR TRAVEl FUNDS WITH AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES—SPENDABLE EVERYWHERE your Lump Sum Savings. • • (Mutual Federal Savings 8& Loan Association JACKSON 3-8282 205 AUBURN AVENUE, N. E. ATLANTA, GA. Current Dividend Rate 4, Percent Per Annum Each Account Insured Up To $10,000.00 SAVE BY MAIL Set aside your accumulated cash funds with this specialized Savings Association . . . where your money consistently earns higher-than-average earnings . . . without worry, work, or risk on your part. Every six months, you’ll receive a check for the extra dollars your savings have earned. Open your account this week!