The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, June 19, 1926, Image 2

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2 THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA JUNE 19, 1926 NEWS OF THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS James H. Glennon, Mobile, Mew Alabama State Deputy State Convention Selects Former Leader to Succeed Retiring State Deputy Grace (Special to The Bulletin) Mobile, Ala.—James H. Glemion of Mobile, one of the most widely known Knights of Columbus in the South and three times state deputy of the Alabama Knights, was elect ed for the fourth time at the an nual convention held here May 11. Mr. Glennon succeeds C. M. Grace of Huntsville, who retires after a very successful term of office, the having been reelected state deputy a year ago. Other officers elected included W J. McGowan, Birming ham. secretray; Tbseph l)i Rago, Tus- iijmbia, treasurer; John A. Hughes, Mobile, advocate; H. Meehan, Mont gomery, warden; Rev. P. J. Walsh, Birmingham, chaplain; W. E. Shine, Birmingham, and Hugh Gallagher, Montgomery, alternate delegates, to the national convention at Phila- dkphla, the delegates being State Deputy Grace and State Deputy- elect Glennon. Muscle Shoals was selected as the 1927 convention city. Reports showed the state council to be in flourishing condition. The convention opened with Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, celebrated by Rev. George Moeller, rector, and chaplain of the Mobile Council. The business sessions were held at the Knights of Columbus Home Mayor George E. Crawford welcoming the delegates fin'd visitors to the city; Mr. Glennon introduced Mayor Crawford. W P. Smyth of Montgomery responded. The meeting was called to order to Grand Knight John A. Lamey tff Mo bile Council Who, after thanking Mayor Crawford, turned the gavel over to State Deputy Gace. Among the delegates present were the state deputy and state deputy- elect, Maurice M. Walsh, Birming ham; Joseph Di Rago, Tuscumbia; W. H. Clarke, Cullman; Rev. P. J. Walsh, Birmingham; all of whom- were state officers last year; Jotm A. Lamey, Mobile; A. J. Waehter and Eugene Clarke, Cullman; H. Meehan and R. H Smyth; Montgom ery; W. E. Shine and W. M. Mc Gowan, Birmingham; George A. $n- krgilt and Alex J. Locker, Sheffield, K Brosemer and Joseph Goscio. Huntsville. Past State Deputy T. J. McCarty, and District Deputy Hugh Gallagher, both of Montgomery were present. The delegates and visitors were royally entertained while -in the city automobile rides, a dinner at the Alba Fishing and Hunting Club and an informal reception and dance be ing on the program. Bishop Barry Opens Convention in Florida With Pontifical High Mass Mobile Diocese Officials Ass ist—-State Deputy Usina and Other Officers Reelected—Supreme Director Craig of S. Dalcota Speaks—Two Councils Double Membership Special to The Bulletin. Pensacola, Fla.—Right Reverend Patrick Barry, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of St. Augustine, celebrated Pontifical High Mass, at St. Michael’s church at Pensacola, Florida, on Sun day, May 16, 1926, at ten o’clock, and this was the first time in this sec tion where a Bishop of one Diocese W'ent into another Diocese and pon tificated. The church was filled to overflowing; the deacon and sub deacon of the Mass were F’ather Leightner of the Catholic Colony at Perdito, and Father Hartkoff of St. Joseph’s Church, Pensacola. Deacon and sub-deacon of honor were Father Callahan of Sacred Heart and Father Eugene L. Sands of .St Joseph’s Church, both of Pensacola. Father Cullen, the Chancellor of the Mobile, Alabama, Diocese, was master of ceremonies, and Assistant Priest, and Father Cassidy of Warrington was assistant master of ceremonies, Vin cent Bruno had charge of the Altar hoys, and Emilio O'Brien Motta had charge of the choir. This feature of the Mass was perhaps appreciated as much as anything that transpired during the Convention. Mr. Motta is an enthusiastic member of the Pen sacola Council and Knights of Col umbus and comes from a musical family, he being an accomplished violinist as well as a writer of seve ral popular numbers including Ave Marias. Florida covers so much territory that the State is split up, and the Bishop of St. Augustine has jurisdic tion as far west as the Chattahoochee River, and Bishop Allen, of Mobile, Alabama, has jurisdiction of the bal ance of the State, hence, Pensacola is in the Diocese of Mobile, Alabama. Delegates registered at Convention Headquarters, at San Carlos Hotel, immediately on their arrival in Pen sacola. Father Fullerton pastor of St. Michael’s church, the dean of Catholic Priests, of West Florida, de livered the sermon of the occasion. The Knights of Columbus formed in line at the K. of C. hall on Califax street, and marched in a body, led by flag bearers to the church, and after Mass the line reformed and re turned to the hall, where the first degree was exemplified and later the GEORGIA STATE COUNCIL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS W. H. MITCHELL, Macon, State Denutv A. M. BATTEY, Augusta, State Secretary ^ M x ES < ; ?nS C q H \ Alban - V ’, S ' a,c Treasurer. ' annah,. State Advocate. JOSEPH F. OBRIEN. Brunswick, State Warden REV. PHILfP HASSON, S. M„ Atlanta, State Chaplain. Atlanta Council No. 660 J. J. LaHatte, Grand Knight George T. Flynt, Financial Secretary, .Meets Every Tuesday Evening 8 P. M., at Knights of Columbus Building, 18 E. Pine St., Atlanta, Ga. Savannah Council No. 631 tos. O. Maggioni, Grand Knight J. H. Murphy, Financial Sec retary J.-B. McDonald, Recorder. Meets Second and Fourth Wednesday, 8 P. M. 3 W. Liberty Street, Savannah, Ga. Patrick Walsh Council, No. 677 J. Coleman Dempsey, Grand Iinight. K. S. Heslin, Financial Secretary. Meets Second and Fourth Thursday of Each Month 1012 Greene St. Auguata, Ga. Macon Council No. 925 Julius E. Loh, Grand Knight. J. V. Sheridan, Financial Secretary. Meets the First and Third Tuesday, 8 P. M., at Knights of Columbus Hall. 5S7 Mulberry St., Macon, Ga. FATHER PRENDERGAST COUNCIL, No. 2057, Albany, Ga. J. H. Lynch, Grand Knight. N.'t 7 . Dugan, Deputy Grand Knight. Meets second Tuesday in each month at Knights of Columbus Hall! 0‘ L J- M. Tobin, Grand Knight; Dishop blOSS Robert Grier, Financial Secre- -1 \r lAirt tary; George J. Burrus, Record- Council No. 1019 Third Tncsday, r* I 1 n 8:00 P. M., at Knights of Colum- Columbus, Ga. fcf&Sxt ■<£ Thl "“”"' second and third. The first degree was in charge of R. L Nickelson, Grand Knight of Pensacola Council, he was assisted by Chancellor of Pensacola Council, G. Earl Hoffman, J. P. Lovett Grand Knight of Apa lachicola Council and Father Eu gene L. Sands of Pensacola, State Chaplain. Luncheon was served to the can didates, members and delegates at the K. of C. hall on Califax Street, and immediately thereafter the sec ond degree was put on by the above mentioned team. The third degree was in charge of District Deputy, Dr. A. E. Conter, of Apalachicola, who was assisted by Past State Deputy, Ambrose N. O’Keefe, of Jacksonville A class of about sixty-five was ini tiated. J. Herman Manucv of St. Augustine, a former State Officer of the Knights of Columbus also assist ed in the work of the third degree as (lid the following members oi Knights of Columbus from various parts of the state: J. E. Madigan, Jacksonville; George A. Schultz, Jacksonville; T. E. Mallem, Jackson ville; I). J. Lanahan, Jacksonville; F. G. Nelson, Daytona Beach; W. H. Hibbs. St. Petersburg; I-’. J. Dion, Key West; John V. Jakadafsky, St. Augustine, and District Deputy Fran eis A. Davis of Lakeland. Iimmediate ly following the degree work all delegates, visitors, members and the ladies in the party were taken on an automobile ride to Gulf Beach, where a fish supper was served. Dur ing the afternoon while the degree work was in progress a committee of the Catholic Daughters of Ame rica, entertained the visiting ladies On Monday morning, May 17, the convention was called to order at 10 o’clock by Grand Knight, R. L. Nick elson, of Pensacola, who introduced Reverend Father Eugene Sands, who asked the invocation, • after which the entire gathering sang America. Grand Knight Nickelson then intro duced the former Grand Knight of Pensacola Council, John B. Jones City Attorney, who represented City Commissioner, Mayor J. Harvey Bay- -liss, who was out of the citv. After the address of the Cify Attorney. State Deputy Leonard A. Usina, of South Jacksonville, was introduced and took charge of the meeting, nc in turn presented Supreme Director Leo F. Crag, of Sioux Falls; South Dakota, who responded in an able manner to the address of welcome of the City of Pensacola. After Mr. Craig’s address was concluded a short recess was taken and a formal reception was tendered Bishop Bar ry. All those present came forward to meet the Bishop. Bishop Barry was on the program and delivered one of his characteristic talks which was enjoyed and appreciated by all present, and endeared him to (he people of West Florida. Despite the fact that lie called himself the in vading Bishop—he was most cor dially received and heartily welcom ed. The Bishop touched briefly on the situation in Mexico, on the work of the Knights of Columbus gene rally, and in Florida in particular, and made special reference to the assistance they had rendered Father Nolan at Gainesville, which city holds the University of Florida. Father Sands, State Chapla ''n on behalf of Bishop Allen, of Mobile, welcomed Bishop Barry to Pensa cola, and assured the Bishop that Pensacola while lo}'al to the Bishop of Mobile, whom it highly regarded, is a part of Florida and that the Knights of Columbus of Pensacola, being in the Florida jurisdiction are a strong part of the State or ganization of Florida, and despite the fact Bishop Barry came as an Invader” he was a most pleasing one and was invited to return again at an early date. The Convention adjourned at one o’clock for lunch and reconvened at two o’clock, for a businsss session of one hour, dur ing which committees were appoint ed and reports were read. The re port of the S'ate Deputy showed that two councils had been instituted during the present year, same be ing Fort Myers and Sarasota, the report showed an increase in mem- bership of almost 25 per cent this growth being reflected in practically every council in the jurisdiction. The following councils showed the highest percentage of increase. Mia mi, 100 per cent; St. Petersburg, 100 per cent; Lakeland, 30 per cent; Or lando 27 per cent; Daytona 23 per cent; Tampa, 10 per cent. The State Deputy s report shows that he has visited every council in the State, with the exception of Kev West having traveled almost 5000 miles’ and having devoted thirty-one days actual time to the work on the road not counting time spent at the pres ent convention. His report also in dicated that he has spent about one- fourtlj of his time at home to the work, an done of Ills * employees had devoted about one-third of her time to the work of the Knights of Col umbus. His report also showed 500 letters written, and 200 replies re ceived, 150 telegrams written and 75 replies received. The report carried several rcommendations which were later acted upon favorably, included in same being a resolution request ing that the laws and rules of the order he amended to provide for a paid up insurance policy or certifi cate at th cage of fifty-five, if con sidered practical by the actuaries. The State Deputy was compliment ed on the business dike report sub mitted ami the business like man ner in which the affairs of the Order have been handled during his term of office. The report from the State Secretary, C. Roy Mundee, of Jack sonville, and Slate Treasu-vr, John W. Sullivan ~f Tampa,-were received and accepted, and indicated that these two officials had continued to handle tlieir offices in a business like manner also. The State Secre tary’s work having become so heavy during the past two years, that this matter was given serious conside ration at the Convention and a sin cere vote of appreciation was ex tended to Secretary Mundee for his work. The . $6,000.00 Burse Fund voted the Bishop of the Dioceses of St. Augustine some time ago at a previous convention was practically completed at this convention at Pen sacola. Several of the councils which had not paid up completed their pay ments and others made arrange ments to take care of the balance within the next few months This fund is for the education of a priest for tile Diocese of St. Augustine. The Secretary’s report shows that lh e Knights of Columbus of Florida raided for the benefit of lhe Christ mas 1 ree fund of St. Mary’s Or phans Home, at Jacksonville, the sum of $2,428 47; the report also showed that $500.00 was appropriated to Father Nolan for work a( Crane Hall in the University City at Gaines ville. On Monday evening at 8:00 p. m. at the San Carlos Hotel in Pensacola a brilliant banquet was tendered by 1 ensaeola Council to the delegate's and visitors and ladies and mem bers attending the 22nd annual con- vention of the Knights of Columbus, ot Florida About two hundred and thirty attended the banquet which was presided over by Past State De puty, John Massey, of Pensacola, act ing as toastmaster. Among the speak ers at the banquet were Rt. Rev. Bishop Barry, of St. Augustine, who received thunderous applause; Rev. Eugene L. Sands of Pensacola, State Deputy Usina, Supreme Director Leo c- Craig of South Dakota. Francis A. Davis of Lakeland, Charles P Frost of San Antonio, who led the singing, James D. Moran, Grand Knight of Tampa, and R. L. Nickel son, Grand Knight of Pensacola, who was presented with a beautiful ring as a token of appreciation by the members of Pensacola Council for the excellent services rendered; Col R. H. Williams, U. S. A, commander of the Pensacola Harbor Defense Dis trict paid a high compliment to the work of the Knights of Columbus in general and to Father Sands, an ex army Chaplain, in particular. On Tuesday morning the visiting ladies were again entertained hv the ladies of Pensacola, and John Massey took the delegates to the Rotary Club for luncheon; incidently Mr. Massey is President of the'Pensacola Rotary Club. At the business session on 1 u'esday after the regular order of business had been followed, in cluding reports and committees, the following officers were elected for the coming year. Leonard A. Usina of South Jacksonville, reelected state deputy; C. Roy Mundee, of Jackson ville, re-elected state secretary; John W. Sullivan, of Tampa, re-elected state treasurer; Charles P. Frost of Dade City, wa selected state advo cate; Mario Casas of St. Augustine, was elected state warden and Very Reverend James Nunan of St. Au gustine was elected state chaplain St. Augustine was then selected as the next convention city. The dele gates to the Supreme Convention will he Past State Deputy Ambrose N. O’Keefe and State Deputy Leonard A. Usina. and their alternates are C. Roy Mundee, alternate for the State Deputy, and Arnold I’. Mickler, of Orlando, alternate for the Past Slate Deputy. The Pensacola Con vention committee was composed of the following -members of Pensa cola Council: Charles J. Herbert chairman; William V. McNair, John Massey, James A. White, E. P. Roch, Joseph Baroeo and If. L. Nickelson Grand Knight and the sincere thanks of the state council was extended to it and to the Pensacola Council for the wonderful hospitality shown the convention. The resolutions com mittee also designated the Illinois Conlral route for the Eucharistic Congress deelgation from the Florida Council of file Knights of Columbus. Some of the visiting ladies to the convention were Mrs. Leonard A. Usina, wife of the State Deputy from South Jacksonville: Mrs. F. G. Nelson and Mrs. W. F, Hurley from Daytona Beach, and Mrs. L. J. Bum- by from Orlando. C. I Guzzo, Knoxville, Mew State Deputy in Tennessee Knoxville Grand Knight Suc ceeds N. J. Crowley—Re treat Movement Aided (Special to The Bulletin.) Knoxville, Tenn.—Charles J. Guz zo, grand knight of Knoxville Coun cil, was named state deputy of the Tennessee State Council, Knights of Colutnbus, at the annual conven tion held here May 23 and 24. Mr. Guzzo succeeds State Deputy Neil J. Crowley of Chattanooga, who re tires after a successful term of of fice. Other officers elected included A. J. Sutherland, Nashville, state secretary; Jos. F. Kraus. Lawrence- liurg, advocate; A. M. Loehman, Law- renceburg, warden. Mr. Crowley and Mr. Guzzo were named delegates to the national convention in Phil adelphia in August and John M. Kel ly of Knoxville and E. J. Walsh of Chattanooga were named alternates. The convention was addressed by Thomas J. Duffy of Columbus, O, a member of the national board of directors of the Knights, by Rev. John E. Campbell of Harriman, Tenn., who spoke of the hoys’ camp at Kingston, and by John E. Colbert of Memphis, master of the Fourth Degree for Tennessee. Reports made by State Deputy Crowley. John W. Campion, slate treasurer, M. L. Coen, state secretary 1 , and District Deputies Edward McQuadc, East Tennessee, James J. Friel, Middle Tennessee, and Edward Longinotti, West Tennessee, showed the state council to be in flourishing condi tion. The convention endorsed the hoys’ camp at Kingston. The Colum bian as its official publication, and voted to raise the sum of $2,000 to equip the Paulist Fathers’ home at Winchester, Tenn.. for laymen’s re treats, a movement that ha s the sympathetic assistance of Rt. Rev. Alphonse J. Smith, D. D., Bishop of Nashville. The delegates and visitors were guests, at a banquet staged by the Knoxville Knights at the Farragut Hotel and of the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce ou a trip to Great Smoky Mountains. Nashville is Hie convention city for 1927. The State Assembly of the Fourth Degree also held a meeting in con nection with the gathering of the State Council, State Master John E. Colbert presiding. It was decided that the assemblies of Chattanooga and Knoxville will hold an exempli fication of the Fourth at Chatta- noga October 12. McDonald and COMPANY GROCERIES The Right Store With the Right Prices. 1130 Broad St. Phone 1183. Augusta, Ga. HIGH QUALITY GROCERIES HERMAN’S SELF-SERVICE 1286 BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, GA. COLUMBUS OFFICE SUPPLY CO. Manufacturing Stationers Columbus, Georgia. Lithographing, Printing, Book binding, Embossing. Designers and Builders of An nuals, Booklets, Catalogues and Pamphlets. CHARLOTTE COUNCIL NO. 770 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Charlotte, N. C. Meets First and Third Tuesdays J. J. Montague, Grand Knight. Leo. H. Phelan, Fin. Secy.