The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, May 11, 1929, Image 3

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MAY 11, 1929. THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA. Bishop Barry Urges Aid far State Truth Society work for God and country^ in our beloved State of Florida. A healthy rivalry for the success of this movement will be watched with solicitude and approval by “Yours" sincerely in Christ. P. BARRY, Bishop of St. Augustine.”• Fr, Mvrphy, Columbia, Honored on His Jubilee Bishop Walsh Delivers Ser mon at Observance at St. Peter’s Church There Commends Florida Laymen’s Organization in Letter to Pastors of Diocese (Special to The Bulletin) ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla.—A letter to the pastors of the Diocese of St. Augustine commending the work of the Laymen’s Catholic Truth So ciety of Florida and bespeaking for it - the support of the clergy and laity has been issued here by Rt. Rey. Patrick Barry, D. D., Bishop of Augustine. Bishop Barry's letter under date of May I, follows: “Dear Rev. Father: “Early in February of this year the Laymen's Catholic Truth So ciety of Florida was founded in Orlando. Several distinguished Catholic laymen from, all parts of the state were there In conference and after mature and prayerful consideration launched this most important society. They have taken up the work with enthusiasm and they propose to carry i ( t into every parish and mission of the Diocese for the defense of the truth: The protection of Catholic rights and interests and the correction of error and false propaganda against Catholic teaching and action. “In view of the importance of the purpose and aims of this society il is our earnest wish to see estab lished in every parish in our juris diction a branch of the organiza tion and to this end we urge you dear Father to give your enthusias tic support to the movement and its worthy promoters. “By harmonious and whole hearted co-operation on the part of the pastors and laity this new arm of defense will bid fair to accom plish real worth while Apostolic President Arnold Mickler of the state association has announced the appointment of - the finance committee of the organization; its ! members are Eugene Masters. St. Augustine, chairman: Col. \V. E. Kay, Jacksonville'^ P. C. Kelly, Fernandina, O. A. Kreka, DeLand. and Dr. Arthur H. McKeown. Rock- ledge. THREE U. S. PRIESTS MURDERED IN CHINA (Continued from Page 1) demanded that he be freed. In addition to his mother, the young missionary is survived by four sisters: Sister- Clotile. of St. Cecilia’s Convent. Walbrook; Sis ter Hildegarde. of Mercy Hospital, Baltimore, and Mrs. James F. Gar vey and Mrs. William J. Quinn, both of this city, and by one brother, Frank L. Holbein, also of this city. •The Rev. William Harding. C. F.. of St. Joseph’s Monastery, called at the Holbein home Saturday to tell Mrs. Holbein of her son's death. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.—The Rev. Walter Coveyou, C. P„ a na tive of Potoskey and one of the three Passionist missionaries kill ed by bandits in China, is survived by a sister. Mrs. Joseph Lyons, of tlr js city. The young missionary was edu cated at the Passionist Monastery at Norwood Park, Chicago, and just before sailing for China last autumn, took the medical training course for missionaries at George town University, Washington, D. C. (Special to The Bulletin) COLUMBIA. S. C. — Prelates, Priests and laity from numerous cities in several states gathered here April 24 to honor Rev. Nich olas A. Murphy. pastor of St. Peter's Church, on the silver jubi lee of his ordination in Dublin on that date in 1904. The 'program consisted of the jubilee Mass, of which Father Mur phy was celebrant and at which tiie sermon was delivered by Rt. Rev. Emmet M. Walsh, D. D., Bishop of Charleston. It was fol lowed by a dinner to the clergy af ter the Mass and a reception in St. Peter’s School at night, which cul minated in the presentation of a purse to Father Murphy as a token of the esteem in which he is held in this city and neighborhood. The new vestments Father Murphy wore at the Mass were the jubilee gift of priests of the Diocese. Officers of the Mass, of which Father Murphy was celebrant, were Rev. C. A. Kennedy, Charleston, deacon: Rev. Martin C. Murphy, Columbia, sub-deacon: Rev. H. L. Speisman. master of ceremonies. Rev. Joseph L. O’Brien, Charleston, and Rev. L. F. Forde. Aiken, were chaplains to Bishop .Walsh, and Rev. J. J. May and Rev. W. 3. Long, C. S. SP., Charleston, chap lains to Rt. Rev. Vincent Taylor, O. S. B., D. D., Abbot-Ordinary of Belmont. N. C. Present in the sanctuary also were Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. T. MeElroy, V. G., Charleston, and Rt. Rev. Msgr. George O’Dwyer, vice-chancellor of the Catholic University of America. Washington, D. C.. a friend and schoolmate of Father Murphy in his earliest days. Clergy present in addition to those mentioned included Rev. J. W. Carmody, Florence: Rev. J. D. Quinn, Sumter; Rev. George Deitz, Aiken; Rev. Daniel O’Brien, Georgetown; Rev. M. O’Neil. Spar tanburg; Rev. J. J. Hughes, Rev. M. J. Reddin, Charleston; Rev. T. J. Mackin, Camden; Rev. T. D. O’Shaugnessy, Greenville; Rev. Fr. Michael, O. *S. B., Belmont, N. C.; Rev. Fr. Ambrose, O. S. B. Char lotte, N. C.; Rev. William J. Dil lon, Pinehurst, N. C.: Rev. M. A. Irwin. Newbern, N. C.; Very Rev. Fr. Maurice, O. S. B., Savannah; Rev. Jeremiah O’Hara. Augusta; Rev. P. A. Ryan, S. J.. Augusta, and others. Bishop Walsh, in his sermon, stressed the dignity of the priestly office and then referred Jo Father Murphy’s twenty-five years of labor as a priest in the Diocese of Charleston and to the abundant fruit of that labor. He spoke also at the dinner, at which he formally- presented in the name of priests of the Diocese the vestments which were tlie priests’ jubilee gift to him. Father O’Brien, of George town." was toastmaster at the din ner, and the other speakers were Abbot Vincent and Monsignor O’Dwver. S. J. Park presided at the recep tion at St. Peter's School in the evening, one attended by perhaps tho largest gathering that ever congregated in the hall. The pro gram included an address of greet ing by Charles F. Bultman; a song of greeting by Master Henry Jum per, and addresses by Wyatt Tay lor, managing editor of The Co lumbia Record; Richard T. Maher, speaking for the congregation, Rev. R. A. Lapsley, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, repre senting the Protestant ministers of Columbia, representatives of the civic clubs of the city, Monsignor O’Dwyer, Bishop Walsh and Father Murphy. All the speakers told of the high place which Father Murphy had won in their respective circles. Doctor Lapsley told of the esteem in which he is held by the minis ters of -Columbia, and of his ad miration for him and his Church. Monsignor O'Dwyer recalled Father Murphy’s boyhood days in Ireland when his father was Father Mur phy’s teacher, and when Father Murphy first gave promise of a priestly career. Bishop Walsh told of Father Murphy’s long and val uable service and expressed the hope that he would celebrate his diamond jubilee and that he would be present at it. Father Murphy was the last speaker, giving his warmest thanks for the kindly trib utes to him, which he said he did not deserve, but which he asserted he appreciated, nevertheless. At the close of the reception John C. Roberts presented a purse to Father Murphy from the congrega tion and the Catholics of the city in general. There were also musical numbers on the program. Rev. Marvin C. Murphy, pastor of St. Francis de Sales 'Church, was general chairman of the jubilee committee,' assisted by Father Speisman and committees headed by the following chairmen: Pub licity. J. J. Cormack; finance, S. J, Park; transportation, George Col lins; music, Mrs. Curran Jones; re ception, Mrs. J. J. Roberts; ban quet, Mrs. T. J. Royster; decora tions. Mrs. A. A. Craig, assisted by the Ursuline Nuns, who also aided other committees. Neil O’Donnell Bultman was chairman of the ushers' committee. The Sunday previous Bishop CAMP MARIST A CATHOLIC SUMMER CAMP FOR BOYS LAKE RABUN, LAKEMONT, GA, Season of 1929: June 27—August 22. For Information: Rev. M. A. Cotter, S. M., Marlst College, Atlanta, Ga. L. SYLVESTER & SONS Established Over Half a Century Outfitters for the Family Agents for Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Clothes 816 BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, GA. Southern Finance Corporation REAL ESTATE AND RENTING GENERAL INSURANCE MORTGAGE BONDS AND LOANS AUTOMOBILE FINANCING Southern Finance Corporation Building AUGUSTA, GEORGIA SOLO BY A SHUT-IN Business Stationery of Merit, Printed Letter Heads, Envelopes, Order Blanks and Business Cards. Send $1.00 per one thousand with order, balance C. O. D. Size 1000 2000 5000 L10 Statements, ruled $2.95 $5.60 $13,50 L15 Statements, unruled $2.95 $5.60 $13.50 L30 Noteheads, ruled $2.95 $5.60 $13.50 L35 Noteheads, unruled .... A ...5(4x8% $2.95 $5.60 $13.50 L40 Noteheads, unruled ...... $2.95 $5.60 $13.50 L50 Envelopes, return ... 3%x6 (4 $2.95 $5.60 $13.50 L55 Envelopes, enclosure . $2.95 $5.60 $13.50 L65 Business Cards $2.95 $5.60 $13.50 LUO Window Envelopes ....... ...3%x6% $3.45 $6.40 $15.50 L45 Letterheads, unruled ..... $3.95 $7.50 $17.50 L70 Envelopes, large ......... $3.95 $7.50 $17.50 1,75 Kraft Envelopes ......... . .4(4x10% $5.75 $11.00 $25.00 E. P. BROXTON, Keysville, Georgia AUGUSTA, GA. Established 1833 Total Resources Over $13,000,000 Walsh confirmed a large class at St. Peters. Tuesday was children’s day, with Mass at 7:30, at which the children offered their Holy Communion for Father Murphy; breakfast followed, prepared by the Abdallah brothers, Eli, Joseph and Mischel, and served by Miss Mar garet Hoefer and twenty young ladies. The children present pre sented a purse to Father Murphy, and a program of music was ren dered by the children under the direction of the Ursuline Nuns, as sisted by Miss Louise Collins and M ; ss Margaret Park; Bishop Walsh presided. The observance of the silver jub ilee of Father Murphy will be long remembered by the people of Co lumbia, non-Catholic as well as Catholic; it was a splendid tribute to a beloved pastor. IVSsgr. Ruiz Amicably Answers Portes Gil (Continued From Page One) Jo the people of their country to give the approval and support of public opinion in favor of sincere religious liberty in Mexico like to that which is enjoyed under the Constitution and the laws of the United States. No nation lacking religious unity has found a more effective guarantee of liberty. “In Mexico the Catholic Church asks no privilege. She asks only that, on the basis of an amiable separation of church and state, she permitted that liberty which is indispensable to the well-being and happiness of the nation. “The Catholic citizens of my country, whose faith and patriotism cannot be challenged, would whole heartedly accept whatever settle ment might be concluded tfetwevn the church and the government of Mexico: “God hasten the day when, as Mexicans, we may again labor to gether to make effective the three guarantees upon which rests our life as an independent nation: “Union. That holy union in which brother will respee-t the rights and opinions of brother. Religion. That religion which our forefathers professed and ■through the free exercise of which th'3 happiness of our nation will be assured. Independence. That patriotism i* which devotion to our nation know - no bounds but those which sprir • from respect for the rights •:>: others.” Mary Nugent McCarthy Mary C. McGouidrick THE MACS’ SHOP, RELIGIOUS GOODS, FIRST COMMUNION GOODS OF ALL KINDS Lincoln Street at Harris Telephone 272 Savannah, Georgia Mail Orders Solicited THOS. S. GRAY BO WORK P. PHINIZY R. M. RILEY President Vice-President Cashier. UNION SAVINGS BANK Augusta, Georgia COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. 3V 2 PER CENT INTEREST THE CITIZENS AND SOUTHERN BANK AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Total Resources Over Sixty-Five Million Dollars We cater to accounts of thrifty, conservative individuals, firms and corporations. WE PAY INTEREST ON SAVINGS— COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR. Open Saturday afternoon from four to seven for the purpose of receiving Savings Deposits CUSTOMERS FROM NINETEEN STATES have had their suits and plain dresses cleaned by us, this past yaer, for only $1.00 Why not let us do your work, too? PHONE 8156 THE CAROLINA DRY CLEANING CO. 1608 Barnwell St. Columbia, S. C, “It takes warm water and soap to get a fellow clean.”—Recent Novel. PLENTY OF HOT WATER Instantly When You Use A GAS WATER HEATER The Gas Light Co. of Augusta