The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, December 16, 1933, Image 11

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I DECEMBER 1G, 1933 THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOL'C LAYMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA ELEVEN WILLIAM r. CANTWELL IN OFFICE 53 YEARS William P. Cantwell, of Cathedral Parish, Charleston, county supcrv.s >r completed 53 years in the same cfti.c and in the same quarters a few cl:-; ago. He was married 50 years ago Jc l month, hut Mrs. Cantwell died in Feb ruary of last year. Mr. Cantwed re cently visited Mt. St. Mary's College. Emmitsburg, Md., where he was a stu dent a half century ago. 4 W. J. Platt & Co The Rexall Store Everything in Drugs Call Phone 7 AIKEN, S. C. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR David G. Ellison General Insurance Surety Bonds 1221 Washington Street Phone 5717 COLUMBIA, S. C. Merry Christmas Evans Motor Co. Columbia, S. C. “Dial 8103; Then Count the Minutes” Charleston Knights Sponsor Carnival City Parishes Also Cooperate j in Entertainment (Special to The Bulletin) CHARLESTON, S. C.-Thc P. N. Lynch Council, Knights of Columbus, and the parishes of the city conduct ed a most successful carnival early in December; it was one of the larg est and finest affairs of its kind ever held in this city. M. A. Condon was general chairman; the parish commit tee chairmen included Mrs. W. 1 Cormier, Cathedral; Mrs. J. J. Ken nedy, St Patrick's; Mrs. W. J. Cash- man. St. Joseph's Mrs. J. R. Walton, St. Mary’s; Mrs. W. F. Condon, Sa cred Heart: Mrs. C. A. Dennis, Our Lady of Mercy. W. I. Cormier was general vice chairman and M. L. Ru- ney and A. M. O'Neil were on the finance committee. FATHER LORD, S.J., CONDUCTS RETREAT The Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.. fam ed Jesuit author and orator, editor of The Queen's Work, conducted the re treat for women at the Cathedral in preparation for the Feast of the Im maculate Conception. K. OF C. COUNCIL HAS MEMORIAL SERVICES More than three hundred attended the annual memorial exercises of the Knights of Columbus the last Sunday in November. Judge John I. Cosgrove, grand knight, presided, and M. A. Mc Laughlin, Jr., delivered the principal address. COMMUNION BREAKFAST FOR GREENSBORO MEN J< puty o' the Catholic Daughters o' America, presided at the installation of officers of the Greensboro Court. C. D.. of A, here recently- Mrs. Catherine Ralston was installed as « and regent. Mrs . J. J. Turner prophetess; Mrs. Lawrence Barrier, financial secretary; Mrs. J. J. Lind say historian; Mrs. Mayme Wachtcr. treasurer : Mrs. F. H. Ogletree, monitor: Mrs. Guy Thomas, sentinel; Mrs. Katherine Harrison, lecturer; Mrs. W. J. Keyes, musician- Mrs ^lary Arnold and Mrs. L. C. Lane were elected members of the board of trustees. Mrs. Ralston suc ceeded Mrs. Thomas Crowe, retiring grand regent. Father Eugene, chap lain ol the court, expressed its appre ciation of Mrs. Crowe's service and presented her in the name of the Court with two gifts, a Catholic Daughter's ring in onyx and a pin with the insignia of the organization. Compliments oof— GAYDEN BROS. CIGAR STORES asaaaatMaotMi Ed. Robinson "LET ED DO IT" CLEANER AND DYER Member National Association Dyers and Cleaners Telephones: 8187—8188—8180 1015-17-19 Gervais Street. Columbia, S. C. North Carolina K.of C. Coun cil Sponsors Program (Special to The Bulletin) GREENSBORO, N. C— About one hundred members of St. Benedicts congregation attended the Communion breakfast following the men’s Com munion sponsored by the parish and the Knights of Columbus here re cently. The men attended the eight o’clock Mass, receiving Holy Com munion in a body. The breakfast was served in the parish hall by tne ladies of the parish. Major A. C. Tipton, U- S. A., pre sided at the breakfdst. The Rev. Eu gene Egan, O. S. B., pastor, said the opening prayer. The address at the breakfast was made by Richard Keiu, editor of The Bulletin and president of the Catholic Press Association; his subject was his recent visit to Europe and Rome. Hon- Robt. D. Douglas introduced Mr. Reid. The breakfast was served by a committee of the ladies of the parish, headed by Mrs. Florence Berrier. In the evening the K. of C. Coun cil held its memorial exercises. Grand Knight A- Lutty presiding. Mr. Reid delivered the address. The members of the committee of arrangements in cluded Charles D. Higgins, now com pleting his thirtieth consecutive year as treasurer of the council, Abdo Showfetv, the Rev. E. A. Rigney and Father Eugene. OFFICERS OF CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS INSTALLED Miss Elizabeth Bullard, territorial Copeland Company, Inc. 1535 Main Street COLUMBIA, S. C. Clothing for Men and Boys Meriy Christmas Happy New Year Cullum Tire Company Aiken’s Leading One Stop Service AIKEN, S. C. Compliments DUNBAR FUNERAL DOME FUNERAL HOME 1527 GERVIAS STREET COLUMBIA, S. C. PHONE 9998 PRIVATE AMBULANCE SERVICE CHARLESTON and COLUMBIA CALDWELL COMPANY Woman’s Wear 1621 Main Street COLUMBIA, South Carolina Compliments HOME STORES COLUMBIA. We Appreciate Your Patronage MERRY CHRISTMAS The South Carolina State Bank Columbia, S. C.