The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, December 16, 1933, Image 5

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THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA DECEMBER 16, 1933 m FIVE Florida Sodalists Hold Third Annual Meeting WEST PALM BEACH IS Mother Patricia, Greenville HOST TO CONVENTION Convent's Founder, Is Dead Atlanta Business Guide Beloved Religious, Native of Abbeville. S. C.. Was Member of Ursuline Order for Sixty-Four Years Bishop Barry Celebrant of Pontifical Mass Opening Diocesan Gathering (Special to The Bulletin) WEST PALM BEACH. Fla .-Cli maxing the most successful year in its brief history and affording one of the most inspiring specimens of Catholic Action in the Southland, the St. Au gustine Sodality Union convened here for its Third Annual Meeting, under the direction of Rev. James W. Court ney, S. J., of Tampa, Diocesan Sodal ity Director. The meet lasted three full days, November 29 through De cember 3. From every quarter of the Diocese, from every section of the State, delegations of boys and girls poured into the Convention City to pay homage to the Mother of God, to make open profession of their love for Christ the King, and to discuss ways and means of translating their Catholic principles into Catholic Ac tion. Four hundred delegates in all, representing 26 Sodalities from 12 cit ies in the Diocese, attended the Con vention and took an active part in the deliberative sessions. The St. Ann's Sodalities, West Palm Beach, under the direction of their Pastor, Rev. Andrew Doherty, S. J., and of the | Sisters of St. Dominic, were hosts to, the Convention. At a Solemn Pontifical Mass, cele brated by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Patrick Barry, D. D., Bish op of St. Augustine, Thursday, No vember 30, the choicest blessings of Heaven were invoked upon the as sembly. St. Edward’s Church, Palm Beach, erected a few years ago dur ing the pastorate of Rev Felix Clark son, S. J., at present stationed in Ma con, Ga., was the scene of the Mass. The assembled delegates were ad dressed by the Rev. Daniel A. Lord. S. J., Editor of the Queen’s Work, St. Louis, and National Sodality Adviser, Assisting His Excellency at the Sol emn Pontifical Mass were Rev. A. Doherty, S. J., Palm Beach, arch priest. Rev. M. McNally, S. J., Miami, and Rev J. W. Codrtney, S. J., Tam pa, deacons of honor; Rev. Ignatius McCarty, O. S. B., St. Leo, Deacon of the Mass; Rev. F. X. Dougherty, S. J., Sub-Deacon of the Mass; Rev. S. H. Ray, S. J., Palm Beach, Master of Ceremonies. The deliberative sessions of the convention were held in the open pa tio of the New Palm Beach Hotel, convention headquarters, adjoining the church property. Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S. J., conducted these assem blies, and was assisted in special par ish sodality work by Miss Dorothy Willmann, of St. Louis, national ex ecutive secretary of the sodality. The following program of discussions was carried on by the delegates during the three-day meet: November 30: “Origin, Nature, Aims of Sodality.” Discussion led by the Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa, and Tampa College High; “Personal Holiness, The Sacraments and especially The Mass.” Discussion led by Mary Immaculate, Key West, and St. Joseph’s Boys’ School. December 1: “Catholic Action and Catholic Education,’ discussion led by St. Paul’s and Immaculate Conception High Schools, Jacksonville; “The So- dalist’s Attitude Toward Drink,” dis cussed by St. Joseph’s Academy, St. Augustine; “Bad Company,” discuss ed by Holy Name Academy, San An tonio; “Moving Pictures,” discussed by Holy Rosary, Jacksonville; “Dan gerous Reading,’ discussed by St. Ann’s High, West Palm Beach; “Pub lic Dances,” discussed by Gesu High, Miami; “Dishonesty,’ discussed by St. Leo Prep School, St. Leo. December 2: “A Model Sodality,” the committee meetings exemplified, and the general sodality meeting. Officers for the model sodality were the officers of the St. Augustine Sodality Union, Joseph Grotegut, Tampa College High, president; John All ABOARD For a Merry Christmas 2 CENTS A MILE TRAVELED For Round Trip Tickets To all poin|p on Central of Georgia Railway and points on other lines in South, North and West Tickets on sale daily December 14, 1933, to January 1, 1934, in clusive. Return Limit January 15. 1934, Reduced Round Trip Pullman Rates. Ask Ticket Agent for further information. Central of Georgia Ry. (Special to The Bulletin) COLUMBIA, S. C. — Sixty-four years from the day she entered the Ursuline Convent in Columbia, the Rev. Mother Patricia, one of the most widely known and beloved re ligious of the South, died here last week after a sudden illness. Mother Patricia was born in Abbe ville; her family was the pioneer Catholic family of that district, and was responsible for the first Cath olic Church in that section. Mother Patricia was the founder of the Ur suline Convent and school at Green ville, and labored there from its foundation until August, when she retired and came to Columbia, where she spent the first as well as the last ATLANTA WOMAN'S CLUB'S NEW OFFICERS Miss Higgins President of Catholic Group (Special to The Bulletin) ATLANTA, Ga—Miss Mary Hig gins was elected president of the At lanta Catholic Club of Business and Professional Women at the annual meeting. Other officers elected were: vice-president, Miss Nora MacMahon; treasurer, Miss Mary Ridglcy; record ing secretary, Miss Mary Cronin; cor responding secretary, Miss Katherine Birmingham. The retiring president, Miss Kath leen Bragassa, presided at the meet ing and as a token of esteem of all the members she was presented with a beautiful basket of flowers, Miss Mary Higgins making the presenta tion speech and expressing for the club their love and esteem and sin cere appreciation of the able man ner in which she had guided the club during the two years of her term and the splendid work she had accom plished. Miss Bragassa responded in a gracious speech. ... The new president, Miss Higgins, is a young lady of unusual ability, ex ceptional charm of manner and splendid executive ability and with her leadership the Club is looking forward to a year of interest and ac complishment. Miss Bess Nell Rafferty, who inau gurated the Study Club last winter, will again be in charge this year. At the first meeting it was decided to study Catholic authors, and Hilaire Belloc will be the first author to be discussed. This study club has prov en to be one of the most enjoyable movements sponsored by the club and many members are taking ad vantage of the opportunity given to familiarize themselves with things Catholic. Brion, Gesu High. Miami, vice-pres ident; Lillian Toffaletli, Academy of the Holy Names, secretary; Claire Helsema, Immaculate Conception, treasurer. The various committees were headed by the presidents of the sodalities to which these Model Com mittees had boon entrusted, namely: Betty Stimmel, Gesu, Miami, Eucha ristic chairman; Elizabeth Johnson, St. Paul’s, Jacksonville, Our Lady’s, chairman; William Doherty, St. Ann’s, West Palm Beach, Catholic literature; Marguerita Lacedonia, Mary Immaculate. Key West, apostol ic chairman; William Phelan, St. Jos eph’s, Key West, mission chairman. On Friday morning, December 1, the delegates assembled at 7:30 at St. Edward’s Church and assisted at the Mass which was said by Father Lord, and received Holy Communion in a body. Saturday, December 2, desig nated on the convention program as "Mary’s Day," a Missa Rccitata by the delegates featured the religious ceremonies which opened the activi ties of the day. At nine o’clock Sunday morning, Father Courtney said Mass and ad dressed the assembled delegates, thereby closing the Convention till 1934. On the evening of November 30, the St. Ann’s Parish Sodality presented a three-act play, “The Ghost Parade," in St. Ann’s Hall, West Palm Beach, for the delegates. The second evening of the convention was takeifmp with the annual apologetical contest. The winner of the contest was presented with a silver shiled, the Bishop Barry Award. Twelve contestants, winners in local contests held in their own schools, competed for the award this year. A banquet and dance at the New Palm Beach Hotel on the last evening, Saturday, December 2, at which two hundred of the delegates were present, featured the closing of the convention after the deliberative sessions had ended. days of her life as a religious. The Most Rev. Emmet M. Walsh, Bishop of Charleston, was celebrant of the Requiem Mass Monday, De cember 11. and delivered the sermon, in which he traced Mother Patricia’s long and fruitful life as a religious. Present at the Mass also were the Very Rev. N. A. Murphy, pastor of St. Peter’s, and dean of the Colum bia District; the Very Rev. M. C. Murphy, pastor of St. Francis do Sales Church; the Very Rev. Jas. D. Quinn, pastor of St. Anne's, Sumter, Rev. A W. Calner, Columbia, the Rev. C. A. Kennedy, pastor of St. Joseph’s Church. Charleston, and the Rev. H. L. Speisman, pastor at An derson. St. Vincent's Marks Saint's Canonization Ceremony at Savannah Coin cides With That in Rome (Special to The Bulletin) SAVANNAH, Ga.-Under a beau tiful southern sky there took place at the grotto of our Lady of Lourdes in the convent grounds of St. Vin cent’s Academy on December 8. feast of the Immaculate Conception, a beautiful ceremony commemorating the canonization of St. Bernadette on the very day itself on which her solemn canonization took place in Rome. St. Bernadette was always connect ed with our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. It was she to whom our Lady appeared on the rocks of Massi- bieille in southern France seventy- five years ago. That she thus appear ed to St. Bernadette is a historical fact, well authenticated by many sub sequent and very stringent tests. Thus was the feast of the Mother, and the first feast of one of her fav orite children, raised to the altar by the Holy Father himself, after strict investigation. That is why the Catholics of Savan nah arranged this inspiring religious service. In the convent enclosure during the Rosary. Litany of the Blessed Virgin, and solemn Benedic tion of the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Mother met her chosen child. It seemed to be an echo of the most solemn ceremony which took place in Rome on this day. December 8. at the hands of our Holy Father him self. Wc pray then, that these simple de votional services of ours—simple merely because they took place in our humble surroundings, but very sol emn 5t the same time—will bring many blessings through the Mother of God and her daughter, St. Berna dette Soubirous to our good people of Ocorgia. St. Leo College Prep. School Accredited High School Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers Ideal Location St. Leo Pasco County, Florida. I Expect More at Parks-Chambers * More Style * More Quality * Mure Service Expect these things . . . you'll get them at Paries-Chamber:. . . . the success of our busi ness is built upon them . . . Style . . . Quality, and Ser vice beyond the usual con ception . . . more than words . . . an actuality! Parks-Chambers, Inc. 31-39 Peachtree Phone Walnut 3985 We Deliver National Sea Food Company TURKEYS Fish, Meats, Groceries, Vegetables I 31 Broad St. S. W. Atlanta, Ga. Church Directory Sacred Heart: Rev. Edward Mc Grath, S. M., Pastor; Sunday Masses: 6, 7, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 a. m. Immaculate Conception: Rev. Joseph Moylan, Pastor; Sunday Masses: 7, 9:30, 11:15 a. m. St. Anthony’s: Rev. H. F. Clark. Pastor; Sunday Masses: 7 and 9:30 a. m. Our Lady of Lourdes: Rev. Peter Weiss, S. M. A., Pastor; Sunday Masses: 7 and 10 a. m. SYSTEM Plumbing Heating Repairs Wal 7226 68 Hunter St. S. W. Across the Street, Immaculate Conception Church. Dressing in good taste is not «o much a money-matter as it is o matter of deciding to keep in con stant touch with the Muse styles This store will dress you excellent ly. and never exceed your budget George Muse Clothing Co. Peachtree-Walton-Broad GENERAL DE CASTELNAU late in November headed a pilgrimage of 15,000 war veterans from all Dioceses cf France to Loudres. MYERS-DICKSON FURNITURE CO. 154-136 WHITEHALL, S. W. ATLANTA “Where Good Furniture Is Not Expensive” Piedmont Laundry “A Service to Suit lour Needs” DRY CLEANING Quality and Service COLD STORAGE for Furs and Winter Garments RUGS and DRAPERIES CLEANED or DYED Phone WAL 7651 120 Trinity Ave. S. W. RAYMOND BLOOMFIELD Catholic Funeral Director Secretary Sam Greenberg and Co. 95 Forrest Ave. N. E. Atlanta, Ga. Christmas Greetings CENTRAL CIGAR AND SODA CO. Across Street From Immaculate Conception Church Atlanta GEORGIA THEATRE Yuletide Greeting ATLANTA Christmas Greetings to Our Valued Patrons Atlanta, Ga.