The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, July 25, 1936, Image 18

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EIGHTEEN THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC L AYMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA JULY 25, 1936 Report of President Gleason of SL Mary’s Diocesan Home (Continued From Savannah Page) of the deceased. It would be a splen did thing if more of our people would adopt this practice, as it is an expres sion of charity towards God and man, and there is no better way of honor ing the memory of deceased relatives and friends than by bringing relief to the poor—especially to helpless chil dren. Bequest of Louise C. Burke, Atlan ta, Ga Bequest of Rt. Rev. Monsignor H. F. Clark, Atlanta, Ga. . Mrs. W. W. Simpson, Augusta, Ga., in memory of John M. Gra ham, Atlanta, Ga Savannah Benevolent Association J. Carroll Payne, Atlanta, Ga , Hughes Spalding, Atlanta, Ga Jack J. Spalding, Atlanta, Ga M. F. Amorous, Marietta, Ga Mrs. D. S. Gamble, New Haven, Conn Mrs. M. B. Norman. Thunderbolt, Ga Judge Emanuel Lewis, Savannah— in memory of John C. Bren nan Judge Emanuel Lewis, Savannah— in memory of Mrs. Mary E. Bouhan E. M. Heagarty, Waycross, Ga Knights of Columbus, Savannah Council C. F. Powers, Savannah—in memory of E. F. Broderick, Jr C. F. Powers, Savannah—in memory of Mrs. J. H. Hennessy C. F. Powers, Savannah—in memory of Mrs. Mary E. Bouhan C. F. Powers, Savannah—in memory of W. B. Ruder C. F. Powers, Savannah—in memory of Daniel J. Hogan Mrs. E. B. Owens, Atlanta, Ga John W. Carswell, Savannah, Ga Council of Catholic Women, Augusta, Ga St Vincent de Paul Society, St. Mary’s Conference, Augusta, Georgia Hibernian Society, Savannah, Ga Sam J. Wheaton, Jr. Mrs. John Rourke, Savannah, Ga... Judge John Rourke, Jr Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rourke Atlantic Mutual Fire Insurance Co Mrs. Thomas Nugent Sacred Heart Benevolent Society, Augusta, Ga Albert Axtell, New York City of Savannah • C. F. Powers, in memory of John R. Walsh $13, ,000.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 1000 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 50.00 3.00 10.00 25.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 32.98 5.00 Since there were no large or un usual items of expense during the year, and the income of the society was sufficient to meet the current expenses, the bequests from Atlanta were added to our Investment fund in accordance with the conservative policy begun some years ago, and which the good Catholics of Georgia have helped us to continue by faith fully contributing year after year through membership dues and gener ous donations. There has been an increase in mem bership, and consequently an increase in dues, which we trust will be main tained, and the end of the present year will show a further increase. We appeal to every Catholic in the Diocese who can afford it to join the Female Orphan Benevolent Society, and thereby share in this noble char ity, and derive the spiritual benefits accompanying membership. Our peo ple outside of Savannah are partic ularly urged to take a more active interest, for up to the present they have not contributed their fair share to the support of the helpless girls of the Diocese. We respectfully and ear nestly urge pastors of churches in all parts of the state to bring this matter to the attention of their con gregations, and give us their active assistance and co-operaiton in appeal ing to their people to become mem bers of the Female Orphan Benevo lent Society. If all the Catholics in the state of Georgia who can afford to contribute a small sum each month to assist in this charitable work, will do their part, we will not only have suffi cient funds to defray the present ex pense of maintaining St. Mary's Home, but also to enlarge the scope of our work, and make it possible for us to more completely equip our wards to fight tjie battle of life. Our lady collectors have perform ed their difficult task faithfully and well, and words are inadequate to express our appreciation of their val uable services, and self-sacrificing devotion to the cause cf the children committed to our care. We are deeply indebted to Dr. Wm. B. Crawford, physician of the Home, who has devoted his best thought and splendid professional skill towards preserving perfect health conditions in the Home. We are also under deep obligations to Dr. G. H. Faggart, spe cialist, Dr. John J. O’Connor and Dr. R. A. Dooley, dentists; Dr. Wm. B. Crawford, Jr., Dr. M. J. Egan, Dr. V. H. Bassett, Dr. Lawrence Dunn, Dr. John Hodge, Dr. G. H. Lang and Dr. J. Reid Broderick, for professional service courteously and successfully rendered without compensation when ever and as often as called upon. We thank Mrs. F. J. Skeffington for the commercial course given one of our girls at her secretarial school the past year—a splendid opportu nity which Mrs. Skeffington gener ously offers our girls each year. Since our last annual meeting, our former beloved honorary president, Bishop Keyes, because of ill health which he had suffered for several years, was forced to resign. He en deared himself to. all of us, especially because of his great interest in our society, and the children in our care. We all sincerely hope that his release from the cares of office will result in a great improvement to his health. His successor, our Most Reverend Bishop Gerald P. O’Hara, • during the short period since he came to us, has shown his keen interest in us and our work, and we have every reason to believe that, guided by his wisdom, energy and solicitude, we shall en joy even greater progress than we have in the past. In conclusion we extend our sin cere and heartfelt appreciation to our Most Reverend Bishop, to Father Boniface, O.S.B., to Father Cornelius, O.S.B., and other clergy of the Dio cese; to the officers, the members of the advisory board, and to all who have contributed during the year to the happiness and support of the chil dren of St. Mary’s Home. Respectfully submitted, JOHN W. GLEASON. Retiring President Voices His Thanks for Cooperation In retiring from the office of presi dent of the Society, I desire to ex press my appreciation of the great honor I have enjoyed since my se lection for the office by Bishop Keyes upon the death of Mr. O'Byme. The cooperation of the Sisters, the Lady Collectors, the other Officers and the Advisory Board always acting with the approval of our Bishop, has been a source of strength for the welfare of the Society and its wards. The labor of all has been one of love free ly and gladly given. Sixty years ago the Female Orphan Benevolent Society was organized by the late Bishop Gross, and a few de vout Catholic men and women, and subsequently incorporated by Bishop Becker and laymen and laywomen under his direction. The beginning was small, but due to careful conser vation of the funds, and the generos ity of many generous givers, the So- ciey now is in splendid condition. While naturally I feel a human re gret in ceasing to be president, I real ize the desirability of having Catholic institutions under the actual manage ment and control of our Bishop, and we can feel assured, both by reason of his office, and his kindly personal interest already shown to our Society, that it will continue to go forward both materially and spiritually. Speaking for myself, and I know also for the other former officers and board members, our Most Reverend Bishop may rely upon our assisting and co-operating with him in any manner he may direct. Miiss Alice Lee Dies in Columbus Parish Native of That City Widely ICnown Throughout Georgia James E. Dwyer Dies in Atlanta at Seventy ATLANTA. Ga.—James E. Dwyer, who retired from the railway mail •service two years ago, after extended service, died here early in July at the age of 70. Mr. Dwyer was born in Shreveport, La., and is survived by three granddaughters, the Misses Catherine, Louise and Margaret Dwyer. The funeral was held from Sacred Heart Church, the Rev. Wil liam Hanlon, S. M., officiating at the Requiem Mass. Interment was in Marietta Cemetery. (Special to The Bulletin) COLUMBUS, Ga. — Miss Alice Stump Lee, one of the most widely known Catholic women in Columbus and well known also throughout Georgia, died here late in June after a stroke of paralysis. Miss Lee was an active member of the Catholic Laymen’s Association of Georgia and attended the conventions frequently; she was present at the Savannah convention in October. Miss Lee was bom in Columbus, the daughter of the late Michael H, Lee and Mrs. Elizabeth Flynn Lee; she was educated, at the parish school here and Mt. de Sales Acad emy, Macon. For many years Miss Lee and her sister, Miss Ella Lee, conducted a leading millinery shop here; Miss Ella Lee died four years ago and Miss Alice retired from busi ness. Surviving Miss Lee are her sister, Mrs. W. J. Deignan, her brother, John B. Lee, both of Columbus, and several nieces and nephews. The funeral was held from Holy Family Church, the Rev. John Crean offi ciating at the Requem Mass. Inter ment was in Columbus. BISHOP JOSEPH LYNCH of Dallas has been made an assistant to the Pontifical Throne by the Holy Father on the occasion of the Bishop’s silver jubilee in the episcopacy. GEORGIA STATE COUNCIL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS J. J. McCreary, Macon, State Deputy. C. L. McGowan, Atlanta, Past State Deputy. L. C. Kunze, Columbia, State Advocate. J. J. Bradley, Atlanta, State Secretary. C. Victor Markwalter, Augusta, State Treasurer. Hugh H. Grady, Savannah, State Warden. Rev. Jas. T. Reilly, S. M., Atlanta, State Chaplain. Mrs. C. C. Smith of Albany Parish Dies Was Resident of South Georgia City 30 Years (Special to The Bulletin) ALBANY, Ga.—Mrs. Mamie Friese Smith, 69, wife of the late C. C. Smith, died at her home in June. Mrs. Smith had lived in Albany since 1905. She was a devout member of St. Theresa’s Parish, a faithful member of the Altar Society and a member of the Catholic Laymen); Association. Mrs. Smith is survived by one daughter. Miss Helen Smith of Al bany and two brothers, Mr. V. H. Friese of Savannah and Mr. E. A. Friese of Birmingham, Ala. A Re quiem Mass was offered in St. Theresa’s Church by Rev. Thomas A. Brennan, pastor. The remains were taken to Milledgeville for interment, the Rev. T. James McNamara offi ciating. A Georgia Product Made for Our Southern Climate. ATLANTA COUNCIL No. 660 John J. Bradley Grand Knight 1144 Rosedale Dr. N. E. Geo. T. Flynt Financial Secretary 1356 Lanier Blv’d. N. E. Chas. R. Cannon Recorder Meets eevry Monday, 8 P. M. at 1200 Peachtree, N. E. Business Meeting First and Third Mondays SAVANNAH COUNCIL No. 631 T. J. Canty, Grand Knight J. B. McDonald Financial Secretary John W. Davis, R. S. Meets Second and Fourth Wednesdays, 8 P. M. 3 West Liberty Street Savannah. Ga. Bishop Gross Council No. 1019 Louis C Kunze, Grand Knight 111 12th St. Jos J. Spano, Financial Secretary Meets First and Third Wednes day, 8 P. M. 802 Broadway Catholic Club Bldg., Columbus, Ga. Patrick Walsh Council No. 677 Victor Markwalter Grand Knight R. S. Hcslin. Financial Secretary Visiting Brothers Welcome 1012 Greene St Augusta. Ga. Macon Council, No. 925 M. J. Callaghan, Sr. Grand Knight Herman Huhn Financial Secretary Meets the First and Third Tuesday, 8:15 P. M.. in Mitchell Hall of the Catholic Club. 521 New St. Mulberry St.. Macon, Ga. Henry Thomas Ross Council, No. 1939 J. Boyd Touhey, Grand Knight Kenneth E. Ammons, Financial Secretary P. O. Box 391 Meets Second and Fourth Tues days at Knights of Co lumbus Hall. Brunswick, Ga. THE STEEL PRODUCTS COMPANY, Inc. Savannah, Ga. MOUNT DE SALES ACADEMY Situated on the Heights of Macon, Georgia. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Elementary and High School Departments. Accredited by the State Board of Education of Georgia, For information, address the Principal. LEOPOLD ADLER Savannah’s Largest Department Store Selling Quality Merchandise at Lowest Possible Prices.