The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, July 25, 1936, Image 7

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Published by the Catholic Lay men’s Association of Georgia. ■‘To Bring About a Friendlier Feeling Among Neighbors Irre spective of Creed” VOL. XVII. No. 7 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, JULY 25, 1936 ISSUED MONTHLY—72.00 A YEAR Annual Reports of St. Mary’s Home, Savannah Report of Sisters of Mercy, St. Mary 9 s Home, Savannah The total number of children cared for at the Home during the past year have been fifty-seven. Seven of these have been provided with homes, leaving fifty children now in th Home. Special contributions have been re ceived at the Home from: The Most Rev. M. J. Keyes, D.D., the Most Rev. Gerald P. O’Hara, D. D.,J.U.D., the Clergy of the Sacred Heart Church and St. Joseph’s Hospi tal; Dr. Wm. B., Crawford, Sr., Dr. Wm. B. Crawford, Jr., Dr. M. J. Egan, Dr. J. Reid Broderick, Dr. G. H. Faggart, Dr. J. J. O’Connor, Dr. V. H. Bessett, Dr. L. B. Dunn, Dr. John Hodge, Dr. G. H. Lang, Dr. R. A. Dooley. Board of Chatham County Commis sioners, Chatham County Farm, Sa vannah Order of Elks, theLion’s Club, Savannah Aerie No. 33, Order of Eagles, Lady Collectors, Sacred Heart Benevolent Society, Augusta, Ga. Joseph A. Costa Ice Cream Company, Athens, Ga., Morrison-Sullivan Dry Goods Company, A. W. Richardson, Florist, J. M. Breckenbridge & Son, Florist, A. C. Oelschig & Sons, Flor ist, Ladies’ Auxiliary A. O. H.. Geor gia Ice Company, Schwarz’s Bakery, Joyce Brothers, M. J. Doyle Company, Catholic Women’s Club of Atlanta, Ga., Savannah Electric Company, Sa vannah Fire Department. Mayor Thomas Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goette, Mrs. P. H. Rice, Au gusta, Ga., Mrs. Kate Flannery Sem- mes, Mr. Thomas J. Fogarty, Mr. Robert L. Kane, Mr. John Rourke, Sr., Judge John Rourke, Mr. and Mrs. James Rourke, in memory of Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Dunn, deceased, Mr. James fin, Mrs. C. Gannon, Mrs. James Mc Donald, Mrs. N. Von Waldner, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Copps, Mrs. Joseph E. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Spellman, Mr .Thomas Ballantyne, Miss Nell Rourke, Mrs. F. McNally, Mrs. L. Wil kinson, Mrs. T. McBride, Mrs. James A. Gross, Miss Mary McGreal, Miss Margaret McNally, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mulherin, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Burnham, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Her bert, Briar Cliff, N. Y„ Mr. V. T. Jiran, Mrs. J. M. McBride, Miss Mar garet Steeg, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steeg, Miss Mary Ellen Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Murphy, Mrs. J. F. McCarthy, Misses Keller, Miss May Anderson, R. N., Mrs. M. A. Doyle, Mr. J. R. Conners, Miss Sadie Doyle, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Augusta, Ga., Miss Kate Lathan, Mrs. E. B. Owens, Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. Alice Eu banks, Augusta, Ga., Miss Edwidge Glamas, Mrs. Joseph Maggioni, Mr. C. Dlshery, Mr. Collins, Miss Grogan, Mrs. Susie Sheehan, Mrs. H. M. Co mer, Miss Barbara Chapman, Dan Hogan Co., Mr. end Mrs. Dan Shee han, Federal Relief Administration of Georgia, Miss Mary Brady, Mr. Wil liam F. Jenkins, Mr. Herbert P. Dil lon, Miss Ecie Reynolds, Miss Mamie Klug, Mrs. Alma S. Corcoran, Mr. William J. Flood. To our very generous benefactors and many friends we return our grateful thanks. To those who have so kindly contributed to the welfare of the little ones who have been en trusted to our care, we beg God[s choicest blessings. May He who is never outdone in generosity reward them with spiritual and temporal blessings. They are daily remem bered at God's altar by the Sisters and children. , THE SISTERS OF MERCY, John W. Gleason Bishop 0 9 Hara Expresses Thanks to All Assisting Additional Help Is Now Nee ded Since New Home Homeless Girls of Diocese Is Contemplated for □- 1 □- STATEMENT OF OUR BISHOP -□ I -□ n | RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1 n LI SISTERS OF MERCY, ST. MARY’S HOME From May 1, 1935, to April 30, 193G RECEIPTS Cash on hand May 1, 1935 $ 86.98 it n r « 1.500.00 .. 177.10 $1,764.08 DISBURSEMENTS Mass Offerings .$ 44.00 .. 121.12 60.00 .. 352.72 90.00 .. 136.07 Books, Stationery and Postage 53.98 3.11 5.00 7.02 .. 35.35 .. < 8.35 1,700.86 63.22 i—i 1 1 | SECRETARY’S REPORT □ 1 □ John W. Gleason, who has been president of the Female Orphan Be nevolent Society and of St. Mary's Homes since the death of Michael A O'Byrne over a decade ago, retires from that post with this annual re port, being succeeded as president by the Most Rev. Gerald P. O’Hara, D.D., Bishop of Savannah. Mr. Gleason has been appointed by Bishop O’Hara, chairman of the committee on the new building for St. Mary’s Home and re mains on the board as vice-president. Mr. Gleason and his associates have been publicly commended by Bishop O’Hara for the splendid fashion in which St. Mary’s Home has been con ducted during their years of service. The annual meeting of the Board in charge of St. Mary’s Home, Savannah, affords me an opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all who are assisting in the maintenance of this institution. In a very special way my thanks are due to the Sisters of Mercy, who are actively engaged in the daily and hourly care of our orphan girls, and who perform their tasks with so much edifying devotion and efficiency; to the Officers and Members of the Board, particularly to its President, Mr. John W. Gleason, who has given so generously and zealously of his time in promoting the welfare of St. Mary’s; to physicians and dentists, and to the medical specialists, all of whom have ren dered their professional services gratuitously to the children of St. Mary’s; to Mrs. F. J. Skeffington, who offers each year a commercial course to the girls of St. Mary’s; to the Lady Col lectors throughout the diocese for their self-sacrificing work in providing funds for the maintenance of the institution. PRESIDENT MAKES HIS REPORT Mr. Gleason Expresses Ap preciation -and Pledges Unfaltering Cooperation MAY 1, 1935, TO APRIL 30, 193G ALBANY, GEORGIA Misses Agnes and Mary L. Brosman ATLANTA, GEORGIA Miss Margaret Macdonald $ 69.00 Mrs. J. W. Masseling 36.00 Mrs. Grover Heyser 21.00 Mrs. J. E. White 15.00 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Mrs. P. H. Rice and Miss Anna Rice $210.00 BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA Mrs. Charles Goodyear ' $ 18.00 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA Miss Vince Spano $ 35.00 MACON, GEORGIA Mrs. L. G. Cusson $ 3.00 WAYCROSS, GEORGIA Mrs. W. A. Cason $ 54.00 $60.00 $ 60.00 $141.00 $210.00 $ 18.00 $ 33.50 ; 3.03 $ 54.00 $519.50 Total Dues Collected Outside Savannah SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Mrs. K. E. Miles $810.75 Mrs. Jos. E. Kelly (From 9-1-35 to 4-30-36 309.50 Mrs. M. A. Spellman \ .' 85.25 Miss Mary J. Malloy 52.25 Mrs. J. J. McGouldrick 42.50 Mrs. H. McC. McDonough - 17.00 $1,317.25 Dues Paid Direct 96.00 Dues received on and after May 1, 1935, included in Treasurer’s Report—published in 1935 Report 429.00 $2,361.75 Dues received after close of Treasurer’s Report— ^ Included in above Report $186.00 Special Donation in above Report 18-00 196.00 $2,165.75 Elton E. Wrifjlit, Secretary. Savannah, Georgia. To the Officers and Members of the Female Orphan Benevolent So ciety: The showing for the fiscal year of the soceity ending April 30, 1936, is most gratifying. Much credit is due the Sisters of Mercy in charge of the Home, for their economical and effi cient management; and the officers and advisory board, who have been called upon frequently to give of thejr time and services, have co-operated to the fullest extent in bringing about this present satisfactory condition. We have now 50 children in the Home—heatihy and happy, and whose countenances reflect the loving care and devotion bestowed upon them by the good Sisters of Mercy, who are due our fullest measure of grat itude. In recording the following gifts and legacies, for which we are most grate ful, we again call attention to the laudable practice of some few who, in remembrance of deceased rela tives and friends, contribute to the funds of the society, which we promptly acknowledge to the family (Continued on Page Eighteen) Since St. Mary’s Home is intended to serve the entire diocese, I should like to see a wider interest manifested in this laudable charity. Extraordinary help is required at the present time inas much as a new building is contemplated to house our orphan girls. The old structure has served its purpose. It should now be replaced by a larger and more commodious building, modem in its appointments in accordance with the best pres ent-day institutional standards, and, above all, fireproof throughout. What has been done for the boys in Washington, Georgia, ought now to be done for the orphan girls here. Many are the blessings promised in Holy Writ to those who do works of mercy in behalf of the poor and distressed. ‘He who soweth in blessings shall also reap blessings.” says St. Paul. (2 Cor., 9.6). “He that showeth mercy to the poor shall be blessed”. (Prov. 14.21). And our Lord Himself has said: “Whosoever shall give to drink to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only . . . shall not lose his reward.” (Matth. 10.12). Bishop of Savannah. HEALTH REPORT ON ST, MARY’S HOME No Serious Illness Therj During the Past Year Mr, John W. Gleason, President, St. Mary’s Home, Savannah, Ga." Dear Sir: It is a pleasure to report that no serious illnesses have occurred in the past year at this institution. Tile usual minor conditions that can be anticipated in a group of this kind have occurred. I wish to comment on the co-ope ration and kindness exhibited to wards me by the Sisters of St. Mary’s, and favorably comment on the love and kindness shown these children. Yours very truly, (Signed) W. B, CRAWFORD, M.D. TREASURER’S REPORT Of Female Orphan Benevolent Society MAY 1, 1935, TO APRIL 20, 1936 . RECEIPTS Balance on hand May 1, 1935 $ 750.33 Interest on Dividends and Securities 12,928.55 Cash Donations and Legacies 13,999.98 Income from Flannery Trust Fund 1,000.09 Orphan Girls’ Portion Diocesan Collection 2,238.41 City of Savannah 400.00 Board of County Commissioners 540.00 Contributions Towards Support Children 856.00 Dues from Members 2,165.75 Investment Account 19,094.55 53,973.57 DIRBURSEMENTS Clothing and Shoes $ 1.090.24 Meats, Groceries, etc 4,960.08 Fuel, Light, Telephone 1,042.81 Incidentals at Home 2,407.18 Printing, Postage, School Books, Tuition, etc 242.79 Taxes and Insurance '... 1.957.57 Improvements and Repairs 1.087.99 investment Account 31,432.19 Sisters of Mercy 600.00 $44,820.85 Balance on hand April 30, 1936 $ 9,152.72 Elton E. Wright, Treasurer. Savannah, Georgia, May 16, 1936 We certify that we have audited the accounts of the Treasurer of the Female Orphan Benevolent Society for the year beginning May 1, 1935, and ending April 30, 193G, and find same correct; and we further certify that the Treasurer lias proper vouchers for all expenditures. HERBERT P. DILLON, J. J. McAULIFFE, Auditing Committee Female Orphan Benevolent Society,