The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, March 26, 1938, Image 9

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rfARCH Z6, 1353 NINE- THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA BISHOP’S ESSAY CONTEST CLOSES Judges Now Evaluating Constitution Compositions The deadline for submitting essays on the Constitution in the Bishop O’Hara Essay contest found a grati fying number of essays entered from the various cities. The local judges in most cases have completed then- work and have forwarded their find ings to the chairman of the state board, which will start its work when all local reports have been re ceived. There are three classes and prizes, for eighth grade children in the white schools, in the schools for colored children, and for Catholic children in public schools in com munities in which there is no Cath olic school. NEW YORK’S World Fair is plan ning a Temple of Religion, intended to promote tolerance, Grover Wha len, director, announces. RAYMOND BLOOMFIELD and Company Catholic Funeral Director Secretary Sam Greenberg 95 Forrest Ave., N. E. ATLANTA, GA. EDWARDS SHOE STORE GOOD SHOES FOR THE FAMILY Whitehall at Hunter Sts Atlanta, Ga. BERMUDA- All-Expense Cruise from Charleston, April 22— Seven Days—$75.00. S. S. New Northland. Ask for literature. HAVANA- All-Expenses from At lanta, June 11, including Miami, Seven Days, $99.80. Every necessary item of expenses provided —As for literature. KALMBACH TRAVEL SERVICE 87 Forsyth St., N. W. WA. 2221 Atlanta Mrs. J. S. Gardner Dies in Atlanta ATLANTA. Ga.—Mrs. Fredericka Gardner, widow of J. Sidney Gard ner, for many years prominent in the business life of Atlanta, died here March 9 at the age of 65. Born in New Orleans, Mrs. Gardner was a resident of Atlanta for more than 20 years. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Houston Spratlin, Mrs. J. B. Curry, Mrs. W. M. Medlock and Mrs. K. F. Keefer; three sons, Earl, Sidney and Bobby Gardner, all of Atlanta, and two sisters in New Orleans. The fu neral was held from the Church of the Immaculate Conception, the Rev. Jos. R. Smith, pastor, officiating. In terment was in East View Cemetery. JOHN G. CAPALLO—Father Smith officiated also at the funeral of John G. Capallo, a member of the parish, who died early in March. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery. EDWARD O’HARA—The funeral of Edward O'Hara was held from the Church of the Immaculate Concep tion, Father Smith officiating. Inter ment was in West View Cemetery. MRS. MARY MARTHA LISTON, widow of James B. Liston, for many years connected with the United States marshal’s office in Washington, D. C., died here last week. A na tive of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Liston is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Agnes M. Hereford and Miss Helen R. Liston: a grandson, and a sister, Mrs. C. M. Hope, of Washington. The funeral was held from Sacred Heart Church, the Rev. Edward P. McGrath, S. M., officiating at the Requiem Mass. Interment was in Washington. AUGUSTA DRAMATICS ST. PATRICK’S DAY AUGUSTA, Ga.—St. Patrick’s Day was marked here by the presentation at St. Joseph’s Auditorium of a play, ‘•Tom, Dick and Harry”, written by the Rev. John J. Kennedy, depicting the careers of three young Geor gians. Leading roles were taken by Alfred M. Battey, Jr., Jack Heggie, Jr., C. C. Brotherton, Jr., C. K. Law rence, Pat Rice Mulherin, Billy Han ley, Bill Nevin, Miss Phil Andrews, Miss Mary Lena Foreman and Miss Janell Kemp. The play was present ed in mast- ly fashion by and before capacity audiences. Other features were presented by Frank Egbert, Denny Kearns, Bob Rucker and St. Mary’s Boy Scout Troop. A professional note was given the presentation by cello numbers by Rudolf Kratina, noted German musical director and artist, visiting in Augusta, which is the home of Mrs. Katrina, who was formerly Miss Marguerite Pressly, a member of a leading Georgia family. Mrs. Kat rina’s father was for many years in the U. S. consular service in Europe. Mr. Kratina’s son Frederick con tributed vocal numbers to the pro gram. Fr. Kennedy Augusta Civic Clubs Speaker AUGUSTA, Ga —The Rev. John J. Kennedy of St. Mary’s-On-Tbe-Hill, was the principal speaker on suc cessive days at the weekly lunch eons of the Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs. At the Kiwanis Club Father Kennedy spoke on St. Patrck’s Day and its significance; T. J. Kearns was named presiding officer by President James Robertson. At the Rotary Club Father Kennedy discussed Australia, where he s^-ved for years as priest and pastor, before coming to the United States and Georgia. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS DEPOSITS INSURED VP TO ss.ttso Foil EACH DEPOSITOR BE TEE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MORRIS PLAN BAN K 31 PEACHTREE ST.—AT FIVE POINTS CLEVELAND ELECTRIC CO. MOTORS—MOTOR-WINDING—ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING—INDUSTIAL WIRING 557 Marietta Street, N. W. MA. 8164 Atlanta, Georgia TRADE WITH WOOD & ALLEN BUCKHEAD Avoid Table Disappointments Your Tune Is Worth Money—Telephone CH. 2151 Saves Both. SEA FOODS A SPECIALITY 2 1% 2 CATHEDRAL PARISH HAS FATHERS’ DAY Bishop O’Hara Officiates at Mass Sponsored by Child ren of Mary (Special to The Bulletin) SAVANNAH, Ga. — The Cathed ral Children of Mary observed Cath olic Father’s Day on Sunday, March 20. The girls and their fathers as sembled in the garden of St. Vin cent’s Academy and marched in a body to the Cathedral The Most Rev. Gerald P. O’Hara, D. D., Bishop of Savannah-Atlanta, said the Mass and congratulated the sodalists for this public demonstration of love re spect and loyalty to their fathers in honor of St. Joseph, the foster-fath er of our Lord. At the Communion the Bishop was assisted by the Rev. James J. Grady, of the Cathedral. Following the Mass a breakfast was served to one hundred guests in the library of St. Vincent’s. These guests comprised forty men and sixty girls. After the breakfast was served a skit appropriate to the occasion was pre sented by the Misses Agnes Feuger, Mary McCarthy, Jane O’Connor and Chestine Wingard. Miss Agnes Feuger acted as chairman and at the conclusion of the skit turned the morning’s program over to the Sod ality’s prefect, Miss Lillian Bunger. The musical part of the program began with the singing of a verse suited to the occasion to the familiar air, “East Side, West Side.” Miss Rita Holland, chairman of the publicity committee of Our Lady’s Committee, spoke on “Our Father's Today,” while Charles F. Powers told those present what he thought of Catholic Father’s Day. Eishop O’Hara expressed his pleasure at the large attendance and hoped that the sodality could make this an annual affair. Songs were sung by the Misses Peggy Flanagan, Mary Elliott and Theresa Fogarty. Choruses of all were rendered by the entire assembly. The program closed with the singing of “Dear Guardian of Mary” and the recital of Grace after Meals. Mrs. Joseph E. Kelly was accompanist at the Mass and the breakfast. Tryouts in Atlanta of Antonian Players (Special to The Bulletin) ATLANTA, Ga. — Keen competi tion marked the Antonian Players try-outs of Sunday. March 13. The play chosen was Henry Rowland’s domestic comedy in three acts “Sim ple Simon Simple”. As this play will close the second full year of drama tics for the Antonian Players, every effort was made to select the most talented of the group. The entertain ment will be staged in the Church Auditorium, Ashby and Gordon streets, Atlanta, Georgia, the week of May first, under the direction of Father Nicholas A. Quinlan, direc tor and founder of the dramatic club- The judges for the try-outs were Mrs. M. A. Harrington, Mrs. B. A. Barnard, M. O. Crane and Father Quinlan. The cast selected included Raoul Fatron, Myrtle Sullivan, Julia Ham mock, Robert Cline, Betty Ham, Joe Mallinson, Anne Mallinson, Jean Todd, Joe Sullivan. Mary Louise Buelterman, with Virginia Brannon as prompter. The staff is composed of Raoul Fatron. president and stage manager; Jce Sullivan, secretary and publicity director; Robert Cline, treasurer and business manager; Myrtle Sullivan, assistant treasurer. In addition to th cast selected, the following An tonians win also serve on the stage, publicity and business staffs: Joe Mc Donough, James Murphy, Frank Mc- r enough, Clara Mae OberSt, Mr. and Mrs. M- A. Harrington. Harry S. Badger of Atlanta Parish Dies (Special t oThe Bulletin) ATLANTA, Ga.—Harry S. Badger, for a number of years night offleer at City Hall, died here late in Febru ary at the age of 60. Born in Quitman, Ga., he was a veteran of the Spanish- American War, and had lived in At lantic City, Savannah, Jacksonville and Deland, Fla. Surviving are his wife, two sons, his daughter, Mrs. J. Taft Caudle. Atlanta, his mother, Mrs. George M. Badger, Sebastan, Fla., two brothers and his sister, Mrs. Elmon Gates, Miami. The funeral was held from Sacred Heart Church with a Requiem Mass; interment was in Mar ietta National Cemetery. SAMUEL MONGREN, a member of the Church of the Immaculate Con ception, died late in February. The funeral was held from tlie parish church, the Rev. Jos. R. Smith, pastor, officiating. Interment was in Green wood Cemetery. DR. STEPHEN GERNAZIAN of At lanta was elected vice-president of the Georgia Optometrists’ Association at the 33rd annual meeting in Atlanta recently. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION school pupils presented a splendid pro gram over WSB in the School of the Air series recently. Sister Mary Re gina and. Mrs. J. E. Morris directed. SisVr Mary Michael is principal of the school. THE BELGIAN CONGO missions report over 120,000 conversions dur ing the past year; 3,00,060 of the 14,- 006.000 residents of the area are now Catholics. BISHOP KEOUGH of Providence was among the 113 persons receiving the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus at an exemplification in his See City recently. GENERAL SPECIALTY COMPANY JAS. J. KEILEY, Secretary Manufacturers of Banners, Tenants, Flags, Felt Novelties, Plain and Fancy- Embroidery Chenille and Felt Letters and Emblems, Celluloid Buttons and Badges 71',2 FORSYTHE ST., N. W. ATLANTA, GA. WAlnut 5127 WE MAKE LOANS $50 to $1500 “BORROW WHERE YOU CAN SAVE” On Automobiles, Co-makers, Household Gocds. Stocks and Bonds, Insurance Policies, or other sccuritv for ONE YEAR, with WEEK LY, SEMI-MONTHLY or MONTHLY PAYMENTS. (Also a New Special Plan for Six Months to Two Years). Mechanics Loan & Saving Company (Established 1020) 70 Pryor Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia Greetings From GOLD SHIELD LAUNDERERS and DRY GLEANERS ATLANTA, GEORGIA American Excelsior Piedmont Capital Cily Guthman Trio Decatur May’s Troy - Peerless LITTLE FLOWER CAMP For girls in the Blue Ridge Mountains 12 miles from Asheville offers unique feature of learning conversational French. Swimming, dancing, tennis, basket ball, volley ball, dramatics, music, arts and crafts, nature lore, horseback riding, exploring trips, all under careful supervision. Address REVEREND MOTHER St. Genevieve-ef-thc-Pines Asheville, North Carolina Prices Always as Low as the Lowest tt DRUG STORE Always the Best” JOHN H. HARLAND COMPANY L ithographing Printing Office Supplies Ten Pryor Street Building ATLANTA, GEORGIA WALnut 5738