The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, May 28, 1938, Image 17

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THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA SEVENTEEN | Eucharistic Congress Opens in Capital City of Hungary Hymns Sung in 42 Lan guages at First Ceremony, 500,000 Persons Attending (Continued From Page One) Augustus Cardinal Hlond, Archbishop of Poznan; Alfredo Ildefonso Cardinal Schuster, Archbishop of Milan; Jean Cardinal Verdier. Archbishop of Paris; Theodore Cardinal Innitzer, Arch bishop of Jean Cardinal Verdier, Archbishop of Vienna; Maurilio Card inal Fossati, Archbishop of Turin; Ignazio Cardinal Tappouni, Patriarch of Antioch of Syria; Karl Cardinal Kaspar Archbishop of Prague; Isidro Cardinal Gomany Tomas, Archbishop of Toledo; Santiago Luis Cardinal Copello, Archbishop of Buenos Aires; Arthur Cardinal Hinsley, Archbishop of Westminster, and Pierre Cardinal Gerlier, Archbishop of Lyon. HYMNS SUNG IN 42 TONGUES AS GREAT CONGRESS OPENS BUDAPEST— Hymns sung in 42 dif- | ferent languages at the same time rose from the throats of a half-million per sons in Heroes Square here Wednes day afternoon, in one of the brilliant ceremonies that formally opened the Thirty-fourth International Euchar istic Congress. It is interesting to record that the very first ceremony of the day bound together those who are physically present and participating in the Con gress and those abroad who can only be present in spirit. This certmony was a Mass offered up in St. Stephen’s Basilica by His Eminence Justin Card inal Seredi, Archbishop of Strigonia, Prince Primate of Hungary and host to the Eucharistic Congress. The Mass was offered for those who are participating in the Congress here and those who unable to come to Buda pest, are taking part in spirit. The Permanent Committee for Internation al Eucharistic Congresses, headed by ■fee Most Rev. Thomas Heylen, Bishop of Namur, its President, attended., A service offering world-wide atonement for sins committed in con sequence of alcoholism and voluptu ousness followed the Mass- His Emi nence Joseph Ernest Cardinal Van Roey. Archbishop of Malines, Belgium, presided: the Blessed Sacrament was exposed, and prayers of reparation were recited by all in attendance. Sermons were preached by the Most Rev. Louis Shvoy, Bishop of Szekes- ferervar. who personally went to the United States and Canada, as repre sentative of the Hungarian Hierarchy, to invite Catholics of those countries to take part in the Congress, and by French and German preachers. The Congress will continue through - out the week, concluding with the final procession Saturday. Franco Spain*s Hope Diplomat Asserts Former Ambassador Ham mond Says He Will Re establish Law and Order BY N. C. W. C. NEWS SERVICE JERSEY . CITY, N. J.— General Franco will reestablish law and or der in Spain and then permit the people to choose their own form of government, Ogden H. Hammond, former United States Ambassador to Spain said here at St. Peter’s College in a symposium on the Spanish Civil War. The symposium was participated in by a representative from each of five Catholic colleges -and universities in the Metropolitan area. Mr. Hammond, who is a Protestant, acted as chair man. “I firmly believe that the people of Spain want, above all else, a good government of their own choosing, and not dictation from Germany, Russia or Italy as to what that gov ernment shall be; that there is no in tention of giving up any of their ter ritory to any other government; that when Franco finally wins, as he must, he will first establish law and order, bring bade the Church and then let the people decide what kind of government they want.” QUEBEC is arranging for the dec oration of its streets and buildings on the occasion of the National Eucharis tic Congress there June 22-26. Notre Dame Academy, Southern Pines MAIN BUILDING, NOTHE DAME ACADEMY Father Daly Named Savannah Assistant (Special to The Bulletin) SAVANNAH, Ga. — The Rev. George T. Daly, the first graduate of Marist School here to become a priest, has been named assistant at Blessed Sacrament Church here, the Rev. Joseph G. Cassidy pastor. Father Daly, ordained three years ago, was formerly at LaGrange but an illness required his retirement from active duty some time ago. SAVANNAH’S Young People’s Club of the Cathedral and members of the Savannah Council journeyed to Augusta late in April for the instal lation of officers of Patrick Walsh Council and to participate in the broadcast over WRDW. District Deputy William Walsh spoke on ‘ The Knights of Columbus in Action” and the Red Mill Choristers contributed the musical numbers. J. Coleman Dempsey introduced the numbers. Bishop McGuinness at First Southern Pines Graduation SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. — The Most Rev. Eugene J. McGuinness, D. D., Bishop of Raleigh, will preside at the first graduation exercises of Notre Dame Academy, Southern Pines, N. C. The program will be in the Audi torium Building on the Academy ground. Specimens of art, needle and class work of the pupils will be on exhibition in the school building and art studio on that day as well as on the day preceding Saturday and Sun day A cordial invitation to both the graduation exercises and exhibition is extended to all those interested in the work of the Academy. Friday, May 13, was “open-house” day at Notre Dame Academy. A pro gram which began at 11 o'clock in- cluded a concert and athletic demon stration and was followed in the aft ernoon by an inspection of the Acad emy buildings and specimens of art, needle and class work done by the pupils. An appreciative audience was present on that occasion. Notre Dame Academy has been open since September 13, 1937. It offers a complete course of studies to resident pupils and to day pupils, boys and girls, of primary and grammar grades as well as a thorough college prepara tory course for high school girls. During its first scholastic year the Academy enrolled 44 pupils. The Notre Dame Sisters at the Academy are members of an order which con ducts a number of the finest schools t „, and colleges in the country, including ” Trinity College, at Washington. MRS. DAVID BOLTON DIES IN SAVANNAH (Special to The Bulletin) SAVANNAH, Ga.—Mrs. Estelle Be atrice Bolton, wife cf David Bolton, Sr., and one of the most active mem bers of Sacred Heart parish, died here early in May, after an extended ill ness which became serious only two weeks before she died. Mrs. Belton was a native of Charleston and a resident of Savannah for over twenty years. Surviving in addition to her husband are her mother, Mrs. Catne- linc Callahan, of Charleston; two r'ns. her sister and her brother. The funeral was held from Sacred Heart Church with a Requim Mass. Inter ment was in Hillcrest Memorial Park. MRS. LAURA G. SCHMIDT, widow of Ernest Schmidt, died in Dubuque, Iowa, stricken in a railroad station preparatory to returning home after a winter spent with her sister. Sis ter M. Baptista, at St. Francis Con vent there. Mrs. Schmidt died twelve j hours after she was stricken. Sur- I nuviving Mrs. Schmidt in addition' to her sister are several nieces and a nephew. The funeral was held from the Cathedral here, with interment in Laurel Grove Cemetery. JOSEPH BISHOP, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Odell Bishop of Wil mington Island, died here late in April. The Rev. Joseph W. Kavanagh of the Cathedral officiated at the fu neral services. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Domingue died here recently at a local hospital. Father Kavanagh of the Cathedral, of St. John the Baptist, conducted the services. In terment was in the Catholic Ceme tery. Surviving the infant besides its parents are a sister, Miss Ann Louise Domingue; the paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. William Domingue of Holyoke. Mass., and the maternal grandfather, Thomas J. McMahon. ATLANTA CLUB WOMEN Take Membership in Bis hop’s Confraternity (Special To The Bulletin) ATLANTA, Ga.— The Atlanta Catholic Club of«Business and Profes sional Women held their April meet ing at the home of the Misses Kath erine and Helen Birmingham. Miss Kate Lynan presided. The Club voted to take a membership in the Bishop's Confraternity of the Laity. The pro gram was a Professor Quiz on ques tions pertaining to the Catholic Church. Miss Gertrude Corrigan win ning the first prize and Miss Maye Johnson second. Several new mem bers, strangers in the city were welcomed to the Club. Fr. Kennedy Speaker at Savannah Meeting (Special to The Bulletin) SAVANNAH, Ga.—The Rev. John J. Kennedy of St. Mary's-On-'_he- Hill, Augusta, was the guest speaker at the May meeting of the Blessed Sacrament Auxiliary, Mrs. John Schwarz, president. JOHN J. BOUHAN, Esq., county at torney of Chatham County, the sec ond largest county in Georgia, was elected vice-president of the newly organizd Georgia County Attorneys Association at the first convention held in Macon. JOHN w. GLEASON, K. S. G-. was elected president of the Holy Name Society of Sacred Heart parish at the annual meeting early in May. DR. L. A. SULLIVAN, for years ac tive in Savannah Council affairs, has removed his residence from Savannah to Atlanta where he will continue the practice cf his profession, optometry. Wishes McCrory’s 5 and 10 Cents Store Main and Taylor Sts. Columbia, S. C. Best Wishes PEOPLES BAKING CO.