The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, August 24, 1940, Image 13

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AUGUST 24, mo THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOUC LAYMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA THIRTEEN Leading Firms of Charleston, S. C. James R. Johnson A. Marion Stone Km. JOHNSON & 00. COKL—COKE—W009 —Distributors lor— Iron Fireman Automatic Goal Burners Main Office—Foot Laurents Street Display Room—180 Meeting Street PHONE 221 "Johnson’s Coal Solves the Burning Question”! CHARLESTON, S. C. D. H. OHLANDT & SONS WHOLESALE GROCERS AND GOFFEE ROASTERS Warehouses: 56-58 East Bay, 19-21 Water Street 40-42 Meeting Street CHARLESTON, S. C. Southern Ice Company Charleston, S. C. Greenville Ice & Fuel Plant Greenville, S. C. Hygeia Ice & Fuel Plant Spartanburg, S. C. Greer Ice & Fuel Plant Greer, S. C. Easley Ice & Fuel Plant Easley, S. C. Summerville Ice & Fuel Plant Summerville, S. C. Drink in Bottles Charleston Coca-Cola Company CHARLESTON, S. C. Clement’s FURNITURE COMPANY 332 KING STREET PHONES 6530-6539 CHARLESTON, S. C. Best Wishes FROM ClanSSen BAKING CO. BAKERY PRODUCTS OF MERIT SINCE 1841 CHARLESTON, S. C. THE PASTIME AMBSENENT CO. ALBERT SOTTJLE, General Manager CHARLESTON, S. C. General Offices: 93 Society Street CHARLESTON, S. C. REST END DAIRY LARGEST DISTRIBUTOR OF DAIRY PRODUCTS IN THE CITY CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA China Glass M. H. LAZARUS CO. Corbin Hardware House Furnishings and Sporting Goods KING AND HASELL STS. DIAL 7726 CHARLESTON, S. C.