The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, October 26, 1940, Image 3

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OCTOBER 26. 1940 THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA THREE News Review of the Catholic World CHRIST THE KING FEAST IN MOBILE MOBILE, Ala. — Clergy and laity of Mobile are endeavoring to make of the observance of the Feast of Christ the King an impressive appeal for world peace. The Most Rev. T. J. Toolen, D. D., Bishop of Mobile has urged every Catholic in the community to take part in the celebration, which wil/ be highlighted by a procession through the streets. Bishop Toolen pointed out that the feast, instituted in 1925 by Pope Pius XI has ever been one dedicated to peace and good will among men, and this year, because of existing turmoil among nations, it acquires adding significance. The Rev. D. P. Hartnett. D. D. Ph. D., assistant pastor of St. Mary's Church, will deliver the sermon at services which will be held in Bien ville Square. FELICITATING the Most Rev. An thony J. Schuler, Bishop of El Paso, on the occasion of the prelate’s Silver Episcopal Jubilee, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in a personal letter as serts that “only a spiritual awaken ing can save the world.” “I think it a most happy circum stance that you will celebrate your Episcopal Silver Jubilee by dedicat ing a monument to Christ the King,” the Presdent writes. “Such a monu ment will stand through coming gen erations as a witness to the eternal truths of religion—changeless through the ages and because unchanging, al ways a safe guide to men and na tions.” HIS HOLINESS Pope Pius XII of ficiated at the marriage of his niece, the Marchesa Maria Anna Ceilia Ger- ini. with Count Lucius Malvessi Cam- peggi, on October 7. THE UNITED STATES has men as noble and bold as the Diegos and Ser- ras whose missions dot the Camino Real in California, in the opinion of the Most Rev. John J. Cantwell, Arch bishop of Los Angeles, who spoke on a national broadcast with the Most Rev. William A- Griffin, Bishop of Trenton, over the network of the Mu tual Broadcasting Company. The prelates urged American Cath olics to give geenrous support to the thirteen annual Mission Sunday appeal made on October 20 under the aus pices of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. LETTERS RECEIVED AT MARY- KNOLL brought the first official news of the opening of a new mission in Kweilin in the interior of China in August. The new Kweilin Superior and a Sister assigned to a nearby mission made the trip by plane, since previous attempts to reach there by land routes had proved unsuccessful due to war conditions. JOHN REGIS PERSHING, eight- year-old kinsman of General John T. Pershing, and Captain of the Jeffer- son-Bellarmine Guards of St. Robert Bellarmine School in Burbank, direct ed the raising of the American flag at the Coliseum in ceremonies that pre ceded the Pontifical Mass celebrated by His Excellency the Most Rev. Am ide Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, to mark the centennial of the founding of the hierarchy in California. Young Pershing also led the assem bly in the pledge of allegiance to the United States and prayers for the Pope and President. A PROGRAM OF SPIRITUAL DE FENSE that will involve the reorgan ization of undergraduate religious studies has been launched at the Uni versity of Notre Dame under the di rection of university authorities and the Rev. Thomas P. Irving, C. S- C., head of the Department of Religion- The two-fold program will be di vided into intensive class instruction and periodical lectures by leading Catholic apologists, including the Rev. Daniel A. Lord. S. J.. the Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, and the Rev. John A. O'Brien. A VERITABE MARTYRDOM in the cause of the Catholic Church's struggle to rescue thousands of Chinese from the grasp cf godless Communism, was the death of the Rtev. Vincent Lebbe, apostle to the missions of China, according to a letter from the Rev. F. X. Clougher- ty. O. S. B., of the mission at Kai- feng, Honan, China. Because of his activity — in Eu rope as well as in China — in form ing a Chinese front against the al luring appeal of the Reds, Father Lebbe was nearly executed by the Communists, and ultimately died as the indirect result of imprisonment. THE CHRONICLE, Colored week ly secular newspaper, of Boston, publishes regularly an article on “Catholic Information." The article is supplied by the secretary of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine in St. Peter Claver’s parish, New Orleans. AN ARTICLE by the Rev. Dr. John F. Cornin, S. S., Professor of Politi cal Science at St. Charles Seminary, Baltimore, which appears in the cur rent issue of the magazine Common Sense, is reprinted in full in the weekly ‘Tnfoxmation Service” of the Federal Council of the Churches of Holy Father in Mission Sunday Radio Plea NATION'S TRIBUTE PAID COLUMBUS Knights of Columbus Lead Observance of 448th Anni versary of America’s Dis covery (By N. C. W. C. News Service) The New World,'at peace, paid tri bute to its Discoverer last Saturday while the Old World whence he cami to the Western Hemisphere 448 years ago, is a boiling cauldron of strife, death and suffering. Organizations throughout the Uni ted States marked Columbus Day, honoring the great Navigator with exercises, addresses, services and celebrations of various kinds. In many States and communities it was a holiday. Catholics, • led by the Knights of Columbus, commemorated the achievements of the intrepid Catholics and civic officials joiqed in the general observances. Knights of Columbus Councils hon ored their Patron with religious ob servances, radio broadcasts, exempli fications of degrees, socials and other special events in which thousands of Knights and their friends took parfc. His Holiness Pope Pius XII who personally issued this year’s call for Mission Sunday, when he broad casted Saturday, October 19, over the~ combined networks of the National Broadcasting Company and the Co lumbia and Mutual Broadcasting Systems. Monsignor Thomas J. McDonnell (right), National Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, introduced the Holy Father to the radio audience and Archbishop Francis J. Spellman (left), of New York, Chairman of the Episcopal Committee of the Society, conveyed the thanks of America’s 22,000,000 Catholics to His Holiness. (N. C. W. C.) Christ in America. . The article, entitled “Catholicism and Democracy,” is described by the editor of “Information Service” as “remarkable." A WARNING which the Very Rev. Robert I. Gannon, S. J., President of Fordham University, delivered in a nation-wide broadcast against letting inconsistent, irreligious intellectuals shape the program of training for young men drafted into military ser vice, was placed in the Congressional Record. Father Gannon spoke on the tenth anniversary program of the Columbia Broadcasting System's “Church of the Air” period. PEOR'IA. ILLINOIS, was awarded the 1941 Convention of the Catholic Press Association, and May 21-24 were designated as the dates, at a meeting of the Executive Board of the Association held in Chicago. MORE THAN 1,200 DELEGATES from coast to coast—students and their teachers—discussed "The Press in the World Today” at the National Catholic Educational Press Congress conducted at Marquette University, Chicago. Sponsored jointly by the Catholic School Press Association and the Marquette College of Journalism, with Dean J. L. O'Sullivan as the general chairman, the congress pro duced a breadth of student thought that, in the words of its leaders, was “surprising and encouraging in times as ominous as these.” The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Peter M. H. Wynhoven, President of the Catholic Press Association and Editor of Catholic Action of the South, New Orleans, keynoted the gathering with an address on “Union of the Catholic Press in the Doctrines of Christ.” MOST REV. MICHAEL J. KEYES, S. M., retired Bishop of Savannah- Atlanta, was celebrant of a Solemn Pontifical Mass at the sesquicen- tennial of the founding of the first Convent of Carmelite nuns in the United States observed on the site of the original foundation at Port To bacco, Maryland. THE ROLE PLAYED BY THE LAITY in the mission work of the Catholic Church was described by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Mc Donnell, National Director of the Society of thh Propagation of the faith, in the Columbia Broadcasting System's “Church of the Air” period, broadcast nationally, October 13. STRIKING OUT AGAINST reli gious and racial intolerance in an address before the National Coun cil of Jewish W ome n held in Wash ington, the Fv’ev. Dr. Robert J. White, Dean of the Law School of the Catholic University of America, warned that ‘t‘he hour of crisis in any nation, including America, brings serious threats from zealots, cranks, and cruel bigots who at tempt to use the emotion and feays of a crisis as an opportune setting for their bigotry.” Dr. White also said that ’ out of any ten who preach such hatred, seven seek fin ancial profit through sales of maga zines or gowns or buttons or mem berships or whatnot. The other three are either ignorant or on the border-line of mental illness.” A NEW EDITION of “The State and The Church,” under the title of “Catholic Principles of Politics,’.’ by the R’t. Rev. Msgr. John A. Ryan, Director of the N. C. W. C. Social Action Department and Professor of Political Science at Trinity College, Washington, and the Rev. Dr. Fran cis J. Boland, C. S. C., Professor of Politics at the University of Notre Dame, has been published by Mac millan Company. Apostolic Delegates Leads Nation’s Tribute to Jesuits Celebrations Marking Quadricentennial of Founding of Society of Jesns Are Held Throughout United States Led by His Excellency the Most Rev. Amleto Giovani Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, the Catholic clergy and laity throughout the United States are joining with members of the Society of Jesus in commemorating the four hundredth anniversary of the Confirmation of their Order. Services and other ex ercises are being held in Jesuit churches and institutions the country over and tributes to the work of the Society for the past four centuries are being paid by prominent prelates, civil officials, and leaders of reli gious Orders and Congregations. WASHINGTON. — His Excellency the Most Rev. Amleto Giovanni Cico gnani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, celebrated a Solenjr. Mass in the Jesuits’ St. Aloysius Church here September 29, to mark the Society’s fourth centennial. More than 1,000 persons thronged the church and heard the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen, of the Cath olic University, declare in the sermon of the Mass that St. Ignatius, found er of the Society of Jesus, was, like Our Lord, a man “who belonged to no time.” He characterized St. Igna tius as “one with infinite potentiali ties for both virtue and vice” and pointed out that he, by a change of will, suffered for the cause of Christ, proving the possibility of transform ing individual lives- Across the city. Georgetown Uni versity, oldest Catholic college in the country, commemorated the cente nary of the Society which has con ducted it from colonial times. Follow ing a High Mass in Holy Trinity Church, Jesuit parish in the George town section, a convocation was held at the university, which was address ed by the Very Rev. Arthur A. O'Leary, S. J.. President of George town. Father O’Leary called the So ciety “an instrument against godless ness” and “the powers which would wreck our republic and place as a gloating monument over its grave a mockery of government in defiance of God. the Supreme Lawgiver.” The Washington Post, large secular daily here, added its tribute to the Society of Jesus in an editorial, o» claring that “the missionary exploits and adventures of the Jesuits over four continents, their heroism, mar tyrdoms and triumphs, form a tale more strange and wonderful than the wildest romances.” “From Japan to Paraguay, from India to New France, they could number their converts in millions,” the editorial says. PHILADELPHIA. — His Eminence Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, Arch bishop of Philadelphia, celebrated the Solemn Pontifical Mass in the Church of the Gesus here yesterday com memorating the four heundredth an- nieversary of the Society of Jesus. The Rev. Wilfrid Parsons, S. J., Professor of Political Science at the Catholic University of America, preached the sermon. NEW YORK.—Four Bishops were among the prominent persons who attended the rites at the Church of St. Francis Xavier here making the Jesuits’ fourth centenary. Present in the sanctuary for the commemorative Mass were the Most Rev. Franei# J. Spellman. Archbishop of New York; the Most Rev. Stephen J. Donahue, Auxiliary Bishop of New. York; the Most Rev. Thomas H. Mc Laughlin, Bishop of Paterson; and the Most Rev. James E. Walsh. M. M., Superior General of MaryknolL Dignitaries of various Orders and Congregations attended the services, at which the Very Rev. Ignatius Smith, noted Dominican pulpit ora tor, preached the sermon. Father Smith said it is significant that the Jesuits have survived all the attacks made aganst them, declaring that those who would “remain mute or would damn instead of praise” the Society are only as mall and insig nificant minority compared with “the intelligent, grateful and outsponken millions who rejoice today that the Company of Jesus, ‘scarlet and splen did with eternal slander’, has endur ed, vigorously and fruitfully, for four centuries.” Archbishop Spellman spoke brief ly, recalling his close friendship with the Superior General of the Jesuits, the Very Rev. Wladimir Ledochow- ski and adding that the anniversary is a cause for rejoicing among ali Catholics. BOSTON. — St. Ignatius Loyola showed the world the difference be tween ‘Thy will be done” and “My will be done,” which is the essence of the fight today between Christian ity and the forces of evil, His emi nence William Cardinal O'Connell, Archbishop of Boston, declared in a tribute to the Society of Jesus here September 29. Speaking at services in the Church of the Immaculate Conception com memorating the Fourth Centenary of the Society's Confirmation, Cardinal O'Connell said it is when the words of the Lord’s prayer—“Thy will be done” are forgotten and “My will be done” substituted that a Master Will comes ar,d a few men dominate millions. At the time of Ignatius, he said, “there was disillusion, disinte gration, everywhere, because every man sought to excuse his own will in the name of liberty.” ‘What’ was needed at that time was pulling to gether and creating tremendous force which only unity can bring,” he add ed, saying Ignatius was the apostle “to bring that light, that incandes cent light.” He declared that “my will be done"—the command of the tyrant, the command of the totalita rian—“was causing absolute discord and chaos then as it is today.” “This boasting of having our own way," His Eminence continued, “is just trying to bluff ourselves. People are not having their own way. They cannot have their own way without complete chaos. For order and law there muht be obedience. Giving up our will to God's will, self-renuncia tion,—that is the keynote of the founding of the Society of Jesus. That is why it is the vanguard of the body of the Church; soldiers of JesuS Christ, knowing obedience down through the four centuries from St. Ignatius, who was a disciple of obe dience.” “Either we have the spirit of tyr anny from without or we choose the way of St. Ignatius, obedience to God's laws, and in that obedience we have complete renunciation which brings complete satisfaction as well as its own heaven,” His Eminence added. AUSTRIAN ROYAL FAMILY TO OCCUPY CANADIAN VILLA QUEBEC, Sept. 27—'The Imperial Family of Austria is being installed in the Villa St- Joseph at Berger- ville. The Sisters of St. Joan of Arc have placed the Villa and its surrounding park at the disposition of the Em press Zita and her family during their stay in Canada. Until 1849 it was a part of the Vive-Regal property at Spencer Wood. WASHINGTON,- Knights of Co lumbus of the Nation’s Capital hon ored their Patron and the Discoverer of America at exercises climaxed by a dinner attended by 400 persons- Principal speaker at the banquet was Matthew F. McGuire, Assistant Attorney General of the United States, who in his address asserted that the “divine faith” that inspired Christopher Columbus must fill the hearts of Americans if "this last cita del of freedom” is to survive. - The invocation was given by the Very Rev. Arthur A. O’Leary, S. J., President of Georgetown University, and the benefiction by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Peter Guilday, of the Catholic University of America. NEW YORK, — More than 5,009 marchers and spectators gathered un der the auspices of the Knights of Columbus at Columbus Circle for the K. of C. annual commemoration of Columbus Day. This was one of several observances held throughout the city by American and Italian-American organizations. At an earlier civic celebration at the same place, about 10,000 persons heard Lieutenant Governor Charles Poletti, of New York, while in a mes sage to a Columbus Day labor rally at the New York World's Fair Presi dent Roosevelt saluted Americans of Italian origin and Mayor La Guardia said there is no “racial fifth column” among Americans of Italian origin. Father Gillis Cites Calm of Pontiff in Face of World Ills (By N. C. W. C. News Agency) NEW YORK. — Despite the grave situation of the world, the Holy Father “does not grow hysterical” and while he does not minimize Present evils, ‘neither does he mag nify” them, declared the Rev. James M. Gillis, C. S. P.. editor of The Catholic World, in the first of his current series of addresses over the “Catholic Hour.” The “Catholic Hour” is broadcast over the R-ed Network of the Nation al Broadcasting Company through Station WEAF here and is produced by the National Council of Catholic Men. Taking as his theme, “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith." Father Gillis declared that because the Cath olic Church is a Universal Church and has a long memory, extending over 2,000 years, she does not suc cumb to the pessimism that sees the end of all things—civilization, relig ion, culture—as a result of the pres ent crisis. At least, he added, the Church does not doubt about her continuance and that of the civiliza tion she has created. “The Church has been here a long time,” lie went on, “and she is due to remain a longer time. ‘I am with you all days,” said her Divine Founder, ‘unto the end of the world.’ We often call the Church the Bark of Peter. When a storm on the Lake of Gen- esareth threatened to engulf the Bark of Peter and the disciples in alarm cried ‘Lord, save us, we perish’; the Master awoke from sleep, or from seeming sleep, and asked with divine calm, ‘Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?’ “I dare say that the original Peter never forgot that mild rebuke. His faith did not waver again. Neither does that of his successor, the pres ent Peter the Pope. The Holv Fath er does not grow hysterical. He does not pace up and down the corridors of the Vatican, crying ‘Woe! All is lost! This is the most serious crisis ever known; there never was a time like this!’ Not that he is apathetic; not that he blinds his eyes to the genuine gravity of the situation. He is awake, and alert. He is moder ately alarmed. But if he does not minimize the evil, neither does he magnify it. He is not only the suc cessor of Peter: he is vice-regent of Christ. As such he has taken on some of the calm, the interior peace, the mental balance, the emotional equilibrium of his Master. I suggest that we profit by his example."