The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, June 27, 1942, Image 12

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TWELVE THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA JUNE 27, 1942 Nurses Graduate From St. Josephs Hospital, Savannah (Special to The Bulletin) SAVANNAH, Ga.—The annual graduation exercises of the nurses’ training school of St. Joseph’s In firmary were held May 31 at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, with the Most Rev. Gerald P. O’Hara, D. D., J. U. D., Bishop of Savannah-Atlanta, presiding. Nurses who had successfully completed the three-year training course were Misses Mary Aranda, Mary Elliott, Esther Hall, Mar jorie Hall, Jean Hymes, LaTrelle Harvey, Jacqueline Lee, Sara Mooney, Eulalia Overstreet, Earle Grace Pierce, Mattie Keith Sim mons, Lynn Thurman, Marguerette Wilson, Evelyn Harris and Mary Zipperer. Immediately after the exercises a reception was held at the nurses’ home, followed by a luncheon in the nurses’ dining room of St. Joseph's Hospital. Bishop O’Hara and Miss Frieda Grefe, president of the Georgia State Nursing Asso ciation, and members of the fac ulty were guests, as were the Very Rev. Msgr. James J. Grady, the Rev. Robert Brennan, O. S. B„ chaplain of St. Joseph's School of Nursing, the Rev. John Morris, the Rev. Daniel J. Bourke, the Rev. John Toomey, Dr. E. J. Whelan, president of St. Joseph's medical staff, Dr. Nick Perlmutter, Joseph Pheifici, Mrs. Martha Gatzka Bey- tagh, former superintendent of nurses; Miss Mattie Jeffers, presi dent of the first district of the Georgia State Nursing Association; Miss Mary Colquitt, chairman of the local Red Cross Nurses’ Circle; Miss Sadie Cartwright, medical technologist; Mrs. Eugene Castle- man, dietician; Miss Nell Weir, former instructor of diet therapy; Mrs. Clare Andrews, Miss Julia Whelan and Mrs. Nell Alphonse, supervisors of hospital depart ments. Honor Roll Unveiled at Church in Sumter Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Henr/, Augusta, Observe 50th Wedding Anniversary Privates George F. Jennings and Charles H. D abbs, of the United States Marine Corps, are shown before the high altar of St. Anne’s Church. Sumter, S. C., at the unveiling of the Roll of Honor upon which are inscribed the names of the men and women of the parish now serving with the armed forces of the United States. Macon Parish Lists Names of Men in Service AUGUSTA, Ga. — On June 6th, 1892, the Sacred Heart Church in Augusta was the scene of the mar riage of Miss Katie Kennedy and Luke Henry. Their attendants, Miss Mamie Kelly and Joseph Henry were also present fifty years later at the Golden Wedding. On June 6th, 1942, Rev. John Morris, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s on the Hill offered Mass for Mr. and Mrs. Henry whose family and many friends received Holy Communion for their inten tions. On Sunday morning, the 7th, Rev. Thomas Brennan, Pastor, of fered Mass for the' Jubilarians and spoke warmly and graciously of this couple who had spent fifty golden years together. More than a hundred friends at tended the reception in the Henry home. The charming, wide rooms were filled with fragrant, colorful flowers sent by friends. The tea table, covered with exquisite cluny lace was beautifully appointed with crystal and gold. Yellow ros es formed the center piece, flank ed by candelabra with golden, lighted candles. Mrs. Henry, her self took pleasure in -cutting her golden wedding cake, topped by a charming bride and groom in min iature. Mrs. Henry who has been a member of the Mt. St. Joseph Alumnae asociation for fifty-one years received among other treas ured gifts an equisite hand-painted “Spiritual Bouquet” from the Sis ters of St. Joseph. His Excellency, Bishop O'Hara, called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry to greet them on this blessed occa sion. (Special to The Bulletin) MACON, Ga. — Through the ef forts of workers compiling the list of men from St. Joseph’s parish in military service a total of 45 names has been assembled, instead of the 30 originally known to be in ser vice, and their complete personal and military recrods are now be ing made up. It has been deemed proper to comply with the requests to include the names of soldiers who acquired membership in the parish by baptism, marriage, or residence, although the vast ma jority of names enrolled are men born, reared and educated in Ma con. The list to date includes; ARMY: Richard W. Adams, Jo seph K. Benedetto, John Bryan, Dr. Edward Canipelli, Vincent Canipelli, Obie Daly Calhoun, Ed ward T. Cassidy, Carl F. Chapman, Jr., J. M. Cutler, John Wesley Don ald, Howard Edwards, Daniel Ed wards, Norbert Engle, Ernest Ge- none, Jr., Joseph Genone, James F. Hobby, Thomas A. Huthnance, Elbert Jenkins, Jr., Anthony T. Jung, George Kahdy, Frank Long, Wesley Lanier, William A. McKen na, Jr., Andrew McKenna, Min- tc _• McKenna, Charles McBrearty, Albert H. McLellan, Francis P. McNelis, Michael O. McNellis, Mi- chiel A. Meath. Larkin Mulherin, Frank J. Orris, Marshall H. Pearce, Jr., Jack Roney, Charles A. Shafer, F. Daly Smith, James B. Sherling, Philip J. Sheridan, John R. Smith, James L. Starling and Joseph Wright. NAVY and MARINES: John Francis Adams, Julius J. Daly, J. G. Elmore, Jr., Edward D. Huth nance, Emory Martin, Edward Macken, Thomas Miller, Chris Mc- Murray, and Philip A. Stine, Ben Smith, Jr. Relatives of many of the men have already returned the desired family information and the men themselves are being asked to fur nish their military and naval rec ords, all of which is to be entered in the parish records for historical reference. James A. Rourke Dies in Savannah SAVANNAH, Ga. — Funeral ser vices for James A. Rourke, Sr., well-known foundry man who died on June 18, were held from the Sacred Heart Church. The Requiem Mass was offered by the Rev. Aloysius Wachter, O. S. B., who also gave the absolu tion and delivered the funeral sermon. Assisting in the sanctu ary were the Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. James McNamara, the Very Rev. Msgr. James J. Grady, the Very Rev. Boniface Bauer, O. S. B., the Very Rev. Thomas I. Sheehan, the Rev. Daniel J. Bourke, the Rev. Paul Milde, O. S. B., the Rev. Edward J. Dodwell, the Rev. John Toomey, and the Rev. Peter Triz- zino, O. S. B. Two seminarians, Phillip Ogilvie and Joseph Ware, were acolytes. Members of the religious com munities and a number of the girls from St. Mary’s Home were in the large congregation that at tended the funeral services. Born in Savannah, April 16, 1872, Mr. Rourke is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Walter J. Muller, Miss Mary Rourke and Miss Elizabeth Rourke; three sons John Z. Rourke, Arthur L. Rourke, and James A. Rourke, Jr., a broth er Judge John Rourke, Jr., and two sisters, Sisters Mary Victorine and Mrs. Marie McAnerney. Mr. Rourke, prominent in the foundry industry and shipping in Savannah for many years, became the sole owner of Rourke’s Iron Works in 1934. His three sons were connected with him in the re organization of the business, thej Piedmont Deanery N.C.C.W. Meets in Spartanburg, S. C. SPARTANBURG, S. C. — The Greenville Deanery of the Charles ton Diocesan Council of Catholic Women met in Spartanburg, June 16th, at the NCCS-USO hall. Fifty women from the Piedmont section attended the luncheon which pre ceded the business session. Rev. Francis O. Ferri, pastor of St. Paul’s Church opened the meet ing with prayer and welcomed the guests. Mrs. Martin O'Brien of Spartanburg, president of the Deanery conducted the meeting. Miss Bridget Mullaney, Chief of the Nursing Staff of Camp Croft gave a very interesting talk on Ca tholicity in the Philippines, the Orient and European countries in which she has travelled. Reports were submitted, from all affiliated organizations and standing committees. The Presi dent commended them for the splendid work that is being accom plished in all parishes of the Deanery. Father Anthony Feeherry, chap- dain, who is leaving Camp Croft, gave his blessing, and asked the prayers of all for the fine boys who are serving their country. Also attending the meeting were Rev. Karl Weiss, Rev. Fr. Jos. Rainey, Rev. Fr. Jas. Liston, Rev. Fr. Francis Maguire, Roy Aiken, Edward Cummins, and Sam Fran cis, director of the NCCS-USO club. In the absence of Mrs. W. F. BY DECREE of the President of the Republic, Dr. Eduardo Santos, the Cross of Boyaca, the highest decoration of the Colombian Gov ernment, has been conferred upon the Papal Secretary of State and other Vatican officials who par ticipated in the preparation of the recently signed concordatory amendment between Colombia and the Holy See. LITTLE FLOWER CAMP For girls in the Blue Ridge Mountains, 12 miles from Ashe ville, offers unique feature of learning conversational French. Swimming, dancing, tennis, basket ball, volley ball, dramatics, music, arts and crafts, nature lore, horseback riding, exploring ;rips, all under careful supervision. ■ CAMP RATED “A” BY STATE AUTHORITIES Address ASHEVILLE REVEREND MOTHER SL Genevieve-of-the-Pines NORTH CAROLINA shops of which are complete and . Kraemer of Anderson, Mrs. Tom heavily equipped. MRS. ALTHEA BLOODWORTH FUNERAL IN SAVANNAH SAVANNAH, Ga. — Funeral services for Mrs. Althea Noble Bloodworth, who died here on May 18, were held from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Mrs. Bloodworth was the daugh ter of the late Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Noble, of Brunswick, and spent her early life in that city, later making her home in Tampa. She is survived by two sons, Robert Bloodworth and Edgar Bloodworth, of Savanah, and five sisters, in cluding Airs. Army N. Royal, of Brunswick. THOMAS L. DUGGAN DIES IN SAVANNAH SAVANNAH, Ga.—Funeral ser vices for Thomas L. Duggan, who died May 30, were held from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. FLAGS BLESSED, HONOR ROLL UNVEILED AT ST. ANNE’S CHURCH, SUMTER Armstrong was acting secretary. The Deanery voted to send money for stamps to mail their “Talk-a-letter-home” records for the soldiers at Camp Croft hos pital. Mrs. Leonard Becker, president of the local Council was assisted in making arrangements by Mrs. Arvid Klemetsma, Mrs. Ned Joyce, Mrs. Rose McClellion, Mrs. J. E. Dupre, and Mrs. H. G. Dickinson. Registrars were Miss Ellen Roper and Mrs. H. Loveling. (Special to The Bulletin) SUMTER, S. C. — On May with appropriate ceremony, a United States Flag and a Papal Flag were blessed and installed k» the sanctuary of St. Anne's Church by the Rev. John P. Clancy, the pastor. The procession, formed in the church yard, was led by the cross- bearer, Robert Bauman, followed by the acolytes, Tech. Sgt. Lary W. Robinson and Corp. Domenic Rosa, of Shaw Field. The National Col ors were borne by Pfc. Charles Dabbs, Jr., the Papal Colors by Pvt. George F. Jennings. Lt. Com. P. Emery Huth and Lt. Gerald J. Whelan, and the color-guard, were followed by Father Clancy and the Rev. Timothy McGrath, assistant pastor at St. Anne’s. Preceding the sermon, which was delivered by Chaplain Whelan, of Shaw Field, Privates Dabbs and Jennings, members of St. Anne’s parish, now serving with the U. S. Marine Corps, unveiled the Honor Roll of St. Anne’s church, on which lists the names of thirty-one members of the parish serving in the nation’s armed forces. On the honor roll of the parish appears the names of Robert J. Baumann, Paul Boulis, Hugh Brad ford, John C. Brennan, William J. Brennan, G. Weber Bryan, Harry R. Bryan, James Bryan, Dr. Robert B. Bultman, Brennan Calder, Charles Dabbs, Robert Dabbs, G. Bernard Epperson, H. Girard Fol- lin, John Paul Gerald, Robert Ger ald, Vincent Greffet, Dr. P. Emery Huth, George Jennings, James S. Joseph, William A. Nimmer, James D. Richardson, George S. Richard son, John F. Livingston, Leon A. Richardson, Thomas C. Richard son, Albert J. Shaleughy, Herbert Smith, T. Edgar Smith and Miss Tilly Johnson. The sermon was followed by Solemn Benediction, with Father Clancy as celebrant, Chaplain Whelan, as deacon, and Father McGrath, subdeacon. Music for the service was rendered by St. Anne’s choir, with Miss Virginia Dabbs, organist. Spartanburg 'Observes Feast of Corpus Christi SPARTANBURG, S. C. — The feast of Corpus Christi was observ ed in Spartanburg by the celebra tion of a Solemn High Mass on the lawn of St. Paul’s Church. The celebrant of the Mass was the Rev. Anthony Feeherry, C. P., U. S. Army chaplain at Camp Croft, with other chaplains, the Rev. Francis McGuire, S. J., and Fath er Whelly serving as deacon and subdeacon. Father Wuest deliver ed the sermon. Attending clergy included the Rev. Francis O. Fer ri, pastor of St. Paul's Church, and the Rev. Joseph Raney. Members of the Holy Name So ciety from Camp Croft attended, and the Mass was sung by the ser vice men’s choir. A procession in which soldiers and members of the congregation participated was held to the three outdoor altars from which Benediction was given. Following the service, a picnic lunch was served by the . local Council of Catholic Women.. MRS. FRANK SALAS DIES IN SAVANNAH SAVANNAH, Ga.—Funeral ser vices for Mrs. Mary Cecile Hunter Salas, widow of the late Frank Salas, who died May 30, were held from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Mrs. Salas is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Charles F. Pochon, Miss Ellen Hunter and Miss Julie Hunter, all of Brooklyn, N. Y., and one brother James J. Hunter of Savannah. _ PHONE 8837 OR 8084 JAMES W. F0UGHNER PLUMBING AND HEATING CD. SODA FOUNTAINS AND CARBONATORS SERVICE “SANITARY PLUMBING” 6 WEST BRYAN ST. SAVANNAH, GA. Best Wishes RYAN’S Bull and 49th Street Savannah, Ga.