The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, July 25, 1942, Image 14

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FOURTEEN THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA JULY 25, 1942 Redemptorist Fathers' Trailer Chapel Again Tours North Carolina (Special to The Bulletin NEWTON GROVE, N. C.—Our Lady of Perpetual Help Motor Chapel, the trailer church of the Redemptorist Fathers, has start ed its second tour of the State of North Carolina. Last year over 40.000 persons attended these out door services. The keen interest and kindly reception given to the trailer induced the Rev. John F. Renehan, C. SS. R., and the Rev. Hugo, C. SS. R., to conduct an other series of “Catholic revivals ’ throughout the Diocese of Raleigh. From the headquarters of the trailer chapel at Holy Redeemer Church. Newton Grove the priests set out for two lonely backroad junctions, Peacock's Crossroads and McLambs Crossroads. Here for a week in each place they had an average attendance Of 500 with the singing of the “Star- Spangled Banner,” then follows a short period of Bible reading, then a lecture of some point of Catho lic doctrine, *which is followed by a Question period. Finally of "God Bless America.” Following outdoor services in Smithfield, and visits of a week each in Goldsboro, Wilson, and Rocky Mount, the trailer chapel will proceed to Chapel Hill, where it will be parked for a week on the campus of the University of North Carolina, where lectures will be .given to the students, many of whom are preparing for military or naval service. From Chapel Hill the trailer chapel will go to Graham, Salisbury, Kannapolis, Charlotte, Southern Pines, Dunn, Clinton, and Newton Grove. The present schedule will carry the Redemptorist Fathers and their trailer chapel into.October. By that time the evenings are too cool for outdoor services. During the winter months, Father Renehan. w ho is pastor of the church at Newton Grove, will follow up the missionary work of the trailer chapel by correspondence and per sonal visits. His Wit Trapped Saboteurs FATHER HARRISON A. MAR TIN has been released from nis duty as assistant pastor of St. Mat thias’ Church, New Orleans, ^for duty as a chaplain in the U. S. Army. Father Martin has been a-signed to Camp Wheeler, Geor gia. Coast Guardsman John Cornelius Cullen, 21-year-old parishioner of St. Robert Church, Bayside Hills, L. I., is congratulated by Vice Ad miral Russell R. Waesche, commandant of the United States Coast Guard, for his alertness in outwitting four of the eight Nazi saboteurs, now on trial, as they waded ashore from a submarine off Long Island. Mr. Cullen, who pretended to accept a bribe and then raced to give the alarm, has been promoted to the rank of coxswain foe. his devotion to duty. WAR SERVICE GROUP OF DECATUR PARISH HOST TO SOLDIERS ATLANTA. Ga.—The War Ser vice Group of St. Thomas More Church, Decatur, sponsored an open house for service men at the Columbian Club on Sunday, July 5. Mrs. Grace Chisolm was the hostess and the guests included soldiers from Lawson General Hospital, Fort McPherson, the Quartermaster Depot at Conley, and men from the Naval Reserve Aviation aBse. Service men were guests of At lanta Coupncil, Knights of Colum bus, at a Fourth of July dance. The chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. William McAlpin, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. oJhn McMaius, Mrs. George Hansen. Mrs. Mae McAlpin and Mrs. Ar thur Connely, Winston-Salem Boy Scouts Receive Awards Membership and Its Privileges The payment of the small sum of (S3.00) dollars a year entitles you to full membership in the Female Orphan Benevolent Society and (lie inestimable privileges attached thereto. Twice a month the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is said at the Home, daily the prayers of the orphans and sisters ascend to our Heavenly Father, and regularly each month Holy Communion is offered for the spiritual and temporal wel fare of the living and deceased patrons, members and benefactors. Do not disregard these priceless benefits. Every Catholic in Georgia should be a member of the Society. If you are a resident of Savannah, Albany. Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Brunswick. Columbus, Dublin, Macon, Milledgeville, Rome, Valdosta, or Waycross, send your name to any one of the Lady Collectors living in those cities and you will be called on regularly for the amount you desire to subscribe. If you reside elsewhere in Georgia, send your subscription to President, Female Orphans Benevolent Society, P. O. Box No. 2, Savannah, Geor gia. Acknowledgement will be made promptly and your name will be Inscribed on our Roll of Honor. For your convenience a form of Application for Membership ap pears below. MARRIAGES JONES-CUNNINGHAM -O I O— — o AUGUSTA, Ga.—Of interest here is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Charlotte Cun ningham, of St. Paul, Minn., and Mr. Gordon E. Jones, of Augusta and St. Paul, at the Sacred Heart Church in St. Paul. Mr. Jones is the son of Mrs. Willie Jones, of Augusta, and the late Thomas E. Jones. He is now stationed at Fort Snelling, Minn. O THORPE-HIGHSMITH O O FLORENCE, S. C.—Mrs. Zebu- Ion Francis Highsmith announce the marriage of her daughter. Miss Mary Joye Highsmith. and Ensign Clifford Armand Thorpe, of the U. S. Coast Guard Reserve, at St Anthony’s Church, on June 23. the Rev. W. A. Tobin officiating. Ensign Thorpe is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Armand Thrope, of Atlanta. O- DURB AN-HE RT WIG O- MACON, Ga.—Miss Maria Hert- wig, daughter of Mrs. Marie Palm er Hertwig and the late Rev. Ed ward Jean Hertwig, and Lieu tenant Frampton Durban, of Ai ken, S. C., were married on July 5 at Post Chapel No. 4, Camp Wheeler, Chaplain Barnett, of Camp Wheeler officiating. Lieutenant Durban is the son of George A. Durban, of Augusta and Aiken, and Mrs. Rosa Wyman Durban, of Aiken. O O LINDSEY-PRIPISH | O O ALBANY, Ga.—Miss Dorothy Lindsey, daughter of I. C. Lindsey, of Albany, and Mr. John Pripish, of Milwaukee, Wis., and Albany, were married July 3 in St. The resa’s Church, the Rev. James A. King officiating Mr. and Mrs. Pripish will make their home in Augusta. O- -O LEE- STRONG O O NEW BERN, N. C.—Miss Avis Jean Strong, of Grand Rapids, Mich., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Strong, and Staff Sergeant Michael J. Lee, of the U. S. Marine Corps, Cherry Point, and son of Mrs. Mary F. Lee, of Miami, were married on June 7 at St. Paul’s Church here. O o ORMROD-BUNCE O- o SUMTER, S. C.—Miss Mary Au drey Bunce, of Baltimore, and Mr. Roland Sinclair Ormrod, Jr., of Shaw Field, were married on June 13 at St. Anne’s Church here, the Rev. Gerald J. Whelan, U. S. Army chaplain at Shaw Field, officiating. O- COVEY-WILLIAMS -a -o BESNES-LOYSEN O- Application For Membership To the Officers and Members of the Female Orphan Benevolent Society, Savannah, Georgia: Please enroll my name as a member of your Society. I agree to pay until further notice Dollars annual dues, payable. NAME ADDRESS (Special to The Bulletin) O- WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.,—Boy Scouts of Troop 58, sponsored by the local council of the Knights of Columbus, were presented with awards at an impressive service held in St. Leo’s Church. The Rev. Ronald Scott, O. F. M., pastor of St. Benedict the Moor Church, blessed the insignia, med als and service bars that were pre sented to the Scouts by the Rev. Thomas A. Williams, pastor of Holy Trinity Church, Kinston Diocesan Boy Scout Chaplain. Ci tations of the Scouts receiving awards were announced by the Rev. Michael J. Begley, pastor of St. Leo’s Church. Tenderfoot insignia was present ed Jack Wright, who was sponsor ed by Garland Bcrnara. leader of the Cobra Conrtol. “Ad Altare Dei” awards were given to Alex Nicholas, leader of the Beaver Pa trol, to Clark Trent, assistant pa trol leader and troop quartermas ter; William Naughton, senior patrol leader and charter mem ber of the troop. Assistant Scoutmaster John Widdifield was awarded a gold bar of honor for exceptional service. Second division awards won by the Beaver Patrol at the Old Hick ory Council Camporee, were pre sented to Alexis Nicholas, Glark Trent, John Cunningham, Brooks Holder, James Stanley and Ray Farrell. Following a sermon, appropriate to the occasion, delivered by Father Wililams, Solemn Benedic tion was given with Father Wil liams as celebrant, Father Ronald as deacon, and Father Begley as subdeacon. The Scouts recited the Act of Consecration to Our Lady, with Scoutmaster Clark Trent leading. The troop committee, compos ed of Joseph G. Ledwith, A. R. Nicolas, Bernard DuPlessis, Wil liam F. Farrel, Sr., John A. Daye, Alvin Crawder, attended in a body. Paul A. McCarthy, Diocesan Com mitteeman, was also present as were the following executives of Old Hickory Council. W. E. Vaughan-Lloyd, Scout executive. Old Hickory Council; G. E. Ash- well, assistant executive; H. Banks Newman, commissioner, Roy Hin- shaw. Forsyth district commission er; Charles Ferguson, neighbor hood commissioner; Reginald Moore, a former scout of the Raleigh Council, and win ner of the Silver Bugle award, sounded “Taps” at the conclusion of the secvico. O ALBANY, Ga.—Miss Helen Bar bara Bernes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bernes, of Roches ter, N. Y., and Alton James Loy- sen, of Turner Field, were married June 27 in St. Theresa’s Church, the Rev. James A. King officiating. TRAYNOR-CROOM o o LA GRANGE, Ga. — Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Bush Croom an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Lola Waller Croom, to Mr. Philip Myers Traynor on June 13 at the Cathedral of St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo., the Rev. Gerald J. Kaiser officiating. Mr. Traynor, the son of Captain and Mrs. Francis Philip Traynor, formerly of Washington, now of Coronado, Col., is stationed at Scott Field, 111., with the Army Air Corps. O O MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga.—Miss Margaret Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams, and R. W. J. Covey were married on June 17 at the Sacred Heart. Church, the Very Rev. Msgc. Joseph G. Cassidy officiating. CRYMES-POULOS —O o o ATLANTA, Ga.—Announcement, is made of the marriage of Miss Rubye Theresa Crymes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Crymes, to Mr. James Everly Poulos, at the rectory of the Sacred Heart Church, on June 13, the Rev. .John Emmerth. S. M., officiating. Mr. Poulos is the son of Mr.: and Mrs. George D. Poulos. O BEECH-WEST | o— o NEW BERN, N. C.—Miss Rhea Marie West, of Philadelphia, and Staff Sergeant George John Beech, also of Philadelphia, were married on June 27 at St. Egbert’s Church, at Morehead City, N. C. Sergeant and Mrs. Beech will make their home in New Bern. GEORGIA STATE COUNCIL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Rev. J. G. Callaghan, S. M Brunswick, State Chaplain Thos. J. Canty. Savannah. State Deputy R. Hahenicht Casson. Macon, Past State Deputy Brian O’Brien, Atlanta, State Secretary R. S. Heslen, Augusta, State Treasurer Salvador Suauo. Columbus. State Warden Herman Hultn, Macon. State Advocate ATLANTA COUNCIL, NO. 660 Gram, Knight W. J. McAlpin 2223 Willow Avenue. N. E. Financial Secretary J. I. Oberst 1431 Beecher Street, S. W. Council Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, at 8 P. M„ at the Council House, 1240 Peachtree St.. N. E. Club House Open Every Day and Evening at the Above Address. SAVANNAH COUNCIL No. 631 A. J. Schano Grand Knight J 8 McDonald Financial Secretary Frank Puder. R. S. Meets Second and Fourth Wednesdays 8 PM. 3 West Liberty Street Savannah Ga Bishop Gross Council No. 1019 LOUIS C. KUNZE Grand Knight L. C. KUNZE, Jr. Financial Secretary Meets First and Third Wednes day. 8PM 802 Broadway Cathnllr Club Bldg. Columbus Ga. Patrick Walsh Council No. 677 J. P. Price Grand Knight R. S. Heslen. Financial Sec. Meets 2nd and 4th Monday Visiting Brothels Welcome 1412 Greene St Augusta. Ga Macon Council, No. 925 Francis Cassidy Grand Knight Herman lluhn Financial Secretary Meets the First and Third Tuesday, 8:15 P M„ in Mitchell Hall ot the Catholic Club. 521 New St Mulberry St, Macon. Gn. Henry Thomas Ross Council; No. 1939 C. J. Kinstle. Grand Knight E. B. Loti Financial Secretary 1811 F Street Meets Second and Fourth days at Knights ol Co lumbus Hall. Brunswick Ga