The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, May 22, 1943, Image 19

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MAY 22, 1943 THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMENS ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA NINETEEN ► \ Leading Firms of Columbus, Ga. BEST WISHES COLONIAL BAKING COMPANY POST OFFICE BOX 1140 1044 13TH STREET TELEPHONE 4660 Columbus, Georgia. BEST WISHES from COMPANY »UH« aA>1€ Columbus’ Finest Mens Store KIRALFY’S Distinctive Ready-to-Wear Millinery, Shoes and Accessories 1139 Broadway COLUMBUS, GEORGIA BEST WISHES National Show Case Company Builders of NATIONAL FIXTURES WE BUILD TO ENDURE Columbus, Georgia BEST WISHES HAYNIE’S, Inc. Exclusive Piece Goods Store 1207 BROADWAY COLUMBUS, GA. IN COLUMBUS IT’S NEWBERRY’S ACME LAUNDRY One of Georgia’s Finest Launderers ami Cleaners Finished Family Wash Rug and Carpet Cleaning Phones 54-55 1318-20 First Avenue FUR STORAGE COLUMBUS• GEORGIA Cimco, Gayefy and Bridesmaid Flour Pearce's Waiergronnd Meal, Cimco Feeds Made in Columbus. CITY MILLS CO. Congratulations and Best Wishes to Father Dan McCarthy COLUMBUS IRON WORKS COLUMBUS. GEORGIA - BEST WISHES Wm. Beach Hardware Co. Wholesale HARDWARE Retail —HBC-- BUILDERS’ AND MILL SUPPLIES—SPORTING GOODS FARM IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS. CUTLERY. PAINTS, VARNISHES COLUMBUS, GEORGIA Columbus’ Oldest : >mi Best PLAZA CAFE Completely Air Conditioned Exclusively Western Steaks and Chops We Also Serve CHINESE, CREOLE and ITALIAN DISHES 1230 Broadway Columbus, Ga. Best Wishes KfLLER-TAYLOR SHOE GO. • Incorporated) ‘"THE SHOE AND STOCKING STORE” Columbus, Georgia CITY PHARMACY Jack Walton Management 14 Thirteenth St. Dial 2-2577-8 Columbus, Georgia