The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, July 31, 1943, Image 13

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JULY 31,1943 THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA THIRTEEN North Carolina K. of C. Plan Fourth Degree Exemplification RALEIGH, N. C. —Plans are being made by the Bishop Mc- Guinness Fourth Degree Assembly of the Knights of Columbus here for the exemplification of that de gree on October 17. _ A meeting of the fourth degree members of the Knights of Colum bus in North Carolina was held here recently at a banquet which followed a Mass celebrated in the Sacred Heart Cathedral by the Most Rev. Eugene J. McGuinness, D. D., Bishop of Raleigh, in whose honor the only fourth degree as sembly in the state was named. John P. Cummings is faithful navigator of the assembly, other officers being Oscar C. Allen, faithful admiral; Anthony Red mond, faithful captain; Dr. J. A. Kosterman, faithful pilot; George D. Burkett, faithful comptroller; Patrick E. Young, faithful seribe. and Harry Cunningham, faithful purser. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Dennis A. Lynch. Chancellor of the Diocese of Raleigh, is faithful friar. Chaplain Barr at New Post of Duty AUGUSTA, Ga. — Captain Harold J. Barr, former pastor of St. Mary’s-on-The-Hill Church here, now serving as a United States Army chaplain in the Southern Pacific war area, writes that he is now on duty at a new post, the identity of which is not being revealed. Father Barr writes that at his new post of duty the enlisted man who has been assigned as his clerk is George Toler, of Philadelphia, who is acquainted with the Most Rev. Gerald P. O’Hara, Bishop of Savannah-Atlanta, who is also a native of Philadelphia. Father Barrs successor at his former post is Father Ralph O’Neill, a Jesuit, who also comes from the City of Brotherly Love. Much pleased with his recent change of scenery. Father Barr is having an opportunity to meet again some of the men that he knew when he was stationed at the air base in Savannah. He may be addressed as Capt. H. J. Barr, 0-572964. Hq. 27th Air Depot Group, Care of Postmaster, A. P. O. 929, San Francisco. Cal. HAVERTY Furniture Company BROUGHTON and JEFFERSON STREETS The Home of Good Furniture anad House of Standard Brands • Simmons • Congoleum • Magic-Chief • Philco • General-Electric • Lane Cedar Chest • Firth-Styled Rugs • Huntley Furniture . • Marsh Kitchen, • Storkline Baby Furniture • Birmingham Heaters • Florence Stoves and Ranges WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Best Wishes -Bill Brady CHATHAM PRINTING CO. (John J. Stevens, Jr.) PHONE 2-132* 109 West State St Savannah, Ga. Directs St, Mary’s Home BISHOP O’HARA His Excellency the Most Reverend Gerald P. O’Hara. D. D.. J. U. D.. Bishop of Savannah-Atlanta, who as President of the Female Orphan Benevolent Society, directs St. Mary's Home, conducted by the Sis ters of Mercy in Savannah, Georgia. Camp St. Ann Closes Eleventh Annual Session (Special to The Bulletin) GREENVILLE, S. C. — After three weeks of operation. Camp St. Ann’s, the Catholic vacation school at Rocky Bottom, Pickens. S. C„ closed its eleventh annual session on July 11. Over a hundred children, representing thirty towns in the Diocese of Charleston, at tended, among them being two Hawaiians, who had been evacuat ed from Pearl Harbor after the Japanese attack. Two of the children attending the camp were baptized, twelve received their first Holy Commun ion, and the Sacrament of Con firmation was administered to twenty of the campers by the Most Rev. Emmet M. Walsh. Bishop of Charleston. The Rbv. Sydney F. Dean, as sistant pastor of"St. Mary’s Church, Greenville, was director of the camp, and the staff included Sis ter M. Ursula, Sister Mary. Sister Annuneiata, Sister Martha, of Greenville; Frater John Nedley, Frater Edward Wahl, Frater Joseph Richmond and Frater Henry Trevlin, of the Oratory of St. Philip, Rock Hill. Allen Jef fords, Florence; Frank Murphy, Dorchester, Mass.; Donald Ham burger, Columbia, and Alfred Seiner, Spartanburg. Misses Carol Louise Thorny, Lake City; Edith Lewis, Florence: Mary Bultman. Columbia; Agnes Grobusky, Walhalla, and Lorice Dow. Greenville,- were in charge of the recreation for the girl campers. Mrs. Agnes Patton and Miss Ellen Habernicht were in charge of the dining hall, and the infirmary was supervised by Miss Laura Svendsen. R. N„ and Miss Virginia Svendsen, R. N., of Charleston. On the evening before the camp closed its session, commencement exercises were held and a one- act play. “For God and Country,” was presented. Prizes for classwork were award ed Ralph Jackson, Rock Hill; Nancy McLemore, Columbia, John Friel. Spartanburg; Carolyn Gold smith, Greenville; Robert Gregg. Rock Hill; Mary Bindewald. Greenville; Sybil McMahon. Co lumbia; Inga Svendsen. James Island; Betty Chapman. Walhalla; Jack Margeson, Atlanta; Jane Goldsmith. Greenville; Tom Berry, Greenville; Mary Jane Brigham. Greenville; Evelyn Howard. Co lumbia; Agnes Grobusky. Walhal la; Donald Cason. Rock Hill; Bar bara Viola, Rock Hill; Francis Ser- ce,r Columbia: Peggy Branigan. Rock Hill; Mary Lunkeheimer. Chester. Earl Murphy. Columbia, and Billy Roche, Whitmire. monsignor McNamara CONDUCTS USO INSTITUTE SAVANNAH, Ga. — The Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. James McNamara, Sa vannah-Atlanta diocesan moderator of the USO-NCCS Clubs in Geor gia, has returned from Atlanta where he attended a three-day in stitute on leadership held at the Piedmont Hotel at which were present all key personages of the USO in the entire Southeastern district, comprising seven states. The final talk at the institute was delivered by Monsignor Mc Namara, who spoke on the phi losophy of the United Service Or ganizations and on the motivation which caused the National Cath olic Community Service to become an affiliated agency of the USO. Prior to the Atlanta institute REV. PAUL MILDE HEADS BENEDICTINE SCHOOL, SAVANNAH (Special to The Bulletin SAVANNAH, Ga. — Word has been received from Belmont Ab bey that the Rey. Paul Milde, O. S. B., has been appointed principal of the Benedictine Military School here, succeeding the Rev. Gregory Eichenlaub, O. S. B. Father Paul is well known in Savannah, having served as a member of the faculty of Benedic tine Military School since 1927. He is a native of Brooklyn, N. Y. After graduating from St. Francis College in Brooklyn, he attended the Catholic University of America in Washington, D. C., where he re ceived his master’s degree. Since the completion of his study at Catholic University, Father Paul has been engaged in teaching. He taught at Carlton Academy, N. J., at Belmont Abbey College, Bel mont, N. C., and has been an in structor in mathematics, science and _ English, at the Benedictine School for 16 years. Father Paul is an experienced teacher and disciplinarian. He is a member of the American Legion, having served with the United States Army during the first World War. For the past ten years he has also served as pastor of Our Lady of Good Hope Chapel at Isle of Hope. MRS. J. J. REYNOLDS NAMED ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF USO CLUB IN CHARLESTON CHARLESTON, S. C—Edward J. Cummins, director of the Port of Embarkment USO Club, operat ed by the National Catholic Com munity Service here, has ■ an nounced the appointment of Mrs. J. J. Reynolds as assistant direc tor. Mrs. Reynolds, a past president of the Parent-Teacher Association of the Cathedral School, is. an ac tive member of the National Coun cil of Catholic Women and has several times represented the Charleston Diocesan Council at national conventions. Her mother, the late Mrs. Julius E. Smith, was president of the Community Club for Enlisted Men in Charleston during the World War. Mrs. Reynolds is the mother of three children, Miss Josephine Rey nolds, Miss Catherine Reynolds, and Jack Reynolds, all of whom Monsignor McNamara conducted 1 seminars at the USO Clubs at have been active in various de Myrtle Beach. • fense and war efforts. Membership and Its Privileges THE FIRST NATIVE BISHOP Iceland has known in almost four hundred years was consecrated in the Capital of the United States by the Most Rev. Amleto Giovan ni Cieognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States. He is the Most Rev. Johannes Gunarsson. Titular Bishop of Holar and Vicar Apostolic of Iceland. The payment of the small sum of ($3.00) dollars a year entitles you to full membership in the Female Orphan Benevolent Society and the inestimable privileges attached thereto. Twice a month the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is said at the Home, daily the prayers of the orphans and sisters ascend to our Heavenly Father, and regularly each month Holy Communion is offered for the spiritual and temporal wel fare of the living and deceased patrons, members and benefactors. D« not disregard these priceless benefits. Every Catholic in Georgia should be a member of the Society. If you are a resident of Savannah, Albany, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta. Brunswick,. Columbus, Dublin, Macon, Milledgevillc, Rome, Valdosta, or Waycross, send you name to any one of the Lady Collectors living in those cities and you will be called on regularly for the amount yon desire to subscribe. If you reside elsewhere in Georgia, send you subscription to President, Female Orphans Benevolent Society, P. O. Box No. 2, Savannah, Geor gia. Acknowledgement will be made promptly and your name will be inscribed on our Roll of Honor. For your convenience a form of Application for Membership ap pears below. Application For Membership To the Officers and Members of the Female Orphan . Benevolent Society, Savannah, Georgia; \ Please enroll my name as a member of your Society. I agree to pay until further notice Dollars annual dues, payable NAME ADDRESS