The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, February 24, 1945, Image 1

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Published by the Catholic Lay men’s Association of Georgia liefin Vol. XXVI. No. 2. “To Bring About a Friendlier Feeling Among Neighbors Irre spective of Creed” TWENTY PAGES AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 24, 1945 ★ ★★ ISSUED MONTHLY—$2.00 A YEAR Bulletins ' ... LED RANGERS in bataan rescue BRANDING AS “arbitrary, false and (-aluminous'’ recent attacks leveled against the Pope and the Vatican by journalists and radio speakers in Soviet Russia, “Os- servatore Romano" says it will not he possible to erect an efficient and lasting peace when there are those who persist in sacrificing truth to sectarian passions. VATICAN CIRCLES have em phatically declared to be entirely false the recent assertion over Radio Moscow that the Holy See has at its disposal large sums of capital in Argentina. Vatican cir cles also pointed out that the de valuation of the Italian lira has seriously affected the financial po sition of the Holy See. ARCHBISHOP Cesare Orsenigo, Papal Nuncio to Germany, has moved to Bavaria following the bombardment of his residence in Berlin, it has been made known in Vatican City. FRANCE’S Provisional Govern ment has officially announced the n unination of the famed Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain as the first Ambassador of the Fourth Republic to the Holy See The new Ambassador is a convert. PROFESSOR ISRAEL ZOL- Ll. former Head Rabbi of the Israelite community in Rome, took the names Pius Eugene in Bap tism in homage (o' the Holy Fath er. Professor Zolli and liis wife were baptized on February 1 by Archbishop Luigi Tragalia. Vice regent for Rome. MOTHER GRACE DAMMANN. Of the Religious of the Sacred Heart, President of Manhattan- ville College, and one of the na tion’s leading women educators died on February 16. “Big 3” Agreement on Poland Explain: Orthodox Attack on Vatican, Asses Georgetown University Vice-Presides The leader of the 400 picked men of the Sixth U. S. Rangers and Filipino Guerrillas who made a commando raid 25 miles behind the Japanese lines to empty a Prison camp near Cabu, of 513 Allied prisoners, was Lt. Col. Henry A. Mucci, left, a- Catholic hero from Bridgeport, Conn. Among the brave officers assist ing him were, Lieut. J. Frank Murphy, right, graduate of Ca thedral High School, Springfield, Mass., and Lieut. William J. O'Connell (not pictured), of Ca thedral parish, Boston. (NCWC.) k. Oklahomans Tender Bishop McGuinness Testimonial Dinner (By N. C. \V. C. News Service) OKLAHOMA CITY—The Most Lev. Eugene J. McGuincss. new Coadjutor Bishop of Oklahoma city and Tulsa, was honored here at a testimonial dinner attended l>.v more than 700 Oklahomans, among those present being the Most Rev. Francis C. Kcllev. Bishop of Oklahoma City and I’ulsa; Governor Robert S. Kerr of Oklahoma, and Mayor Robert A. Hefner of Oklahoma City. In welcoming Bishop McGuincss. Bishop Kelley called him the best friend lie had in all the world. “I'm just a poor old fellow who did his best, he told the audience, “in troducing a new fellow who will do better.” Amid tremendous applause Bishop McGuincss replied: "1 am going to carry on the work which Bishop Kelley has done so well. If in 20 years I can garner the af fection which has come to Bishop Kelley, 1 shall be a very happy man.” j Slur at Vatican Insults Catholics of Nation, Says Archbishop Spellman Harry Hopkins and Staff Received by Holy Father (By N. C. W. C. News Service) NEW YORK—“It is impossible for me to believe that 1,600 Amer icans manifesting their allegiance to the spirit of the Nazarene, should act in contradiction to His teachings unless there has been imposition on their good faith, (lie Most Rev. Francis J. Spellman, Archbishop of New York, declared here in reference to the deelara tion, made public by Kenneth Les lie, editor of The Protestant maga zine, of a group of religious lead ers alleging that "the Papacy has thrown its weight into the scales of the present human struggle on the side of the enemies of de mocracy.” The declaration, addressed to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Premier Josef Stalin, said also (he establishments of religion how ever widely representative, how ever exalted, have no place at the council tables of State. According to its sponsors, the statement has 1.600 signatories, more of thepi ordained ministers. “It is difficult for me t<) believe •hat there are ‘1,600 ordained min isters and religious leaders’ i - our country who would put their names to a document offering insult to 20,000,000 fellow Americans who are at least doing their Share to win the war and serve and save our country, and whose religion teaches them to love their neigh bor—every neighbor—even those "’ho make it their business to sow cockle,” Archbishop Spellman said in an address to 3,500 Boy Scouts gathered at St. Patrick's Cathedral in observance of Scout Sunday Adding that if the signers had ever taken the Boy Scout oath they would never have signed the docu ment. he urged the boys always to respect others and never lower yourselves to attack the belief of others.” Archbishop Spellman said sign ers of 1 lie declaration had done a' disservice to national unity. He spoke after presiding at Vespers celebrated in observance of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the founding of Scouting in l His coun try. The Very Rev. Msgr. Edward Roberts Moore, director of the Na tional Catholic Committee on Scouting, officiated at Solemn Benediction. President Roosevelt, in Letter to Nun. Recalls His Relationship to Mother Seton (Radio. N. C. W. C. News Service) V A J lc AN CITY.—The audience which His Holiness Pope Pius XII granted to Harry Ilopkins, Presi dent Roosevelt’s adviser, lasted more than a half-hour and vari ous problems of the present mo- k ment were discussed. Osscrvatroc k Romano reports. Mr. Hopkins later indicated his pleasure with the audience the Holy Father accorded him, and with tlie occasion of his visit to the Vatican. Following the Papal audience, Mr. Hopkins had visit ed (lie Sistine Chapel and viewed galleries and museums in the Vatican Palace. Myron C. Taylor, President Roosevelt’s personal representa tive to the Vatican, accompanied Mr. Hopkins to the Vatican and was present at the audience. Fol lowing the private audience, Mr. Hopkins presented members of his staff to the Holy Father.. (By N. C. W. C. News Service) GREENSBURG. Pa. — Express ing his gratitude for an autograph ed copy of “The Soton Ballad,” President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a letter to the author, Sister M. Fides Glass, of Seton Hill Col lege, here, recalled the close re lationship of his family to Mother Elizabeth Seton. “1 am deeply grateful for that copy of The Seton Ballad," the President's letter stated, “inscrib ed in the names of the Mother Seton Sisters of Charity, and yourself as author. “Our family was closely related to Mother Seton. Her nephew, Monsignor James Roosevelt Bay- ley, Archbishop of Baltimore, was my fathers' first cousin. Arch bishop Bayley’s successor, the ven erable Cardinal Gibbons, who was my close personal friend, often spoke to me about his predeces sor. So you see the ballad has struck a responsive chord. With this assurance of my ap preciation go my hearty greetings to all of the Mother Seton Sis ters.” In her letter transmitting the volume, which she described as simple picture book of her (Moth er Scion s) life with its mention of her family, especially of her son. William, who was a lieutenant in the Navy," Sister Fides Glass s'at- ed she was prompted to send the volume because the President of ten had "done us the honor of openly referring to the fact that •he family of Mother Seton and your family are connected by mar riage.” The nun-author concluded her letter with the expression: “With all the good wishes and prayers tor you in your difficult work of steering our Ship of Stale.” (By N. C. IV. C. News Service) WASHINGTON—The news from lalta, particularly the decision to sacrifice so much of Catholic Poland to the Communist -State explains in large measure the re cent altack by the Russian Ortho dox Church on the Vatican, the Rev. Dr. Edmund A. Walsh, S .1 Vice-President of the Georgetown University, declared in a statement issued here. It was designed and limed to weaken in advance the moral influence of the Holy See lie asserted. “ttJ 8 wholly understandable that I he Communist organ Pravda and Hie new mouthpiece of tlie world revolution, War and the Working Classes, should periodically attack the Vatican and the Catholic (lunch even at this period of supreme crisis when unity of mind and heart among all men of good will is imperative.” Dr. Walsh said. '.These Moscow publications ad mittedly voice the political objec tives of Marxism and will miss no opportunity lor vilification even °1 their allies, as occurred last year Pravada accused the English Government of secret negotiations with the Nazi respecting an al leged peace advantageous to Bri tain. But that the Orthodox Church of Russia, through the voice of its spiritual leaders recently con- veened at Moscow for the enthrone ment oi a Patriarch should slander •he Vatican and insult hundreds of millions of Catholics throughout the world is melancholy witness to the price it must have paid for its newly recovered freedom of action in Soviet Russia. "The recent accusation of Fas cism. of being an advocate of a soft Peace and seeking stealthily to protect the criminals of tlie Nazi regime cannot but fall with amaz ing irony on the ears of those whose memory has not been short ened by the laet that Soviet Russia is now fighting a valiant and vie torious campaign in association with the United Stales. We heard not a syllable of protest from tin shepherds of the Russian people when the Communist State became a partner of Nazi Germany in 193:) and participated in the rape of Central Europe: we heard not a syllable of Christian indignation when this precious cooperation on Germany* eastern frontier per mitted Goerings’ Luftwaffe to rain their fire and destruction freely on Anglican London, on Catholic Belgium, on stricken France, Lux embourg, or Orthodox Greece and Jugo-Slavia. We understood the reasons then prevailing and rejoice •hat the oppressive restrictions on the Russian Church have been so relaxed as to permit the election and formal induction into office of their Patriarch. But that the first international act of their new or ganization should be slander and insult is as ungenerous and dis heartening as it is false and un- historic. ’No voice in Europe was ever more outspoken in warning against the pagan forces of Nazi Germany and against the domestic preten sions of the Fascist regime in Italy than Pius XI who warred with Mussolini to his face over the moral and spiritual excesses of totalitarian dictators. The only power in Europe that dared to send an Encyclical into every parish Church in Germany and have its warning against Nazism read from every Catholic pulpit on Palm Sun day 1937 was the Roman Pontiff. "No Patriarch of Russia lias so often repudiated the abhorrent Nazi doctrine of racism as the present Pope Pius XII, nor so openly refused to accept their un- Christian and totalitarian philolio- phy. His defense of the invaded and outraged peoples of Europe lias been constant and consistent; bis warnings that those who take the sword shall perish by it arc now coming home with heavy por tent. to those responsible for Nazi tyranny and Nazi brutality. "The tenor and language of the denunciation, moreover, runs true to a pattern which reveals the true hand behind the public voice. Dur ing the persecution of religion in Russia it was fashionable to find a scapegoat lo justify certain stale policies. Thus Jaroslavsky, the arch enemy of revealed religion wrote in 1932: ’The Catholic Church, with the Pope in its van, is now an important bulwark of all counter-revolutionary organiza tions and forces. It is the good and faithful servant not only of Hie old capitalist landowning bourgeoisie, but also of the new bourgeoisie—the industrial and financial barons of today.’ (Re ligion in the U.S.S.R. 1932. p 34) The devil’ theory is still in favor. Change counter-revolutionary to fascist and a new devil is available lor the new political circum stances. “The Holy See did not hesitate to defend the Orthodox clergy of Russia when they were plunged into the valley of the shadow of death in their darkest period of persecution and famine. If the •'and ol tlie persecutor lias now been lifted from their Orthodoxy, it bodes no good for Hie resurrec tion of their spiritual vitality for patriarchs and archbishops to take the old, wearisome road of sub servience to the secular power and drab obedience to its political ob jectives. Sncli was the road 1 hat led to crucifixion of the Russian Church in the years following Hie bankruptcy of the Tzarist regime mid Hie coming of the Bolsheviks. True friends of the Russian people cannot but deplore this latest sur render to opuortunism on the part of spiritual leaders and the gratui tous insult to the friend who stood by the Russian hierarchy in their Golgotha of 1922-23-24.”' Strange Sight Impresses V. S. Soldier in France i (B.v N. C. YV. C. News Service) NEW YORK. — “Somewhere in France” a 19-year-old private from Wisconsin crept a hedgerow to peep at a strange sight—a priest offering Mass, and he saw some thing else that made a deep im pression on him. His observations together with bis praye.. written down in iiis own untutored language, have been transmitted by the Chaplain win* said tlie Mass, tlie Rev. John P. Kiniry of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, to the Military Or- diiiariatc here, where annotated by a Bishop. “May his prayer be granted,” form part of Hie perma nent record of this war: "I couldn’t belli but notice today, when a priest. Father Kiniry, ar rived in our area somewhere in France to offer Mass and Com munion for Hie Catholic boys here. When Hie Mass was being given, why, there was not only tlie heads of our boys bowed down in prayer lo the Almighty! but there was al so Hie heads of 20 of tlie Hitler- god lads bowed down in prayer, loo. It made in impression on me because just eleven years ago Hit ler declared lie was the god and there was no other God. This sight I saw today proved to me and would prove to the world that not all called Nazis believe in Hit ler a. their God. When the priest offered prayer, all 20 of those German lads bowed and accepted Hie word of guidance of the Su preme Being. The Nazi knows to day that success in all things de pends on the guidance of God.” The post-war outlook of the sol dier is expressed in his conchid- i"? sentence: “May God add his blessing to them Nazi lads. too. who have taken Mass and Com munion here today. And may they and all the rest of the people of the Nazi and Fascist world see the light of God and receive His peace. If 20 Nazis prayed here today, may all the rest of the Hit ler-god world now he converted. We can and we must guide the rest of tlie world to accept the Word of God.” Pfe. Wesley K. Cooper, of Wau sau. Wis., who “saw 20 Nazis pray.” had never before witnessed a Catholic service. Officials of tlie Military Ordinariate conjec ture that the Germans were re cently captured prisoners of war.