The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, April 28, 1945, Image 2

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TWO—A THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GB-.ORC.IA_ APRIL 28, 1045 CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING—Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McNamara, of Savannah, are shown looking over one of their scrapbooks and re viewing fifty years of happy married life. They observed the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on April 15, by attending a Mass cele brated at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, in the presence of the Most Rev. Gerald P. O’Hara, D. D„ J. U. D„ Bishop of Savannah- Atlanta, by their son, Monsignor T. Janies McNamara, rector of the Cathedral.—(Photo—Courtesy of The Savannah Evening Press). Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McNamara, Savannah Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary (Special to The Bulletin) SAVANNAH, Ga.—Mr. and Mrs. Patrick James McNamara cele brated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on April 15. In honor of the occasion, their son, the Right Rev. Msgr. T. James McNamara, rector of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, celebrated a Nuptial Mass at the Cathedral, with His Excellency the Most Rev. Gerald P. O’Hara, D. D.. J. U. D., Bishop of Savannah- Atlanta, presiding, and delivering the sermon. Bishop O’Hara also read a let ter from the Apostolic Delegate to the United States, who advised that His Holiness Pope Pius XII had bestowed the Apostolic Bless ing on Mr., and Mrs. McNamara. Assisting in the sanctuary were the Very ltev. Msgr. James J. Grady, the Very Rev. Boniface Bauer, O. S. B., the Rev. Robert Brennan, O. S. B., the Rev. Tim othy Flaherty, O. S. B., the Rev. Paul Milde, O. S. B., the Rev. Noi'bert McGowan, O. S. B., the Rev. Adoph Gall, S. M. A., the Rev. John Hayes, S. M. A., the Rev. Daniel J. Bourke, the Rev. James H. Conlin, the • Rev. John Ryan, C. S. V., the Rev. Walter Donovan, the Rev. Nicholas Quinlan, the Rev. John A. Morris, the Rev. Joseph Fecley, S. M. A., the Rev. Francis Hynes, S. M. A., all of Savannah, and the Rev. Joseph W. Kavanagh, Consho- hocken, Pa. Bishop O’Hara was attended by the Very Rev. Thomas A. Bren nan, V. F„ of Augusta, and the Rev. Robert MacMillan, of High Point, N. C., as chaplains. The Rev. George Daly, assistant rector of the Cathedral, was master of ceremonies. Mr. and Mrs. McNamara, at tended by Mrs. Anne McGrath Odum and their eldest son, John O’ McNamara, renewed their mar riage vows before the Bishop, and their son, Monsignor McNamara, repeated the nuptial blessing. Speaking on the beauty and sanctity of the Sacrament of Martimony, Bishop O'Hara called Mr. and Mrs. McNamara, a "per fect example of Catholic mar riage." Monsignor McNamara also spoke, expressing the pride of the family on the occasion, and their friends| for participating in the Nuptial Mass with them. Both the Cathedral girls’ choir and the Cathe'dral boys’ choir sang during the Muss, after which the entire family and the clergy attended a breakfast at the Hotel Dc Soto. Among those who attended the Mass were the Bishop’s father, Dr. Patrick J. O’Hara, his sister, Miss Margaret O'Hara and two of his brothers. In the evening, hundreds of friends of Mr. and Mrs. McNamara called to extend congratulations at a reception held at the Mc Namara home. In the receiving line with Mr. and Mrs. McNamara were Mrs. Anne McGrath Odum, who as Miss McGrath, had been maid of honor to Miss Margaret Agnes Sullivan, at her marriage to Mr. McNamara, fifty years ago. The house was lavishly dec orated with yellow flowers, gifts of relatives and friends. In the dining room, a bride's laced- covered table was adorned with yellow roses, and had as a center- piece, a tiered wedding cake, which was flanked by yellow candles. All of the McNamara family, with the single exception of a daughter. Sister Mary Itedempta, R. S. M.. of Mount St. Agnes College, Baltimore, attended the unusual ceremony, with a host of friends of the celebrating couple. ANNIVERSARY WEEK OBSERVED AT NCOS CLUBS IN AUGUSTA AUGUSTA, Ga. — Participating in the nationwide observance dur ing NCCS anniversary week, the Women’s Division, of which Miss Dorothy Westbrook is director, co operated with the Men’s Division, of which William M. Flaherty is director, in the presentation of a musical revue, staged under the direction of Coleman Dempsey, and depicting the four years of NCCS service, as well as the eleven months that the National Council of Catholic Women had operated prior to the organization of the USO. The NCCS Advisory Board in Augusta, which is composed o£ the Very Rev. Thomas A. Bren nan, V. F., the Rev. J. E. O'Dono- hoe, S. J., Mrs. Joseph Herman, Miss Mary Sullivan, Mrs. M. C. •Stulb, James B. Mulherin, Alvin M. MeAuliffe, Alfred B a 11 e y, Charles Chesser and Thomas Toomey, participated in making ar rangements for the anniversary program. The musical revue and other at tractive features of the anniver sary program attracted many ser vice men and women to the local NCCS clubs. The cast of the revenue included Sgt. Walter Kelly, Pvt. Edward Reid, Cpl. Robert Fitzgibbons, Jo seph Kinchley, Mrs. Paul Mc Carthy, Mrs. Noel Schweers, Mrs. Ann Higgins, Mrs. Katherine Hart man, Misses Katherine Kearns, Betty Marriott, Agnes Harper, Edith Loyal, Jackie Wynn, Billie Gay, Ann Fleming, Molly Wong and Martha Wong. The Very Rev. Thomas A. Bren nan is the moderator of the Men’s Division Club, the Rev. J. E. O'Donohoe, S. J., moderator of the Women’s Division Club.. The club staffs are William Flaherty and Miss Dorothy Westbrook, directors, Miss Pauline Martin and Mrs. Catherine Mobley, assistant directors. Albany Plans for Parochial School An editorial in The Savannah Evening Press read: “A golden wedding anniversary is always an occasion of joy, a spirit of well-wishing to the cele brating couple stirring those to whom notice of the event comes whether they know the principals personally or not. This is the feeling of the community today toward Mr. and Mrs. McNamara, a feeling that will be given per sonal expression by more than the usual number of people because of the activities that have brought the family into touch with so mauy Savannahians. Mr. McNamara is widely known and highly regarded. He has been a booster for more years than we can remember for the port of Savannah, and he has given good service to the municipal govern ment, for years as dean of the City Council, now as clerk of the Council. Mrs. McNamara in the quiet way of good wives and mothers has guided the home life of the McNamaras, and w'ith notable success. Of their children, two are engaged in the work of their church, a daughter as a nun, a son as a priest. It was the later. Monsignor McNamara, who today celebrated the nuptial Mass mark ing the 50th anniversary of the wedding of his parents. Truly the cup of the family must on this (Special to The Bulletin) ALBANY, Ga.—At a meeting of members of St. Theresa’s parish, held on April 2, assurance was given that a parochial school will be opened here next fall. Robert F. McCormack, chairman of the general committee, outlined the program which would include a new church and rectory, a school building and a convent. The ten tative plans call for the raising of $100,000 to complete the project. J. L. Rau, chairman of the fi nance committee, stated that $30,- 000 had been raised to date. The building committee, composed of George Mock, J. H. Wiggorman and W. D. Brosnan, stated that ar rangements had been made to use a residence near the present church for a school building until it is possible to erect a new struc ture, and that the present USO- NCCS building .adjoining the church, will be converted into a residence for the Sisters who will teach at the school. beautiful day overflow with glad ness. NOTRE DAME ACADEMY Southern Pines, N. C. A resident and Day School for Girls conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur College Preparatory Course. Music. Art. and Secretarial Subjects are offered Extensive grounds in the pine covered sandhills of North Carolina afford outdoor recreation in riding, swimming, boating, tennis, archery, and other sports. The school is accredited by the State of North Carolina. For further information address the Sister Superior. The Savannah Morning News, in its editorial columns said : "In his ‘Lalla Rookh’ the poet Thomas Moore pays an eloquent tribute to a happy married life when he sings of ‘two that are linked in the heavenly tie, w’ith heart never changing, and brow never cold, love on through all ills, and love till they die.’ “Those words come to mind on contemplating the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Pat rick James McNamara, of Savan- j nah, the former the popular clerk of City Council and a former aider- man. "It was significant and appro priate that one of the sons of this beloved couple , the Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. James McNamara, rector of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, should repeat the nuptial blessing at the anniversary nup tial Mass in the Cathedral yester day morning. "The McNamaras have lived a long, happy and useful married life for fifty years, a record crown ed by the gift of two children to the Church, and others to society, the latter having become promi nent and respected citizens in their chosen fields. “The Mofning News wishes for I this good man and his consort many more years together on the road of life, and hopes their jour ney will be marked by pleasant hours and sunny days. AMOS DRUG STORE 3 ASHBY STREET, S ; W. L ATLANTA. GA. THE TRANE COMPANY La Crosse, Wisconsin F. F. BAIRD, Manager Atlanta Office Heating & Air Conditioning Equipment 314 Palmer Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Phones Walnut 3123, 3124 WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS CALLING CARDS L. D. SPECHT ENGRAVING CO. 55 Pryor Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia SOUTHEASTERN HATCHERIES Pullorum-Tested — MONEYMAKER — Raby Chicks 139-141 Forsyth St„ S. W. Phone Main 1152 WILL SHIP C.O.D. 100% LIVE ARRIVAL GUARANTEED Atlipita, Georgia POTATO CHIPS Peanut Butter Sandwiches and Candies H. W. LAY & CO., Inc. ATLANTA, GA. JA. 1795 PAPAL AND CHRIST THE KING FLAGS SERVICE FLAGS U. S. AND GEORGIA STATE FLAGS FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS We are manufacturers and will appreciate your inquiries and orders for Flags, Banners, Pennants, Caps, Chenille Letters. GENERAL SPECIALTY CO. 72 BROAD N. W. ATLANTA, GA. St. Genevieve-of-the-Pines ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DISTINCTIVE—ACCREDITED JUNIOR COLLEGE—HIGH SCHOOL GRAMMAR SCHOOL Secretarial, Liberal Arls Koine Economics Courses College Preparatory and Terminal Curricula lloardi n g and Day School Address: SISTER REGISTRAR “In the Land of the Sky’ or BoETOH. MAtSACHUSKIT* savannah George A. Rice Citizens Trust Bldg. Phones 3-5492—2-2914 COLUMBUS O. E. Sturkie First National Bank Bldg. Phone 2-3852 WALTER POWELL. General Agent for Georgia, 1403 William-Olive* Bldg., Atlanta. MACON Edwin S. Davis First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1142 ATHENS Howard T. Abney Southern Mutual Bldg. Phone 71 PHOTO PROCESS ENGRAVING COMPANY PHOTO ENGRAVERS -^ARTISTS ll»* IUCKIE STREET * ATLANTA .GEORGIA A SECTION IS RESERVED IN West View Cemetery Atlanta for Catholics and non-Catholic members of their families. This reservation is by agreement with The Bishop of the Diocese of Savannah-Atlanta More than ever before, family burial property is now being purchased BEFORE NEED. Your inquiry for information le- garding a family lot in the Catholic Section of Beautiful West View will be accorded prompt, courteous attention. Telephone ATwood 5751 BRANDON-BOND-CONDON FUNERAL HOME is now owned and managed by West View Cemetery. No change in name. No change in policy. No change in staff. The Same Comprehensive Funeral Service. The Same Moderate Costs. The Same Experienced, Sympathetic Staff. The Same Modern Peachtree Chapel Mortuary 860 Peachtree St., N. E. Telephone HEmlock 6001