The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, June 23, 1945, Image 1

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Published by the Catholic Lay men's Association of Georgia “To Bring About a Friendlier Feeling Among Neighbors Irre spective of Creed” Vol. XXVI, No. 6 THIRTY-TWO PAGES ' AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, JUNE 23, 1945 ISSUED MONTHLY— $2.00 A YEAR (Special to The RALEIGH. N. C- nity of ritual, and ceremony, the Most i ne Most Rev. Vincent S. Waters, D. D., center, is pictured as the procession of prelates and priests was entering the Cathedral ol the Sacred Heart, in Raleigh, North Carolina, for His Excellency's formal installation as Bishop of Raleigh. Appearing with Bishop Waters are the Most Rev. Gerald P. O’Hara, D. D.. J. U. I>.. Bishop ol Savannah-Atlanta, left, who officiated at the installation ceremony in the un- ayoidable absence ol the Most Rev. Michael J. Curley. Archbishop of Baltimore and Washington, and the Rl i a .Monsignor Arthur R. Freeman. P. A., of Charlotte. Vicar General of the Diocese of Raleigh, and Administrator ol the Diocese in the interim between the transfer of the Most Rev. Eugene J. Me- Guinness. D. D the Diocese of Oklahoma City and Tulsa, as Coadjutor Bishop, and the installation of Bishop Waters as his successor in the See of Raleigh.-r-iPhoto by E. Carson Yates—Courtesy of The Raleigh Nows and Observer!. ers. D, Jn this scene within the Cathedral ol' the Sacred Heart, in Raleigh, the Most Rev, Vincent S. Wat- D is shown kneeling before the altar, between his deacons of honor, the Very Rev, Robert O llick- man .1. c L Chancellor of file Diocese of Richmond, and the Rev. Robert E. Hannon pastor of St Ap- Ef® m UU ; i» Va \, a t s the ceremony of His Excellency's installation as Bishop of Raleigh begins he Most Rev. Gerald P. O Hara, D. D„ J. U. D„ Bishop of Savannah-Atlanta. who installed Bishop Wat- ers in the absence ol the Most Rev. Michael .1. Curley, D. D„ Archbishop of Baltimore and Washington Metiopohtan ol the Province ol Baltimore, which includes the State of North Carolina, is shown vested •«» cope, kneeling towards the far right at the Epistle side of the sanctuary Arthur R. f reeman, P. A.. Vicar General of the Diocese of Raleigh, stands at the from the missal.—(Photo by Evans B. Kefauver—Courtsey of The Ralhigh Times) Tlie Right Rev. Msgr altar, reading a prayer N. Y. Newspaper Praises Latest Message of Pius XII (By N. C. C. W. News Service) NEW YORK—Catholics, Prot estants and Jews are urged to read the Pope’s most recent ad dress to the College of Cardinals in an editorial which appeared in the New York World-Telegraph, in its issue dated June 7. En titled ‘Timely Warning”, Ihe editorial reads: “To every Protestant, Jew and Catholic even vaguely aware of the growing cloud no bigger than that millions of Russian hands now forming over Eastern Eu rope, we commend a reading of Saturday’s speech of Pope, Pius XII published in Sunday's news papers. “These are not the remarks of a master militarist, a political nationalist or an ideological hot head. They were the words of a pious man humble in the sight of God but wise in the ways of Statesmen. The world can well afford to heed his timely warn ing. “Unlike many world figures to day, the Holy Father speaks from love of his fellowmen—all races and creeds—not from fear or haired of him.” Bulletins JOSEPH II. ROSENTHAL, win ner of the Pulitzer prize for his photograph of the Iwo .lima Has raising, and convert to Catholi cism, has promised that after the war, he will assist the Vincentian Foreign Mission Society by taking motion pictures of the congrega tion’s work in China, it was stated by the Rev. Paul Lloyd, C. M„ di rector of the society, in St. Louis. STUDENTS OF SIX Catholic high schools in various sections of the country arc among the win- n«rs of four-year college scholar ships offered by the National Ad ministrative Board of Pepsi Cola Scholarships S. Waters. D. D., was solemnly in stalled as Bishop of Raleigh bv the Most Rev. Gerald P. O'Hara. D. D .1- U. D., Bishop of Savannah- Atlanta. on June 5. at the Cathe dral of the Sacred Heart here. Bishop Waters, who was former ly director of the Diocesan Mis sionary Fathers in the Diocese of Richmond, was consecrated at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Richmond, on May 15. witli the Most Rev. Peter L. Ireton, D. D.. Bishop of Richmond, as the con secrating prelate, and the Most Rev. Emmet M. Walsh. D. D„ Bishop of Charleston, and Bishop O’Hara, of Savannah-Atlanta, as co-conseerators. The Right Rev. Monsignor Arthur It. Freeman, P. A.. Vicar General of the Diocese of Raleigh, who had served as Administrator of tlie Diocese since the transfer of the Most Rev. Eugene J- Mc- Guiness, D. I)., to Ihe Diocese of Oklahoma City and Tulsa, as Coadjutor Bishop, delivered the sermon at the installation cere mony. At Ihe conclusion of the scrnon by Monsignor Freeman, Bishop Waters spoke briefly and express ed his delight at being in Raleigh. He staled that he was pleased to become a resident of Raleigh and a citizen of Norlh Carolina, and declared that lie had been inspired' by the welcome he had received and that he would dedicate his work u Ihe community to God. with dependence on HLs grace to bless the work to be conducted lie re. The Right Rev. Monsignor Dennis A. Lynch. Chancellor of the Diocese of Raleigh, read the official document from His Excel lency the Most Rev. Amleto Giovanni Cicognani. Apostolic Delegate to I lie United States, authorizing the consecration and installation of Bishop Waters, and was archpriest at the Solemn Pon tifical Mass which was celebrated by Bishop Waters, following the ceremony of his installation. Other officers of ihe Mass were: the Very Rev. Robert O. Hick man. J. C. L., Chancellor of Ihe Diocese of Richmond, and the Rev. Robert E. Hannon, pastor of SI Agnes Church. Arlington. Va.. deacons of honor; the Rev. John P. Manley, pastor of St. Joan of Arc Church. Asheville, deacon of the Mass; the Re,v. Maurice Tew. C. P., Pastor of St. Gabriel's Church, Greenville. N. C., sub- deacon; the Rev. John A. Brown, pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Pinehurst; lHe Rev. Peter M. Denges, pastor of St- John Ihe Baptist Church, Roanoke Rapids, and the Rev. Joseph Sands, assis tant rector of the Sacred Heart Cathedral. Raleigh, masters of ceremony. The ltev. Charles O'Connor, of Hamlet, was thurifer; the Rev. Lawrence Hill. High Point, cross- bearcr: the Rev. Frederick Koch, Charlotte, mitre-bearer; the Rev. Walter Higgins. Shelby, crozier- bearer; the Rev. Charles Mc Laughlin. Durham, book-bearer; the Rev. John S. Regan, Goldsboro, bugia-bearer. the Rev. John Hy land. Greensboro, and the Rev Edward Sullivan, Chapel Hill acolytes. Following the leading of the of- '' ' ' communication from tlie Apostolic Delegate, Bishop O'Hara had escorted Bishop Waters to his throne, and then presented the new Bishop of Raleigh with the crozier; the pastoral staff of au thority. Representatives of the priests of the Diocese of Raleigh then ip- proached the Episcopal throne and renewed to Bishop Waters the promises of loyalty and obcdiciue vhich each priest makes to hi Bishop at the time of his ordina tion. Members of the various Re- ious Orders serving in the Dio cese of Raleigh did not take part in this cc-oniony since their imme- Bullctin) diate obedience is due to their su- -With solem- perior in their particular Orders •splendor of i flier than to the Bishop of the Rev. Vincent Diocese in which they may be 1 tatioiicd. Present in the sanctuary was the Right Rev. Vincent G. Taylor. O. S- B.. D. D„ Abbot-Ordinary of Belmont, who was attended by the Very Rev. Cornelius P. Hoffman, C. SS. R.. of Richmond, and Ihe Very Rev. Francis M. Casey. S. S. E.. Selma. Ala., as chaplains. The Rev. Chester Michaels and the Rev. Vernon Bowers, former associates of Bishop Waters as members of the Missionary Band of the Diocese of Richmond, were chaplains to Bishop O'Hara. . Members of the Bishop Mc- Guiness Fourth Degree Assembly, Knights of Columbus, in full re galia. acted as a guard of honor, and four Papal Knights. Raymond Streb. K- S. G.. Raleigh; L. W. Driscoll, K. S. G„ Charlotte 1 . Francis J. Heazel. K. S. G„ Ashe ville anil John Eck. K. S. G„ Gas tonia. served as an honorary escort to Bishop Waters. Assisting clergy included the Right Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Irwin, New Bern; the Right Rev. Msgr James Brennan. P. R.. Rich mond; the Right Rev. Msgr. Wil liam F. O'Brien. Durham; t lie Right Rev. Msgr. T. James Mc Namara. Savannah; the Right Rev. Msgr. Thomas .) McDonnell. New York City: the Rigjit Rev. IVIsgr. James Gilsenan. Roanoke. Va . the Right Rev Msgr. Martin J. Egan, Follansbee. W Va.: the Right Rev. Msgr. Peter Rahil. Roanoke. Va., the Very Rev. Msgr. J. Lennox Federal. Raleigh: Ihe Very Rev. Msgr. Louis J. Bour. Asheville; the Very Rev. Cornelius E. Mur phy, Wilmington; the Very Rev. Peter McNcrney, Rocky Mount; Ihe Very Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Dolan, Greensboro: the Very Rev. Msgr. Joseph Brunini, Natchez, Miss. Included among the two hun dred or more priests who were present were members of the Diocesan clergy of the Diocese of Raleigh, representatives of the Religious Orders serving in that Diocese. Army and Navy chaplains, and priests from neighboring Dio ceses. Among the Provincial Superiors of Religious Orders who attended were Ihe Very Rev. John II. Boe- cella" T O. R., Loretto. Pa.: the Very Rev. George J. Collins. C- S. Sp.. Washington. D. C.: the Very Rev. George K. McGee. S. P. M., Brooklyn. N. Y.: Hie Very Rev. Victor Nicolle. S. S- E.. Randolph. VI.: the Very Rev. Thomas O'Keefe, M. S. SS. T„ Silver Springs. Mci.; the Very Rev. Car rol Ring. C. P. Union City. N. J.; the Very Rev. Edmund J. Murphy, O F. M.. Washington. D. C. Music throughout the installa tion ceremony and Mass was ren dered by the Cathedral chorister- under the direction of Ihe Domini can Sisters. Members of Bishop Waters' family attending the installation and social functions given in hi- honor were his father. Michael P. Waters, oi Roanoke, Va.. his broth er. John T. Waters, of Roanoke, his sister. Mrs. Paul T. Smith Roanoke, an aunt. Mrs. Catherine Craddock, of Roanoke, and his cousins, the Rev. Thomas Crow ley, of Baltimore. Mrs. Catherine Crowley, of Washington and Mrs. Herman Altizer. of Roanoke. Following the services at the Cathedral, there was a luncheon lor the clergy, with members of Bishop Waters’ family as special guests, at the Sir Walter Hotel. The Very Rev. Msgr. J. Lennox Federal, rector of the Sacred Heart Cathedral here, acted its .toastmaster, and the speakers and their topics were: the Right Rev. MSgr. Michael A. Irwin. New Bern “Raleigh Accords Its Shepherd the Right Rev. Vincent G. Taylor, O. S. B., D. D.. Abbot-Ordinary of Belmont, “Benedictine Greetings”; the Most Rev. Gerald P. O’Hara, D. D., J. U. D., Bishop of Savan- (Continucd on page At Installation of New Bishop of Raleigh Bishop Vincent S. Waters Installed With Impressive Rites at Raleigh Cathedral